Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Hillary’s America’ Docu Set To Open Just Before GOP Convention

D'souza was prosecuted because he made the movie......you can see that in how democrats who actually committed crimes are treated....

- Dinesh D’Souza Criminally Sentenced While John Edwards and Other Liberals Skated

Let’s contrast this with what happened to former Democratic candidate for president, John Edwards, who reportedly used nearly $1 million in campaign funds to hide an extramarital affair. If convicted, he would have faced up to 30 years in prison, a much more severe penalty than the three to 10 years D’Souza was facing. According to prosecutors, Edwards accepted $725,000 from an elderly lady, other donations from a wealthy Texas attorney, and filed a false campaign report in order to funnel roughly $1 million from those sources to his mistress, Rielle Hunter, ostensibly to keep her quiet, and an aide, Andrew Young, who pretended to be the father of Hunter’s child with Edwards. Young, who was married, later came out anddenounced Edwards in a book for putting him in that position. Edwards, for his knowing and immoral shenanigans, served ZERO time - not a day in a halfway house, jail or prison.


Edwards’ two attorneys, who include Geoffrey Fieger, the notorious attorney for euthanasia doctor Jack Kevorkian, were also acquitted of any wrongdoing. They had been indicted for allegedly causing more than 60 straw donors to contribute over $125,000 in illegal campaign contributions to Edwards’ 2004 presidential campaign. That’s right, more than 60 straw donors, not just two like D’Souza allegedly recruited. It was easy for prosecutors to show the 60 were straw donors, because they were virtually all employees of Edwards’ attorney’s law firm Fieger Law, family members of the firm’s employees or third-party vendors of the firm.

The indictment of Edwards’ attorneys stated that Fieger “tried to obstruct and impede the grand jury's investigation of the illegal campaign contributions...attempted to shift responsibility for the illegal contributions to a deceased officer of the Fieger firm, attempted to mislead the grand jury by telling witnesses false information with the intent that the witnesses would repeat that false information to law enforcement authorities, and attempted to conceal an incriminating document from the grand jury.”

Looks like D'Souza shoulda had a better lawyer.

No......he should have been a democrat........


You guys just can't take responsibility for yourselves, can you? It's almost pathological.

"Waah! I plead guilty to a crime, but those other guys are worse, and they beat the case! Waaah"

He said what he did, edwards and his lawyers lied......yeah....you are superior in all ways........

What the fuck does Edwards have to do with D'Souza, other than a transparent attempt to deflect?
I think it's pretty shocking that they put him in prison for eight months for making a movie. Democrats really do hate freedom, I guess. Now he hates them even more, and is even more dangerous to them.


No, he went to a halfway house, for felony election fraud.

But I have no doubt that you'll continue to spread the same lies, because you're godless and evil and demonic and satanic and all the other shit you call people all the time.

God will judge your lies, satanic beast!

And of course he points out to the guy who was also facing election fraud.....far worse than his.........if you can even call what he did a crime.....and yet that guy was a democrat and got off lightly....

Of course you can "call" straw donations a crime: 2 U.S.C. § 441f : US Code - Section 441F: Contributions in name of another prohibited

It's pretty clearly laid out.

Now who is this "far worse" Democrat you speak of?

Posted one....and his lawyers on top of that....

Looks like he had better lawyers than D'Souza.

Maybe D'Souza shouldn't have admitted to the crime, and plead guilty.

No....D'Souza was a Republican...here is another democrat who committed a bigger crime but did not time...


A Democratic fund-raiser and high-profile hotelier, Sant Singh Chatwal, who had pleaded guilty to skirting federal campaign-finance laws and witness tampering, avoided being sent to prison on Thursday, despite facing a possible sentence of more than five years.

Judge I. Leo Glasser, of Federal District Court in Brooklyn, sentenced Mr. Chatwal to three years of probation. The judge described Mr. Chatwal’s crimes as an “aberrance,” and seemed swayed by the 272 letters written on his behalf; by the argument that his grown sons needed Mr. Chatwal’s help at home; and by the fact that Mr. Chatwal did not seem to personally benefit from his campaign contributions.

