Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
Lucky Charms: Fortune Flyer

Does God have a contract with man?

Do men pray to God out of aspiration or out of respect? There's no reason to assume God will answer our prayers, so a prayer could be a gesture of respect for God: "Dear God, I simply like thinking that you care about me, even if you can not grant me my wishes, and so I offer this prayer of optimism."

The Irish folkloric imp called the Leprechaun is an unusual green-colored traveler who hides magical pots of gold at the end of rainbows and grants wishes to anyone who can catch him. The Leprechaun represents humanity's curiosity about fortune-hunting and fate as they relate to innocent superstitions about poverty.

The offbeat Hollywood (USA) horror film "Leprechaun" (1993) presents the image of a sinister version of the magical Irish Leprechaun, a demonic fortune-stealer who represents anxieties about desperation.

Maybe God likes that we would consider praying daily, since such a practice alleviates our angst about gloom in the face of adversity.


Leprechaun (Film)

I pray every morning and I do not need a book or another person's thoughts to tell me who or what God is all I need to do is look around me and see the miracle of life. Your definition of God is very a constricting and hackneyed point of view. As long as you believe in a positive power greater then yourself all is good, I suppose.

If you ever decide to read a book there is only one I'd recommend to you, Alex - the King James bible. I've found it to be a great blessing in my life and I believe it would be in yours as well. We also have the scripture reading and hymns with lyrics, prayer on the USMB prayer meeting and you might be blessed to visit some time.
I have read many books, I find it curious that you wish to engage a conversation with an insult. Thomas Merton is a favorite of mine as is Thomas More, but I subscribe to what Gandhi wrote, "God has no religion"

Thomas Merton was delving into Buddhism as I recall - you cannot mix Christianity with the occult - that is error, Alex. I've seen his works before. I'm not familiar with Thomas More but Gandi was not a Christian and on his death bed acknowledged he had made a serious mistake in rejecting Jesus Christ (and speaking against the followers of Christ also I believe). As for your being insulted by my suggesting that you read the Bible or visit the USMB prayer meeting? That wasn't my intention, Alex. I'm sorry you took it that way. Have a nice evening.

Ok going to need a source on Gandhi claiming to have made a mistake on his death bed. Particularly when he was murdered in cold blood. Kind of difficult to give death bed regrets when you are murdered.

And if he did that what would have stopped him from accepting Christ then if He felt like that. Considering he based his non violent movement on the teachings of Christ he might have argued that he didn't reject christ

Thank you, Avatar! I remembered when I posted the thread Last Words of Dying Atheists that Ghandi was one of the people quoted and here it is:
Dying words of famous atheists

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Dying words of famous atheists

Famous atheists’ last words before dying. Voltaire: ‘I am abandoned by God and man…I shall go to hell.’ Thomas Paine: 'I would give worlds, if I had them, that the "Age of Reason" had never been published. Oh, God, save me; for I am at the edge of hell alone…’

Thomas Carlyle: I am as good as without hope, a sad old man gazing into the final chasm.’

Gandhi 15 years before his death: ‘I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it…entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being and I find solace in the Bhagavad and the Upanishads.’ Shortly before his death he wrote: ‘My days are numbered, I am not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more…For the first time in 50 years I find myself in the slough of despond…All about me is darkness; I am praying for light.’

Apparently Gandhi was already ill / dying when he had this accident you mention. The words above are attributed to him and as you can say, he said his days were numbered, he said he was not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more and he also said for the first time in 50 years he found himself in despondency - that all about him was darkness and that he was praying for light - in another post on that famous last words thread - I have another quote where I believe he expressed regret about some of his thoughts, former words about Jesus Christ or Christianity - I cannot recall exactly what it was about - the thread is still on USMB although it was posted a long time ago - (by me) - thanks for asking! As you can see Ghandi knew at the end of his life - near his death that he was lost. (Surrounded by darkness - spiritual darkness is something that is tangible and can be felt especially when one is about to die) I was going by my recollection of this thread so forgive me - he wasn't on his death bed but he was apparently dying with not much time to live - a year or so according to his own words. Avatar4321 JakeStarkey Alex BluePhantom

I'm not impressed with the source. For one, Gandhi was not an atheist in any form. He was a practicing hindu. One who believed that all religions brought men to the Almighty and He learned all he could about many religions.

Second, your source doesn't provide any citations whatsoever. What is the source he was speaking to when he allegedly said these comments? They could easily be completely manufactured.

