Do liberals like the idea of boot camp? Ideologically, it would seem to fit, right?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I hope everyone takes this thread serious, it's not a troll, and it's to truly try to help me understand the mind of libralism. I dont understand why liberals despise the idea military boot camp. In fact, military boot camp is the embodiment of almost all liberal utopian qualities. Let me explain:

Guns are banned: Only the government, aka drill sgts, have access to them. The recruits are NOT allowed to have them unless the gov't allows it. They are told when, where, what kind, and ammo is strictly regulated. No one can just have their own personal gun, and no guns anywhere in living and eating areas. Liberal dream.

Everyone is absolute economically equal: There is no rich person. No poor person. All persons are paid the same in boot camp. Everyone's house is exactly the same. Everyone's clothing is exactly the same. Everyone's food and gym and transportation is exactly absolutely EQUAL. Any additional benefit is strictly regulated by the gov't (drill sgts).

No fossil fuel for transportation: Here is a wonderful liberal dream. In boot camp, the citizens (recruits) RUN everywhere. The range, the gym, the sleeping quarters, the cafeteria. The greenest of green energy: running.

All races are equal: In the famous words of R. Lee Ermy in Full Metal Jacket: "There are no dikes, nigg**s, whops, greasers in my you are all equally worthless". Liberals want nothing more than for all races to be totally equal. Here it is in it's purest form!

Bad foods are banned: Yep. No soda. No happy meals. The meals are bland, and everyone gets fed the exact same, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic class (remember economic class doesn't exist here). In FMJ, Gunnery Sgt Hartman even told his folks "You wont find fried chicken or watermelon in my mess hall!!". Wonderful. He has banned the foods that are bad for them!!!

Equal education: Everyone gets the exact same education. 100%. In boot camp, every person will be taught as an equal to the other. No exception.

Free healthcare: Yes!!! Free gov't funded healthcare for all!!!! The liberal dream!!! It's here also.

And then I thought of the best one. I notice liberals want to ban or regulate anything the percieve as bad for us. And what is more bad for us than death, right? And then I remembered the other legendary USMC instruction: "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE WITHOUT PERMISSION!"

Wow. The military is so good at banning what is bad for us, they have even banned dying without permission. Nancy Pelosi herself would be envious of this big gov't regulation!!!

So, I ask myself, why don't liberals advocate military style boot camp for society in general??? Is that not the closest representation to liberal utopia in our country?
That all you can add?

Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

Aside from the yelling and ban on gays, it's liberal utopia, right? Show me where I'm wrong.
That all you can add?

Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

Aside from the yelling and ban on gays, it's liberal utopia, right? Show me where I'm wrong.

You have no idea what "liberalism" is.

But it's not like we didn't know that already.
That all you can add?

Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

Aside from the yelling and ban on gays, it's liberal utopia, right? Show me where I'm wrong.

You have no idea what "liberalism" is.

But it's not like we didn't know that already.

Then inform me.

If you are gonna start talking about "Libertarianism" then stop there. I know the difference in classical liberalism vs modern liberalism. It's apples and oranges.

I am referring to modern liberalism, the style that the city gov't of San Francisco adores. The kind Cal-Berkeley preaches. The kind Obama, Pelosi and Co. would support.

And boot camp illustrates that better than anything else I can think of.

Your refusal to point out where thats wrong is further proof that I am right on this.
I love brain dead people who hallucinate what others believe.

Ok, then point out how my premise is wrong. That boot camp is in reality the purest form of modern liberalism in practice.
That all you can add?

Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

Aside from the yelling and ban on gays, it's liberal utopia, right? Show me where I'm wrong.

You have no idea what "liberalism" is.

But it's not like we didn't know that already.

Then inform me.

If you are gonna start talking about "Libertarianism" then stop there. I know the difference in classical liberalism vs modern liberalism. It's apples and oranges.

I am referring to modern liberalism, the style that the city gov't of San Francisco adores. The kind Cal-Berkeley preaches. The kind Obama, Pelosi and Co. would support.

And boot camp illustrates that better than anything else I can think of.

Your refusal to point out where thats wrong is further proof that I am right on this.

No, the "liberalism" that you're referring to exists only in the minds of Conservatives.

I'm a liberal. I own guns, and don't support any of the bullshit claims you made in your post.
You have no idea what "liberalism" is.

But it's not like we didn't know that already.

Then inform me.

If you are gonna start talking about "Libertarianism" then stop there. I know the difference in classical liberalism vs modern liberalism. It's apples and oranges.

I am referring to modern liberalism, the style that the city gov't of San Francisco adores. The kind Cal-Berkeley preaches. The kind Obama, Pelosi and Co. would support.

And boot camp illustrates that better than anything else I can think of.

Your refusal to point out where thats wrong is further proof that I am right on this.

No, the "liberalism" that you're referring to exists only in the minds of Conservatives.

I'm a liberal. I own guns, and don't support any of the bullshit claims you made in your post.


