Dinesh D’souza Sentenced To Re-education Camp

D'Souza, a frequent critic of U.S. President Barack Obama, admitted in May to illegally reimbursing two "straw donors" who donated $10,000 each to the unsuccessful 2012 U.S. Senate campaign in New York of Wendy Long, a Republican he had known since attending Dartmouth College in the early 1980s. -Reuters

Berman graduated from Cornell with his bachelor's degree in 1964 and later graduated from New York Law (NYU Law) with his J.D. degree in 1967. Berman also has a Master's degree in Social Work from Fordham University and was nominated by Bill Clinton.

This is a hack job.
Dinesh D’Souza has been sentenced to 8 months in a "Community Confinement Center" (name? perhaps the Obama Center For HopenChange?)...and "therapeutic counseling.

Obama's America: Dissent is a Punishable Offense.

There's also an ugly side story of an aggrieved spouse getting revenge...something that is quite common in the Dems' War On Men.

For the first eight months of his probation term, D’Souza will have to live in a "community confinement center" in San Diego, ordered Judge Richard Berman, who also fined D’Souza $30,000 and directed him to undergo “therapeutic counseling.” D’Souza will also have to perform one day per week of community service during his probation term.

In remarks before announcing D’Souza’s sentence, Berman said that he did not believe the defendant had accepted responsibility for his crime. “I’m not sure, Mr. D’Souza, that you get it,” said Berman, who referred to D’Souza’s claim that he was a victim of selective prosecution...

Conservative Writer Dinesh D Souza Is Spared Prison Time For Campaign Finance Conviction The Smoking Gun
i missed what this guy actually did and that would help to why he was sentenced.
Sometimes it pays to read the links!

"During the sentencing hearing, Berman read from a blistering letter submitted to the court by D’Souza’s estranged wife. In the missive, Dixie D’Souza alleged that her ex-spouse forged her signature on one campaign contribution form, and that he had an “abusive nature.”

D’Souza, who was married to the defendant for 20 years, wrote, “In one instance, it was my husband who physically abused me in April 2012 when he, using his purple belt karate skills, kicked me in the head and shoulder, knocking me to the ground and creating injuries that pain me to this day.”

Dinesh D’Souza filed for divorce in October 2012, and that case remains active in California’s Superior Court."

Herr Goebbels, what you are is a demagogue.

Since this thread was not about a divorce proceeding - all you are doing is flinging shit.

I get it, you have a heart filled with hate and a head filed with shit.
The Obama campaign committed massive fraud by turning off ID verification for online donations.

Really? Then why have no charges been filed? :eusa_think:

Because they own the Justice Dept that would have filed the charges?
Oooo a conspiracy. .better get out top sleuths on it

Dyaum, that was hard..

Holder claims vast amount of discretion in enforcing federal laws TheHill

Anyone ever tell you that you have the brains of a pile of dogshit?
The Obama campaign committed massive fraud by turning off ID verification for online donations.

Really? Then why have no charges been filed? :eusa_think:

Because they own the Justice Dept that would have filed the charges?
Oooo a conspiracy. .better get out top sleuths on it

Dyaum, that was hard..

Holder claims vast amount of discretion in enforcing federal laws TheHill

Anyone ever tell you that you have the brains of a pile of dogshit?
Wow so he stated something that every AG has had since their inception....yawn...
D'souza broke the law. He confessed that he broke the law and admits that he knew better and that it was a stupid thing to do. He deserved the consequences of whatever the law specifies for that kind of crime.

Where the disconnect comes in is upon his indictment, D'souza's sin was plastered all over the media along with amplified and myriad repeats of lurid stories of his personal life exposing his feet of clay. Had he not been a "Republican operative" and an outspoken critic of Obama and the Obama administration, he would have been far less a person of interest to the media and would not have suffered the extreme character assassination they have attempted to pour on him. If he had been a Democrat and strong critic of the Republicans, it is likely none of us would ever have heard about it.

Accusations of wrong doing in the White House or among prominent Democrats seems to be covered quickly, without much punch, and then those stories are quickly dropped. And any criticism of Democrats is generally crouched in 'politically motivated' terms.

I am not defending D'souza in any way. I am only pointing out the glaring double standard in these things.
D'souza broke the law. He confessed that he broke the law and admits that he knew better and that it was a stupid thing to do. He deserved the consequences of whatever the law specifies for that kind of crime.

Where the disconnect comes in is upon his indictment, D'souza's sin was plastered all over the media along with amplified and myriad repeats of lurid stories of his personal life exposing his feet of clay. Had he not been a "Republican operative" and an outspoken critic of Obama and the Obama administration, he would have been far less a person of interest to the media and would not have suffered the extreme character assassination they have attempted to pour on him. If he had been a Democrat and strong critic of the Republicans, it is likely none of us would ever have heard about it.

Accusations of wrong doing in the White House or among prominent Democrats seems to be covered quickly, without much punch, and then those stories are quickly dropped. And any criticism of Democrats is generally crouched in 'politically motivated' terms.

I am not defending D'souza in any way. I am only pointing out the glaring double standard in these things.

The entire system stinks. Why is D'souza wanting to donate His Own Money worse than Obama abusing the resources of the presidency to support his campaigns?

Taxpayers had to cough up $1,159,823 in just one month to fly President Obama to New York and Denver to raise money for Democrats and attend an LGBT event, according to documents obtained by a taxpayer watchdog group.

Judicial Watch told Secrets that the Air Force just provided expense reports detailing the flight costs of Air Force One to the cities in July.

The documents show that president’s July 8-9 fundraising trip to Denver cost the taxpayers $695,894.10.

His July 17-18 fundraising trip to New York City cost taxpayers $463,929.40....

1 Obama trip to play pool drink beer raise money cost taxpayers about 700 000 WashingtonExaminer.com

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