Do Republicans get their "values and morals" from the Democrats

Ronald Reagan's occultist mentor

Ronald Reagan and the occultist: The amazing story of the thinker behind his sunny optimism

The Gipper's warm "morning in America" worldview was directly shaped by his reading of occult thinker Manly P. Hall

Ronald Reagan and the occultist: The amazing story of the thinker behind his sunny optimism -

The Reagan Era: Government By Horoscope?

Consider Joan Quigley`s new book, ``What Does Joan Say?``, as Part 3 of the Star Wars Trilogy. The other Star Wars Trilogy. The one that began in May 1988, when former chief of staff Donald Regan`s ``For the Record`` revealed that Nancy Reagan said yes to astrology. And in a big way. A San Francisco astrologer had called the shots on ``virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made.``

Part 2, Nancy Reagan`s ``My Turn,`` published last year, pooh-poohed Regan`s account. Basically Nancy said, Hey, my husband was shot, I got nervous, so I turned to an astrologer. All she did was pick a couple of dates for a couple of speeches. What`s everybody making such a big fuss about?

``Joan`s recommendations had nothing to do with policy or politics-ever,`` wrote Nancy Reagan. ``Her advice was confined to timing.``

Not true, says the astrologer in Part 3: ``What Does Joan Say?`` (Carol Publishing group, $17.95). Timing was just the beginning.

The Reagan Era: Government By Horoscope? - Chicago Tribune

By the '60s, Reagan's interest had turned to politics, and his stable of advisers had widened to include Jeane Dixon.

The President's Astrologers - Joan Quigley, Nancy Reagan, Politicians and Their Families, Ronald Reagan :
I say all of that because Barack Obama doesn't HAVE a coherent plan for our create secure our deal with the deal with deal with the Middle East...

He's running out the clock...and has been FOR YEARS NOW!

Did he start TWO UNFUNDED wars, one on false premises? Give US TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, one during a time of war? Did he give US an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that CBO says costs as much this decade as the Obamacares gave US, that was 100%+ FUNDED?

Weird, You'd think after 8 years of Dubya/GOP policies Obama would've had surpluses and a thriving economy? Oh wait, no that was what Dubya inherited, Obama inherited the worst economy since the first GOP great depression.

The fact that Rightwingers are not smart enough to realize the challenge Obama faced with his inherited economy is just mind boggling to me. We lost 8 million jobs from that recession and when Obama came to office we were only half way through the job free fall. Once the stimulus took effect, that free fall began to level out. It undoubtedly saved the economy. We would be in a Great Depression right now had the law not passed.
Brilliant defense. "Hey, c'mon guys! It sucks now, but it could have sucked a little worse!"
Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?

Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

Wow! So Bush didn't know that Barrack didn't know how to drive. Who would have guessed? Perhaps you should have helped elect a leader who did know how to drive.

But, what the hell, Barrack Obama was Black, clean, and a great speaker. What more could you loons want? Who needs executive experience to run the most powerful nation on earth? Now, back to looney tunes.
Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?
Come back when you have something to talk about idiot.
No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

You've got your analogies mixed up, NoTea! Have you forgotten that it was Barry who accused Bush of driving the car into a ditch? Obama jumped INTO that car telling everyone who would listen that he was the guy who knew how to get it out. He had majorities in the House and Senate...the American people were overwhelmingly behind him...he even had TARP set up for him by Bush (who paid the political price for an unpopular piece of legislation that kept our banking system from going belly up). So what does Barry do?


The person that's going to be jumping out of the car and shouting "It's all yours now buddy, good luck!" is Barack Obama when he leaves after 8 years of inept leadership that created more scandals than jobs. Whoever the poor bastard is who has to become President after Barry heads off to play golf on our dime is going to be facing one hell of a daunting task...and that won't change if they are a Democrat or a Republican.

Weird, 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies and it's Obama who has failed policies?

Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in Obama's first year)

Obama has had over 5_ million PRIVATE sector jobs created

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Obama ONLY had a SUPER majority in the Senate, where it takes that to get ANYTHING out, for a total of 24 days in 2009

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

“(Reagan’s deficit policies) allowed George W. Bush to dive into the deep end, bankrupting the nation through two misbegotten and unfinanced wars, a giant expansion of Medicare and a tax-cutting spree for the wealthy that turned K Street lobbyists into the de facto office of national tax policy,” Stockman wrote.

