Do you have trouble "forgiving" someone? Have you mastered that concept?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
He says to forgive. Doesn’t mean we have to forget. I know God sees all and He is the ultimate judge. And sometimes, in the big scheme of things, some of those wrongs we feel were done to us, after time I come to realize many are petty anyway. I would hope anyone I have ever wronged could see to do the same for me. Forgive, given time.
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In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
Holding grudges is normal but only for a very limited amount of time, the length of which is usually relatively short. Holding long term grudges is stupid as it's psychologically and emotionally toxic to one's well being and they can develop a life of their own.
Mentally I know that we are all imperfect, that we will let someone down, or cross someone eventually and given that should forgive others their humanity as we would hope they forgive us ours. Just remember none of us are perfect and no one can or will live up to all of our expectations, even ourselves. Forgiveness has more to do with our mental and emotional well being than anything else, hate and anger can be corruptive over time, twisting and mal-forming our overall outlook on life. Forgive so you can move on, if they don't then that's on them.
Oh and it's "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us".
Jeez, that's one I have trouble with, but what helps is praying to forgive someone. Usually, it's something that still affects your life after years while the other person may feel less of the pain or may have even forgotten what they did. I can forgive and forget most common things, such as traffic confrontations and avoid road rage, but not to be able to forgive the bigger trespasses is difficult. The Bible says one should forgive, but one does not have to forget.

What helps me is to realize that if I can't forgive, then it affects me more negatively in the present and future. I'm not being like God who is suppose to be like us. I may dwell on it with negative thoughts and it comes out in other ways. Thus, to be able to let go the trespasses big or small is the right thing to do. We should have a forgiving nature, but I understand that is one of the most difficult things in human nature to do. Not to forgive could lead to blaming others, even blaming God, being bitter, and missing a chance to be like God and his forgiving nature. It leads to other negative consequences.
I think all three of you solved my dilemna. Just think of persons you have slighted, treated badly or without thought and ask for forgiveness as I too can forgive the person that sinned against me.

If we really look back on our lives we will recognize just as I am not perfect, nor is the person I haven't been able to forgive. I now consider it a two way street. One way is forgiving and the road back is being forgiven. Thank you to all of you.
The hardest person to forgive is ourselves ... if we can't forgive our own sin, how can we forgive each other's sin? ...

I am a sinner ... I kneel and beg forgiveness from God, those I've offended and all of you ... I am quick to forgive my brother who is kneeling beside me begging the same thing ... we don't forget our sins, indeed we are here together to help each other avoid sin and seek God's judgement ... we forgive each other and let God punish us as He sees fit ...
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
Holding grudges is normal but only for a very limited amount of time, the length of which is usually relatively short. Holding long term grudges is stupid as it's psychologically and emotionally toxic to one's well being and they can develop a life of their own.
Mentally I know that we are all imperfect, that we will let someone down, or cross someone eventually and given that should forgive others their humanity as we would hope they forgive us ours. Just remember none of us are perfect and no one can or will live up to all of our expectations, even ourselves. Forgiveness has more to do with our mental and emotional well being than anything else, hate and anger can be corruptive over time, twisting and mal-forming our overall outlook on life. Forgive so you can move on, if they don't then that's on them.
Oh and it's "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us".

A good grudge will also physically kill you. It's like smoking that way.
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In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us.

surly that is a misprint, forgiving yourself, that is not possible only by reversing or undoing the offense can a person proceed whether they are forgiven by the victim or not.

that is to say - "you haven't been able to forgive them" - is on you if they have successfully made restitution for their offense.

with another person that nags you so much

a family member, it's up to you to solve that yourself - stay away from them if nothing else.
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
Holding grudges is normal but only for a very limited amount of time, the length of which is usually relatively short. Holding long term grudges is stupid as it's psychologically and emotionally toxic to one's well being and they can develop a life of their own.
Mentally I know that we are all imperfect, that we will let someone down, or cross someone eventually and given that should forgive others their humanity as we would hope they forgive us ours. Just remember none of us are perfect and no one can or will live up to all of our expectations, even ourselves. Forgiveness has more to do with our mental and emotional well being than anything else, hate and anger can be corruptive over time, twisting and mal-forming our overall outlook on life. Forgive so you can move on, if they don't then that's on them.
Oh and it's "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us".

