Do you oppose the Korean War in hindsight?

If I remember right, Gen. MacArthur wanted to nuke Chinese forces to stop the war, and was fired for his outspokenness as being insubordinate. Now we have communist north Korea which has become a loose cannon with nukes NOW pointed squarely at both South Korea and the US, and I have to wonder, what if we HAD used Nuclear weapons THEN what would the world be like NOW? This seems itself an odd question after we invaded Iraq in 2003 because it might of possibly had WMD's, seems so ironic NOW. American foreign policies, then and now, seem out of touch and fickle as hell.

I think the average G.I. that was posted to Korea during 52 -53 would disagree. Conventional thinking trend to call Korea a proxy war between U.S. and U.S.S.R. Nuking NK would have likely provoked a nuclear conflict of WWIII in 1952 and that would not have sold at home. IMHO , Truman was right when he fired Mac.
Truman was wrong when he and JCS were bamboozled by Mac in going beyond the DMZ, which has been the original UN stop line.
South Korea, the area the US was charged with getting back on it's feet after WWII was attacked.

The US didn't really have much of a choice.

To Sallow: Nice attempt at misdirection.

I don’t know who you think had the authority to charge Americans with the task of rebuilding South Korea. Truman did what he did to stop communism’s expansion. No matter. There would have been damn little rebuilding had the Soviet Union not missed a Security Council meeting for the first and only time because Stalin would have vetoed the Police Action irrespective of your interpretation.

Say what you will about Truman and Korea, but say this as well; he bought this country six decades to build some of kind of defense against communism spreading in Asia. Instead of inventing false motives for Truman’s actions you should be praying that the traitors in the current administration do not throw it all away.

That was part of the treaty. Basically the world was a mess..and it was up to the winners to clean it up.

Not sure what your point with this is..there is no attempt at "misdirection"..that's the history.

Pick up a book.

If I remember right, Gen. MacArthur wanted to nuke Chinese forces to stop the war, and was fired for his outspokenness as being insubordinate. Now we have communist north Korea which has become a loose cannon with nukes NOW pointed squarely at both South Korea and the US, and I have to wonder, what if we HAD used Nuclear weapons THEN what would the world be like NOW? This seems itself an odd question after we invaded Iraq in 2003 because it might of possibly had WMD's, seems so ironic NOW. American foreign policies, then and now, seem out of touch and fickle as hell.

I think the average G.I. that was posted to Korea during 52 -53 would disagree. Conventional thinking trend to call Korea a proxy war between U.S. and U.S.S.R. Nuking NK would have likely provoked a nuclear conflict of WWIII in 1952 and that would not have sold at home. IMHO , Truman was right when he fired Mac.

Most of what most Americans think they know about the Korean War is based on liberal bull shit and propaganda designed to protect the legacy of MacArthur and Truman. Communist China did not enter the war until MacArthur approached the Yalu River which was the NK border with China after the freaking war was over and NK had been defeated. Mac laughed at China's threat to enter the war and took a bunch of fawning stupid reporters on a plane trip to the Yalu in an attempt to show them that China was no threat. According to reports an entire division of Chinese troops was camouflaged in the snow. Americans walked into the biggest trap in history and the only thing MacArthur was worried about was covering his ass.
Not "liberal" but "reactionary" bull shit, whitehall.

Mac, more interested in his image and propaganda campaign, ignored intel reports, allowed the two major ground operations to divide (the Marines veering off to the east), and the fucking red chis walked TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND TROOPS over three weeks into the gap. They tore the line apart, and thank heavens the logistics tail could not sustain the drive. The chicoms would have run the UN troops into the ocean if the logistics tail could keep up. It was an intel failure on the scale of 'lets go to war because of WMDs'.
Do you know those were exactly the same questions being asked by the anti-UN movements in the 1950's. They had no effect then and they will have even less effect today.

To Flopper: I don’t recall any specific anti-UN movements in the ‘50's. Are you sure you are not confusing your history with the much broader anti-communism movements the media successfully pooh-poohed away.

In any event the Internet was not around back then. Instead, the only thing the American people knew about communist infiltration was what the media said about Senator McCarthy picking on poor Lefties in the entertainment industry.

Let me cite what the media did not say:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller

BBC's Disinfo Piece: "Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?" - The Vigilant Citizen

That was said in 1991 Bilderberg Meeting in Baden Baden Germany. That means the media blackout on global government has been in effect for approximately six decades.

Thanks to the Internet membership in the United Nations is being questioned as never before. Where Democrats stand is no secret. The next step for American voters is to demand that Republican candidates declare their views on UN membership and global government. I’d sure like to hear them justify the tens of billions that go through UN agencies every year. A bunch of resident RINO couldn’t get elected dogcatcher if their views on America’s sovereignty became known.

Happily, not too many years ago a few local communities passed ordinances proclaiming “UN FREE ZONE.” A few even put up signs.

To Flopper: Not true. Give me one example of how the American people are dependent on even one foreign nation. And foreign governments are only dependent on the foreign aid they use to drive their own people deeper into poverty and despair. Those peoples would be better off if foreign aid was stopped.

To Flopper: Digging up the old Snoot-Hawley scare tactic as cover for abandoning sovereignty doesn’t work in today’s world of rapid travel, instant communications, and global financial markets. Bottom line: A world full of sovereign nations does not require a global government. Instead of betraying the country to the United Nations by preaching the inevitability of collectivism our government should be promoting T. J.’s worldview:

Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

The Communists did use "human wave assaults" during the Korean War.