I think it's important to provide citations when you can, particularly from primary sources. Because going to the source helps us communicate the truth and establish context.
Synthaholic, your point is that you are jealous and can't see cleaerly,

OK, so is SaintMichaelDefendthem about those who are successful.

Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?
I take the view that Bill Maher takes of God's existence: "I don't know".

People accuse him - wrongly - of being an atheist.
Then if you don't know, then you have no moral ground to judge the beliefs. You do have a moral ground to judge the acts. Carry on

I can certainly judge the beliefs because a lot of the beliefs are nuts.

  • Mormons believing in a planet called Kolob is nuts!
  • Scientologists believing in a planet called Xenu is nuts!
  • Christians believing in a virgin birth is nuts!
  • Jews believing it's sinful to eat pork or shellfish is nuts!
  • Hindus believing it's a sin to eat beef is nuts!
  • Muslims believing it's a sin to pluck your eyebrows is nuts!

It seems to me that you should understand things accurately before you declare things nuts.

Take kolob for instance. It's a star not a planet. It's also a symbolic representation for Jesus Christ. Which is very obvious from the only passage that references it.

However, let's assume it's not just a figurative representation but an actual location. The star closest to God. If God dwells somewhere, what is crazy about concluding there are celestial bodies close Him and from Him? It seems to me that with billions and trillions of celestial bodies, that if God exists one would be closer to Him than the rest. And considering how little we have explored in the universe, it's nuts to base conclusions on a lack of knowledge.

Or the virgin birth. What is so crazy about it? Modern science could impregnate a virgin today. Yet, the idea that an all knowing, all powerful Creator could do it 2000 years ago is nuts? Especially when He created the laws of science. I don't see how you can reach the conclusion that it's nuts unless you haven't thought it through.
You've got more truth than most of the false preachers on television, Synthaholic. You're right on the mark with what you are saying and God bless you for saying it. Many would not because they are afraid someone "won't like them".... May God deliver us from the opinions of men! Public opinion is highly over rated.
People already don't like me, so I don't worry about that.

How about lonely? Can you handle lonely? That is something else that will come with the territory - later on - if you are going to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (not a false one that appeals to the flesh and itching ears) you can expect to be alone most of the time. Speaking God's truth is not popular - even inside the church. You may have to die for the truth one day. My motto is - it's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.

I doubt you will have to die for your faith on an internet message board. But it wouldn't kill you to live for it better everyday
I preach from the King James Version bible only. I am quoting Scripture and as you have a problem with that Phantom, your trouble is with the Written Word of God. Not me. You see, you deny that there is a hell, you deny the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ taught on hell quite often in the New Testament yet you deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ and attempt to deceive others into believing you are a Believer. You're practicing witchcraft. You will answer to the LORD for that and for denying His Word. Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father. If you deny His Word (Jesus is the Word), you are still denying him before men and He is going to deny you before the Father. I do not perceive in my spirit that you know him. You must be born again. Without being born again you cannot understand the things of God. You need Jesus Christ and you need to find a good bible believing church where you can learn the truth of the Bible and attend Bible studies.

I don't think people are objecting to the scriptures as much as your interpretation of them.

If you want to understand the Bible, study it. If you want to understand God, get the Spirit.
You've got more truth than most of the false preachers on television, Synthaholic. You're right on the mark with what you are saying and God bless you for saying it. Many would not because they are afraid someone "won't like them".... May God deliver us from the opinions of men! Public opinion is highly over rated.
People already don't like me, so I don't worry about that.

How about lonely? Can you handle lonely? That is something else that will come with the territory - later on - if you are going to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (not a false one that appeals to the flesh and itching ears) you can expect to be alone most of the time. Speaking God's truth is not popular - even inside the church. You may have to die for the truth one day. My motto is - it's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.

I doubt you will have to die for your faith on an internet message board. But it wouldn't kill you to live for it better everyday

I preach wherever I go. Not just message boards. But if there were ever a way for a Christian to go? I couldn't think of anything more glorious! Could you?
I pray every morning and I do not need a book or another person's thoughts to tell me who or what God is all I need to do is look around me and see the miracle of life. Your definition of God is very a constricting and hackneyed point of view. As long as you believe in a positive power greater then yourself all is good, I suppose.

