Do White Lives Matter, now?

Police say they rescued him from a beating by 40 black people, yet there was no hitting present in the video and the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet? Also it was a race riot, but only one white person in the crowd was beaten? I don't condone their actions, but it looks like one white guy got into an altercation that had nothing to do with race.
Anyone ever stop to think that he may have made some derogatory comments towards the black youths, which is why he got beat up?

But.................if it can be proven that this guy was targeted strictly because of his race, then punish them to the full extent of the law.
Apparently, NOT!

HORROR! Black Youths Mock and Laugh at Unconscious and Bloody Victim After July 4th Beatdown (VIDEO)

HORROR Black Youths Mock and Laugh at Unconscious and Bloody Victim After July 4th Beatdown VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit


Forty black kids beat this guy up on July 4th!

Black lives matter? Apparently white lives don't now!

This is Obama's America!

You vote for this people!

Actually it's more the right that keeps the ghettos going. It's more the right that prevents poor kids getting a decent education. It's more the right which needs crime in order to be tough on it.

The last is bad.

Now, I know someone's going to try and call me out on this. So I'm prepared.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital

Great article about the right wing's wet dream. A prison system which is capitalist down to its core. Louisiana, where people get locked up to make money. Where rehabilitation is something you laugh at because you want them there criminals to come back next year and you can charge the tax payers more money for keeping them there. Crime pays, for the guys who run prisons. Many of whom are the same people arresting these people in the first place. All they need to do is make sure it sticks in court.

They even do it with being "tough on terrorism", cause loads of terrorism from Muslims and then you need to be tough on it. The best thing is, you're putting the fear of God into these people too. The more they fear the more they cling to the right who are "tough on crime/terrorism" and make out on they can save you from these people who are going out beating people up.

You breed them, you vilify them, you set them loose, then you point at how you're right and you need tougher laws to deal with these people.

It's insanity. You could save so much money by just DOING THINGS PROPERLY in the first place.

The US, richest nation on earth, and education system to not be proud of.

Bullshit. I work at VERY poor school, where the kids are used to hearing gun shots on a daily basis, and the school is littered with gang members. They don't want an education. That's what you don't get: they don't care about it. They don't see how it'll help them in the future. There's many reasons: some of them are taught to be victims from a young age/taught that because of where they start they can't achieve anything (kind of like your attitude here), others learn from their families who receive constant tax payer dollars that they don't need to be successful to support themselves....most of them (that don't accomplish anything) just don't give a shit. They really don't care. There's no other way getting around it. We need to stop allowing them to be victims.

A black student of mine right now got a fully paid trip to visit Ivy School(s) this summer (he's 16)...because he busted his ass, and worked very hard and ignored all the drug dealers, worked night-shift at McDonalds to support his family, respects his teachers...NOT because of Democrats--he earned it on his own, and NOT because of me (even though I am proud of him). Personal responsibility-what a concept!

Many of my students are working hard to improve their lives-and I love it, I really do (it's why I do what I do-it's why I chose a lower-income school). Many however don't and show up for free breakfast and lunch, to sell drugs, or to socializ-and it's VERY easy to point the blame at unions, or the GOP for funding (which my school has PLENTY of funding)...the truth is it's a cultural problem that can't be solved by old men/women in politics. It just can't be.
Yeah real hate crime like the OP which has no basis in reality. But you ask for seconds because you're a dumbass who is looking for his idiotic bullshit to be validated.

ON what grounds do you think the mob did not target him for his race?

Ask the OP and yourself the same question because its not in the article from the blog quoting an anonomous person.

Yet you believe it and even made up a motive out of thin air. How'd you do that? Because you're a lying fag...thats why

Here's a local news source, if that makes you feel better.

Officers Hurt During Melee on Fountain Square - Local 12 WKRC-TV Cincinnati - Top Stories

WIth a picture of the white guy on the ground.

Didn't see any major networks covering it, but, then again, why would they?

I see you've gone to the skip the topic mode now. I'll ask again.

Yet you believe it and even made up a motive out of thin air. How'd you do that?

Upon reflection, you have a point.

THis report is fairly weakly supported.

I believe it because it fits with what i expect to see based on many factors such as the general black on white crime numbers and the constant anti-white propaganda that i see in our society.

My assumption has put me out on a limb, so to speak.

I could retract.

But, I strongly suspect that any additional information will support my gut feeling on this one, not contradict it.

If you can find evidence that this attack was not racial motivated, then you will have a fine gotcha moment, a real one, not one of the pretend ones you lefties like to delude yourself with.

Perhaps the one white guy attacked the mob of 40 black yoots and it was self defense?

I will sleep restlessly tonight, concerned about what the morn may bring...
The article refers to it as a "racial attack" and a "race riot", says the crowd was MOSTLY black, acknowledges that some tried to help the man, then says police are still investigating if it was a hate crime. They even suck at their own spin. :lol:

You see, they would notice that there is no beating shown on video, no police report just some random Anonymous inside info from a blog, and people in the crowd trying to help the guy but they don't see it....because Obama wont let them.
The article refers to it as a "racial attack" and a "race riot", says the crowd was MOSTLY black, acknowledges that some tried to help the man, then says police are still investigating if it was a hate crime. They even suck at their own spin. :lol:

The fact that the article acknowledges that some of the crowd tried to help the man, is not "sucky spin" but evidence of truthfulness, not agenda. I can understand why this would be confusing to you.

