Do Jews Own The Media?


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Pro-Palestinians here have been claiming Jews own the media. Here's the real story. Also read the link by Matti Friedman at the beginning of the blog.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP’s anti-Israel bias
Posted on 08/26/2014 by Meryl Yourish
This is an extraordinary article by former AP Jerusalem reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Read it all, and weep.

He explains what we’ve been telling you for years: There is a narrative that the news media follows on Israel. Anti-Israel stories are pushed. Most articles that show the Palestinians in a bad light are suppressed.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP 8217 s anti-Israel bias
Pro-Palestinians here have been claiming Jews own the media. Here's the real story. Also read the link by Matti Friedman at the beginning of the blog.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP’s anti-Israel bias
Posted on 08/26/2014 by Meryl Yourish
This is an extraordinary article by former AP Jerusalem reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Read it all, and weep.

He explains what we’ve been telling you for years: There is a narrative that the news media follows on Israel. Anti-Israel stories are pushed. Most articles that show the Palestinians in a bad light are suppressed.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP 8217 s anti-Israel bias

Thank you, Hossfly. Why do people not consider these things? It is very plain to see. The Jews do not control the news media. The Jews do not control the banks of America. As someone once noted - if the Jews were in control of our banking we wouldn't be trillions of dollars in debt! They would have never let us get in this awful situation.
Another thing I would hope people would begin to think more about. What other nation drops leaflets from the sky warning the people they should evacuate so they are not put in harms way? The Israelis do this for the arab civilian population in Gaza to give them the opportunity to get away from the Hamas who are firing rockets into Israel. Now the Hamas know the Israelis do not want to harm any civilians and so they fire their rockets from those very locations that have the highest number of arab civilians including men, women and children.

Then when those people do not vacate the area and die they say look at what the Israelis have done? Now the world could not possibly be that naive to not see what is going on here yet they find it easier to go with the majority and accuse the Israelis because the truth is they care more about public opinion then they do to speak up for the truth.

I am not saying one should put themselves in the middle of every dispute - or argue with someone - who has made up their mind to stand with whatever makes Israel look bad ( disregarding all facts on the matter ) but when it is something you know is going the wrong way why not correct the person and say, Listen. That is not the truth. Would you like to hear the truth? This is what happened.........

If each person would do that when the opportunity presents itself - the weight of it would not fall on 2% of Americans to do it all. I do not know what is wrong with people in the media who have a voice and could speak up more. I do not know what is wrong with famous movie directors, people who are public figures who could speak up and say something more and yet they won't do it. Why? Because public opinion is more important to them? They won't make money any more? Why won't they speak up even once?
Pro-Palestinians here have been claiming Jews own the media. Here's the real story. Also read the link by Matti Friedman at the beginning of the blog.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP’s anti-Israel bias
Posted on 08/26/2014 by Meryl Yourish
This is an extraordinary article by former AP Jerusalem reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Read it all, and weep.

He explains what we’ve been telling you for years: There is a narrative that the news media follows on Israel. Anti-Israel stories are pushed. Most articles that show the Palestinians in a bad light are suppressed.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP 8217 s anti-Israel bias

"Here's the real story," you say? What a joke you are, Housefly. The real story lies with the fact that Matti Friedman is a biased Jew who has written countless articles extolling the greatness of Israel. The real "real story," on anti-Israel bias lies with unbiased, true stories such as those concerned with the fact that Israel is nothing more than a common land grabbing thief.
Pro-Palestinians here have been claiming Jews own the media. Here's the real story. Also read the link by Matti Friedman at the beginning of the blog.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP’s anti-Israel bias
Posted on 08/26/2014 by Meryl Yourish
This is an extraordinary article by former AP Jerusalem reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Read it all, and weep.

He explains what we’ve been telling you for years: There is a narrative that the news media follows on Israel. Anti-Israel stories are pushed. Most articles that show the Palestinians in a bad light are suppressed.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP 8217 s anti-Israel bias

"Here's the real story," you say? What a joke you are, Housefly. The real story lies with the fact that Matti Friedman is a biased Jew who has written countless articles extolling the greatness of Israel. The real "real story," on anti-Israel bias lies with unbiased, true stories such as those concerned with the fact that Israel is nothing more than a common land grabbing thief.

Does not alter the fact that the media is controlled by the ISLAMONAZIS and their enablers. Your BLOOD LIBELS are no longer working as more and more reporters are starting to tell the truth.
Its a good question, in the OP.

There is a very good answer to it: No.

Media power is in many hands. Many moreso now that we all have access to the world through the internet and can blog our way to stardom. However CORPORATION media is controlled by big money and by people so rich that money no longer matters, and their currency is power.

As well as the very well financed - by those who control the money - security operations.

