Dimocraps are road testing messages, because they cant run on killing babies and raising taxes.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party
Many deny that their actions have to do with a coming presidential run, but they unmistakably play off the chords of campaigns past, seeking a way to break through a political maw that has been focused more on the latest action of the president and the coming midterm elections.
You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".
2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.
Corruption - Democrats could probably benefit from an anti-corruption platform, or at least benefit from having anti-corruption in their platform. The overwhelming corruption scandals in the trump administration give them endless subject manner.

Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.

Respect for Veterans and fellow Americans - Democrats may benefit by promoting respect for veterans, families of active duty military, respect for the parents of slain soldiers and fellow Americans in general despite national origin, religion or ethnicity.

Economy - Inflation will rule economic news and interest by 2018
Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.
The Left owns popular culture, and there is no place in this society that has decayed more profoundly. They may want to leave that one alone, and go after other stuff, of which there is quite a bit.
Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.
The Left owns popular culture, and there is no place in this society that has decayed more profoundly. They may want to leave that one alone, and go after other stuff, of which there is quite a bit.
Popular culture and society values are not the same. There are certain traditional values that breech all or at least most segments of even the most diverse societies and communities. Mocking a man on his deathbed is an example, as is attacking Gold Star parents or a Gold Star wife. The shunning of these values are adding up and becoming more and more disturbing to the voting public. Paying off a porn star to cover up adultery does not help either.
Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.
The Left owns popular culture, and there is no place in this society that has decayed more profoundly. They may want to leave that one alone, and go after other stuff, of which there is quite a bit.
Popular culture and society values are not the same. There are certain traditional values that breech all or at least most segments of even the most diverse societies and communities. Mocking a man on his deathbed is an example, as is attacking Gold Star parents or a Gold Star wife. The shunning of these values are adding up and becoming more and more disturbing to the voting public. Paying off a porn star to cover up adultery does not help either.
I don't know how much stock the public puts in the putrid behaviors of politicians and politicos, and I don't remember if the Dems paid a price for what a Democratic President did to a starstruck intern in the Oval Office. Politics, politicians and politicos are repulsive to many of us in general.

It just seems to me that there are plenty of other issues to focus on, beginning with wealth inequality and conservatives' abject refusal to even see issues that are important to many.
Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.
The Left owns popular culture, and there is no place in this society that has decayed more profoundly. They may want to leave that one alone, and go after other stuff, of which there is quite a bit.
Popular culture and society values are not the same. There are certain traditional values that breech all or at least most segments of even the most diverse societies and communities. Mocking a man on his deathbed is an example, as is attacking Gold Star parents or a Gold Star wife. The shunning of these values are adding up and becoming more and more disturbing to the voting public. Paying off a porn star to cover up adultery does not help either.
I don't know how much stock the public puts in the putrid behaviors of politicians and politicos, and I don't remember if the Dems paid a price for what a Democratic President did to a starstruck intern in the Oval Office. Politics, politicians and politicos are repulsive to many of us in general.

It just seems to me that there are plenty of other issues to focus on, beginning with wealth inequality and conservatives' abject refusal to even see issues that are important to many.
Well, I probably mostly agree with you. My post is a kind of thinking out loud post and based on responses I get from family and friends who are Trump fans. I call them fans because they are no longer hard supporters the way they were a year of so ago. They kind of support begrudgingly and mention disappointment with his character flaws. If a genuine conservative with well established moral values challenges trump his nomination for 2020 comes into question.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party
Many deny that their actions have to do with a coming presidential run, but they unmistakably play off the chords of campaigns past, seeking a way to break through a political maw that has been focused more on the latest action of the president and the coming midterm elections.
You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.

I agree with Mac on this one, to a certain point. The Left is going to try and make this about Trump, but only certain aspects of his Presidency. They are going to have to thread the needle, so they might not even try.

I believe that at the start of the year, their generic lead was sooooo overwhelming, that they did NOT have to curry voters to change positions to win. They did not need a message, so bad was it. But as I always state, polls are just a snapshot in time-) What is true today may not be true next month, next week, or even when you wake up in the morning if some input has changed that helps form your opinion.

