Do you support your state lottery?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
State Lotteries raise billions in revenue which benefit all residents, Whether they play or not. Do you agree with this form of revenue raising?

How much money do lotteries raise?
Since the New Hampshire lottery was founded in 1964, lotteries have raised more than $200 billion for government programs in North America. In fiscal year 2012 Canadian lotteries transferred $2 billion ($CAN) to their beneficiaries, while U.S. lotteries turned over $19 billion ($US) to theirs.
Gambling has a bad reputation for a reason. However state lotteries are largely immune from the worst aspects of gambling. There are people with addictive personalities that should not gamble at all but they are the exception.

Given all of the above there is no actual harm done by state lotteries in my opinion. They might very well be a "tax on the stupid" but it is a choice that everyone is free to make. No one is forced to buy a lottery ticket. (I usually join a pool when there is a large jackpot in the offing.)

So in a free society the people of each state should be free to choose to have or not have a lottery.
State Lotteries raise billions in revenue which benefit all residents, Whether they play or not. Do you agree with this form of revenue raising?

How much money do lotteries raise?
Since the New Hampshire lottery was founded in 1964, lotteries have raised more than $200 billion for government programs in North America. In fiscal year 2012 Canadian lotteries transferred $2 billion ($CAN) to their beneficiaries, while U.S. lotteries turned over $19 billion ($US) to theirs.

I support all taxes on stupid people. ;)
Who Are the Nation s Biggest Suckers Lottery Players - DailyFinance

Now, let's compare the odds of taking home one of those big jackpots to the odds of some other activities:
  • Getting pregnant from a one-night stand: 1 in 20
  • Getting struck by lightning: 1 in 10,000
  • Dying in an airplane crash: 1 in 355,318
  • Being dealt a royal flush in a given hand of poker: 1 in 655,750
  • Dying from a flesh-eating bacteria: 1 in 1 million.
  • Winning the California Super Lotto Jackpot: 1 in 18 million.

14 Days to Broke
What does all this mean to you? Well, say you're a happy-go-lucky guy with $1,000 burning a hole in your pocket. You decide to "invest" this money in lottery tickets, and keep on reinvesting the proceeds of your bets to buy even more lottery tickets.

How long do you think you could keep this game rolling? Let's play:

If you buy $1,000 worth of $1 lottery tickets on Day 1, then statistically speaking, the average lottery payout of 60% means you'll have $600 left to spend on Day 2.

Spend that $600 on Day 2, and by Day 3, you're down to $360.

Keep going, and by Day 14, you will have (on average) just $0.78 left jingling in your pocket.

In other words, two weeks of playing the lottery has left you too broke to afford a single lottery ticket. You've gambled away nearly every cent you started with.

The op question was -

  1. Do you support your state lottery?

    I support my state by paying legal taxes. I support my own bank account and my own investments by putting my money there.
We're the only country that taxes lottery winnings. All the rest recognize lotteries for what they are: bureaucratic tax grabs. If you win $20 million in Canada, you get a check for $20 million. The government doesn't take a cent in taxes, because they've already reaped many times that amount is ticket sales. Beyond that, lotteries prey on the poor, just like Indian casinos.
Some states have set up lotteries because neighboring states have lotteries and revenue was crossing borders.
I agree that its a tax for idiots. Its also a tax for poor idiots, most of the RWs. Many on the right actually believe they will win and join their 1% "friends".

If they happen to win, they blow it all off and they're back to getting welfare from a blue state and buying lottery tickets.
here in California millions play Ludd.....and guess what.....many LWs play....holy shit....imagine that!! are getting to be just as obsessed as your buddy Dean is with the right Ludd.....
Some states have subscription programs which appeal to people who wouldn't bother buying tickets in stores. It also benefits lotteries as they don't pay commissions to stores on subscriptions.
I remember the Carlos Mencia skit where he was a 7-11 clerk. Pregnant girl with a bunch of kids comes in and buys like 50 bucks worth of lottery tickets and Carlos tells her:

"Why don't you just buy a vagina cork instead?"
State Lotteries raise billions in revenue which benefit all residents, Whether they play or not. Do you agree with this form of revenue raising?

How much money do lotteries raise?
Since the New Hampshire lottery was founded in 1964, lotteries have raised more than $200 billion for government programs in North America. In fiscal year 2012 Canadian lotteries transferred $2 billion ($CAN) to their beneficiaries, while U.S. lotteries turned over $19 billion ($US) to theirs.

