Do you hate the Democrats for the way they are responding to the $14 trillion debt?


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2011
You should, they seemingly don't care that the country is, effectively, bankrupt, and so the liberals must now print money to pay for most of their idiotic liberal welfare programs. There is no free lunch but the liberals don't know it. They do know, however, that if they can't buy votes by always promising more and more programs they will have lost their reason for being.

As usually it is the Republicans who are acting as mature adults trying to cut spending to stave off real bankruptcy.
Why don't we make liberals illegal as our Founders intended when they wrote the Constitution to stand for very limited government .
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Brutus, we do agree, the debt sucks. My kid will be paying off our credit card like spending.

About the banning of political thoughts, our founding fathers did not want to make any ideology illegal. It is a free speech thing.

First say the fiscal policies of Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush lead to ridiculously high deficits and that you love Bill Clinton for being the only President I remember with a balanced budget under him. THEN we are allowed to talk economic theory.
Brutus, we do agree, the debt sucks. My kid will be paying off our credit card like spending.

About the banning of political thoughts, our founding fathers did not want to make any ideology illegal. It is a free speech thing.

First say the fiscal policies of Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush lead to ridiculously high deficits and that you love Bill Clinton for being the only President I remember with a balanced budget under him. THEN we are allowed to talk economic theory.
It is a misrepresentation to say clinton had a balanced budget. GWB took office they were calling it the clinton recession. The reason clinton's budget was even close to balanced was a republican congress. For a thug though he did know how to work with the repubs. I hated clinton because he was a lying sack of shit and a womanizer who violated the sanctity of the oval office, remember Monica?
You should, they seemingly don't care that the country is, effectively, bankrupt, and so the liberals must now print money to pay for most of their idiotic liberal welfare programs. There is no free lunch but the liberals don't know it. They do know, however, that if they can't buy votes by always promising more and more programs they will have lost their reason for being.

As usually it is the Republicans who are acting as mature adults trying to cut spending to stave off real bankruptcy.
Why don't we make liberals illegal as our Founders intended when they wrote the Constitution to stand for very limited government .

You are so full of crap. The only time conservatives give a shit about the deficit is when there's a Democrat in office.
Brutus, we do agree, the debt sucks. My kid will be paying off our credit card like spending.

don't forget that its liberal debt!!!

About the banning of political thoughts, our founding fathers did not want to make any ideology illegal. It is a free speech thing.

insane!!! The Constitution made many ideologies illegal!!!

First say the fiscal policies of Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush lead to ridiculously high deficits and that you love Bill Clinton for being the only President I remember with a balanced budget under him. THEN we are allowed to talk economic theory.

more insanity!!! Republicans since Jefferson have been for a Balanced Budget Amendment!! Democrats have always opposed it.
Clinton had one because he was so disgusting that the Republicans took the House for the first in in 40 Years and forced it and a shut down, and a Balanced BUdget down his throat. They made him say, "the era of big government is over.' Democrats are obvious liars.

Just last month the Republicans introduced one in the Senate. Only 10 Democrats voted for it. Are you catching on now??
Brutus, we do agree, the debt sucks. My kid will be paying off our credit card like spending.

About the banning of political thoughts, our founding fathers did not want to make any ideology illegal. It is a free speech thing.

First say the fiscal policies of Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush lead to ridiculously high deficits and that you love Bill Clinton for being the only President I remember with a balanced budget under him. THEN we are allowed to talk economic theory.
It is a misrepresentation to say clinton had a balanced budget. GWB took office they were calling it the clinton recession. The reason clinton's budget was even close to balanced was a republican congress. For a thug though he did know how to work with the repubs. I hated clinton because he was a lying sack of shit and a womanizer who violated the sanctity of the oval office, remember Monica?

First of all. The Oval office isn't sacrosanct. You're mixing up the President and the Pope. If it were, then the President would be sacrosanct - ordained by God. Welcome to America, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution puts the kabash on that idea.

Note: Just about every President, including George Washington had extramarital affairs: Grow up little boy!

As far as the rest of your argument: Reagan and Bush ballooned the deficit, Clinton balanced the budget. That's all there is to it. You can try any twisted logic you want, but that's the reality.
You should, they seemingly don't care that the country is, effectively, bankrupt, and so the liberals must now print money to pay for most of their idiotic liberal welfare programs. There is no free lunch but the liberals don't know it. They do know, however, that if they can't buy votes by always promising more and more programs they will have lost their reason for being.

As usually it is the Republicans who are acting as mature adults trying to cut spending to stave off real bankruptcy.
Why don't we make liberals illegal as our Founders intended when they wrote the Constitution to stand for very limited government .

