Do Republicans get their "values and morals" from the Democrats

Leaders fix problems...non leaders affix blame. Barry's thing is finger pointing. It's never his fault. There's always someone else (even when he had huge majorities) that is responsible when things go wrong.
democrats are sociopaths, with no ethics, integrity, morals, or values.

Republicans getting values from democrats would be like astronauts getting their oxygen from the vacuum of space.
I haven't heard democrats make a claim of moral or family values. In fact there is a well established political double standard regarding family and moral values. The left pounces on republicans who fail to live up to the standards they set and they snicker at democrats (like Bill Clinton) who violate even the most basic of social standards.

STILL waiting for you to answer your false premise on Barney here Bubba

Will 2015 = 2008? - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Um, what was the question again? Truthfully speaking has anybody ever seen a democrat politician campaign on "moral values"? They just don't do it.
Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?

Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.
Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?

Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.
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McAllister will seek re-election in 5th District

He's baaaaaack!

Resign? Not run for re-election?


Fifth District U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister will seek re-election, reversing course after previously saying he wouldn’t be a candidate.

McAllister made his official announcement during a press conference at the American Legion Hall in Forsythe Park Monday after it was first reported at More than 75 supporters greeted him with enthusiastic applause.

The freshman congressman had previously said he wouldn’t seek re-election following a scandal in which a video was published showing the married McAllister kissing a former married staffer, but he soon recanted.

Life's too good in DC for the adulterer to give it up. There are vows to break, chicks to bang, campaign cash to collect, and fireproof bibles to thump.
Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?

Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

Okay, since you want to go there. Obama got behind the wheel of a brand new car, and went to the crack house. Traded it for some crack, and he hasn't left yet. Charging all of us for years of unpaid crack. I guess he does get out for a round of golf. Remember Obama has spent more than all presidents combined. Facts are not your friend, I see.
Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?

Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

You've got your analogies mixed up, NoTea! Have you forgotten that it was Barry who accused Bush of driving the car into a ditch? Obama jumped INTO that car telling everyone who would listen that he was the guy who knew how to get it out. He had majorities in the House and Senate...the American people were overwhelmingly behind him...he even had TARP set up for him by Bush (who paid the political price for an unpopular piece of legislation that kept our banking system from going belly up). So what does Barry do?


The person that's going to be jumping out of the car and shouting "It's all yours now buddy, good luck!" is Barack Obama when he leaves after 8 years of inept leadership that created more scandals than jobs. Whoever the poor bastard is who has to become President after Barry heads off to play golf on our dime is going to be facing one hell of a daunting task...and that won't change if they are a Democrat or a Republican.
I say all of that because Barack Obama doesn't HAVE a coherent plan for our create secure our deal with the deal with deal with the Middle East...

He's running out the clock...and has been FOR YEARS NOW!
I haven't heard democrats make a claim of moral or family values. In fact there is a well established political double standard regarding family and moral values. The left pounces on republicans who fail to live up to the standards they set and they snicker at democrats (like Bill Clinton) who violate even the most basic of social standards.

You mean to say GOPer's are hypocrites by stating THEY are the family 'values' party? Shocking

STILL waiting here after I demolished your talking point on Barney
Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

You've got your analogies mixed up, NoTea! Have you forgotten that it was Barry who accused Bush of driving the car into a ditch? Obama jumped INTO that car telling everyone who would listen that he was the guy who knew how to get it out. He had majorities in the House and Senate...the American people were overwhelmingly behind him...he even had TARP set up for him by Bush (who paid the political price for an unpopular piece of legislation that kept our banking system from going belly up). So what does Barry do?


The person that's going to be jumping out of the car and shouting "It's all yours now buddy, good luck!" is Barack Obama when he leaves after 8 years of inept leadership that created more scandals than jobs. Whoever the poor bastard is who has to become President after Barry heads off to play golf on our dime is going to be facing one hell of a daunting task...and that won't change if they are a Democrat or a Republican.

Weird, 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies and it's Obama who has failed policies?

Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in Obama's first year)

Obama has had over 5_ million PRIVATE sector jobs created

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Obama ONLY had a SUPER majority in the Senate, where it takes that to get ANYTHING out, for a total of 24 days in 2009

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

“(Reagan’s deficit policies) allowed George W. Bush to dive into the deep end, bankrupting the nation through two misbegotten and unfinanced wars, a giant expansion of Medicare and a tax-cutting spree for the wealthy that turned K Street lobbyists into the de facto office of national tax policy,” Stockman wrote.