You dont support banning guns
You dont support gov't regulations to close the wealth gap, the education gap, the housing gap, the food gap
You dont support gov't regulations to regulate and/or ban things that may be bad for us
You dont support gov't funded healthcare for all
You dont support the green transportation movement to it's purest form

Because modern liberalism supports those things, and would support the legislation of them until there is total equality. The defintion of modern liberalism is the pursuit of equality in society, well, boot camp is the perfection of that idea.

You're a Republican dude. Unless you are just gay and thats why you're a liberal.
Then inform me.

If you are gonna start talking about "Libertarianism" then stop there. I know the difference in classical liberalism vs modern liberalism. It's apples and oranges.

I am referring to modern liberalism, the style that the city gov't of San Francisco adores. The kind Cal-Berkeley preaches. The kind Obama, Pelosi and Co. would support.

And boot camp illustrates that better than anything else I can think of.

Your refusal to point out where thats wrong is further proof that I am right on this.

No, the "liberalism" that you're referring to exists only in the minds of Conservatives.

I'm a liberal. I own guns, and don't support any of the bullshit claims you made in your post.


You dont support banning guns
You dont support gov't regulations to close the wealth gap, the education gap, the housing gap, the food gap
You dont support gov't regulations to regulate and/or ban things that may be bad for us
You dont support gov't funded healthcare for all
You dont support the green transportation movement to it's purest form

Because modern liberalism supports those things, and would support the legislation of them until there is total equality. The defintion of modern liberalism is the pursuit of equality in society, well, boot camp is the perfection of that idea.

You're a Republican dude. Unless you are just gay and thats why you're a liberal.

You've never actually met a liberal, have you?
You have no idea what "liberalism" is.

But it's not like we didn't know that already.

Then inform me.

If you are gonna start talking about "Libertarianism" then stop there. I know the difference in classical liberalism vs modern liberalism. It's apples and oranges.

I am referring to modern liberalism, the style that the city gov't of San Francisco adores. The kind Cal-Berkeley preaches. The kind Obama, Pelosi and Co. would support.

And boot camp illustrates that better than anything else I can think of.

Your refusal to point out where thats wrong is further proof that I am right on this.

No, the "liberalism" that you're referring to exists only in the minds of Conservatives.

I'm a liberal. I own guns, and don't support any of the bullshit claims you made in your post.

Same here, I am a fiscal conservative and a humanitarian liberal.
I have many guns, hated boot camp and war. I do however support the troops.
I had 4 disabled Iraq war vets and their families over for a Thanksgiving dinner/party. I used to do volunteer work with them. How many cons did this?

I do support sensible gun regulations, which we pretty much have except keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

I do not belong to the NRA as it has become a political entity of the right.

Around here the right wing religious types seem to support all the for your own good laws.
No, the "liberalism" that you're referring to exists only in the minds of Conservatives.

I'm a liberal. I own guns, and don't support any of the bullshit claims you made in your post.


You dont support banning guns
You dont support gov't regulations to close the wealth gap, the education gap, the housing gap, the food gap
You dont support gov't regulations to regulate and/or ban things that may be bad for us
You dont support gov't funded healthcare for all
You dont support the green transportation movement to it's purest form

Because modern liberalism supports those things, and would support the legislation of them until there is total equality. The defintion of modern liberalism is the pursuit of equality in society, well, boot camp is the perfection of that idea.

You're a Republican dude. Unless you are just gay and thats why you're a liberal.

You've never actually met a liberal, have you?

He has obviously been educated/programmed on liberals from Fox and right wing pundits.
He likes being a sheeple.

You dont support banning guns
You dont support gov't regulations to close the wealth gap, the education gap, the housing gap, the food gap
You dont support gov't regulations to regulate and/or ban things that may be bad for us
You dont support gov't funded healthcare for all
You dont support the green transportation movement to it's purest form

Because modern liberalism supports those things, and would support the legislation of them until there is total equality. The defintion of modern liberalism is the pursuit of equality in society, well, boot camp is the perfection of that idea.

You're a Republican dude. Unless you are just gay and thats why you're a liberal.

You've never actually met a liberal, have you?

He has obviously been educated/programmed on liberals from Fox and right wing pundits.
He likes being a sheeple.

We have threads around here from time to time asking posters if they have friends or family members on the other "side". I have no idea if buckaroo here was one of them, but several of the usual suspects were seen bleating loud and proud that they will have nothing to do with their sworn enemies across the political divide. And boy, does the ignorance show with these kinds of troll threads.
I hope everyone takes this thread serious, it's not a troll, and it's to truly try to help me understand the mind of libralism. I dont understand why liberals despise the idea military boot camp. In fact, military boot camp is the embodiment of almost all liberal utopian qualities. Let me explain:

Guns are banned: Only the government, aka drill sgts, have access to them. The recruits are NOT allowed to have them unless the gov't allows it. They are told when, where, what kind, and ammo is strictly regulated. No one can just have their own personal gun, and no guns anywhere in living and eating areas. Liberal dream.

Everyone is absolute economically equal: There is no rich person. No poor person. All persons are paid the same in boot camp. Everyone's house is exactly the same. Everyone's clothing is exactly the same. Everyone's food and gym and transportation is exactly absolutely EQUAL. Any additional benefit is strictly regulated by the gov't (drill sgts).