You are so full of crap. The only time conservatives give a shit about the deficit is when there's a Democrat in office.

check your history!! Republicans since Jefferson have been for a Balanced Budget Amendment. Republicans want the shut down not libs. Republicans want to cut not libs.

The Republican Jeffersonian philosophy is all about freedom and liberty from big government so they'd be fine with cuts. Democrats depend 100% on buying votes with promises of more and more welfare programs to replace the failing ones..

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
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Brutus, we do agree, the debt sucks. My kid will be paying off our credit card like spending.

About the banning of political thoughts, our founding fathers did not want to make any ideology illegal. It is a free speech thing.

First say the fiscal policies of Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush lead to ridiculously high deficits and that you love Bill Clinton for being the only President I remember with a balanced budget under him. THEN we are allowed to talk economic theory.
It is a misrepresentation to say clinton had a balanced budget. GWB took office they were calling it the clinton recession. The reason clinton's budget was even close to balanced was a republican congress. For a thug though he did know how to work with the repubs. I hated clinton because he was a lying sack of shit and a womanizer who violated the sanctity of the oval office, remember Monica?

First of all. The Oval office isn't sacrosanct. You're mixing up the President and the Pope. If it were, then the President would be sacrosanct - ordained by God. Welcome to America, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution puts the kabash on that idea.

Note: Just about every President, including George Washington had extramarital affairs: Grow up little boy!

As far as the rest of your argument: Reagan and Bush ballooned the deficit, Clinton balanced the budget. That's all there is to it. You can try any twisted logic you want, but that's the reality.
I am grown up, a balanced budget and a deficit are different. Clinton had sex in the oval office and flat out lied about it, and lied to everybody's face on t.v. Sorry, he was a piece of doo doo.
Brutus, was Ronald Reagan that much of an economic and communications failure that he was for a balanced budget and failed so miserably?

And I never got past the "Do you hate Democrats for......." opening line.
You should, they seemingly don't care that the country is, effectively, bankrupt, and so the liberals must now print money to pay for most of their idiotic liberal welfare programs. There is no free lunch but the liberals don't know it. They do know, however, that if they can't buy votes by always promising more and more programs they will have lost their reason for being.

As usually it is the Republicans who are acting as mature adults trying to cut spending to stave off real bankruptcy.
Why don't we make liberals illegal as our Founders intended when they wrote the Constitution to stand for very limited government .

You are so full of crap. The only time conservatives give a shit about the deficit is when there's a Democrat in office.

check your history!! Republicans since Jefferson have been for a Balanced Budget Amendment. Republicans want the shut down not libs. Republicans want to cut not libs.

The Republican Jeffersonian philosophy is all about freedom and liberty from big government so they'd be fine with cuts. Democrats depend 100% on buying votes with promises of more and more welfare programs to replace the failing ones..

And yet, it was the Republicans who passed 2.4 trillion in tax cuts through reconciliation without a single offset.

Republicans who passed a "drugs for votes bill" again through reconciliation costing trillions.

Republicans who didn't pay for two wars and hid the costs.

Republicans working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moving millions of jobs to China.

Republicans giving billions in subsidies to oil companies who are charging us over a hundred bucks a barrel.

Yea, Republicans are so fiscally responsible. Oops.

How can you have an honest conversation when these are the facts and they are so dishonest?
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Brutus, we do agree, the debt sucks. My kid will be paying off our credit card like spending.

About the banning of political thoughts, our founding fathers did not want to make any ideology illegal. It is a free speech thing.

First say the fiscal policies of Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush lead to ridiculously high deficits and that you love Bill Clinton for being the only President I remember with a balanced budget under him. THEN we are allowed to talk economic theory.
It is a misrepresentation to say clinton had a balanced budget. GWB took office they were calling it the clinton recession. The reason clinton's budget was even close to balanced was a republican congress. For a thug though he did know how to work with the repubs. I hated clinton because he was a lying sack of shit and a womanizer who violated the sanctity of the oval office, remember Monica?

So you and Brutus admit Clinton did have a balanced budget and Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Bush all failed?
You are so full of crap. The only time conservatives give a shit about the deficit is when there's a Democrat in office.

check your history!! Republicans since Jefferson have been for a Balanced Budget Amendment. Republicans want the shut down not libs. Republicans want to cut not libs.

The Republican Jeffersonian philosophy is all about freedom and liberty from big government so they'd be fine with cuts. Democrats depend 100% on buying votes with promises of more and more welfare programs to replace the failing ones..

And yet, it was the Republicans who passed 2.4 trillion in tax cuts through reconciliation without a single offset.

