Do You Own a Single Family Home? You're a racist!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The latest Looney Tunes out of California.


It never seems to end. Perhaps we can truly get lucky and the Flaky State will secede from The Union?

You worked hard, you saved your money, you built up your credit, and you bought a home for your family. It’s not an apartment or a duplex, either. It’s a white-picket-fence American dream affair, complete with a garage, some trees, and a yard where spot can run around with the kids. It’s nice, you maintain it well, and you’re proud of your accomplishment.

.You horrific racist.

Wanna bet what the political reaction will be? Of course. Raise the taxes on single-family homes. Make it cost so much that you'll be forced to move and the area can be rebuilt in apartment buildings.

More of this stupidity @ Racist!: California think tank says single-family homes represent ‘race and class-coded langua
.You guys work extremely hard to deny the fact that white racism still continues.

Skinheads? well yes they exist, and no most whites don't associate themselves with them ~S~
Skinheads? well yes they exist, and no most whites don't associate themselves with them ~S~

Look you whites can lie to yourselves but you can stop trying to lie to us. Trump is not a skinhead. Nor is Sessions or Pompeo. Or Kovach, Scalise. Gohlmert or Steve King. Nor to mention a lot of people in forums like this. These guys are not skinheads.

.You guys work extremely hard to deny the fact that white racism still continues.

You work real hard to keep it alive. It is what you live for.

I think we all know by now that you think ALL white people are RACISTS....yet you are a RACIST!
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Blaming the super high cost of housing on Racism.................Lunatic Fringe in California.............

Decent 3/2 home there 650 k..................ENJOY the insanity...........

But they swear they are for the little people as they drive the prices of everything through the roof.

Why so many are moving the hell out of there.

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