No fossil fuel for transportation: Here is a wonderful liberal dream. In boot camp, the citizens (recruits) RUN everywhere. The range, the gym, the sleeping quarters, the cafeteria. The greenest of green energy: running.

All races are equal: In the famous words of R. Lee Ermy in Full Metal Jacket: "There are no dikes, nigg**s, whops, greasers in my you are all equally worthless". Liberals want nothing more than for all races to be totally equal. Here it is in it's purest form!

Bad foods are banned: Yep. No soda. No happy meals. The meals are bland, and everyone gets fed the exact same, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic class (remember economic class doesn't exist here). In FMJ, Gunnery Sgt Hartman even told his folks "You wont find fried chicken or watermelon in my mess hall!!". Wonderful. He has banned the foods that are bad for them!!!

Equal education: Everyone gets the exact same education. 100%. In boot camp, every person will be taught as an equal to the other. No exception.

Free healthcare: Yes!!! Free gov't funded healthcare for all!!!! The liberal dream!!! It's here also.

And then I thought of the best one. I notice liberals want to ban or regulate anything the percieve as bad for us. And what is more bad for us than death, right? And then I remembered the other legendary USMC instruction: "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE WITHOUT PERMISSION!"

Wow. The military is so good at banning what is bad for us, they have even banned dying without permission. Nancy Pelosi herself would be envious of this big gov't regulation!!!

So, I ask myself, why don't liberals advocate military style boot camp for society in general??? Is that not the closest representation to liberal utopia in our country?

Yea, the military is rife with collectivism, socialism and forced conformity...conservatives LOVE like the idea of boot camp. Ideologically, it is a perfect fit.
I hope everyone takes this thread serious, it's not a troll, and it's to truly try to help me understand the mind of libralism. I dont understand why liberals despise the idea military boot camp. In fact, military boot camp is the embodiment of almost all liberal utopian qualities. Let me explain:

Guns are banned: Only the government, aka drill sgts, have access to them. The recruits are NOT allowed to have them unless the gov't allows it. They are told when, where, what kind, and ammo is strictly regulated. No one can just have their own personal gun, and no guns anywhere in living and eating areas. Liberal dream.

Everyone is absolute economically equal: There is no rich person. No poor person. All persons are paid the same in boot camp. Everyone's house is exactly the same. Everyone's clothing is exactly the same. Everyone's food and gym and transportation is exactly absolutely EQUAL. Any additional benefit is strictly regulated by the gov't (drill sgts).

No fossil fuel for transportation: Here is a wonderful liberal dream. In boot camp, the citizens (recruits) RUN everywhere. The range, the gym, the sleeping quarters, the cafeteria. The greenest of green energy: running.

All races are equal: In the famous words of R. Lee Ermy in Full Metal Jacket: "There are no dikes, nigg**s, whops, greasers in my you are all equally worthless". Liberals want nothing more than for all races to be totally equal. Here it is in it's purest form!

Bad foods are banned: Yep. No soda. No happy meals. The meals are bland, and everyone gets fed the exact same, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic class (remember economic class doesn't exist here). In FMJ, Gunnery Sgt Hartman even told his folks "You wont find fried chicken or watermelon in my mess hall!!". Wonderful. He has banned the foods that are bad for them!!!

Equal education: Everyone gets the exact same education. 100%. In boot camp, every person will be taught as an equal to the other. No exception.

Free healthcare: Yes!!! Free gov't funded healthcare for all!!!! The liberal dream!!! It's here also.

And then I thought of the best one. I notice liberals want to ban or regulate anything the percieve as bad for us. And what is more bad for us than death, right? And then I remembered the other legendary USMC instruction: "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE WITHOUT PERMISSION!"

Wow. The military is so good at banning what is bad for us, they have even banned dying without permission. Nancy Pelosi herself would be envious of this big gov't regulation!!!

So, I ask myself, why don't liberals advocate military style boot camp for society in general??? Is that not the closest representation to liberal utopia in our country?

Yea, the military is rife with collectivism, socialism and forced conformity...conservatives LOVE like the idea of boot camp. Ideologically, it is a perfect fit.

There is a big difference though.

Boot camp is voluntary. And yes, we support the military big time.

But boot camp is also an near pure example of modern liberalism collectivism, socialism, forced conformity with regulation. A liberal utopia.

Notice what it takes to make that happen though.

And imagine if that collectivism and socialism were involuntarily put upon the citizens of a nation. How would it be enforced and implemented?

The answer is why many fear the far left wing.
I'm a liberal. I was in the military. I knew a lot of liberals in the military.

Just more right wing bullshit in a lame attempt to make left wing America LESS American. They do it to Obama all the time.

The 90% white wing is really the party of unAmerican activities. Many want to secede. They want religion to have more say in government and they insist, "They want THEIR country back". It's got to be the creepiest and most dangerous political party ever.
Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

I guess they don't call them Dittoheads for nothing. :lol:
Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

I guess they don't call them Dittoheads for nothing. :lol:
That would explain why this thread is full of conservatives agreeing with him.

Oh, wait...

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