Case in point:
CIA emails expose access journalist at work

I have mentioned before that more than 90 per cent of reporters are in some sense “access journalists” – that is, they rely on the active help of the key figures on their “beat”. Usually the people they regularly need to access are in power: crime correspondents need help from the police, much less so than criminals; diplomatic correspondents need the help of diplomats more than they need the help of drone strike victims, and so on.

It is difficult to convey quite how unhealthy this relationship – one largely of dependency – is for a profession that claims to be a “fourth estate”, a supposed counterweight to other power centres. But now, thanks to Freedom of Information requests to the CIA, we have a great illustration of how this relationship works.

Released documents show two months of emails from Ken Dilanian, then working for the Los Angeles Times, and the CIA press office (the CIA’s responses are not included). Today, Dilanian is AP’s intelligence reporter. The emails are more than chummy, and show Dilanian regularly sending the CIA drafts of his stories and seeking their blessing, even though this clearly violated the LA Times’ code of conduct (and every journalistic code of conduct, for that matter). He appears to identify strongly with the CIA and was ready to tone down his copy at their request.

According to the report in the Intercept, when members of Congress wrote to Barack Obama in 2012 saying they were “deeply concerned” about the drone programme, Dilanian emailed the agency pitching his story as “a good opportunity” for the government:

Not only would such a story be reassuring to the public, I would think, but it would also be an opportunity to explore the misinformation about strikes that sometimes comes out of local media reports. It’s one thing for you to say three killed instead of 15, and it’s another for congressional aides from both parties to back you up. Part of what the story will do, if you could help me bring it to fruition, is to quote congressional officials saying that great care is taken to avoid collateral damage and that the reports of widespread civilian casualties are simply wrong.

I particularly like this exchange:

On March 14, 2012, Dilanian sent an email to the press office with a link to a Guardian story that said Bashar Al-Assad’s wife had been buying a fondue set on Amazon while Syrian protesters were gunned down. “If this is you guys, nice work,” he wrote. “If it’s real, even better.”

And it seems Dilanian thought it was his job to outsmart the CIA public relations office in polishing up the agency’s image:

Dilanian also closely collaborated with the CIA in a May 2012 story that minimized the agency’s cooperation with director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal on their film about the assassination of Osama bin Laden, Zero Dark Thirty. Republicans had been criticizing the Obama Administration for revealing classified details about the operation to Boal and Bigelow while withholding them from the public.

“My angle on this is that…this is a pretty routine effort to cooperate with filmmakers and the sort of thing the CIA has been doing for 15 years,” Dilanian wrote in an email to Cynthia Rapp, the head of the agency’s press office. “This is a storyline that is in your interest, I would think, to the extent you could provide information about how routine it is to offer guidance to entertainment people who seek it out—including ones who are Democrats!—it would show that this latest episode is hardly a scandal.” …

One year later, internal CIA documents released under the FOIA showed that the agency’s office of public affairs—the same people Dilanian had been working with–had asked for and received changes to the Zero Dark Thirty script that portrayed the agency in a more favorable light.

Interesting too to see how his editors responded, when confronted with these basic violations of journalistic ethics:

AP spokesman Paul Colford told The Intercept that the news organization is “satisfied that any pre-publication exchanges that Ken had with the CIA before joining AP were in pursuit of accuracy in his reporting on intelligence matters,” adding that “we do not coordinate with government agencies on the phrasing of material.”

So, even though he was caught with his hand in the till, Dilanian will pay no price for failing both to do his job properly (which, you would assume, was to hold the CIA to account) and to follow his own organisations’ codes of ethics. That is doubtless because these editors understand that most other reporters are doing the same.

Chomsky and Herman have shown how corporate journalism effectively weeds out journalists who show too much independence, leading to a system in which the mainstream media comprise staff who share values with our power elites. The need by journalists for access to these power centres is one of the key components of this filtering system. If you are not prepared to be chummy with the CIA, you won’t last long as an intelligence reporter. And it is these kinds of high-profile posts that one needs to succeed in before rising up the ladder into senior editorial and executive positions. Access journalism and corporate journalism stand or fall together.

CIA emails expose access journalist at work Jonathan Cook s Blog
Moonglow, et al,

By saying "GE" --- I assume you mean "General Electric."

Since corporations are considered individuals then that makes GE one huge Jew.....

GE is not owned by an individual. It is owned by the shareholders.

Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 5.24.25 AM.png

The top 5 shareholders are:
Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 5.29.30 AM.png

As you can see, the Vanguard Group is probably the major holder, through its investors. Of the Top 5 individual holders, I cannot tell you if any are Jewish. But if all 5 were Jewish, they still would not have total control of GE.

In addition to about 25 Companies with the GE brand name, GE also owns:
  • Genworth Financial
  • Global Nuclear Fuel - Japan Co., Ltd.
  • HPSC, Inc.
  • Instrumentarium Corporation
  • MRA Systems, Inc.
  • NBC Universal, Inc.
  • Transport International Pool Inc.
  • WMC Mortgage Corp.
"NBCUniversal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment television networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group, world-renowned theme parks, and a suite of leading Internet-based businesses. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation."

