Do Republicans Even Realize they have Trump on Tape Showing Documents to Aides and Divulging they are "Secret" and not Declassified??

repubs don't care. It is white noise to them. trump has drummed into their heads that Dems are evil, that he was cheated in 2020, and that he is the only answer. They think the charges are political, which they are not. trump is a walking crime spree.

He isn't running for president. He is running to stay out of jail.
that audio is in the indictment and is important evidence in the indictment. sorry bud, nice try though...

It clearly shows that Trump had top secret Iran war plans. If Trump's big defense is that the things he said on secret recording aren't true, then good luck, Trump will lose.
Hey dumbfuck, audio doesn’t SHOW anything moron. No mention of your bullshit fantasy documents anywhere either. You’re desperate, flailing, and watching Smith get slapped stupid as he’s already been caught LYING to the court. Better check your boy’s record of no success.
You people are so stupid that you don’t understand that none of this will ever get to trial…you found a triggered loser banished to The Hague, and he has wasted taxpayer money to file not one but two severely flawed proceedings, all for the benefit of political mud for an election….It was never devised to be a real, or legitimate process….idiots.
The way this is going, it seems Smith wants this thrown out so he can cry about it. He knows he’ll get destroyed if this goes to trial. And that would help Trump tremendously.
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Does not matter what Trump does any more than it matters what Biden does for dems.

We vote on issues not the person. Sometimes it is just one issue. For me it is guns. For others it is abortion or being able to queerify the kids. Dems will gladly vote to destroy America as long as they can kill their babies or groom kids.

If Trump was worse than dems for guns, I just would not vote. Trumps a pos, but if I vote rep, I can keep my guns and not have to die in a shootout with the dem's jackboots.

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Not voting on the person is the first mistake.
Mac nailed you freaks.

You’re nuts
Here is trump's play book.

What are the steps to authoritarianism?

In contexts of democratic backsliding, scholars tend to identify authoritarian political leaders based on certain tactics, such as: politicizing independent institutions, spreading disinformation, aggrandizing executive power, quashing dissent, targeting vulnerable communities, stoking violence, and corrupting ...
ILMAO............It's meaningless. You leftists are so fucking stupid man. Your masters swing you wherever they like and you take it like rag dolls. Here's Biden sharing CLASSIFIED information on camera. If the tables were turned the Democrats would declare end of days. Compare and contrast this to meaningless crap with a narration built up for it.


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