The police not announcing guilt ahead of investigation and court proceedings is evidence of "Sucky spin"?

What an oddly revealing statement on your part.
The article refers to it as a "racial attack" and a "race riot", says the crowd was MOSTLY black, acknowledges that some tried to help the man, then says police are still investigating if it was a hate crime. They even suck at their own spin. :lol:

You see, they would notice that there is no beating shown on video, no police report just some random Anonymous inside info from a blog, and people in the crowd trying to help the guy but they don't see it....because Obama wont let them.

Maybe the man just fainted, and cut his scalp when he fell down?:muahaha:
Police say they rescued him from a beating by 40 black people, yet there was no hitting present in the video and the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet? Also it was a race riot, but only one white person in the crowd was beaten? I don't condone their actions, but it looks like one white guy got into an altercation that had nothing to do with race.

"got into an altercation" at 40 to 1 odds?

Anyone ever stop to think that he may have made some derogatory comments towards the black youths, which is why he got beat up?

But.................if it can be proven that this guy was targeted strictly because of his race, then punish them to the full extent of the law.

Right. One white guy, starts spouting racial slurs at a mob of 40 black males....

That's your scenario?:udaman:
Police say they rescued him from a beating by 40 black people, yet there was no hitting present in the video and the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet? Also it was a race riot, but only one white person in the crowd was beaten? I don't condone their actions, but it looks like one white guy got into an altercation that had nothing to do with race.

"got into an altercation" at 40 to 1 odds?


Amazing! Just 2 posts ago you admitted the entire story is weakly supported. Then you extrapolate information from the weakly supported report as fact.

Don't mind the fact that there is no police report or officer named. It's all rumor...but the goofball in you manages to believe it's both weak and credible information.

Amazing display of faggotry
Police say they rescued him from a beating by 40 black people, yet there was no hitting present in the video and the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet? Also it was a race riot, but only one white person in the crowd was beaten? I don't condone their actions, but it looks like one white guy got into an altercation that had nothing to do with race.

"got into an altercation" at 40 to 1 odds?


Amazing! Just 2 posts ago you admitted the entire story is weakly supported. Then you extrapolate information from the weakly supported report as fact.

Don't mind the fact that there is no police report or officer named. It's all rumor...but the goofball in you manages to believe it's both weak and credible information.

Amazing display of faggotry

I was responding to aaronleland's speculation.

You can shove your homophobic "faggotry" up your ass, you asshole.
Like I said before. The Confederate flag isn't making me racist.

Things like this are!
So you judge an entire race by the actions of a few of the race..Well then, you must hate every race....
It was a bunch of random black people. This wasnt a group oforganized racist Black Panthars, they were just random black people who all just happened to be violent racists. Racism is wide spread in the black community. Why would you want to sweep it under the rug? You are as guilty as any pre modern era racist from the south. You actively support racism by excusing it.
Add the pool party mayhem and the walmart trashed thats 3 largeviolent events in less than a month........throw in Baltimore..... Ferguson.......but dont think its a black society prob
Police say they rescued him from a beating by 40 black people, yet there was no hitting present in the video and the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet? Also it was a race riot, but only one white person in the crowd was beaten? I don't condone their actions, but it looks like one white guy got into an altercation that had nothing to do with race.

"got into an altercation" at 40 to 1 odds?


Where in he video did you see anyone hit him, let alone 40 people?
Police say they rescued him from a beating by 40 black people, yet there was no hitting present in the video and the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet? Also it was a race riot, but only one white person in the crowd was beaten? I don't condone their actions, but it looks like one white guy got into an altercation that had nothing to do with race.

"got into an altercation" at 40 to 1 odds?


Amazing! Just 2 posts ago you admitted the entire story is weakly supported. Then you extrapolate information from the weakly supported report as fact.

Don't mind the fact that there is no police report or officer named. It's all rumor...but the goofball in you manages to believe it's both weak and credible information.

Amazing display of faggotry

I was responding to aaronleland's speculation.

You can shove your homophobic "faggotry" up your ass, you asshole.

Oh yeah, then why you say 40 people before Aaron? You gonna blame the next guy too?
Like I said before. The Confederate flag isn't making me racist.

Things like this are!
So you judge an entire race by the actions of a few of the race..Well then, you must hate every race....
It was a bunch of random black people. This wasnt a group oforganized racist Black Panthars, they were just random black people who all just happened to be violent racists. Racism is wide spread in the black community. Why would you want to sweep it under the rug? You are as guilty as any pre modern era racist from the south. You actively support racism by excusing it.
Well thank you...
People were already trying to help him by the time the video was being shot, which was before the police showed up, but he was rescued by the police from 40 people. Do some of you see the discrepancy here? And how about that white guy trying to help him? He sure seems brave in the middle of a "race riot"

This entire article is shit..

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