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.

I've heard ALL of those liberal talking points, Dad! Countless times at this point. Rather than spend more time debunking them...let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plans have been to correct the economy? Or create jobs? Would you like to explain what his plan is for the Middle East? What his plan is to combat terrorism?

I'll bet you don't have the faintest idea who Barack Obama's chief economic advisers you? Give that some thought. Time after time, when the American people have been asked what issue they are most concerned with...the American people have answered that they are worried about the economy most of all. So what has Barry DONE about tepid economic growth for the past four years? Who are his economic heavy hitters working overtime to fix things?
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Doesn't it seem odd that the GOP, the self proclaimed party of "values and morals" gets their values and morals from what they imagine the Democrats do?

When you talk about Iraq, Republicans say, "But Democrats supported it".

When you talk about billionaires who want to create the worlds largest nuclear waste dump or stop internet gambling to protect their giant casinos, Republicans way, but Democrats have billionaires too.

Republicans will say "Obama and the Democrats supported the Bush Tax Cuts" but won't acknowledge the hostages:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you say the GOP hates gays, Republicans will say, blacks in the Democratic party hates gays.

It seems they never take Responsibility for any of their policies. It's always, "But the Democrats supported it" or "The Democrats do it".

So what. Can't they just defend their own policies based on the merits of those policies?

Deanie, you're obviously just too fucking stupid to know when someone is calling you a hypocrite.
Did he start TWO UNFUNDED wars, one on false premises? Give US TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, one during a time of war? Did he give US an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that CBO says costs as much this decade as the Obamacares gave US, that was 100%+ FUNDED?

Weird, You'd think after 8 years of Dubya/GOP policies Obama would've had surpluses and a thriving economy? Oh wait, no that was what Dubya inherited, Obama inherited the worst economy since the first GOP great depression.

The fact that Rightwingers are not smart enough to realize the challenge Obama faced with his inherited economy is just mind boggling to me. We lost 8 million jobs from that recession and when Obama came to office we were only half way through the job free fall. Once the stimulus took effect, that free fall began to level out. It undoubtedly saved the economy. We would be in a Great Depression right now had the law not passed.
Brilliant defense. "Hey, c'mon guys! It sucks now, but it could have sucked a little worse!"

Weird, we used policies conservatives say will boom the economy for 8 years with Bush, and the hole he put US in? Seriously?

Grow up

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair
You've got your analogies mixed up, NoTea! Have you forgotten that it was Barry who accused Bush of driving the car into a ditch? Obama jumped INTO that car telling everyone who would listen that he was the guy who knew how to get it out. He had majorities in the House and Senate...the American people were overwhelmingly behind him...he even had TARP set up for him by Bush (who paid the political price for an unpopular piece of legislation that kept our banking system from going belly up). So what does Barry do?


The person that's going to be jumping out of the car and shouting "It's all yours now buddy, good luck!" is Barack Obama when he leaves after 8 years of inept leadership that created more scandals than jobs. Whoever the poor bastard is who has to become President after Barry heads off to play golf on our dime is going to be facing one hell of a daunting task...and that won't change if they are a Democrat or a Republican.

Weird, 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies and it's Obama who has failed policies?

Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in Obama's first year)

Obama has had over 5_ million PRIVATE sector jobs created

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Obama ONLY had a SUPER majority in the Senate, where it takes that to get ANYTHING out, for a total of 24 days in 2009

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

“(Reagan’s deficit policies) allowed George W. Bush to dive into the deep end, bankrupting the nation through two misbegotten and unfinanced wars, a giant expansion of Medicare and a tax-cutting spree for the wealthy that turned K Street lobbyists into the de facto office of national tax policy,” Stockman wrote.

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.

I've heard ALL of those liberal talking points, Dad! Countless times at this point. Rather than spend more time debunking them...let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plans have been to correct the economy? Or create jobs? Would you like to explain what his plan is for the Middle East? What his plan is to combat terrorism?

I'll bet you don't have the faintest idea who Barack Obama's chief economic advisers you? Give that some thought. Time after time, when the American people have been asked what issue they are most concerned with...the American people have answered that they are worried about the economy most of all. So what has Barry DONE about tepid economic growth for the past four years? Who are his economic heavy hitters working overtime to fix things?