If you ever decide to read a book there is only one I'd recommend to you, Alex - the King James bible. I've found it to be a great blessing in my life and I believe it would be in yours as well. We also have the scripture reading and hymns with lyrics, prayer on the USMB prayer meeting and you might be blessed to visit some time.
I have read many books, I find it curious that you wish to engage a conversation with an insult. Thomas Merton is a favorite of mine as is Thomas More, but I subscribe to what Gandhi wrote, "God has no religion"

Thomas Merton was delving into Buddhism as I recall - you cannot mix Christianity with the occult - that is error, Alex. I've seen his works before. I'm not familiar with Thomas More but Gandi was not a Christian and on his death bed acknowledged he had made a serious mistake in rejecting Jesus Christ (and speaking against the followers of Christ also I believe). As for your being insulted by my suggesting that you read the Bible or visit the USMB prayer meeting? That wasn't my intention, Alex. I'm sorry you took it that way. Have a nice evening.

Ok going to need a source on Gandhi claiming to have made a mistake on his death bed. Particularly when he was murdered in cold blood. Kind of difficult to give death bed regrets when you are murdered.

And if he did that what would have stopped him from accepting Christ then if He felt like that. Considering he based his non violent movement on the teachings of Christ he might have argued that he didn't reject christ

Thank you, Avatar! I remembered when I posted the thread Last Words of Dying Atheists that Ghandi was one of the people quoted and here it is:
Dying words of famous atheists

Print this article
Dying words of famous atheists

Famous atheists’ last words before dying. Voltaire: ‘I am abandoned by God and man…I shall go to hell.’ Thomas Paine: 'I would give worlds, if I had them, that the "Age of Reason" had never been published. Oh, God, save me; for I am at the edge of hell alone…’

Thomas Carlyle: I am as good as without hope, a sad old man gazing into the final chasm.’

Gandhi 15 years before his death: ‘I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it…entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being and I find solace in the Bhagavad and the Upanishads.’ Shortly before his death he wrote: ‘My days are numbered, I am not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more…For the first time in 50 years I find myself in the slough of despond…All about me is darkness; I am praying for light.’

Apparently Gandhi was already ill / dying when he had this accident you mention. The words above are attributed to him and as you can say, he said his days were numbered, he said he was not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more and he also said for the first time in 50 years he found himself in despondency - that all about him was darkness and that he was praying for light - in another post on that famous last words thread - I have another quote where I believe he expressed regret about some of his thoughts, former words about Jesus Christ or Christianity - I cannot recall exactly what it was about - the thread is still on USMB although it was posted a long time ago - (by me) - thanks for asking! As you can see Ghandi knew at the end of his life - near his death that he was lost. (Surrounded by darkness - spiritual darkness is something that is tangible and can be felt especially when one is about to die) I was going by my recollection of this thread so forgive me - he wasn't on his death bed but he was apparently dying with not much time to live - a year or so according to his own words. Avatar4321 JakeStarkey Alex BluePhantom
Your source for Ghandi does not quote the source for this quote. There is no reference anywhere for this.
Gandhi did not say it, nothing in the literature suggests he was despondent and was thinking about Christ.
You've got more truth than most of the false preachers on television, Synthaholic. You're right on the mark with what you are saying and God bless you for saying it. Many would not because they are afraid someone "won't like them".... May God deliver us from the opinions of men! Public opinion is highly over rated.
People already don't like me, so I don't worry about that.

How about lonely? Can you handle lonely? That is something else that will come with the territory - later on - if you are going to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (not a false one that appeals to the flesh and itching ears) you can expect to be alone most of the time. Speaking God's truth is not popular - even inside the church. You may have to die for the truth one day. My motto is - it's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.

I doubt you will have to die for your faith on an internet message board. But it wouldn't kill you to live for it better everyday

I preach wherever I go. Not just message boards. But if there were ever a way for a Christian to go? I couldn't think of anything more glorious! Could you?

Yeah. Unnoticed by the world in the night surrounded by your family with the firm knowledge that you have been a true and faithful servant.
Gandhi did not say it, nothing in the literature suggests he was despondent and was thinking about Christ.

I disagree on part. He often thought of Christ. He used the sermon on the mount to form his nonviolence movement.

That doesn't mean he had any intention of becoming Christian.
I see your point, but I was responding to the linkage of despondency and Christ as an alternative. There is nothing in the literature to suggest any such thing.

