Do the Malthusian Eugenicists ever Quit?


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ...How many times can the same lamestream media doom-and-gloomery be written and re-written and re-re-re-re-re-written?
WASHINGTON (AFP) – A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.


The swelling population will exacerbate problems, such as resource depletion, said John Casterline, director of the Initiative in Population Research at Ohio State University.

But incomes are also expected to rise over the next 40 years -- tripling globally and quintupling in developing nations -- and add more strain to global food supplies.

Planet could be &#39;unrecognizable&#39; by 2050, experts say - Yahoo! News

Looks like these ivory tower dwelling self-anointed wizards of smart failed to notice, or outright ignored, the established fact that the more technologically advanced the culture is, the more it trends toward zero population growth.

How in hell can these "experts" be taken seriously anymore?
Oddball, I'm still of the belief that "Logan's Run" was predictive programming. Seriously though, the end all be all of the elites is elimination of "useless eaters" like us who they feel are taking "their" resources.
The" scarcer resource" democrate voters .
The left wing has always been in favor of eugenics.

From historic libs such as Karl Marx, Darwin, George Shaw, to Ruth Ginsberg.

And we find out that the founder of Planned Parenthood stated her mission was to rid the world of "...negroes and morons.." and founded her abortion mission.............and THIS is the organization that Obama and Clinton PRAISED!!!! They organization founded on the grounds of ridding the world of negroes and they praise it?

Supreme Court justice Ginsberg, who liberals worship, stated her disappointment in that abortion legalization didnt rid the world of "unwanted populations".

College professor idol George Shaw wanted to invent a "humane gas" and play classical music as they extinguished unwanted peoples. And guess who was a big reader of Shaw's work? You guessed it, Hitler. Thats where the gas chamber idea literally came from.

Liberals are disgusting, filthy minds. Some know it. Others are just brainwashed, and would likely reject liberalism if they knew it's history.
Fact: Earth con support a finite population

Fact: Globally, that number has theoretically not been reached if we abolish capitalism and ensure proper distribution of food and potable water

Fact: In certain regions, the population simply cannot be sustained without bringing the necessities of life from outside- much of Africa, for instance

I wonder whether the OP supports (A)socialism or (B) the starvation of the world's poor
The left wing has always been in favor of eugenics.

From historic libs such as Karl Marx, Darwin, George Shaw, to Ruth Ginsberg.

And we find out that the founder of Planned Parenthood stated her mission was to rid the world of "...negroes and morons.." and founded her abortion mission.............and THIS is the organization that Obama and Clinton PRAISED!!!! They organization founded on the grounds of ridding the world of negroes and they praise it?

Supreme Court justice Ginsberg, who liberals worship, stated her disappointment in that abortion legalization didnt rid the world of "unwanted populations".

College professor idol George Shaw wanted to invent a "humane gas" and play classical music as they extinguished unwanted peoples. And guess who was a big reader of Shaw's work? You guessed it, Hitler. Thats where the gas chamber idea literally came from.

Liberals are disgusting, filthy minds. Some know it. Others are just brainwashed, and would likely reject liberalism if they knew it's history.

Face it, they want Body Parts.
The left wing has always been in favor of eugenics.

As has much of the Right
And we find out that the founder of Planned Parenthood stated her mission was to rid the world of "...negroes and morons.." and founded her abortion mission.............
And? She never forced anyone to abort their child. She simply made the service available for those who wished to make use of it. If I start a liquor company because I hope White people will drink themselves to death, does that make alcohol evil?
Supreme Court justice Ginsberg, who liberals worship, stated her disappointment in that abortion legalization didnt rid the world of "unwanted populations".

And? Would you be so terribly upset if gangbangers suddenly had no children and stopped rearing new generations of gangbangers? Are you really complaining about the drop in crime that has resulted, in large part, from making abortion available to those demographics whose unwanted children are most likely to become criminals?