You mean 9+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since hitting Bush's bottom in March 2010 isn't better than 673,000+ LOST in 8 years of Dubya?

Terrorism? Did Obama ignore over 30 CIA/PDB's warnings about Bin Laden? Oh no he actually said, I'LL GET HIM, EVEN IF HE'S IN ANOTHER NATION (where the 'heavy hitters' on the right like McCCain called him 'inexperienced', lol), AND DID.

Middle East? Weird, you'd think after thousands of years, they'd have it figured out. You mean the damage Dubya left behind BECAUSE he went to Iraq on false premises and NOW the war hawks want to get involved in sectarian civil war? lol

The only reason the American economy is stalled is because the GOTP kicks the leg from under it, every time the economy begins to recover in the name of cutting the deficit

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.
Lol, liberals have back to Nixon, to try to justify what Obama has done. Epic fail, lol.

No, just 2000. That's as far back as you need to go.

Think of Dubya behind the wheel of a brand new car. He put the proverbial pedal to the metal (two senseless wars, raises the national debt by $5,000,000,000,000 and crashes the economy when Wall Street "got drunk" as he fondly said).

So the asshole gets the speed up to over 140, turns to his passenger, Obama, flings open the driver-side door, jumps out and shouts, "It's all yours now, buddy! Good luck!"

That's what happened.

Wow! So Bush didn't know that Barrack didn't know how to drive. Who would have guessed? Perhaps you should have helped elect a leader who did know how to drive.

But, what the hell, Barrack Obama was Black, clean, and a great speaker. What more could you loons want? Who needs executive experience to run the most powerful nation on earth? Now, back to looney tunes.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

The jobs lost in the recession were lost BECAUSE of Republican Policies, lies and fallacies- Can we say Trickle Down (Voodoo!) Economics? Hell, even Dubya's Dad knew that stuff was, uh, Bunk!

Now they want you to believe them when they claim they know what's best for the rest of us?

Ronald Reagan's occultist mentor

Ronald Reagan and the occultist: The amazing story of the thinker behind his sunny optimism

The Gipper's warm "morning in America" worldview was directly shaped by his reading of occult thinker Manly P. Hall

Ronald Reagan and the occultist: The amazing story of the thinker behind his sunny optimism -

The Reagan Era: Government By Horoscope?

Consider Joan Quigley`s new book, ``What Does Joan Say?``, as Part 3 of the Star Wars Trilogy. The other Star Wars Trilogy. The one that began in May 1988, when former chief of staff Donald Regan`s ``For the Record`` revealed that Nancy Reagan said yes to astrology. And in a big way. A San Francisco astrologer had called the shots on ``virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made.``

Part 2, Nancy Reagan`s ``My Turn,`` published last year, pooh-poohed Regan`s account. Basically Nancy said, Hey, my husband was shot, I got nervous, so I turned to an astrologer. All she did was pick a couple of dates for a couple of speeches. What`s everybody making such a big fuss about?

``Joan`s recommendations had nothing to do with policy or politics-ever,`` wrote Nancy Reagan. ``Her advice was confined to timing.``

Not true, says the astrologer in Part 3: ``What Does Joan Say?`` (Carol Publishing group, $17.95). Timing was just the beginning.

The Reagan Era: Government By Horoscope? - Chicago Tribune

By the '60s, Reagan's interest had turned to politics, and his stable of advisers had widened to include Jeane Dixon.

The President's Astrologers - Joan Quigley, Nancy Reagan, Politicians and Their Families, Ronald Reagan :

wow, do you ever think for yourself?
you're just a walking talking parrot of nothing but leftwing garbage...Reagan and the occult. just wow
SALON, dailykos, you're a joke can stomach it
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Did he start TWO UNFUNDED wars, one on false premises? Give US TWO UNFUNDED tax cuts, one during a time of war? Did he give US an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that CBO says costs as much this decade as the Obamacares gave US, that was 100%+ FUNDED?

Weird, You'd think after 8 years of Dubya/GOP policies Obama would've had surpluses and a thriving economy? Oh wait, no that was what Dubya inherited, Obama inherited the worst economy since the first GOP great depression.