To Jeremiah: there is nothing exciting about gruesome death, nothing. Doing your duty as a Christian and quietly dying in the middle of the night surrounded by only your family is as good as it gets.
You've got more truth than most of the false preachers on television, Synthaholic. You're right on the mark with what you are saying and God bless you for saying it. Many would not because they are afraid someone "won't like them".... May God deliver us from the opinions of men! Public opinion is highly over rated.
People already don't like me, so I don't worry about that.

How about lonely? Can you handle lonely? That is something else that will come with the territory - later on - if you are going to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (not a false one that appeals to the flesh and itching ears) you can expect to be alone most of the time. Speaking God's truth is not popular - even inside the church. You may have to die for the truth one day. My motto is - it's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.

I doubt you will have to die for your faith on an internet message board. But it wouldn't kill you to live for it better everyday
That goes for all Christians, including you.
Synthaholic is proof positive that even the world is seeing through the hypocrisy of false teachers because Kenneth Copeland most definitely is a false teacher and he is not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor is he representing Christ as the Disciples / Apostles did. Neither his lifestyle nor his message line up with the Words of Jesus Christ. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
We know you by your fruits, and you are of course entitled to your opinion, Jeremiah.

Synthaholic, if I have misjudged you, I apologize. Are you an agnostic or atheist?
I take the view that Bill Maher takes of God's existence: "I don't know".

People accuse him - wrongly - of being an atheist.
Then if you don't know, then you have no moral ground to judge the beliefs. You do have a moral ground to judge the acts. Carry on

I can certainly judge the beliefs because a lot of the beliefs are nuts.

  • Mormons believing in a planet called Kolob is nuts!
  • Scientologists believing in a planet called Xenu is nuts!
  • Christians believing in a virgin birth is nuts!
  • Jews believing it's sinful to eat pork or shellfish is nuts!
  • Hindus believing it's a sin to eat beef is nuts!
  • Muslims believing it's a sin to pluck your eyebrows is nuts!

It seems to me that you should understand things accurately before you declare things nuts.

Take kolob for instance. It's a star not a planet. It's also a symbolic representation for Jesus Christ. Which is very obvious from the only passage that references it.

However, let's assume it's not just a figurative representation but an actual location. The star closest to God. If God dwells somewhere, what is crazy about concluding there are celestial bodies close Him and from Him? It seems to me that with billions and trillions of celestial bodies, that if God exists one would be closer to Him than the rest. And considering how little we have explored in the universe, it's nuts to base conclusions on a lack of knowledge.

Or the virgin birth. What is so crazy about it? Modern science could impregnate a virgin today. Yet, the idea that an all knowing, all powerful Creator could do it 2000 years ago is nuts? Especially when He created the laws of science. I don't see how you can reach the conclusion that it's nuts unless you haven't thought it through.

The teaching of Planet Kolob and God having wives, etc. is all false teaching, Avatar. Joseph Smith was a false prophet. None of those teachings are in the Holy Bible. They are false teachings. Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, not man.
I see your point, but I was responding to the linkage of despondency and Christ as an alternative. There is nothing in the literature to suggest any such thing.

To Jeremiah: there is nothing exciting about gruesome death, nothing. Doing your duty as a Christian and quietly dying in the middle of the night surrounded by only your family is as good as it gets.

Starkey, do you not know the scripture promise for a 1,000 year reign with Jesus Christ for those who are martyred for Christ? Those who are not martyred for Christ won't be reigning and ruling with Him for those 1,000 years. We do not plan how we will serve Christ or what crowns we will receive (there is a Martyr's crown and I want as many crowns as I can win to cast them at the feet of Jesus Christ.) Again - if you are not one of those who are not martryed for Christ you won't be ruling and reigning for a 1,000 years with Him. You'll miss out entirely and and will not live again until that thousand years are finished. What I want is to share in the first resurrection. In order to share in the first resurrection you must be martyred. There is no other way to share in that first resurrection and look at what it says about those who are sharing in the first resurrection because they were mayrtered for Christ.