Would it be so bad is genetic diseases no longer existed because people took it upon themselves to consult genetic counselors and make use of available technology to ensure they don't condemn their children to horrible illness?
College professor idol George Shaw wanted to invent a "humane gas" and play classical music as they extinguished unwanted peoples. And guess who was a big reader of Shaw's work? You guessed it, Hitler. Thats where the gas chamber idea literally came from.

And? Planned Parenthood in liberal eugenics. Hitler was compulsory negative eugenics. There is all the difference in the world- like the difference between charity and breaking into your house to steal your money.
Liberals are disgusting, filthy minds.
I'm sure the FF appreciate your view of them

Some know it. Others are just brainwashed, and would likely reject liberalism if they knew it's history.
Locke, Hume, Jefferson... it's you who knows nothing of Liberalism or its history
Fact: Earth con support a finite population

Fact: Globally, that number has theoretically not been reached if we abolish capitalism and ensure proper distribution of food and potable water

Fact: In certain regions, the population simply cannot be sustained without bringing the necessities of life from outside- much of Africa, for instance

I wonder whether the OP supports (A)socialism or (B) the starvation of the world's poor

Funny.........the worlds largest capitalist economy, America, has done hundreds times more the help feed the poor of the world than any shitty socialist country could ever dream of. Ironic, huh? We give more in foreign aid and foreign charity than anyone else in the world. And yet, the other shit holes in the world can't get their act together.

Without capitalism, we wouldn't have actors being paid $30,000,000 for acting in a freakin' movie.......allowing them the ability to go to Africa, feed the poor, build a school, and preach about how evil capitalism is.

Without capitalism, we wouldn't have a talk show host (Oprah) who became one of the richest people in the world by doing little more than sitting in a chair and talking........allowing here the ability to go overseas and build schools and feed the hungry.

Without capitalism, we wouldn't have the massive wealth to fund a military so big, so powerful, so advanced, that we can respond to any tyranny worldwide on behalf of ourselves or others, to hopefully prevent another Hitler.

Without capitalism, we wouldn't have the ability to handout student grants, and have millions of kids being able to go to college, NOT work while there, frolic around campus well fed, clean and care free, thriving and living a life of envy.........all while preaching to their classmates about the evils of capitalism.
Clearly, the solution to this threatened scarcity is to BURN FOOD FOR FUEL, deny water to farmers in the Central Valley so that their land remains fallow, and to pay Big Agri-Business not to grow certain crops that people actually want.

See, problem solved via massive starvation of the non-politically connected.
The left wing has always been in favor of eugenics.

As has much of the Right
And we find out that the founder of Planned Parenthood stated her mission was to rid the world of "...negroes and morons.." and founded her abortion mission.............
And? She never forced anyone to abort their child. She simply made the service available for those who wished to make use of it. If I start a liquor company because I hope White people will drink themselves to death, does that make alcohol evil?

And? Would you be so terribly upset if gangbangers suddenly had no children and stopped rearing new generations of gangbangers? Are you really complaining about the drop in crime that has resulted, in large part, from making abortion available to those demographics whose unwanted children are most likely to become criminals?

Would it be so bad is genetic diseases no longer existed because people took it upon themselves to consult genetic counselors and make use of available technology to ensure they don't condemn their children to horrible illness?

And? Planned Parenthood in liberal eugenics. Hitler was compulsory negative eugenics. There is all the difference in the world- like the difference between charity and breaking into your house to steal your money.


WOW!!! SO you're OK with the mission to rid the world of negros, so long as it results in less gangbangers and less crime?

How about let the kid be born first, then see if he turns into a gang banger, or a success story of one rising from the ghetto to prosperity. How about let that handicapped child actually live, and smile? Oh no, you know better, right? You are a sick, evil mind. Just like the rest of the left wing who thinks it proper to simply extinguish unwanted people. Who judges which are unwanted? YOU? You are a racist, heartless prick indeed.

