Discrimination On Scientists That Back ID

Powerman said:
Yeah the guy who was under fire from a bunch of idiot fucking religious whackos. I forgot about him. Your life would suck more than you can possibly imagine if it weren't for people such as him.

Well our lives sure as Hell aren't any better listening to you.

And while I chose not to comment in the thread where you posted it, I will here.

Regardless who you assume despises you, I am not one. I do feel a bit sorry for you though. You come on here thread after thread, month after month, doing your damnedest to denounce Christianity. You argue the same old crap, get shot down,then declare yourself the winner.

Yet, THE very second mortality slaps you in the face you are asking us to pray to our nonexistent, mythological being on behalf of your friend.

Your credibility is SHOT, dude.
GunnyL said:
Well our lives sure as Hell aren't any better listening to you.

And while I chose not to comment in the thread where you posted it, I will here.

Regardless who you assume despises you, I am not one. I do feel a bit sorry for you though. You come on here thread after thread, month after month, doing your damnedest to denounce Christianity. You argue the same old crap, get shot down,then declare yourself the winner.

Yet, THE very second mortality slaps you in the face you are asking us to pray to our nonexistent, mythological being on behalf of your friend.

Your credibility is SHOT, dude.

I asked because he was Christian and that's what he would have wanted. I don't think my prayers would be very valid.

And I don't know what you mean by me getting shot down. Maybe we have a bunch of fucking idiots on this board that can't understand simple concepts. That doesn't make me wrong.
Hagbard Celine said:
Do you know of a better way to gain conclusive knowledge than observing, hypothesizing and testing? If you do, let us all in on it because you may be onto the biggest discovery in the history of mankind.

Read this article: Greetings From Idiot America

I think I have only spoken about it ten times or so in this thread. Talk about being stubborn and blind.....

SOME situations would call for other ways to ascertain truth.
HorhayAtAMD said:
Who created God?

I don't say that to sound snippy or condescending, I mean it honestly. Whenever we go back to the "beginning", we can always ask "well, what was before that?". I wrote this in another post but I'll restate it: I believe humans have a very limited understanding of what time "is" so when we ask "what happened before the beginning?", it is like asking a child who just learned 2+2 to figure out a quadratic equation.

yes, and I agree.

Nobody created God. God has always been, God has no boundries with time.
I dont even think God is a physical entity. I think He is spiritual. There really is no explaining God adequately to our limited minds. Since the possibilities are endless, many explanations have been attempted, but its not the same as claiming irreducable complexity, because the initial creation of life from a primordial soup has its limitations, it is within a "closed system" and we know the end product.
To try and figure out how God came into being doesnt require any restrictions, since we dont even know what He consists of currently. But we do know what the single cell looks like, what its composed of.
HorhayAtAMD said:
I've actually never said there wasn't a designer, nor have I ever said there wasn't a God, nor have I ever said that the theory of evolution in any way disproves the existence of God. I can't remember what post it was but I specifically stated that the only thing that is mutually exclusive between evolution and the bible is a literal interpretation of days 3-6 in Genesis. I'm more than willing to accept that God created the universe and that evolution is the process that God used to create diversity on earth.

Let me ask a related question: who created the laws of physics? Did God do it? If so, why isn't the religious right pissed off that we don't teach that in physics class? IMO, science is all about figuring out the rules, not about who created the rules. It makes no difference to anyone why F=ma, only that the formula is F=ma (instead of F=2ma^2). It isn't like evolution is taught in the following way: Evolution is fact therefore God must not exist therefore Christians are stupid. If it is taught that way at your local school then you need to have a talking to with the principal.

My reasons for not believing evolution have nothing to do with my religous beliefs. People who argue for evolution and no God, always assume its religion that causes me to not believe in evolution.
I use to argue with my fellow Christians about evolution, I claimed God could have used evolution to create the world. I no longer believe that.

My opposistion to evolutionary theory came completely independent of my religous conversion.

As for physics, it isnt taught in the Bible that God created them, as specifically as it details the creation of the world, universe and man.
Powerman said:
What does alcoholism have to do with irreducible complexity? Science isn't the end all to everything but we shouldn't be teaching anything but science in science class. I hope you never sit on a schoolbaord.

You seem to miss alot. Actually, Im quite a good teacher. Im not as constrained to creative thought as you are.
Powerman said:
Yeah the guy who was under fire from a bunch of idiot fucking religious whackos. I forgot about him. Your life would suck more than you can possibly imagine if it weren't for people such as him.

R u trying to get banned again?

You are seriously an angry person, it blinds you to rational thinking at times.
Seriously, therapy with a good competent Pshychiatrist could do wonders. Hmmm, and speaking of a science that doesnt use the "scientific" method, how about psychology?
Powerman said:
I asked because he was Christian and that's what he would have wanted. I don't think my prayers would be very valid.