And so, the driving force of this election is simple-----> Russiagate, AKA the collusion/delusion. Why just that? Because everything is coming up roses for Trump; tell us one thing that is not! If you hate him, that is ok, but for those who don't, tell us what is not going well! And so, to flip people away from the President, they are going to have to make him a villain, and insure that they are seen as the good people, thus the collusion/delusion. (I know, all of you are tired of it, aren't you. Me too!)

Now then, someone is lying.....or rather......one side is lying to the tune of at the very least, 70 to 75%, and I don't think it is the Repukicans. They have played this well as their powder was kept dry to be released at the correct time, leading up to the midterms. The revelations are going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and since the IG was a given a prosecutor, the Left on here should not be surprised when an indictment or 2 comes out, and somebody is arrested. One day you will sign on here, and be inundated with "see, we told you" s all over the place.

That being said, since we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, (which will then become the lefts talking point instantly, funny how things change, lol) what the people are indicted for will be key! If it is just process crimes, it won't mean a thing, just talking points.

So in closing let me say this----->

1. No proof, no indictments for the swamp, preferably Democrat operatives= Dems win the House, and 25% chance to take Senate as their narrative carries the day.

2. Indictments for process crimes come down against Dems, but as stated, just process crimes, 50-50 they get House, Repukicans hold senate. Dems will insist that the process crimes indictments were just in retaliation.

3. Indictments come down with real teeth creating an OMG moment, Repukicans hold both chambers.

Personally, if I was the Democrats, if they really have nothing on Trump, (and most of them really know the truth) I would switch gears to Tricky Mitch. Want a crook? He is a real crook, and while he is not on the ballot this time, they could really make hay against him and the Repukes that made him their leader!

Of course, he is swamp, and maybe it is more important for swamp to protect swamp, then it is for Dems to protect Dems, and Reps to protect Reps!
Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.
The Left owns popular culture, and there is no place in this society that has decayed more profoundly. They may want to leave that one alone, and go after other stuff, of which there is quite a bit.
Popular culture and society values are not the same. There are certain traditional values that breech all or at least most segments of even the most diverse societies and communities. Mocking a man on his deathbed is an example, as is attacking Gold Star parents or a Gold Star wife. The shunning of these values are adding up and becoming more and more disturbing to the voting public. Paying off a porn star to cover up adultery does not help either.
I don't know how much stock the public puts in the putrid behaviors of politicians and politicos, and I don't remember if the Dems paid a price for what a Democratic President did to a starstruck intern in the Oval Office. Politics, politicians and politicos are repulsive to many of us in general.

It just seems to me that there are plenty of other issues to focus on, beginning with wealth inequality and conservatives' abject refusal to even see issues that are important to many.
Well, I probably mostly agree with you. My post is a kind of thinking out loud post and based on responses I get from family and friends who are Trump fans. I call them fans because they are no longer hard supporters the way they were a year of so ago. They kind of support begrudgingly and mention disappointment with his character flaws. If a genuine conservative with well established moral values challenges trump his nomination for 2020 comes into question.
Well, such is politics. It's tough to get people to change their minds once they're committed to a politician. If a fan is pushed into a corner and has to admit flaws, they'll barely do so and then start deflecting and try to change the subject. That's not good, obviously.

It just seems to me that there are better things to focus on than corruption and shitty political values, when both of those things are so inherent across the board in politics. Sadly.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party
Many deny that their actions have to do with a coming presidential run, but they unmistakably play off the chords of campaigns past, seeking a way to break through a political maw that has been focused more on the latest action of the president and the coming midterm elections.
You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.

I agree with Mac on this one, to a certain point. The Left is going to try and make this about Trump, but only certain aspects of his Presidency. They are going to have to thread the needle, so they might not even try.

I believe that at the start of the year, their generic lead was sooooo overwhelming, that they did NOT have to curry voters to change positions to win. They did not need a message, so bad was it. But as I always state, polls are just a snapshot in time-) What is true today may not be true next month, next week, or even when you wake up in the morning if some input has changed that helps form your opinion.

And so, the driving force of this election is simple-----> Russiagate, AKA the collusion/delusion. Why just that? Because everything is coming up roses for Trump; tell us one thing that is not! If you hate him, that is ok, but for those who don't, tell us what is not going well! And so, to flip people away from the President, they are going to have to make him a villain, and insure that they are seen as the good people, thus the collusion/delusion. (I know, all of you are tired of it, aren't you. Me too!)