I have changed my position on them,when I now see people who can least afford its spending money (up to 100 week) on this instead necessities for their families , this is not good. NC was the last state on the eastern cost to pass one and even though it is supposed to go to education i think funding should come out of general revenue.

Here in NC a biblethumper state the liquor stores are run by the state... go figure

There are three truths in life:
Jewish people do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader
of the Christian faith.
Baptists do not recognize each other in the liquor store.
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I used to work at a convenience store when I was in HS and i saw people with no business buying lottery tickets wasting hundreds of dollars a month on the numbers and scratchers when their kids didn't have clean clothes that fit them properly.

State governments should be ashamed of taking advantage of people with their rigged games
lotteries are cheap....unless you win the big stuff you dont win shit.....if they made it were you can win hundreds with the lower numbers instead of 10 bucks it might make it worth it.....
After the first English lottery approved by King James I in 1612 that granted the Virginia Company of London the right to raise money and therefore found the original settlement, lotteries in the colonies continued to be popular. In fact lotteries played a significant role in the financing of building and improving the colonies. Records show that over 200 lotteries were permitted between 1744 and the American Revolution, these played a vital role in the funding of roads, libraries, churches, colleges, bridges, and other public works. Princeton, Columbia University, and the University of Pennsylvania began by being financed by lotteries. Lotteries also played a part in supporting the war efforts during the French and Indian Wars and the American Revolution. Rare lottery tickets with George Washington's signature can still be found and are worth about $15,000 today.

from History Of Lottery

A simple search for history of lotteries in America comes up with more than 27 million hits!

They aren't anything new. The biggest problem is how much of the take goes to "administrative overhead"!!! :FIREdevil:
If any State decided to abolish it's lottery, would people send their money on their children?

The answer is no, they would buy lottery tickets in another state, or play online and have less chance of winning anything.

It is best to have state lotteries and use the revenue to assist the less well off.
This is an advertisement for England’s first ever National Lottery. It was issued in 1567 by Queen Elizabeth I. At this time England was seeking to expand its export markets around the world. The lottery was intended to raise money for the enormous costs of building ships and developing ports. Tickets cost ten shillings each – far too much for the ordinary citizen to afford. The first prize was an amazing £5000, which was paid partly in ‘ready money’ and partly in plate, tapestries and ‘good linen cloth’. To encourage as many people as possible to buy tickets, all ticket holders were promised freedom from arrest for all crimes other than murder, felonies, piracy or treason.

The First National Lottery

I used to work at a convenience store when I was in HS and i saw people with no business buying lottery tickets wasting hundreds of dollars a month on the numbers and scratchers when their kids didn't have clean clothes that fit them properly.

State governments should be ashamed of taking advantage of people with their rigged games

State governments are not in the nanny business. No one is forcing anyone to buy a lottery ticket.
Why should the government cater and protect the lowest common denominator?
State Lotteries raise billions in revenue which benefit all residents, Whether they play or not. Do you agree with this form of revenue raising?

How much money do lotteries raise?
Since the New Hampshire lottery was founded in 1964, lotteries have raised more than $200 billion for government programs in North America. In fiscal year 2012 Canadian lotteries transferred $2 billion ($CAN) to their beneficiaries, while U.S. lotteries turned over $19 billion ($US) to theirs.

If someones dumb enough to play.....

I used to work at a convenience store when I was in HS and i saw people with no business buying lottery tickets wasting hundreds of dollars a month on the numbers and scratchers when their kids didn't have clean clothes that fit them properly.

State governments should be ashamed of taking advantage of people with their rigged games

State governments are not in the nanny business. No one is forcing anyone to buy a lottery ticket.
Why should the government cater and protect the lowest common denominator?

Funny I didn't think the government was supposed to take advantage of the people by sponsoring rigged games.

I used to work at a convenience store when I was in HS and i saw people with no business buying lottery tickets wasting hundreds of dollars a month on the numbers and scratchers when their kids didn't have clean clothes that fit them properly.

State governments should be ashamed of taking advantage of people with their rigged games

State governments are not in the nanny business. No one is forcing anyone to buy a lottery ticket.
Why should the government cater and protect the lowest common denominator?

Funny I didn't think the government was supposed to take advantage of the people by sponsoring rigged games.
Who is forcing them to play? Remember a fool and his money are soon separated.
Now Define "Rigged"

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