Republicans who passed a "drugs for votes bill" again through reconciliation costing trillions.

Republicans who didn't pay for two wars and hid the costs.

Republicans working with China and the Chamber of Commerce moving millions of jobs to China.

Republicans giving billions in subsidies to oil companies who are charging us over a hundred bucks a barrel.

Yea, Republicans are so fiscally responsible.

But yet WARS that the DEMOCRATS continued FUNDING in their POWERQUEST...huh, Deany?

And WHAT NO Racial component to your rhetoric, Deany-BOY?

Yer slipping. Step it up BOY.
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Reagan and Bush ballooned the deficit, Clinton balanced the budget. That's all there is to it. You can try any twisted logic you want, but that's the reality

Brutus: don't be absurd. Clinton inherited a boom from Bush '41 and the first Republican House in 40 years. Bush '43 inherited a bust from Clinton. OBama inherited a bust from BUsh '43, Reagan inherited a bust from Carter. The president does not control the government, nor does he control business cycles!! Eecon 101
Brutus, are you saying Ronald's large amount of deficit spending to boost the economy he inherited was justified?
Reagan and Bush ballooned the deficit, Clinton balanced the budget. That's all there is to it. You can try any twisted logic you want, but that's the reality

Brutus: don't be absurd. Clinton inherited a boom from Bush '41 and the first Republican House in 40 years. Bush '43 inherited a bust from Clinton. OBama inherited a bust from BUsh '43, Reagan inherited a bust from Carter. The president does not control the government, nor does he control business cycles!! Eecon 101

You do know Clinton didn't propose 1 single budget, right? Thats the job of the House. And during Clinton's terms, the Republicans controlled the House and Senate. The only thing Bill did was sign the budget with the hand that wasn't holding Monica's pony tail.
Reagan and Bush ballooned the deficit, Clinton balanced the budget. That's all there is to it. You can try any twisted logic you want, but that's the reality

Brutus: don't be absurd. Clinton inherited a boom from Bush '41 and the first Republican House in 40 years. Bush '43 inherited a bust from Clinton. OBama inherited a bust from BUsh '43, Reagan inherited a bust from Carter. The president does not control the government, nor does he control business cycles!! Eecon 101

Clinton inherited a boom from GH Bush? I thought Bush1 lost the election because the economy was flat. Are you saying Bush lost because he pulled out of Iraq too soon and would leave the mess for another decade?
Reagan and Bush ballooned the deficit, Clinton balanced the budget. That's all there is to it. You can try any twisted logic you want, but that's the reality

Brutus: don't be absurd. Clinton inherited a boom from Bush '41 and the first Republican House in 40 years. Bush '43 inherited a bust from Clinton. OBama inherited a bust from BUsh '43, Reagan inherited a bust from Carter. The president does not control the government, nor does he control business cycles!! Eecon 101

You do know Clinton didn't propose 1 single budget, right? Thats the job of the House. And during Clinton's terms, the Republicans controlled the House and Senate. The only thing Bill did was sign the budget with the hand that wasn't holding Monica's pony tail.

And for all this talk of 1995? WE weren't IN this position in 1995...faced with a LOWER credit rating, and the DEBT we face now.

There are SOME that need a reality check...(And I don't mean you, SIR...).
Just a couple corrections:

The fed is printing billions of new dollars to pay the interest on our loans from China.


It wasn't until 1870 that it was made law that the government had to have a budget in place in order to operate.
Jefferson died 54 years prior.

jus sayin
This is not 1995. The Social Security, Medicare Ponzi Scheme has flipped. When the majority of the population (thanks to the boomer's) were working thinking they were paying massive excess into the system, the government was spending the entire nest egg & still managed to go even further into debt. Basically the boomer's paid nothing into the Social Security, Medicare & FICA system. They were actually just paying way higher taxes than they thought they were. Now that they are expecting to get paid back for all that money they think they paid into their entitlement account, the government must slash their expected entitlements & raise taxes while still increasing the debt.

Until recently: Taxes+SocialSecurity+Medicare+FICA+Deficits = General revenue spending.

Now: Taxes+Deficits = SocialSecurity+Medicare+FICA+General revenue spending.

You were always told socialism was a ponzi scheme, but you could not believe them because it all felt so good until now, that we ran out of other peoples money. The new healthcare tax is just another revenue stream to kick the socialist ponzi scheme 4 more years down the road. After paying into the healthcare scheme for 4 years & getting nothing in return, you will find out when the government cant pay the doctor bills when people start to demand actual healthcare. This government healthcare system is nothing but an empty shell ponzi scheme.
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