Now then, someone is lying.....or rather......one side is lying to the tune of at the very least, 70 to 75%, and I don't think it is the Repukicans. They have played this well as their powder was kept dry to be released at the correct time, leading up to the midterms. The revelations are going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and since the IG was a given a prosecutor, the Left on here should not be surprised when an indictment or 2 comes out, and somebody is arrested. One day you will sign on here, and be inundated with "see, we told you" s all over the place.

That being said, since we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, (which will then become the lefts talking point instantly, funny how things change, lol) what the people are indicted for will be key! If it is just process crimes, it won't mean a thing, just talking points.

So in closing let me say this----->

1. No proof, no indictments for the swamp, preferably Democrat operatives= Dems win the House, and 25% chance to take Senate as their narrative carries the day.

2. Indictments for process crimes come down against Dems, but as stated, just process crimes, 50-50 they get House, Repukicans hold senate. Dems will insist that the process crimes indictments were just in retaliation.

3. Indictments come down with real teeth creating an OMG moment, Repukicans hold both chambers.

Personally, if I was the Democrats, if they really have nothing on Trump, (and most of them really know the truth) I would switch gears to Tricky Mitch. Want a crook? He is a real crook, and while he is not on the ballot this time, they could really make hay against him and the Repukes that made him their leader!

Of course, he is swamp, and maybe it is more important for swamp to protect swamp, then it is for Dems to protect Dems, and Reps to protect Reps!
The Democrats were always going to make this about Trump. I remember conversations we had here right after he won, wondering how the Dems would react with so little power. We agreed that they'd go after him, since it was all they had, and because he's such an easy target, and we were right. From a political perspective, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I just think there is a large swath of the electorate who doesn't give two shits about "the swamp" or overblown conspiracy theories barfed out by winger media on both ends or the constant "gotcha" bullshit flowing from the wings. Bottom line, these people want security, a basic fairness, and an opportunity to move up.

The rest is just silly noise.
Corruption - Democrats could probably benefit from an anti-corruption platform, or at least benefit from having anti-corruption in their platform. The overwhelming corruption scandals in the trump administration give them endless subject manner.

Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.

Respect for Veterans and fellow Americans - Democrats may benefit by promoting respect for veterans, families of active duty military, respect for the parents of slain soldiers and fellow Americans in general despite national origin, religion or ethnicity.

Economy - Inflation will rule economic news and interest by 2018

Actually it's the Democrats who are corrupt. Trump is trying to drain the swamp and the Dems are squealing.
The Dems corrupted the FBI,CIA, NSA and the IRS.
Democrats are the producers of degenerate culture.
The Democrats are constantly pushing towards totalitarianism, left wing economics and an amoral culture.
Wise people understand that it is a recipe for self-destruction.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party
Many deny that their actions have to do with a coming presidential run, but they unmistakably play off the chords of campaigns past, seeking a way to break through a political maw that has been focused more on the latest action of the president and the coming midterm elections.
You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.

I agree with Mac on this one, to a certain point. The Left is going to try and make this about Trump, but only certain aspects of his Presidency. They are going to have to thread the needle, so they might not even try.

I believe that at the start of the year, their generic lead was sooooo overwhelming, that they did NOT have to curry voters to change positions to win. They did not need a message, so bad was it. But as I always state, polls are just a snapshot in time-) What is true today may not be true next month, next week, or even when you wake up in the morning if some input has changed that helps form your opinion.

And so, the driving force of this election is simple-----> Russiagate, AKA the collusion/delusion. Why just that? Because everything is coming up roses for Trump; tell us one thing that is not! If you hate him, that is ok, but for those who don't, tell us what is not going well! And so, to flip people away from the President, they are going to have to make him a villain, and insure that they are seen as the good people, thus the collusion/delusion. (I know, all of you are tired of it, aren't you. Me too!)

Now then, someone is lying.....or rather......one side is lying to the tune of at the very least, 70 to 75%, and I don't think it is the Repukicans. They have played this well as their powder was kept dry to be released at the correct time, leading up to the midterms. The revelations are going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and since the IG was a given a prosecutor, the Left on here should not be surprised when an indictment or 2 comes out, and somebody is arrested. One day you will sign on here, and be inundated with "see, we told you" s all over the place.

