Disney's Strange World Bombs At Box Office

I think it would be more effective if more parents ran for positions on their local school boards and started bringing sanity back into the schools--that we pay for.
Sadly the debauched has gone further than that. The DOJ is looking to arrest parents who bring sanity back into schools.
Isn't it much more harmful to children if their parents fill their heads with the lies of christianity, before they reach the age of becoming capable of making their own informed choices?

If fact, is it not obvious that all the fighting over LGBTQ rights has been caused by religious superstitious beliefs?
The lies without Christianity have eclipsed the worst that Christians have ever done by your accusations.
Hmmm,... First it was Lightyear and now this. Is Disney getting the message yet that we don't want to see that woke LGBTQIA crap in family films?

It is physically and idealogically impossible for that sort of garbage to be in a film and it be considered a family presentation.

You cant trust the ratings anymore, I say this film is mislabeled and more like the enemy of family wearing a family costume.

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