The fact that Rightwingers are not smart enough to realize the challenge Obama faced with his inherited economy is just mind boggling to me. We lost 8 million jobs from that recession and when Obama came to office we were only half way through the job free fall. Once the stimulus took effect, that free fall began to level out. It undoubtedly saved the economy. We would be in a Great Depression right now had the law not passed.
Brilliant defense. "Hey, c'mon guys! It sucks now, but it could have sucked a little worse!"

It would have sucked a lot more than a little.
Weird, 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies and it's Obama who has failed policies?

Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in Obama's first year)

Obama has had over 5_ million PRIVATE sector jobs created

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Obama ONLY had a SUPER majority in the Senate, where it takes that to get ANYTHING out, for a total of 24 days in 2009

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

“(Reagan’s deficit policies) allowed George W. Bush to dive into the deep end, bankrupting the nation through two misbegotten and unfinanced wars, a giant expansion of Medicare and a tax-cutting spree for the wealthy that turned K Street lobbyists into the de facto office of national tax policy,” Stockman wrote.

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.

I've heard ALL of those liberal talking points, Dad! Countless times at this point. Rather than spend more time debunking them...let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plans have been to correct the economy? Or create jobs? Would you like to explain what his plan is for the Middle East? What his plan is to combat terrorism?

I'll bet you don't have the faintest idea who Barack Obama's chief economic advisers you? Give that some thought. Time after time, when the American people have been asked what issue they are most concerned with...the American people have answered that they are worried about the economy most of all. So what has Barry DONE about tepid economic growth for the past four years? Who are his economic heavy hitters working overtime to fix things?

You mean 9+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since hitting Bush's bottom in March 2010 isn't better than 673,000+ LOST in 8 years of Dubya?

Terrorism? Did Obama ignore over 30 CIA/PDB's warnings about Bin Laden? Oh no he actually said, I'LL GET HIM, EVEN IF HE'S IN ANOTHER NATION (where the 'heavy hitters' on the right like McCCain called him 'inexperienced', lol), AND DID.

Middle East? Weird, you'd think after thousands of years, they'd have it figured out. You mean the damage Dubya left behind BECAUSE he went to Iraq on false premises and NOW the war hawks want to get involved in sectarian civil war? lol

The only reason the American economy is stalled is because the GOTP kicks the leg from under it, every time the economy begins to recover in the name of cutting the deficit

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

Gee whiz...when I asked you to stop with the progressive talking points and simply tell us what Barry's plans are to fix the economy...or what his Middle East foreign policy might be...instead of doing so YOU SIMPLY REPEATED THE SAME TALKING POINTS!

Here's some "inconvenient" facts for you, Dad...

Barack Obama was in fact the Commander in Chief when Osama bin Laden was killed but he's also been the Commander in Chief as a terror "nation" has sprung up right under his nose while he was busy telling us all how wonderful everything was in Iraq. That's not even mentioning the debacle in Benghazi or the resurgence of the Taliban in countless other countries.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! That's not MY's an economic fact. Disagree with me? Show me a recovery worse than this one!

We've got record numbers of long term unemployed...record numbers of people under the poverty level...record numbers of people on food stamps...record numbers of people working part time jobs that want to be working full time.

Here's a clue to how bad this President's stimulus was...they created so few new jobs that they resorted to inventing a whole new economic statistic..."jobs saved or created" to hide how abysmal it really was!

These guys are so bad at what they do that the next statistic that will be invented to keep track of the Obama Administration is..."scandals exposed or stonewalled".

So get back to me when you're ready to tell me what Obama's plans are for fixing things...and just as a hint? Blaming someone else because you can't do the job you said you could...ISN'T a fix.
Why is Obama overseeing any recovery, let alone one that hasn't been this bad since the 1930s?

OldStyle said:
"We've got record numbers of long term unemployed...record numbers of people under the poverty level...record numbers of people on food stamps...record numbers of people working part time jobs that want to be working full time."

