Do Republicans Even Realize they have Trump on Tape Showing Documents to Aides and Divulging they are "Secret" and not Declassified??

The question is; do maga trash cult followers care if their cult leader is a treasonous criminal rapist?
/-----/ "maga trash cult followers"
I never saw one.
Judging from the comments it seems most republicans don't even realize they have Trump on audio committing a crime and just destroying himself.

Trump shows Top Secret War plans to his Aides that are not qualified to view Sensitive material and then says:

"See as President I could have declassified it. Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret"
Staffer says: "Now we have a problem"
You libs will totally lose it when Trump is exonerated.
I had been thinking that the Big Lie was one of the catalysts for what we're seeing, but it's not. It's nothing. This is just pure rage. Retribution.

Yes, M'58, I agree. In part.

I subscribe to the suggestion that the MAGAzoids who come on to social media sites and let loose one of their keyboard enemas about 'Trump as savior', or 'Dems (or leftists, or libs, or Biden voters) are pure evil.....are really just expressing their frustration over their feeling of being powerless. Powerless in changing their lives for the better.

They've been downsized, rightsized, passed-over, demoted, let go, or in some way had their version of their American Dream marked-down. They are that large demographic of folks called 'Ne'er-Do-Wells.'

So now, with the emergence of Don Trump (who had Steve Bannon's guidance) they think they are a 'Movement'.....the Alt-Right, or MAGA's, or QAnon'ers, yadda, yadda, yadda. And Don Trump feeds them a version of why they should feel aggrieved. He helps them justify their unhappiness, their grievances. And that is powerful stuff. Powerful for Trump. If he can encourage their sense of grievance they think their grievances are right and proper. In short, Don Trump plays 'em.
Plays 'em for his purposes. Not theirs.

His narcissism to the MAGA's is merely indicators of Trump's confidence in himself, his strength as a man, as human, as a leader. And they desperately want a STRONG man in their lives. Someone who will get them the better job, more pay, all the while stoking their xenophobia, their misogyny, their bigotry. Trump makes them feel good about seeing immigrants drown, women devalued, and BLM'rs shot down. Trump is their Paladin for getting even. For pay-back.

That strain of 'grievance-think' has long existed in America. Hell, probably exists to one degree or another in most countries. But prior to Don Trump our leaders only dabbled in feeding the fear & anger that defines the 'Grievance-thinkers'. Nixon did it a bit with his 'Tough on Crime' schtick. George Wallace did it with his bit on No Black People Allowed schtick.

Trump (and Bannon) learned from Nixon and Wallace. And we are seeing the lessons they learned now. So, we no longer have a legitimate, sober-minded, civic-minded, Republican Party. In its' place we have the Grievance Party.


That strain of 'grievance-think' has long existed in America. Hell, probably exists to one degree or another in most countries. But prior to Don Trump our leaders only dabbled in feeding the fear & anger that defines the 'Grievance-thinkers'. Nixon did it a bit with his 'Tough on Crime' schtick. George Wallace did it with his bit on No Black People Allowed schtick.

From my perspective, I'm seeing a couple of elements at work here.

First, and I've had many, MANY squabbles with lefties here over this, I think the Right has some perfectly reasonable grievances, I agree with many of them, and I've voiced them here a zillion times. They center around the many issues touched by political correctness and identity politics, this forced, hyphenated division that keeps growing, and I think the Left has done the country a net disservice in those areas over the last few decades.

HOWEVER. At the same time, these people have not only been terribly manipulated by voices they trust (who do nothing but feed and amplify hyperbole, distortion and tribalism), but they've become so intellectually isolated that they esssentially don't know how to even communicate outside their world. So their arguments come out ignorant, shallow and ham-handed, just making things worse. Look at the man to whom they've sold their souls: Ignorant, shallow and ham-handed are his calling cards. He just beats on everything with a stick, and they love that.