To Bill Angel: Top Communists sending cannon fodder to their deaths is the same as killing non-communists.
The John Birch Society founded in the 1950's was fiercely opposed to the UN calling for the US government to abandon the UN and withdrawal funding. They claimed our government was betraying the country's sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order, etc, etc. The same mess you're spouting today. John Birch Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can remember as a kid the anti-UN billboards on the highways and the bumper stickers that are still available today. The problem with this propaganda is that it is totally out of sync with today's world.

Whether we like it or not we are very dependent on other countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea. We are importing 11.4 million barrels of oil a day. Excluding farm products, last year 60% of the goods sold in the US were imported. I would say that's a lot of dependence on other countries.
John Birch, sovereign citizens, white aryans, militias, etc: buncha bullies who whine when they get their faces kicked in.
Whether we like it or not we are very dependent on other countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea. We are importing 11.4 million barrels of oil a day. Excluding farm products, last year 60% of the goods sold in the US were imported. I would say that's a lot of dependence on other countries.

Which has nothing to do with the UN. The US can deal with each country on their own.
Absolutely no need for the UN.
Whether we like it or not we are very dependent on other countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea. We are importing 11.4 million barrels of oil a day. Excluding farm products, last year 60% of the goods sold in the US were imported. I would say that's a lot of dependence on other countries.

Which has nothing to do with the UN. The US can deal with each country on their own.
Absolutely no need for the UN.


Without the UN..this country would have been on the dust pile of history a long time ago.
Whether we like it or not we are very dependent on other countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea. We are importing 11.4 million barrels of oil a day. Excluding farm products, last year 60% of the goods sold in the US were imported. I would say that's a lot of dependence on other countries.

Which has nothing to do with the UN. The US can deal with each country on their own.
Absolutely no need for the UN.


Without the UN..this country would have been on the dust pile of history a long time ago.

I disagree. without the UN this country (USA) would be a lot better off.
Can't think of one thing the UN has done that made the US a better or stronger country.
Whether we like it or not we are very dependent on other countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea. We are importing 11.4 million barrels of oil a day. Excluding farm products, last year 60% of the goods sold in the US were imported. I would say that's a lot of dependence on other countries.

Which has nothing to do with the UN. The US can deal with each country on their own.
Absolutely no need for the UN.


Without the UN..this country would have been on the dust pile of history a long time ago.

Hows that?:confused:
You god-damn war-mongers need to shut your fuckin' mouths!

We've been at war of 10 years and I'm sick of it!

This country needs to stop listening to your god-damn bullshit!

To loinboy: And you filthy cowards better learn to tell the difference between war mongering and self defense.
Iraq was a war of aggression; Afghanistan is a war of defense, a war we lost, and it is time to bring the troops home.
The John Birch Society founded in the 1950's was fiercely opposed to the UN calling for the US government to abandon the UN and withdrawal funding. They claimed our government was betraying the country's sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order, etc, etc. The same mess you're spouting today.

I can remember as a kid the anti-UN billboards on the highways and the bumper stickers that are still available today. The problem with this propaganda is that it is totally out of sync with today's world.

To Flopper: You’re correct. I forgot the JBS. Your use of the plural threw me.

Incidentally, the John Birch Society had some effect, although not nearly as much as it would have gotten had the media given it the same kind of coverage they later gave to the American Communists who brought defeat to their own country in Vietnam.

Whether we like it or not we are very dependent on other countries such as China, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea. We are importing 11.4 million barrels of oil a day. Excluding farm products, last year 60% of the goods sold in the US were imported. I would say that's a lot of dependence on other countries.

To Flopper: Not one of those dependencies is necessary.

As to petroleum. America exports money and imports oil. No matter what happens politically this country has enough petroleum to maintain and improve our standard of living far into the future. Indefinitely once technology finds a way to recover all of the petroleum remaining in “dried out wells.” That total alone is equal to all of the oil those fields produced before they went dry.

In addition to the US never running out of petroleum, scientists will eventually develop new sources of energy, and they won’t come from the UN and green energy scams.

Finally, you are falling for the UN’s propaganda that says Americans are the only peoples who want to hang onto their sovereignty. In truth, most countries use the UN to shakedown America with all of that collectivist one world crapola while hanging onto to their own sovereignty. Even EU countries are starting to question the loss of their sovereignty.

Without the UN..this country would have been on the dust pile of history a long time ago.

To Sallow: Ordinarily, I would assume anybody posting such a stupid remark was playing Devil’s advocate. In your case I’ll skip the Devil’s advocate part.

And just to set the record straight America has been going downhill since the day the UN succeeded the League of Nations.
Which has nothing to do with the UN. The US can deal with each country on their own.
Absolutely no need for the UN.


Without the UN..this country would have been on the dust pile of history a long time ago.

I disagree. without the UN this country (USA) would be a lot better off.
Can't think of one thing the UN has done that made the US a better or stronger country.

It absolutely would not.

We probably would have had a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union. There were several points in our history where that was entirely possible and was averted through the UN and back channel communications.

Additionally the UN acts as both a conduit for the world to communicate to the US and an adjunct to both project power and soften the image of US hegemony.

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