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.
I say all of that because Barack Obama doesn't HAVE a coherent plan for our create secure our deal with the deal with deal with the Middle East...

He's running out the clock...and has been FOR YEARS NOW!

Did he start TWO UNFUNDED wars, one on false premises? Give US TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, one during a time of war? Did he give US an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that CBO says costs as much this decade as the Obamacares gave US, that was 100%+ FUNDED?

Weird, You'd think after 8 years of Dubya/GOP policies Obama would've had surpluses and a thriving economy? Oh wait, no that was what Dubya inherited, Obama inherited the worst economy since the first GOP great depression.
Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

Okay, since you want to go there. Obama got behind the wheel of a brand new car, and went to the crack house. Traded it for some crack, and he hasn't left yet. Charging all of us for years of unpaid crack. I guess he does get out for a round of golf. Remember Obama has spent more than all presidents combined. Facts are not your friend, I see.

Weird, Reagan TRIPLED the debt and both Bush's doubled it? How about Obama?

National Debt Oct 1, 2009 (OBAMA'S FIRST F/Y STARTS) $11,920,519,164,319.42

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits

Whoever won the presidency in 2008 was going to face a grim fiscal situation, a fact already well known as the presidential campaign got underway.

...Just two policies dating from the Bush Administration — tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — accounted for over $500 billion of the deficit in 2009 and will account for $7 trillion in deficits in 2009 through 2019, including the associated debt-service costs

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

We already know what economic policies work best for our country. Clinton knew that we had to cut spending and increase revenues. We had revenues of 20.6% of GDP and a surplus in 2000. Then something terrible happened, the Republicans gained complete control in 2001 and instead of sticking with what was working they decided that their ideology was more important. The debt has gone up $12 trillion since then.
I say all of that because Barack Obama doesn't HAVE a coherent plan for our create secure our deal with the deal with deal with the Middle East...

He's running out the clock...and has been FOR YEARS NOW!

Did he start TWO UNFUNDED wars, one on false premises? Give US TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, one during a time of war? Did he give US an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that CBO says costs as much this decade as the Obamacares gave US, that was 100%+ FUNDED?

Weird, You'd think after 8 years of Dubya/GOP policies Obama would've had surpluses and a thriving economy? Oh wait, no that was what Dubya inherited, Obama inherited the worst economy since the first GOP great depression.

The fact that Rightwingers are not smart enough to realize the challenge Obama faced with his inherited economy is just mind boggling to me. We lost 8 million jobs from that recession and when Obama came to office we were only half way through the job free fall. Once the stimulus took effect, that free fall began to level out. It undoubtedly saved the economy. We would be in a Great Depression right now had the law not passed.
I haven't heard democrats make a claim of moral or family values. In fact there is a well established political double standard regarding family and moral values. The left pounces on republicans who fail to live up to the standards they set and they snicker at democrats (like Bill Clinton) who violate even the most basic of social standards.

STILL waiting for you to answer your false premise on Barney here Bubba

Will 2015 = 2008? - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Um, what was the question again? Truthfully speaking has anybody ever seen a democrat politician campaign on "moral values"? They just don't do it.

You mean you forget you want to blame Barney for the Bush great recession?

I debunked it for you here

Will 2015 = 2008? - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Moral values? I know, let's elect the guys who ran the most corrupt administration since Jackson

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."
from p. 184,Sleep-Walking Through History: America in the Reagan Years, by Haynes Johnson, (1991, Doubleday), as are the examples below:

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans


HOW HAS THE LAST SIX YEARS BEEN FOR YOU AND those you see around you.I SEE THE ECONOMY going down the drain,no jobs,cut and run,tax and spend,anti GOD,ANTI MILITARY,pro muslim,pro abortion,gay marrage,sexual perversion. you wanted a little 1/2 black clueless president and the ENTIRE world PAYS THE PRICE!!!

Wake up, get off the Birther juice

5+ million PRIVATE sector jobs (NET) since Obama

Bush lost 673,000+ in his 8 years, NOT counting the 4+ lost in Obama's first year thanks to Dubya

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Everything you posit is straight off hate talk radio, devoid of REALITY!

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