Mr. Chatwal, 70, is the president of Hampshire Hotels and Resorts, and his business consists of 12 hotels and 36 restaurants and bars. He leads a lively social life, as seen in the New York magazine feature on his son Vikram’s wedding and in state dinners at the White House.

He pleaded guilty in April to sending more than $180,000 in campaign contributions from 2007 to 2011 to three federal candidates, identified as Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut and Representative Kendrick B. Meek of Florida. There is a limit on how much individuals can contribute to campaigns, so Mr. Chatwal devised an illegal straw donor scheme, prosecutors said, asking acquaintances to give, then reimbursing them.

Without money, “nobody will even talk to you,” Mr. Chatwal said of politicians in recordings made by the government.

The plea agreement initially called for a sentence of 46 to 57 months, based on federal guidelines. On Thursday, new calculations — based on a lower offense level — called for a sentence of 15 to 21 months.

Prosecutors, in their sentencing memorandum, said the defense’s attempt to get a lighter sentence served “to perpetuate the corrosive perception that there is one set of rules for the rich and powerful, and another for everyone else.”

No, he went to a halfway house, for felony election fraud.

But I have no doubt that you'll continue to spread the same lies, because you're godless and evil and demonic and satanic and all the other shit you call people all the time.

God will judge your lies, satanic beast!

And of course he points out to the guy who was also facing election fraud.....far worse than his.........if you can even call what he did a crime.....and yet that guy was a democrat and got off lightly....

Of course you can "call" straw donations a crime: 2 U.S.C. § 441f : US Code - Section 441F: Contributions in name of another prohibited

It's pretty clearly laid out.

Now who is this "far worse" Democrat you speak of?

Posted one....and his lawyers on top of that....

Looks like he had better lawyers than D'Souza.

Maybe D'Souza shouldn't have admitted to the crime, and plead guilty.

No....D'Souza was a Republican...here is another democrat who committed a bigger crime but did not time...

Who said life is or was fair?
D'Souza's lawyer:

“Mr. D’Souza agreed to accept responsibility for having urged two close associates to make contributions of $10,000 each to the unsuccessful 2012 senate campaign of Wendy Long and then reimbursing them for their contributions. Given the technical nature of the charge, there was no viable defense.”
D'souza was prosecuted because he made the movie......you can see that in how democrats who actually committed crimes are treated....

- Dinesh D’Souza Criminally Sentenced While John Edwards and Other Liberals Skated

Let’s contrast this with what happened to former Democratic candidate for president, John Edwards, who reportedly used nearly $1 million in campaign funds to hide an extramarital affair. If convicted, he would have faced up to 30 years in prison, a much more severe penalty than the three to 10 years D’Souza was facing. According to prosecutors, Edwards accepted $725,000 from an elderly lady, other donations from a wealthy Texas attorney, and filed a false campaign report in order to funnel roughly $1 million from those sources to his mistress, Rielle Hunter, ostensibly to keep her quiet, and an aide, Andrew Young, who pretended to be the father of Hunter’s child with Edwards. Young, who was married, later came out anddenounced Edwards in a book for putting him in that position. Edwards, for his knowing and immoral shenanigans, served ZERO time - not a day in a halfway house, jail or prison.


Edwards’ two attorneys, who include Geoffrey Fieger, the notorious attorney for euthanasia doctor Jack Kevorkian, were also acquitted of any wrongdoing. They had been indicted for allegedly causing more than 60 straw donors to contribute over $125,000 in illegal campaign contributions to Edwards’ 2004 presidential campaign. That’s right, more than 60 straw donors, not just two like D’Souza allegedly recruited. It was easy for prosecutors to show the 60 were straw donors, because they were virtually all employees of Edwards’ attorney’s law firm Fieger Law, family members of the firm’s employees or third-party vendors of the firm.