Don't forget a record number of billionaire "job creators". You would think that billionaires could afford to create more jobs, what with their billions of dollars and all.
As a former Democrat I can testify that this modern Democrat Party is morally bankrupt and I'm sorry I ever voted that way. Complete two-faced liars. GOP...not sold on them either.
You've got your analogies mixed up, NoTea! Have you forgotten that it was Barry who accused Bush of driving the car into a ditch? Obama jumped INTO that car telling everyone who would listen that he was the guy who knew how to get it out. He had majorities in the House and Senate...the American people were overwhelmingly behind him...he even had TARP set up for him by Bush (who paid the political price for an unpopular piece of legislation that kept our banking system from going belly up). So what does Barry do?


The person that's going to be jumping out of the car and shouting "It's all yours now buddy, good luck!" is Barack Obama when he leaves after 8 years of inept leadership that created more scandals than jobs. Whoever the poor bastard is who has to become President after Barry heads off to play golf on our dime is going to be facing one hell of a daunting task...and that won't change if they are a Democrat or a Republican.

Weird, 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies and it's Obama who has failed policies?

Bush lost 673,000+ PRIVATE jobs in 8 years (not counting the 4+ million lost in Obama's first year)

Obama has had over 5_ million PRIVATE sector jobs created

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Obama ONLY had a SUPER majority in the Senate, where it takes that to get ANYTHING out, for a total of 24 days in 2009

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

“(Reagan’s deficit policies) allowed George W. Bush to dive into the deep end, bankrupting the nation through two misbegotten and unfinanced wars, a giant expansion of Medicare and a tax-cutting spree for the wealthy that turned K Street lobbyists into the de facto office of national tax policy,” Stockman wrote.

David Stockman, Ex-Reagan Budget Director: George W. Bush's Policies Bankrupt The Country

"We crashed the economy but we don't like the way you tried to fix it." - GOP.

I've heard ALL of those liberal talking points, Dad! Countless times at this point. Rather than spend more time debunking them...let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plans have been to correct the economy? Or create jobs? Would you like to explain what his plan is for the Middle East? What his plan is to combat terrorism?

I'll bet you don't have the faintest idea who Barack Obama's chief economic advisers you? Give that some thought. Time after time, when the American people have been asked what issue they are most concerned with...the American people have answered that they are worried about the economy most of all. So what has Barry DONE about tepid economic growth for the past four years? Who are his economic heavy hitters working overtime to fix things?

Hey, we do have free birth control and gay marriage. Yeah liberals. Lol
Why is Obama overseeing any recovery, let alone one that hasn't been this bad since the 1930s?

OldStyle said:
"We've got record numbers of long term unemployed...record numbers of people under the poverty level...record numbers of people on food stamps...record numbers of people working part time jobs that want to be working full time."

Don't forget a record number of billionaire "job creators". You would think that billionaires could afford to create more jobs, what with their billions of dollars and all.

"You would think that billionaires could afford to create more jobs..."

You progressives don't get you? The reason that people with capital invest and create jobs is that they anticipate profit. Anything the government does to lessen that anticipation of profit, such as raising taxes on anyone making over $250,000 a year, prompts those with large amounts of capital to employ strategies to simply maintain capital. They won't risk capital in start-ups or business expansion because the return on investment is too small to justify said risk. There are literally trillions of dollars sitting on the sidelines of this recovery because Barack Obama has inspired so little confidence from the Private Sector for them to risk it.

Naive people like you and Barry somehow expect that smart investors should suddenly do stupid things simply to make HIS economy prosper!
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Ronald Reagan's occultist mentor

Ronald Reagan and the occultist: The amazing story of the thinker behind his sunny optimism

The Gipper's warm "morning in America" worldview was directly shaped by his reading of occult thinker Manly P. Hall

Ronald Reagan and the occultist: The amazing story of the thinker behind his sunny optimism -

The Reagan Era: Government By Horoscope?

Consider Joan Quigley`s new book, ``What Does Joan Say?``, as Part 3 of the Star Wars Trilogy. The other Star Wars Trilogy. The one that began in May 1988, when former chief of staff Donald Regan`s ``For the Record`` revealed that Nancy Reagan said yes to astrology. And in a big way. A San Francisco astrologer had called the shots on ``virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made.``

Part 2, Nancy Reagan`s ``My Turn,`` published last year, pooh-poohed Regan`s account. Basically Nancy said, Hey, my husband was shot, I got nervous, so I turned to an astrologer. All she did was pick a couple of dates for a couple of speeches. What`s everybody making such a big fuss about?