I just wish they could step out of their world and become a little more serious. Well, a LOT more serious.
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Oh they know. The problem lies in the base epistemology that they ascribe to. It is the same for any conspiracy theorist; anything that reaffirms priors is fact, anything that challenges priors is false and any evidence that disproves priors is part of a nefarious plot to hide the truth.

It literally makes falsification impossible. They could be sitting in the damn room when Trump did it and they would not believe their own eyes.
it will be used as evidence at trial.
You people are so stupid that you don’t understand that none of this will ever get to trial…you found a triggered loser banished to The Hague, and he has wasted taxpayer money to file not one but two severely flawed proceedings, all for the benefit of political mud for an election….It was never devised to be a real, or legitimate process….idiots.
From my perspective, I'm seeing a couple of elements at work here.

First, and I've had many, MANY squabbles with lefties here over this, I think the Right has some perfectly reasonable grievances, I agree with many of them, and I've voiced them here a zillion times. They center around the many issues touched by political correctness and identity politics, this forced, hyphenated division that keeps growing, and I think the Left has done the country a net disservice in those areas over the last few decades.

HOWEVER. At the same time, these people have not only been terribly manipulated by voices they trust (who do nothing but feed and amplify hyperbole, distortion and tribalism), but they've become so intellectually isolated that they esssentially don't know how to even communicate outside their world. So their arugments come out ignorant, shallow and ham-handed, just making things worse. Look at the man to whom they've sold their souls: Ignorant, shallow and ham-handed are his calling cards. He just beats on everything with a stick, and they love that.

I just wish they could step out of their world and become a little more serious. Well, a LOT more serious.
Mac1958: “none of this has anything to do with Biden”

Does the Satanist Democrat establishment even have an inkling or a concern that the time is fast approaching and they will be drug into the streets to face vigilante justice?

Better wake up.
You are a well-known veteran here, and I so admire that having served myself, and I hope you do support the rule of law. Vigilante Justice is not the rule of law.
...they've become so intellectually isolated that they esssentially don't know how to even communicate outside their world. So their arugments come out ignorant, shallow and ham-handed, just making things worse.
I do not think the problem is communication, I think it is a fundamental misunderstanding in what evidence and facts are at the very base.

It is an epistemological problem and until they abandon the thinking that comes with it arguments are just not even possible.
Judging from the comments it seems most republicans don't even realize they have Trump on audio committing a crime and just destroying himself.

Trump shows Top Secret War plans to his Aides that are not qualified to view Sensitive material and then says:

"See as President I could have declassified it. Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret"
Staffer says: "Now we have a problem"

For those of you that do not know, that is a crime and you can not do that, and anybody that does that goes to jail for sure, 100%. Additionally it shows he stole lots of documents and was not supposed to have these tops secret documents, then he gets caught with other documents after he lied and said he did not have them.

Republicans watch fake news, and Fox and other fake news outlets do not report on this information because "people stop watching" if they hear the truth

Do you stupid Moon Bats even care that President Potatohead has been caught red handed with taking foreign interest bribe money and that Hunter was the bag boy?

Of course you assholes don't care.
The Tea Party and MAGA "fundamental misunderstanding in what evidence and facts are at the very base" began with the election of the black man, Obama.

The right wing populist crazies have gone steadily into the wilderness ever since.
The Tea Party and MAGA "fundamental misunderstanding in what evidence and facts are at the very base" began with the election of the black man, Obama.

The right wing populist crazies have gone steadily into the wilderness ever since.
Slow Hoser what is crazy about resisting America haters? The Muslim in Chief hated and still hates this country where he has become a rich elitist.
The wilderness is where the Reich elitist want real Americans to be banished. No.
You people are so stupid that you don’t understand that none of this will ever get to trial…you found a triggered loser banished to The Hague, and he has wasted taxpayer money to file not one but two severely flawed proceedings, all for the benefit of political mud for an election….It was never devised to be a real, or legitimate process….idiots.
Waaaa !!

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