The indictment of Edwards’ attorneys stated that Fieger “tried to obstruct and impede the grand jury's investigation of the illegal campaign contributions...attempted to shift responsibility for the illegal contributions to a deceased officer of the Fieger firm, attempted to mislead the grand jury by telling witnesses false information with the intent that the witnesses would repeat that false information to law enforcement authorities, and attempted to conceal an incriminating document from the grand jury.”

Looks like D'Souza shoulda had a better lawyer.

No......he should have been a democrat........


You guys just can't take responsibility for yourselves, can you? It's almost pathological.

"Waah! I plead guilty to a crime, but those other guys are worse, and they beat the case! Waaah"

He said what he did, edwards and his lawyers lied......yeah....you are superior in all ways........

What the fuck does Edwards have to do with D'Souza, other than a transparent attempt to deflect?

He is a democrat who violated campaign finance law in a way that was worse than D'souza.......as were Edward's lawyers....
And of course he points out to the guy who was also facing election fraud.....far worse than his.........if you can even call what he did a crime.....and yet that guy was a democrat and got off lightly....

Of course you can "call" straw donations a crime: 2 U.S.C. § 441f : US Code - Section 441F: Contributions in name of another prohibited

It's pretty clearly laid out.

Now who is this "far worse" Democrat you speak of?

Posted one....and his lawyers on top of that....

Looks like he had better lawyers than D'Souza.

Maybe D'Souza shouldn't have admitted to the crime, and plead guilty.

No....D'Souza was a Republican...here is another democrat who committed a bigger crime but did not time...

Who said life is or was fair?

No one.

No, he went to a halfway house, for felony election fraud.

But I have no doubt that you'll continue to spread the same lies, because you're godless and evil and demonic and satanic and all the other shit you call people all the time.

God will judge your lies, satanic beast!

And of course he points out to the guy who was also facing election fraud.....far worse than his.........if you can even call what he did a crime.....and yet that guy was a democrat and got off lightly....

Of course you can "call" straw donations a crime: 2 U.S.C. § 441f : US Code - Section 441F: Contributions in name of another prohibited

It's pretty clearly laid out.

Now who is this "far worse" Democrat you speak of?

Posted one....and his lawyers on top of that....

Looks like he had better lawyers than D'Souza.

Maybe D'Souza shouldn't have admitted to the crime, and plead guilty.

No....D'Souza was a Republican...here is another democrat who committed a bigger crime but did not time...


A Democratic fund-raiser and high-profile hotelier, Sant Singh Chatwal, who had pleaded guilty to skirting federal campaign-finance laws and witness tampering, avoided being sent to prison on Thursday, despite facing a possible sentence of more than five years.

Judge I. Leo Glasser, of Federal District Court in Brooklyn, sentenced Mr. Chatwal to three years of probation. The judge described Mr. Chatwal’s crimes as an “aberrance,” and seemed swayed by the 272 letters written on his behalf; by the argument that his grown sons needed Mr. Chatwal’s help at home; and by the fact that Mr. Chatwal did not seem to personally benefit from his campaign contributions.

Mr. Chatwal, 70, is the president of Hampshire Hotels and Resorts, and his business consists of 12 hotels and 36 restaurants and bars. He leads a lively social life, as seen in the New York magazine feature on his son Vikram’s wedding and in state dinners at the White House.

He pleaded guilty in April to sending more than $180,000 in campaign contributions from 2007 to 2011 to three federal candidates, identified as Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut and Representative Kendrick B. Meek of Florida. There is a limit on how much individuals can contribute to campaigns, so Mr. Chatwal devised an illegal straw donor scheme, prosecutors said, asking acquaintances to give, then reimbursing them.

Without money, “nobody will even talk to you,” Mr. Chatwal said of politicians in recordings made by the government.

The plea agreement initially called for a sentence of 46 to 57 months, based on federal guidelines. On Thursday, new calculations — based on a lower offense level — called for a sentence of 15 to 21 months.

Prosecutors, in their sentencing memorandum, said the defense’s attempt to get a lighter sentence served “to perpetuate the corrosive perception that there is one set of rules for the rich and powerful, and another for everyone else.”