That being said, since we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, (which will then become the lefts talking point instantly, funny how things change, lol) what the people are indicted for will be key! If it is just process crimes, it won't mean a thing, just talking points.

So in closing let me say this----->

1. No proof, no indictments for the swamp, preferably Democrat operatives= Dems win the House, and 25% chance to take Senate as their narrative carries the day.

2. Indictments for process crimes come down against Dems, but as stated, just process crimes, 50-50 they get House, Repukicans hold senate. Dems will insist that the process crimes indictments were just in retaliation.

3. Indictments come down with real teeth creating an OMG moment, Repukicans hold both chambers.

Personally, if I was the Democrats, if they really have nothing on Trump, (and most of them really know the truth) I would switch gears to Tricky Mitch. Want a crook? He is a real crook, and while he is not on the ballot this time, they could really make hay against him and the Repukes that made him their leader!

Of course, he is swamp, and maybe it is more important for swamp to protect swamp, then it is for Dems to protect Dems, and Reps to protect Reps!
The Democrats were always going to make this about Trump. I remember conversations we had here right after he won, wondering how the Dems would react with so little power. We agreed that they'd go after him, since it was all they had, and because he's such an easy target, and we were right. From a political perspective, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I just think there is a large swath of the electorate who doesn't give two shits about "the swamp" or overblown conspiracy theories barfed out by winger media on both ends or the constant "gotcha" bullshit flowing from the wings. Bottom line, these people want security, a basic fairness, and an opportunity to move up.

The rest is just silly noise.

Well, then we can agree to disagree on this one. Remember, just like the right tried to delegitimize Obama by calling him Kenyan and infuriating the Left, the Left has infuriated the Right by delegitimizing Trumps Presidency by calling him a traitor. Difference is..........Obama never had a special counsel looking up his a** to see if he was Kenyan, but Trump does.

Let me tell you Mac, when I was in Florida, and here in Indiana, the political question I always get is, when are they going to arrest someone on high...........and that is from BOTH sides, lol.

You are going to find out that IF it happens to either side, it will instantly change, everything! You can take that statement to the bank and cash it.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party
Many deny that their actions have to do with a coming presidential run, but they unmistakably play off the chords of campaigns past, seeking a way to break through a political maw that has been focused more on the latest action of the president and the coming midterm elections.
You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.

I agree with Mac on this one, to a certain point. The Left is going to try and make this about Trump, but only certain aspects of his Presidency. They are going to have to thread the needle, so they might not even try.

I believe that at the start of the year, their generic lead was sooooo overwhelming, that they did NOT have to curry voters to change positions to win. They did not need a message, so bad was it. But as I always state, polls are just a snapshot in time-) What is true today may not be true next month, next week, or even when you wake up in the morning if some input has changed that helps form your opinion.

And so, the driving force of this election is simple-----> Russiagate, AKA the collusion/delusion. Why just that? Because everything is coming up roses for Trump; tell us one thing that is not! If you hate him, that is ok, but for those who don't, tell us what is not going well! And so, to flip people away from the President, they are going to have to make him a villain, and insure that they are seen as the good people, thus the collusion/delusion. (I know, all of you are tired of it, aren't you. Me too!)

Now then, someone is lying.....or rather......one side is lying to the tune of at the very least, 70 to 75%, and I don't think it is the Repukicans. They have played this well as their powder was kept dry to be released at the correct time, leading up to the midterms. The revelations are going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and since the IG was a given a prosecutor, the Left on here should not be surprised when an indictment or 2 comes out, and somebody is arrested. One day you will sign on here, and be inundated with "see, we told you" s all over the place.

That being said, since we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, (which will then become the lefts talking point instantly, funny how things change, lol) what the people are indicted for will be key! If it is just process crimes, it won't mean a thing, just talking points.

So in closing let me say this----->

1. No proof, no indictments for the swamp, preferably Democrat operatives= Dems win the House, and 25% chance to take Senate as their narrative carries the day.

2. Indictments for process crimes come down against Dems, but as stated, just process crimes, 50-50 they get House, Repukicans hold senate. Dems will insist that the process crimes indictments were just in retaliation.

