Discussion/Opinions on Winners of Wed DEM Debate


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!
They won’t let anyone speak who has something relevant to say about the state of things.

Democrat talking points are kindergarten to say the least. Not to say the GOP is any better, only ones on that side speaking critically are Rand and Massie.
At the end …..….she sounded somewhat less crazy than the rest but should have left green economy out of her ending...we all saw what green fraud was under Obama,
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!

I didn't watch it but I wouldn't doubt your doubts. That is after all how commercial broadcasting works.

Such a spectacle would most serve the public interest by featuring the lesser-known, but network ratings are most served by the most known. Guess who always wins that one.
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!

Tulsi, IMHO, is the sole voice of reason among that candidate mob, and a veteran our nation could take great pride in as the first female POTUS come 2024. But by then, as insane to the left as the Democratic Party is sure to have become, even she will likely embody madness no sane American can stomach.
I watched the debate. I saw two clear winners. Most were just there to argue and fight.

Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard showed the best showing.

Klobuchar actually sounded the best. She didn't get into the petty fights, expressed herself well and stayed on point. I didn't agree with everything she said but I did agree with enough that I could live with her as a President. Here problem is Name Recognition. But if she does win the nomination I don't think that becomes a problem. She does come from a predominant Red area of the Nation and has won in areas that Trump has carried with over 20 points. She will carry Ohio, Wisconsin, Michican and a few other states that pushed Trump over the top. She becomes a real problem child for Trump. The good news is, she carries absolutely no excess baggage and is not an insider.

Gabbard would make the best Commander in Chief. She has a ton of combat experience and is currently a Major in the National Guard. And she isn't that far off Klobuchar on issues.

Both would be good for the Border issues. Much of what Trump is now trying to claim as his own ideas comes from Klobuchar anyway and others like her. I know, you rightwingers only see the "Wall" but it's gotten to the point where the original talking points of the Democrats have become important as well. The wall has taken a back seat to the humanitarian crisis. And the things that needs to be done to get that taken care of needs to have a President that is sitting in the driver seat to get it done without blaming others.

Both agree the economy can be better. The Tax brackets are broken. Let's just leave it there.

Both are hard to shake up. And if they don't play the "Trump" game and stay on point, Trump is in serious trouble when he goes into his "Game". I've said it before, it's not what Trump says or does that determines whether he will be reelected or not but what the person that is running against him says or does that determines the outcome.

Hate to say it, but all the others were just saying the same crap over and over. I'm tired of hearing it.
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!

She got to speak. Like Amy Klobuchar, Gabbard didn't get involved in the petty slugfests. Said loads about those two. They both get high marks for that.
She isn’t well liked by a lot in her district.

Must be why they elected her.

Oh wait. :eusa_doh:

So I just looked it up --- she won re-election to that seat the last three rounds with 77%, 81& and 78% of the vote.

That's some major 'isn't well liked" right there, innit.
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So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!
Probably did herself a favor. The majority of those up there embarrassed themselves. Castro, booker, inslee, Beto, DeBlasio... seriously embarrassed themselves. Klob, Gabbard and Ryan weren’t even there. Warren and DeLaney shined from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum. Those two should move on... cut the rest

Gabbard did completely dodge her initial question though. She was asked about equal pay for women and just talked about her military experience.
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!

She got to speak. Like Amy Klobuchar, Gabbard didn't get involved in the petty slugfests. Said loads about those two. They both get high marks for that.

Agreed. She's possessed of an excellent bearing and discipline.
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!
Probably did herself a favor. The majority of those up there embarrassed themselves. Castro, booker, inslee, Beto, DeBlasio... seriously embarrassed themselves. Klob, Gabbard and Ryan weren’t even there. Warren and DeLaney shined from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum. Those two should move on... cut the rest

Gabbard did completely dodge her initial question though. She was asked about equal pay for women and just talked about her military experience.
Yes, but she made up for that. Guess she had the jitters. But she did it while looking like a stone cold fox. I can forgive her. Outside of Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar probably came out the one that I might vote for. All the rest were just there to fight, bicker and repeat the same tired old crap they keep repeating every day and I am tired of hearing it.
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!
Probably did herself a favor. The majority of those up there embarrassed themselves. Castro, booker, inslee, Beto, DeBlasio... seriously embarrassed themselves. Klob, Gabbard and Ryan weren’t even there. Warren and DeLaney shined from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum. Those two should move on... cut the rest

Gabbard did completely dodge her initial question though. She was asked about equal pay for women and just talked about her military experience.
Yes, but she made up for that. Guess she had the jitters. But she did it while looking like a stone cold fox. I can forgive her. Outside of Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar probably came out the one that I might vote for. All the rest were just there to fight, bicker and repeat the same tired old crap they keep repeating every day and I am tired of hearing it.
I couldn’t listen to half of them, very frustrating. DeLaney gets the win in my book.
So much for a fair and balanced debate. Well what else would we expect from the Leftists, completely biased towards the biggest name candidate Liz Warren. I didn't see all of it, but I never heard Tulsi Gabbard utter a word. Nice job Madcow!

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