That's the same crime as D'Souza, not a "bigger" one. And it looks like he had better lawyers than D'Souza, too.
Looks like D'Souza shoulda had a better lawyer.

No......he should have been a democrat........


You guys just can't take responsibility for yourselves, can you? It's almost pathological.

"Waah! I plead guilty to a crime, but those other guys are worse, and they beat the case! Waaah"

He said what he did, edwards and his lawyers lied......yeah....you are superior in all ways........

What the fuck does Edwards have to do with D'Souza, other than a transparent attempt to deflect?

He is a democrat who violated campaign finance law in a way that was worse than D'souza.......as were Edward's lawyers....

So, it's a weak deflection. Good job, clown.
D'Sousa makes a fortune with movies to entertain crazy right wingers. I don't mind if he takes their money. They can't get any crazier by listening to him. The only fortunate thing about it is that there are so few of them.

Oh, they can get crazier, just look at Rwanda for an example.
Dinesh D'Souza: Confronting the Left's Cultural Monopoly
Conservative filmmaker discusses his new movie, "Hillary's America," at the West Coast Retreat.
May 13, 2016


I'll just say one word about Hillary here because the Democrats don't really give a whole lot. Hillary has this big education proposal. Free education, a $350 billion program. Now let's think about that. Who is Hilary giving free education to? Young people. Where is she going to get the money to do it? The government is $19 trillion in debt, so you have to borrow. But who is the national debt going to be handed off to? Young people. So what Hillary is really doing is she's not actually transferring money, she's reaching into the young guy's back pocket, lifting his wallet, taking money out of his own future earnings, giving some of it back to him now and acting like she's doing something wonderful for this person. She's not even robbing Peter to pay Paul. She's robbing Paul to pay Paul and counting on Paul to be too dumb to see that he is actually paying for his own education. So who benefits from all this? The one who benefits the most is Hillary because she granted all these people a free education without it costing her a penny from the hundreds of millions of dollars that she's personally accumulated or touching the $2 billion in the Clinton Foundation. She doesn't have to spend a cent of it. She gets to be a philanthropist on the public purse.

Now, the movie, as I said, opens in July. Some of you will know this already, but it is a secret of movies that the success of a film is dependent upon opening weekend. Well, the movie will open pretty big, probably 1,500 theaters. We'll have all kinds of momentum that we didn't have in 2012. But if the movie does well in opening weekend, we'll go from 1,200 theaters to 2,000 theaters the next week. If we do poorly, we'll go to 800 theaters the next week. And so the point being that it's very important for us to make this movie work. People say I want to get the movie to independent voters. The way to do that is to actually help to put some fuel in our rocket opening weekend and trying to see it if you can or organize a bunch of friends to go see it opening weekend.

So I was talking the other day at a women's Republican group in Texas, and the women there were saying, "Well, gee, Dinesh, we don't really know what we can do in this election because Texas is going to fall in the Republican camp. This is red America. What can we do?" And what I said was, "Listen, the names and addresses of all the independent voters in the swing states in this country are known. That number is not that large; let's say a million people in Florida and Colorado and North Carolina and Ohio, and our team actually has their names and addresses. So you're in Texas, true, but there's nothing to stop you as a group from buying a bunch of DVDs. If you find this messaging to be powerful, if you believe it's messaging that the Republican National Committee or the campaigns officially won't do or can't do, you can drop a DVD of this film at a kind of infinitesimal cost right in the mailbox of every independent voter who will decide this election. That's something that you can do, not for millions or even tens of thousands of dollars. Each DVD will probably cost you two or three bucks. And so this is a way to make yourself a lethal force in American politics, essentially harnessing your own power and the power of all the people around you to actually drop a grenade into the other camp."

Long-term, I think we have to do more, and what I mean by that is we have to think of ways to combat the left's monopoly in education, in media and in Hollywood. Long-term we have to do that. But short-term, we are all today much more powerful than we realize, and if we harness that power effectively, creatively, I think that we can discover that right in this room, there is bottled up, most unfortunately, an influence in our life, most of it's unused, but I think we should find a way this year when your country needs you to uncork the influence that you have and use it effectively for the betterment of your country. Thank you very much.