And I don't know what you mean by me getting shot down. Maybe we have a bunch of fucking idiots on this board that can't understand simple concepts. That doesn't make me wrong.

something get stuck up your ass?
LuvRPgrl said:
R u trying to get banned again?

You are seriously an angry person, it blinds you to rational thinking at times.
Seriously, therapy with a good competent Pshychiatrist could do wonders. Hmmm, and speaking of a science that doesnt use the "scientific" method, how about psychology?

Am I trying to get banned? No. Of course not. I'm just stating a fact. Throughout history advances in science have always been met by opposition from a bunch of religious quacks who didn't know what the hell they are talking about. Doesn't seem to have changed much as it is still going on.
The ClayTaurus said:

When he makes up a lie I guess.

Luv I never noticed that you weren't a female. Your name just sounds female with the grl at the end.
Powerman said:
When he makes up a lie I guess.

Luv I never noticed that you weren't a female. Your name just sounds female with the grl at the end.

Your mouth is quite big. You are accusing me of lying. And that I will lie. PROOF? You cant expect people to discuss things with you civilly when you are so cavaliar about throwing that term around.
The ClayTaurus said:

I dont know when. I certainly have higher priorities, especially with Christmas coming up and new carpet going into my house.

I do recall in elem. and high and college classes, science, that we often discussed non science topics and issues. But then if I only used that, hey Im a liar, right?

If Im lucky, someone who is currently in a science class at some level will let post something. I also will be asking some school kids in the very near future.
LuvRPgrl said:
I dont know when. I certainly have higher priorities, especially with Christmas coming up and new carpet going into my house.

I do recall in elem. and high and college classes, science, that we often discussed non science topics and issues. But then if I only used that, hey Im a liar, right?

If Im lucky, someone who is currently in a science class at some level will let post something. I also will be asking some school kids in the very near future.
No, you're not a liar. Don't confuse Powerman's fishhooks with my questions. Do you remember any non-science topics that you covered as part of the curriculum in your science class? I'm just looking for some sort of an example as to what you mean by non-science things being taught in science class, that's all.
LuvRPgrl said:
I dont know when. I certainly have higher priorities, especially with Christmas coming up and new carpet going into my house.

I do recall in elem. and high and college classes, science, that we often discussed non science topics and issues. But then if I only used that, hey Im a liar, right?

If Im lucky, someone who is currently in a science class at some level will let post something. I also will be asking some school kids in the very near future.

Shouldn't you know such things off of the top of your head if your making such claims? You have enough time to respond to everything else I post but you can't back up a simple claim you made?
Powerman said:
I asked because he was Christian and that's what he would have wanted. I don't think my prayers would be very valid.

And I don't know what you mean by me getting shot down. Maybe we have a bunch of fucking idiots on this board that can't understand simple concepts. That doesn't make me wrong.

What makes you wrong is that you attempt to refute religion with theory, calling it fact. Your problem is not that "fucking idiots on this board can't understand simple concepts" ..... it's that you call anyone who does not agree that you are right where religion is concerned "fucking idiots."

Yet, I have not ONCE heard a "fucking idiot" tell you your immortal soul is going to burn in Hell for eternity for your misguided beliefs.

THAT is the real difference between Christians and athiests ..... we STILL have hope that you will wake up; while, we are relegated to the "fucking idiot" heap.

And THAT is about as much of a sermon as you're going to get from me.
GunnyL said:
What makes you wrong is that you attempt to refute religion with theory, calling it fact. Your problem is not that "fucking idiots on this board can't understand simple concepts" ..... it's that you call anyone who does not agree that you are right where religion is concerned "fucking idiots."

Yet, I have not ONCE heard a "fucking idiot" tell you your immortal soul is going to burn in Hell for eternity for your misguided beliefs.

THAT is the real difference between Christians and athiests ..... we STILL have hope that you will wake up; while, we are relegated to the "fucking idiot" heap.

And THAT is about as much of a sermon as you're going to get from me.

Gunny with all due respect when I meant people are idiots I didn't mean so because of their beliefs. I meant so because they refuse to accept simple facts. I'm talking about the ID crowd. And not all of them are idiots. But some of them are. I'll be polite and not mention any names.
You mean the "ID crowd" as in that intelligent design is a science? By dictionary definition, it can be called a science. It falls within the definition of:

The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

Is it part of what is accepted by the "science community" as "science"? No. The science community accepts only those theories originated within, and can be explained by the approved "scientific method." That being what can be expalined within the limit of Man's intellect.

I have no problem with that. I have a problem when science denies anything it cannot explain, and/or creates its own borderline ridiculous hypotheses, and attempts to use these to refute ID.

The fact is, anything that goes beyond Man's ability to explain within the limits of Man's intellect/senses is as much based on faith as ANY religion.

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