3. Indictments come down with real teeth creating an OMG moment, Repukicans hold both chambers.

Personally, if I was the Democrats, if they really have nothing on Trump, (and most of them really know the truth) I would switch gears to Tricky Mitch. Want a crook? He is a real crook, and while he is not on the ballot this time, they could really make hay against him and the Repukes that made him their leader!

Of course, he is swamp, and maybe it is more important for swamp to protect swamp, then it is for Dems to protect Dems, and Reps to protect Reps!
The Democrats were always going to make this about Trump. I remember conversations we had here right after he won, wondering how the Dems would react with so little power. We agreed that they'd go after him, since it was all they had, and because he's such an easy target, and we were right. From a political perspective, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I just think there is a large swath of the electorate who doesn't give two shits about "the swamp" or overblown conspiracy theories barfed out by winger media on both ends or the constant "gotcha" bullshit flowing from the wings. Bottom line, these people want security, a basic fairness, and an opportunity to move up.

The rest is just silly noise.

Well, then we can agree to disagree on this one. Remember, just like the right tried to delegitimize Obama by calling him Kenyan and infuriating the Left, the Left has infuriated the Right by delegitimizing Trumps Presidency by calling him a traitor. Difference is..........Obama never had a special counsel looking up his a** to see if he was Kenyan, but Trump does.

Let me tell you Mac, when I was in Florida, and here in Indiana, the political question I always get is, when are they going to arrest someone on high...........and that is from BOTH sides, lol.

You are going to find out that IF it happens to either side, it will instantly change, everything! You can take that statement to the bank and cash it.

"when are they going to arrest someone on high" ,,,,,, Do you mean arrest a politician?
The real Dem message is.
More illegal immigration.
More terrorism.
More weak foreign policy.
More failed left wing economics.
More amoral culture.
More crime.
More corruption.
More poverty.
More racial division.
More Left Wing Hollywood and Press propaganda.
More failed schools.
More destruction of the middle class.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party
Many deny that their actions have to do with a coming presidential run, but they unmistakably play off the chords of campaigns past, seeking a way to break through a political maw that has been focused more on the latest action of the president and the coming midterm elections.
You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.

I agree with Mac on this one, to a certain point. The Left is going to try and make this about Trump, but only certain aspects of his Presidency. They are going to have to thread the needle, so they might not even try.

I believe that at the start of the year, their generic lead was sooooo overwhelming, that they did NOT have to curry voters to change positions to win. They did not need a message, so bad was it. But as I always state, polls are just a snapshot in time-) What is true today may not be true next month, next week, or even when you wake up in the morning if some input has changed that helps form your opinion.

And so, the driving force of this election is simple-----> Russiagate, AKA the collusion/delusion. Why just that? Because everything is coming up roses for Trump; tell us one thing that is not! If you hate him, that is ok, but for those who don't, tell us what is not going well! And so, to flip people away from the President, they are going to have to make him a villain, and insure that they are seen as the good people, thus the collusion/delusion. (I know, all of you are tired of it, aren't you. Me too!)

Now then, someone is lying.....or rather......one side is lying to the tune of at the very least, 70 to 75%, and I don't think it is the Repukicans. They have played this well as their powder was kept dry to be released at the correct time, leading up to the midterms. The revelations are going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and since the IG was a given a prosecutor, the Left on here should not be surprised when an indictment or 2 comes out, and somebody is arrested. One day you will sign on here, and be inundated with "see, we told you" s all over the place.

That being said, since we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, (which will then become the lefts talking point instantly, funny how things change, lol) what the people are indicted for will be key! If it is just process crimes, it won't mean a thing, just talking points.

So in closing let me say this----->

1. No proof, no indictments for the swamp, preferably Democrat operatives= Dems win the House, and 25% chance to take Senate as their narrative carries the day.

2. Indictments for process crimes come down against Dems, but as stated, just process crimes, 50-50 they get House, Repukicans hold senate. Dems will insist that the process crimes indictments were just in retaliation.

3. Indictments come down with real teeth creating an OMG moment, Repukicans hold both chambers.

Personally, if I was the Democrats, if they really have nothing on Trump, (and most of them really know the truth) I would switch gears to Tricky Mitch. Want a crook? He is a real crook, and while he is not on the ballot this time, they could really make hay against him and the Repukes that made him their leader!