Moderator: Thank you. We have time for two questions.

Audience Member: What weekend in July will it open? And how will we know?

Dinesh D'Souza: The movie will open – well, the Republican convention is in Cleveland and it goes first for a week and the Democratic convention is next. Our plan is to do our premier in Cleveland. We'll do a premier in LA as well the week – we're going to do a premier in Cleveland the week of the Republican convention and then open wide the week of the Democratic convention. And how will you know? You'll know because it will be out there in a big way.

Audience Member: Thanks for coming, Dinesh. I'm a mom of two boys and very frustrated with what's going on in this country and trying to raise my boys knowing what they're being taught at school is not reality. I like that you touched upon talking to us about what we can do because one of my frustrations is that I feel like I know all this information, but I don't know what to do with it to make a difference. I'm excited about your movie. I've told my friends about it. How do we go about getting copies of it to disseminate it to people?

Dinesh D'Souza: So the peculiarity of movies is that they open by contract. You have to stay in the theater for three months. So the movie will open in the middle of July. It will be in the theater through the middle of September. So there will be just a window of a month and a half or so when the movie pivots to DVD. But again, it will, at that point be everywhere. It'll be in Redbox. It'll be on Netflix. It'll be everywhere, and there will be easy ways at that point to get DVDs and, obviously, if you want to do this in bulk, you should contact me and I'll give you an email and a place to stay in touch with us. The other thing is if you wanted to buy out a theater opening weekend, hugely helpful to us. Again, don't put up the money for the whole theater. Organize a bunch of your friends and go just make an evening of it. Hugely helpful to us. We'd like to work with you in doing that and I'll be trying to organize that on a national scale. So those are two thoughts about ways to help.

Moderator: We'll take one last question in the back. Okay.

Audience Member: What is the name of the movie going to be?

Dinesh D'Souza: The movie is called "Hillary's America" and the subtitle is "The secret history of the Democratic Party."

Moderator: Dinesh, thank you so much.

Dinesh D'Souza: Thank you.

Dinesh D'Souza: Confronting the Left's Cultural Monopoly
Everything he portrays in the trailer is true. The Democrats were the party of slavery, were the party of the KKK, and they remain the party of corrupt big city machines, corrupt unions, and corrupt welfare state bureaucrats.
And like other gullible rightists you’ll believe the ridiculous lies being propagated – no facts required, no critical thinking involved, just blind adherence to failed rightwing dogma and the wrongheaded republican agenda.
Clayton, if it's all lies, please tell us anything portrayed in the trailer of this movie that isn't true.
D'Soaza is an odd bird. He created a documentary where he argued that people of Obama's generation distrusted government, that Obama's father lived under British tyranny and thus hated British, and that Obama was sympathetic to Muslims and terrorists.

Yet D'Souza is was born only 4 months before Obama, being of the exact same generation. D'Souza's parents were Indian and lived under British tyranny. And D'Souza describing the 911 terrorists as 'warriors' who were willing to 'give up their lives'.

Laughing.......its shocking how much of D'Souza's documentaries are apparently autobiographical.
The first fallacy is saying that only democrats owned slaves, a complete and utter aversion of the truth..
The second was saying that the Democratic Party was the KKK....Hardly so, after it reorganization in the early 20th century repubs and dems were members...
D'Soaza is an odd bird. He created a documentary where he argued that people of Obama's generation distrusted government, that Obama's father lived under British tyranny and thus hated British, and that Obama was sympathetic to Muslims and terrorists.

Yet D'Souza is was born only 4 months before Obama, being of the exact same generation. D'Souza's parents were Indian and lived under British tyranny. And D'Souza describing the 911 terrorists as 'warriors' who were willing to 'give up their lives'.

Laughing.......its shocking how much of D'Souza's documentaries are apparently autobiographical.
The question now is, what will Hillary do to him because of this movie? Will she hurt someone precious to him? Will she blackmail him? Will she have him put in prison a second time? Hillary is not the kind of person to just let this go.

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