District of Corruption to Debut June 17


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
A good look at corrupt Washington, enjoy...

'District of Corruption' to Debut June 17 on AXS TV

by Tom Fitton
4 Jun 2013


(District of Corruption is a companion piece to my New York Times best-selling book, The Corruption Chronicles, Obama’s Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government, which was released in July 2012 by Simon & Schuster’s Threshold Editions.)

As I say, the film’s television premiere comes at a time of increased public attention to corruption scandals inside the Obama administration.

Benghazi-gate, the Department of Justice and IRS scandals are grabbing the headlines. They represent the latest examples of the D.C. corruption crisis. But anyone who wants to truly understand the truth about this and more must look behind today’s headlines. And that is why our film is so important.

District of Corruption is the most sweeping attempt to date to examine political corruption--in both political parties. And make no mistake; this film is as factual and compelling a film on this out-of-control Obama administration as you will see. We are grateful to our partners at AXS TV for providing a platform to reach and educate millions of Americans.


Documentary 'District of Corruption' to Debut June 17 on AXS TV

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuq6Jp-8R7g&list=PLY8YaWsf279l30HKDZBFHzRtHD94ubZyC&index=1]District of Corruption - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9drX_YrqjY]'District of Corruption' - YouTube[/ame]

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