Of course, he is swamp, and maybe it is more important for swamp to protect swamp, then it is for Dems to protect Dems, and Reps to protect Reps!
The Democrats were always going to make this about Trump. I remember conversations we had here right after he won, wondering how the Dems would react with so little power. We agreed that they'd go after him, since it was all they had, and because he's such an easy target, and we were right. From a political perspective, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I just think there is a large swath of the electorate who doesn't give two shits about "the swamp" or overblown conspiracy theories barfed out by winger media on both ends or the constant "gotcha" bullshit flowing from the wings. Bottom line, these people want security, a basic fairness, and an opportunity to move up.

The rest is just silly noise.

Well, then we can agree to disagree on this one. Remember, just like the right tried to delegitimize Obama by calling him Kenyan and infuriating the Left, the Left has infuriated the Right by delegitimizing Trumps Presidency by calling him a traitor. Difference is..........Obama never had a special counsel looking up his a** to see if he was Kenyan, but Trump does.

Let me tell you Mac, when I was in Florida, and here in Indiana, the political question I always get is, when are they going to arrest someone on high...........and that is from BOTH sides, lol.

You are going to find out that IF it happens to either side, it will instantly change, everything! You can take that statement to the bank and cash it.

"when are they going to arrest someone on high" ,,,,,, Do you mean arrest a politician?

No, arrest someone high in either of the partys. You know, like Wasserman Shultz, Brennan, Rice, or conversely Huckabee Sanders, Sessions, etc.

You have to understand..............both sides can NOT be telling the truth, it is impossible! No way can their stories mesh as is to create one timeline of fact. And BOTH sides are accusing the other side of illegal activity, and sticking with it! Sooooooooo! So which side is going to be the 1st to arrest someone on the other for something that is NOT a process crime, and is related to what their timeline is?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

What most people do not get is----------> The Reps and Dems are going to get most all of their normal seats. They do every year. But there are probably 20 to 25 that could go either way. A swing of 2% could change 20 to 25 house seats.

Now you tell me as a thinking individual------->do you believe that someone being arrested almost proving one side or the others position on what actually happened, is worth 2%-) I am telling you that it is worth MORE than 2%, a lot more!

Let me tell you----------> Forget which side proves, or arrests someone, just pick a side. Now EVERYONE knows SOMEONE who has been singing all about what Trump did right, wrong, etc. They scream it everyday, correct. Now, what if it comes out those screamers were WRONG! Half of them have to be, correct? They will not only have to hide their faces, they probably won't go to the polls because.............gasp.........they will realize that THEIR SIDE LIED TO THEM and be distraught over it! People are going to point and laugh at them in mixed company!

So yeah, it is worth far more than 2, or 3, and probably 4%.
In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road-testing messages — and trying to redefine their party You see "Deplorables" didn't work, trying to use the race card again and again, doesn't work. Having men with boobs , doesn't work. Aborting 10s of thousands of babies a month doesn't work. Raising taxes on those that work, doesn't work..So they have to find a "Catch Phrase", like "IF YOU ARE STUPID, VOTE FOR ME, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU".

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump, and anyone who comes near him. Democrats, popular culture and the press have gone after him with everything they have, so we'll see how that worked out for them.

One important question this November will be how much credit people give Trump on the economy as opposed to Obama. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 2020. And, a majority of the electorate doesn't really understand macroeconomics in context with politics, anyway.

So that's it. Those two things.

I agree with Mac on this one, to a certain point. The Left is going to try and make this about Trump, but only certain aspects of his Presidency. They are going to have to thread the needle, so they might not even try.

I believe that at the start of the year, their generic lead was sooooo overwhelming, that they did NOT have to curry voters to change positions to win. They did not need a message, so bad was it. But as I always state, polls are just a snapshot in time-) What is true today may not be true next month, next week, or even when you wake up in the morning if some input has changed that helps form your opinion.