Well, folks, my point need no further explanation. Left wing evil on display, even on this very board.
Fact: Earth con support a finite population

Fact: Globally, that number has theoretically not been reached if we abolish capitalism and ensure proper distribution of food and potable water

Fact: In certain regions, the population simply cannot be sustained without bringing the necessities of life from outside- much of Africa, for instance

I wonder whether the OP supports (A)socialism or (B) the starvation of the world's poor

Funny.........the worlds largest capitalist economy, America,

America is not entirely a Capitalist nation or society. It is something much like social democracy. This has been the case for some one-hundred years, since the Unions won the minimum wage, the eight-hour workweek, and other worker protections; the progressive tax was put into effect to enable a more egalitarian society ; and a broad network of social programs have been put into place to assist the poor.

America's greatest era was arguably the 1950s when more workers were unionized, [ame=""]a wholly new family unit structure became the norm[/ame], and the richest Americans paid much more in taxes than they do today. America thrived when it embraced social democracy. With the growth of the [ame=""]modern corporation[/ame] and the success of capitalists in undermining the State's ability to regulate their behavior, along with monetary inflation, and the [ame=""]undermining of American industry[/ame] and the s[ame=""]elling out of the common man in the name of corporate profits[/ame], we have seen the decline of what was once the world's greatest superpower.

You don't seem to know what capitalism and socialism actually are.
Fact: Earth con support a finite population

Fact: Globally, that number has theoretically not been reached if we abolish capitalism and ensure proper distribution of food and potable water

Fact: In certain regions, the population simply cannot be sustained without bringing the necessities of life from outside- much of Africa, for instance

I wonder whether the OP supports (A)socialism or (B) the starvation of the world's poor
False dichotomy.

Looks like the fact that technological advancement is the non-aggressive and volitional way to zero population growth, flew right over your scum-of-the-Earth totalitarian head too.
WOW!!! SO you're OK with the mission to rid the world of negros, so long as it results in less gangbangers and less crime?

Do cite.

What I said is that her personal hopes regarding who would use the services does not make the service she offers wrong or the groups offering the services evil any more than my hope that Whitey will drink himself to death makes alcohol evil.

If you think abortion is wrong, argue that on its own merits instead of trying to equate it with Hitler like the dishonest individual you are. Planned Parenthood has never forced any woman to have an abortion. Every baby ever aborted at a PP clinic was aborted by the mother.

How about let that handicapped child actually live, and smile?
Children born with half a brain or with harlequin foetus do not smile. In fact, I'm only aware of one case where one even survived for any length of time.

Why condemn a child to be born only to suffer a slow death? It is you who is evil, as you want to see children born just so they may suffer.
Fact: Earth con support a finite population

Fact: Globally, that number has theoretically not been reached if we abolish capitalism and ensure proper distribution of food and potable water

Fact: In certain regions, the population simply cannot be sustained without bringing the necessities of life from outside- much of Africa, for instance

I wonder whether the OP supports (A)socialism or (B) the starvation of the world's poor
Oddball said:
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fucking scum


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Yes, scum... because pointing out that Earth has finite resources is evil... or is it because I said Earth can feed everyone alive today?

Or is it just your Beckian programming reacting to the idea of helping toe world's poor?
I'm wondering if JBeukema is actually a paid change agent for Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, or "RC Christian." Then again, it could just be a devotee of the Royals or the late Jacques Cousteau.
If my wife and I both carry a gene that could cause a serious genetic illness, why would I not use science to ensure we don't pass it on to our child? Should I also deny my child vaccinations and clean water? If I have the option of not only eliminating known problems but passing on our best genes, why should I refuse? Should I also deny my child a good diet for fear that I might provide her with a strong mind and body and the best possible chance at a good life?
It is a simple fact of basic physics that the earth's resources are limited and serve as a constraint on population growth. Denying as much is denying the most basic principles of science.

But hey, calling people "fucking scum" always makes your point stronger.

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