(Reuters) - Comcast Corp has completed its takeover of NBC Universal, creating a $30 billion media behemoth that controls not just how television shows and movies are made but how they are delivered to people's homes.

In a statement on Saturday, Comcast said the transaction closed the previous day. To close the deal, Comcast, the No. 1 provider of video and residential Internet service in the United States, acquired a 51 percent stake in NBC Universal from General Electric Co.

Executives at Comcast spent more than 13 months working on getting the deal through a rigorous U.S. regulatory review process with the Federal Communications Commission and Justice Department.
Comcast completes NBC Universal merger
NEW YORK Sat Jan 29, 2011

Did you mean some other Media Outlet?

Most Respectfully,
Buttom line is, nowdays you won't find anti-biased journalism
Bottom line is, whoever is on the reciving end of "bad press" usually accuses the "other side" of being out to get them. There are really good, principled journalists out there who report the truth as they see it, unfortunately the majority of journalists have become lazy and print whatever garbage they are given.
A good example is how the three teenagers used as an excuse for IDF disruption and murder to stir up a war were, initially "Murdered by Hamas" according to Israeli government officials, then murdered by a West Bank criminal family. as per the Israeli police chief, then "murdered by Hamas" again, from spin for the Israeli press officers, then not again, according to Shin Bet.
Pro-Palestinians here have been claiming Jews own the media. Here's the real story. Also read the link by Matti Friedman at the beginning of the blog.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP’s anti-Israel bias
Posted on 08/26/2014 by Meryl Yourish
This is an extraordinary article by former AP Jerusalem reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Read it all, and weep.

He explains what we’ve been telling you for years: There is a narrative that the news media follows on Israel. Anti-Israel stories are pushed. Most articles that show the Palestinians in a bad light are suppressed.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP 8217 s anti-Israel bias

"Here's the real story," you say? What a joke you are, Housefly. The real story lies with the fact that Matti Friedman is a biased Jew who has written countless articles extolling the greatness of Israel. The real "real story," on anti-Israel bias lies with unbiased, true stories such as those concerned with the fact that Israel is nothing more than a common land grabbing thief.

The joke is on you, Pishy. We all read the newspapers and see how they are always trying to show Israel in a bad light. Look at that sloppy reporting on the present war with Hamas when the reporters told the readers a lot of lies about what was happening. However, a little NeoNazi like you doesn't want the readers here to realize it. Pishy is a broken record. She can't get enough of the word "thief" while she closes her eyes to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Lucky Pishy, she is safe in someone else's comfortable home in Ohio living the life of Riley and not being captured and made into a slave.
A good example is how the three teenagers used as an excuse for IDF disruption and murder to stir up a war were, initially "Murdered by Hamas" according to Israeli government officials, then murdered by a West Bank criminal family. as per the Israeli police chief, then "murdered by Hamas" again, from spin for the Israeli press officers, then not again, according to Shin Bet.

And to cap it all a hamas official admitted that it was hamas all along and Israel was proven correct once again
A good example is how the three teenagers used as an excuse for IDF disruption and murder to stir up a war were, initially "Murdered by Hamas" according to Israeli government officials, then murdered by a West Bank criminal family. as per the Israeli police chief, then "murdered by Hamas" again, from spin for the Israeli press officers, then not again, according to Shin Bet.

And to cap it all a hamas official admitted that it was hamas all along and Israel was proven correct once again
However, the Hamas officials quotes were translated by MEMRI so it's a big lie.
Buttom line is, nowdays you won't find anti-biased journalism
Bottom line is, whoever is on the reciving end of "bad press" usually accuses the "other side" of being out to get them. There are really good, principled journalists out there who report the truth as they see it, unfortunately the majority of journalists have become lazy and print whatever garbage they are given.
Sure, that's it. Do you think many of the viewers are taking in what you say as the truth? Only the other anti-Semites will. Rational people realize that the news mainly is slanted against Israel.

Will Fact Ever Displace Anti-Israel Fiction
A good example is how the three teenagers used as an excuse for IDF disruption and murder to stir up a war were, initially "Murdered by Hamas" according to Israeli government officials, then murdered by a West Bank criminal family. as per the Israeli police chief, then "murdered by Hamas" again, from spin for the Israeli press officers, then not again, according to Shin Bet.

And to cap it all a hamas official admitted that it was hamas all along and Israel was proven correct once again

That is true. What a fiasco. When the dust settles Israel is found innocent of many things but how often does the apology come forth or the retraction - we reported this wrong - let us retract that statement. I do not have much patience for liars and unfortunately there are many in journalism who are making their careers out of being liars. It is despicable.

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