Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
I pray several times daily, but a false prophet's thread on the Board is not the place, imo, to have fellowship with other believers.
Do you pray daily?

I'm not that desperate.
Praying is like begging....

Except when you beg, you are asking a real person for something.

Prayer is communing with God, Joe. Reading the Word of God, Worship, is our spiritual food. Do you eat every day? Twice a week? Once a month? How long would you last if you were to not feed your body? Just as your body needs food to sustain life so your spirit needs daily food to sustain your spiritual life.

I want you to consider coming over to the Prayer meeting thread and reading the scriptures daily, listening to the worship music and joining in prayer - praying a Psalm, pray from your heart and see what happens. I believe if you will read the scriptures each day your faith will begin to grow and you will find yourself believing God more than you doubt Him (at this present time).
I pray several times daily, but a false prophet's thread on the Board is not the place, imo, to have fellowship with other believers.

I have not a clue as to what you are talking about, Jake. The Bible condemns homosexuality and abortion and if you choose to support it you are at enmity with Jesus Christ and the King James Bible. Not me. As for the prayer meeting - it is Scripture from the King James Version Bible (I'm posting from) hymns, worship music and prayers based on Scripture and also Psalms. If you choose not to attend I'm sorry to hear it but don't accuse the Word of God (and those who preach it) of being false in order to justify your own sin.
If you will visit the prayer meeting thread when you come over to USMB you'll be feeding your spirit and it will lead to praying more, Gipper. Try it and see - even if you read one chapter - listen to a hymn and then spend some time talking to the LORD about whatever is on your heart - you'll be drawing nearer to God. You'll find as you draw near to God, He will draw nearer to you and before you know it? You'll be enjoying His presence every day!
I pray several times daily, but a false prophet's thread on the Board is not the place, imo, to have fellowship with other believers.

I have not a clue as to what you are talking about, Jake. The Bible condemns homosexuality and abortion and if you choose to support it you are at enmity with Jesus Christ and the King James Bible. Not me. As for the prayer meeting - it is Scripture from the King James Version Bible (I'm posting from) hymns, worship music and prayers based on Scripture and also Psalms. If you choose not to attend I'm sorry to hear it but don't accuse the Word of God (and those who preach it) of being false in order to justify your own sin.
The false prophets often have not a clue is the point. The Holy bible is pristine, you are not, you make it unclean when you profane its teachings with your gloss.

Now go and sin no more.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Pray for me! Thanks!
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

No, Jesus and Allah are not the same, Sealybobo. Speaking of prayer, I did keep my word and prayed for you and your needs in prayer that you had posted about some weeks ago (on a thread here at USMB). I did notice that you had not given an update of bad news and I believe my prayers were answered in that matter. As for you, Sealy, I'm praying for the LORD to bless you. Have a wonderful evening!
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.
Try this for experiment. Go ask Christians what they think about the Virginia shooter's actions and then go ask Muslims what they think about the Boston Bombers' actions. You will get very fundamentally different answers. It is not all the same thing.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
I don't really call it praying. I call it....chatting. No church. No songs. Just me, Him, the sky and the audience is nature.
Prayer is communing with God, Joe. Reading the Word of God, Worship, is our spiritual food. Do you eat every day? Twice a week? Once a month? How long would you last if you were to not feed your body? Just as your body needs food to sustain life so your spirit needs daily food to sustain your spiritual life.

guy, I haven't prayed in 30 years. I'm just fine, thanks.

If you are communicating with God, those are just the voices in you head. They have medications for that now.

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