"Dk families for palestine" anti-black racist ad against Jeffries


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
House Dem leader Hakeem Jeffries condemns DSA after pro-Palestinian org targets him with ‘racist’ watermelon ad

Published Nov. 18, 2023


House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries blasted the Democratic Socialists of America after the group targeted him with mocking ads that included an image of a watermelon.

“The watermelon has long been deployed as a dehumanizing racist trope by white supremacists in America. In connection with the planned rally targeting our district office, the use of racially inflammatory imagery should come as no surprise given the role NYC-DSA and other gentrifiers have played in aggressively attacking black elected officials,” Andy Eicher, Jeffries’ communications director, told The Post in a statemen;
"They have zero credibility in the communities Leader Hakeem Jeffries proudly represents," Eicher added.



Reminder: roots of "conflict" is intolerance especially since 1913 hate poem in 'Falastin' paper:
ethnic Arab racism and/or religious intolerance - Islamic Jihad.

Jamal Huusseini, Hitler's Mufti's nephew, who already, in 1933, had ordered 10 Mein Kampf books, and with his uncle had founded in 1936 the Hitler-Youth modeled Futuwwa, was exiled in 1937 for his incitenent, and had helped the Mufti in 1941 pro-Nazi coup in Iraq - arrested in 1942, had met the Mufti who directed him in August 1946 to reject partition (NYT, Aug 9, 1946)- as he served as VP of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC).

That, weeks after he, and Ahmad Shukeiri [Shuqayri / Shukairy] justified the Holocaust reported July 1946.

The explanation by Jamal rejectjon was pure
Arab supremacy, Arab racism

Flashback to 2006:


Palestinian anti-Rice feeling peaks with monkey cartoon


Some of "Palestinian" Arab-racism against afro-Arabs:

Pilgrimage to a New Self: The African Quarter and its people, Jerusalem Quarterly, Nov 16, 2002.

In Focus... Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.

On the Edge of Acceptance

It was not the first nor the last time that these black Palestinians would feel the prejudice of a Middle East that continues to carry a pronounced color consciousness. "Fair and Lovely," a "skin lightening" product once popular (and now considered decidedly passé) in the United States is advertised regularly on Arabic satellite television. Some Palestinians still refer to those with dark skin as "abeed," literally translated as "slaves." Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.


M. E. Taylor, "The revealing story of Afro-Palestinians and how they made Jerusalem their home," Face2FaceAfrica, August 24, 2018.

Meanwhile, there are other large communities of Afro-Palestinians in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank town of Jericho, with many of them being descendants of slaves or soldiers brought in during Ottoman times.

Though many of these Afro-Palestinians have lived in Palestine for centuries, they are often discriminated against because they are black.

They are only respected by their fellow Palestinians because of their role in the country’s struggle for independence.
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House Dem leader Hakeem Jeffries condemns DSA after pro-Palestinian org targets him with ‘racist’ watermelon ad

Published Nov. 18, 2023

View attachment 860761
House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries blasted the Democratic Socialists of America after the group targeted him with mocking ads that included an image of a watermelon.

“The watermelon has long been deployed as a dehumanizing racist trope by white supremacists in America. In connection with the planned rally targeting our district office, the use of racially inflammatory imagery should come as no surprise given the role NYC-DSA and other gentrifiers have played in aggressively attacking black elected officials,” Andy Eicher, Jeffries’ communications director, told The Post in a statemen;
"They have zero credibility in the communities Leader Hakeem Jeffries proudly represents," Eicher added.



Reminder: roots of "conflict" is intolerance especially since 1913 hate poem in 'Falastin' paper:
ethnic Arab racism and/or religious intolerance - Islamic Jihad.

Jamal Huusseini, Hitler's Mufti's nephew, who already, in 1933, had ordered 10 Mein Kampf books, and with his uncle had founded in 1936 the Hitler-Youth modeled Futuwwa, was exiled in 1937 for his incitenent, and had helped the Mufti in 1941 pro-Nazi coup in Iraq - arrested in 1942, had met the Mufti who directed him in August 1946 to reject partition (NYT, Aug 9, 1946)- as he served as VP of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC).

That, weeks after he, and Ahmad Shukeiri [Shuqayri / Shukairy] justified the Holocaust reported July 1946.

The explanation by Jamal rejectjon was pure
Arab supremacy, Arab racism

Flashback to 2006:

View attachment 860762
Palestinian anti-Rice feeling peaks with monkey cartoon


Some of "Palestinian" Arab-racism against afro-Arabs:

Pilgrimage to a New Self: The African Quarter and its people, Jerusalem Quarterly, Nov 16, 2002.

In Focus... Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.

On the Edge of Acceptance

It was not the first nor the last time that these black Palestinians would feel the prejudice of a Middle East that continues to carry a pronounced color consciousness. "Fair and Lovely," a "skin lightening" product once popular (and now considered decidedly passé) in the United States is advertised regularly on Arabic satellite television. Some Palestinians still refer to those with dark skin as "abeed," literally translated as "slaves." Racial slurs against blacks are oddly frequent in a society that has experienced its own share of prejudice and discrimination at home and abroad.


M. E. Taylor, "The revealing story of Afro-Palestinians and how they made Jerusalem their home," Face2FaceAfrica, August 24, 2018.

Meanwhile, there are other large communities of Afro-Palestinians in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank town of Jericho, with many of them being descendants of slaves or soldiers brought in during Ottoman times.

Though many of these Afro-Palestinians have lived in Palestine for centuries, they are often discriminated against because they are black.

They are only respected by their fellow Palestinians because of their role in the country’s struggle for independence.
It's just one more racist aspect of Palestinianism.

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