``Joan`s recommendations had nothing to do with policy or politics-ever,`` wrote Nancy Reagan. ``Her advice was confined to timing.``

Not true, says the astrologer in Part 3: ``What Does Joan Say?`` (Carol Publishing group, $17.95). Timing was just the beginning.

The Reagan Era: Government By Horoscope? - Chicago Tribune

By the '60s, Reagan's interest had turned to politics, and his stable of advisers had widened to include Jeane Dixon.

The President's Astrologers - Joan Quigley, Nancy Reagan, Politicians and Their Families, Ronald Reagan :

wow, do you ever think for yourself?
you're just a walking talking parrot of nothing but leftwing garbage...Reagan and the occult. just wow
SALON, dailykos, you're a joke can stomach it

Got it, you can't refute Nancy Reagan's own words or HISTORY, instead you go ad hom. Typical right winger
I've heard ALL of those liberal talking points, Dad! Countless times at this point. Rather than spend more time debunking them...let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plans have been to correct the economy? Or create jobs? Would you like to explain what his plan is for the Middle East? What his plan is to combat terrorism?

I'll bet you don't have the faintest idea who Barack Obama's chief economic advisers you? Give that some thought. Time after time, when the American people have been asked what issue they are most concerned with...the American people have answered that they are worried about the economy most of all. So what has Barry DONE about tepid economic growth for the past four years? Who are his economic heavy hitters working overtime to fix things?

You mean 9+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since hitting Bush's bottom in March 2010 isn't better than 673,000+ LOST in 8 years of Dubya?

Terrorism? Did Obama ignore over 30 CIA/PDB's warnings about Bin Laden? Oh no he actually said, I'LL GET HIM, EVEN IF HE'S IN ANOTHER NATION (where the 'heavy hitters' on the right like McCCain called him 'inexperienced', lol), AND DID.

Middle East? Weird, you'd think after thousands of years, they'd have it figured out. You mean the damage Dubya left behind BECAUSE he went to Iraq on false premises and NOW the war hawks want to get involved in sectarian civil war? lol

The only reason the American economy is stalled is because the GOTP kicks the leg from under it, every time the economy begins to recover in the name of cutting the deficit

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

Gee whiz...when I asked you to stop with the progressive talking points and simply tell us what Barry's plans are to fix the economy...or what his Middle East foreign policy might be...instead of doing so YOU SIMPLY REPEATED THE SAME TALKING POINTS!

Here's some "inconvenient" facts for you, Dad...

Barack Obama was in fact the Commander in Chief when Osama bin Laden was killed but he's also been the Commander in Chief as a terror "nation" has sprung up right under his nose while he was busy telling us all how wonderful everything was in Iraq. That's not even mentioning the debacle in Benghazi or the resurgence of the Taliban in countless other countries.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! That's not MY's an economic fact. Disagree with me? Show me a recovery worse than this one!

We've got record numbers of long term unemployed...record numbers of people under the poverty level...record numbers of people on food stamps...record numbers of people working part time jobs that want to be working full time.

Here's a clue to how bad this President's stimulus was...they created so few new jobs that they resorted to inventing a whole new economic statistic..."jobs saved or created" to hide how abysmal it really was!

These guys are so bad at what they do that the next statistic that will be invented to keep track of the Obama Administration is..."scandals exposed or stonewalled".

So get back to me when you're ready to tell me what Obama's plans are for fixing things...and just as a hint? Blaming someone else because you can't do the job you said you could...ISN'T a fix.

Iraq? Oh right that nation Saddam had under control until the right wingers leed by Dubya CHOSE to create the situation left to Obama to clean up *shaking head*


Worst recovery? Oh CAUSED BY POLICY YOU WANT TO GO BACK TOO? Weird how 8 years of Dubya/GOP policy lost 673,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years but Obama having 9+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created since we hit the bottom of Dubya's great recession, is 'bad'

Now ANYONE with a brain would recognize the obstruction of the GOP and the depth and width of the hole Dubya put US in

CBO Director Demolishes GOP's Stimulus Myth

Under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise.

"Only 4 percent disagreed or strongly disagreed," CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told the House Budget Committee. "That," he added, "is a distinct minority."

CBO Director Demolishes GOP's Stimulus Myth

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair

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