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Revelation 20: 6 Authorized King James Version Bible

And again it is written:

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Revelation 20:4,5 Authorized King James Version Bible

As I said before, it is up to the LORD but if the tribulation happens in our lifetime and I expect it will then we'll all have the opportunity! Because unless you endure until the end? You cannot enter heaven anyhow! You cannot take the mark of the Beast and enter heaven. You would forfeit your salvation. (It's a sin that cannot be forgive - see the Scriptures) You cannot fall away from the faith before Jesus returns at the 7th trumpet. Only those who endure until the end shall be saved. (see Matthew 24)

The truth is if you live in this generation? There is a good chance you'll have an opportunity to be in that number. That or you will deny Jesus Christ before men and won't be going to heaven. As for me? I'd count it an honor!
Hey time I make you Chicken Renee remind me to take the chicken foot, a clove of garlic, a sprig of rosemary, and a blood soaked feather...tie them off in butcher's twine and swing it over my head while I jump back and forth over a broom. Apparently I practice witchcraft so we had better figure out what powers I have. :lmao: What an incredible tool. :rofl:
You've got more truth than most of the false preachers on television, Synthaholic. You're right on the mark with what you are saying and God bless you for saying it. Many would not because they are afraid someone "won't like them".... May God deliver us from the opinions of men! Public opinion is highly over rated.
People already don't like me, so I don't worry about that.

How about lonely? Can you handle lonely? That is something else that will come with the territory - later on - if you are going to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (not a false one that appeals to the flesh and itching ears) you can expect to be alone most of the time. Speaking God's truth is not popular - even inside the church. You may have to die for the truth one day. My motto is - it's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.

I doubt you will have to die for your faith on an internet message board. But it wouldn't kill you to live for it better everyday
That goes for all Christians, including you.

I preach from the King James Version bible only. I am quoting Scripture and as you have a problem with that Phantom, your trouble is with the Written Word of God. Not me. You see, you deny that there is a hell, you deny the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ taught on hell quite often in the New Testament yet you deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ and attempt to deceive others into believing you are a Believer. You're practicing witchcraft. You will answer to the LORD for that and for denying His Word. Jesus said if you deny Him before men, He will deny you before the Father. If you deny His Word (Jesus is the Word), you are still denying him before men and He is going to deny you before the Father. I do not perceive in my spirit that you know him. You must be born again. Without being born again you cannot understand the things of God. You need Jesus Christ and you need to find a good bible believing church where you can learn the truth of the Bible and attend Bible studies.

I am practicing witchcraft?!?!?!? :lmao: I was about to engage you point by point until I saw that comment. OMG you are a total lunatic! xxxxxxxxxxxxx :rofl: You and David Koresh have a lot in common.

I do not have any idea what David Koresh believed but I can tell you right now that what you believe is not found in the Holy Bible. It's the tenets of witchcraft. There are many witches who do not believe in hell. You're not alone in believing there is no hell and no future judgment for your denying Jesus Christ and attempting to lead others astray and destroy their faith. There is and you will answer for it. Most assuredly. If I didn't warn you I'd be held accountable for it. But I have and therein there's nothing left to say to you. There is no fellowship between light and darkness.
Jere, thank you for your opinions and examples. To be martyred for Christ comes in many ways. It may required blood and physical suffering and even death. In the Kentucky clerk's case, right now, she is subjet to the sanctions of the law and the mockery of her enemies.

Ky. clerk defies court on gay-marriage licenses
Jere, thank you for your opinions and examples. To be martyred for Christ comes in many ways. It may required blood and physical suffering and even death. In the Kentucky clerk's case, right now, she is subjet to the sanctions of the law and the mockery of her enemies.

Ky. clerk defies court on gay-marriage licenses

Jake, those are not my opinions I just share with you. Those are the Word of the King James Bible in Revelation 20:4 which says:

And I saw the thrones and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands: and they reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Rev. 20:4

But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Rev. 20:5, 6

And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Rev. 20:7,8

So according to the Written Word of God (which we must go by the Written Word in the Bible not our own opinions - God fulfills His Own Word - not our "opinions") those who share in the first resurrection are beheaded for the witness of Christ because they refuse to deny Him, refuse to deny the Written Word of God, refuse to take the mark of the Beast or worship the Beast nor his image. They also receive Martyrs crowns to cast at the feet of Jesus Christ. They also are given the honor of being seated on the 12 thrones and judging the 12 tribes of Israel (I can give you the scripture if you want it) and the world and the angels - they are also given the honor of ruling and reigning with Jesus Christ for a thousand years without the devil being on the earth during that time! What's not to want???!!!
Jere, thank you for your opinions and examples. To be martyred for Christ comes in many ways. It may required blood and physical suffering and even death. In the Kentucky clerk's case, right now, she is subjet to the sanctions of the law and the mockery of her enemies.

Ky. clerk defies court on gay-marriage licenses

I believe that the clerk will receive a great reward for that but will they share in the first resurrection? Only God knows, Starkey.

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