A good drudge will also physically kill you. It's like smoking that way.
Which reminds me, time for a smoke. Thanks!!
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?

It takes work and in some cases it's a long term project. Also to, the way I read it out of the bible it seems to imply the not forgiving gets between one and their relationship to God. Like if someone from church borrowed $20.00 buck, promised to pay it back and didn't, you get pissed and stop going to church because the other guy still go's there. I also got that one could forgive that guy, but it doesn't mean he has to loan him $20.00 again.
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
Holding grudges is normal but only for a very limited amount of time, the length of which is usually relatively short. Holding long term grudges is stupid as it's psychologically and emotionally toxic to one's well being and they can develop a life of their own.
Mentally I know that we are all imperfect, that we will let someone down, or cross someone eventually and given that should forgive others their humanity as we would hope they forgive us ours. Just remember none of us are perfect and no one can or will live up to all of our expectations, even ourselves. Forgiveness has more to do with our mental and emotional well being than anything else, hate and anger can be corruptive over time, twisting and mal-forming our overall outlook on life. Forgive so you can move on, if they don't then that's on them.
Oh and it's "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us".

A good drudge will also physically kill you. It's like smoking that way.
Which reminds me, time for a smoke. Thanks!!

I forgive you.
Here's how I forgive:

I take the person off my kill list since they will now be dead to me.
I never speak or communicate with them again.
Even if they are in the same room with me, I ignore them.
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?
Holding grudges is normal but only for a very limited amount of time, the length of which is usually relatively short. Holding long term grudges is stupid as it's psychologically and emotionally toxic to one's well being and they can develop a life of their own.
Mentally I know that we are all imperfect, that we will let someone down, or cross someone eventually and given that should forgive others their humanity as we would hope they forgive us ours. Just remember none of us are perfect and no one can or will live up to all of our expectations, even ourselves. Forgiveness has more to do with our mental and emotional well being than anything else, hate and anger can be corruptive over time, twisting and mal-forming our overall outlook on life. Forgive so you can move on, if they don't then that's on them.
Oh and it's "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us".

A good drudge will also physically kill you. It's like smoking that way.
Which reminds me, time for a smoke. Thanks!!

I forgive you.
I wouldn't........ Oh wait!!!

In reality I have never forgive anyone, but I live in peace with me and with the ones who have do harm to me, because I just let it go.

Of course, I will be angry, I will wish bad, I will react to the aggression, but after a few hours... I just let it go.

I sleep well, and even with all contrariety happening in my life I find happiness, and I don't want even to remember the bad things of the past.

Life is so short, that to me is a waste of it when we keep remembering the bad things others did to us.

In this issue, I think religion has not been my guidance.
If someone has caused me great grief, I can only forgive them if they say they are sorry and ASK for my forgiveness. I forgive but never forget. I have realized they are not the person I thought they were and I have to renew the acquaintance for the nature of the relationship has been altered and a distance has been created but I can still love and care for them.

If someone has crossed me in a minor way I didn't see coming, I usually hold a grudge, keep a distance but within 2-3 months, I am back being cordial to them not even being conscious of the grievance. I have let it go but I have not forgotten what they are capable of and I approach them in a different manner never really trusting them again. Fortunately, these things happen very infrequently. I've no complaints.

The bottom line for me, "once bitten, twice shy."
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?

Jackson the hardest thing ever to do is learn how to forgive yourself.

It's not in the bible
In our lives we all have had disappointments and out and out experiences with another person that nags you so much because you haven't been able to forgive them. The Bible says we must forgive our tresspasses and those who tresspass against us. I find that hard. Can you do it? What helped?

Jackson the hardest thing ever to do is learn how to forgive yourself.

It's not in the bible

For your sins, for the people who died in your arms, jesus/God/mother mary forgives you.

But to learn its forgive yourself is hard.

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