And so, the driving force of this election is simple-----> Russiagate, AKA the collusion/delusion. Why just that? Because everything is coming up roses for Trump; tell us one thing that is not! If you hate him, that is ok, but for those who don't, tell us what is not going well! And so, to flip people away from the President, they are going to have to make him a villain, and insure that they are seen as the good people, thus the collusion/delusion. (I know, all of you are tired of it, aren't you. Me too!)

Now then, someone is lying.....or rather......one side is lying to the tune of at the very least, 70 to 75%, and I don't think it is the Repukicans. They have played this well as their powder was kept dry to be released at the correct time, leading up to the midterms. The revelations are going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and since the IG was a given a prosecutor, the Left on here should not be surprised when an indictment or 2 comes out, and somebody is arrested. One day you will sign on here, and be inundated with "see, we told you" s all over the place.

That being said, since we all know you can indict a ham sandwich, (which will then become the lefts talking point instantly, funny how things change, lol) what the people are indicted for will be key! If it is just process crimes, it won't mean a thing, just talking points.

So in closing let me say this----->

1. No proof, no indictments for the swamp, preferably Democrat operatives= Dems win the House, and 25% chance to take Senate as their narrative carries the day.

2. Indictments for process crimes come down against Dems, but as stated, just process crimes, 50-50 they get House, Repukicans hold senate. Dems will insist that the process crimes indictments were just in retaliation.

3. Indictments come down with real teeth creating an OMG moment, Repukicans hold both chambers.

Personally, if I was the Democrats, if they really have nothing on Trump, (and most of them really know the truth) I would switch gears to Tricky Mitch. Want a crook? He is a real crook, and while he is not on the ballot this time, they could really make hay against him and the Repukes that made him their leader!

Of course, he is swamp, and maybe it is more important for swamp to protect swamp, then it is for Dems to protect Dems, and Reps to protect Reps!
The Democrats were always going to make this about Trump. I remember conversations we had here right after he won, wondering how the Dems would react with so little power. We agreed that they'd go after him, since it was all they had, and because he's such an easy target, and we were right. From a political perspective, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I just think there is a large swath of the electorate who doesn't give two shits about "the swamp" or overblown conspiracy theories barfed out by winger media on both ends or the constant "gotcha" bullshit flowing from the wings. Bottom line, these people want security, a basic fairness, and an opportunity to move up.

The rest is just silly noise.

Well, then we can agree to disagree on this one. Remember, just like the right tried to delegitimize Obama by calling him Kenyan and infuriating the Left, the Left has infuriated the Right by delegitimizing Trumps Presidency by calling him a traitor. Difference is..........Obama never had a special counsel looking up his a** to see if he was Kenyan, but Trump does.

Let me tell you Mac, when I was in Florida, and here in Indiana, the political question I always get is, when are they going to arrest someone on high...........and that is from BOTH sides, lol.

You are going to find out that IF it happens to either side, it will instantly change, everything! You can take that statement to the bank and cash it.

"when are they going to arrest someone on high" ,,,,,, Do you mean arrest a politician?

No, arrest someone high in either of the partys. You know, like Wasserman Shultz, Brennan, Rice, or conversely Huckabee Sanders, Sessions, etc.

You have to understand..............both sides can NOT be telling the truth, it is impossible! No way can their stories mesh as is to create one timeline of fact. And BOTH sides are accusing the other side of illegal activity, and sticking with it! Sooooooooo! So which side is going to be the 1st to arrest someone on the other for something that is NOT a process crime, and is related to what their timeline is?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

What most people do not get is----------> The Reps and Dems are going to get most all of their normal seats. They do every year. But there are probably 20 to 25 that could go either way. A swing of 2% could change 20 to 25 house seats.

Now you tell me as a thinking individual------->do you believe that someone being arrested almost proving one side or the others position on what actually happened, is worth 2%-) I am telling you that it is worth MORE than 2%, a lot more!

Let me tell you----------> Forget which side proves, or arrests someone, just pick a side. Now EVERYONE knows SOMEONE who has been singing all about what Trump did right, wrong, etc. They scream it everyday, correct. Now, what if it comes out those screamers were WRONG! Half of them have to be, correct? They will not only have to hide their faces, they probably won't go to the polls because.............gasp.........they will realize that THEIR SIDE LIED TO THEM and be distraught over it! People are going to point and laugh at them in mixed company!

So yeah, it is worth far more than 2, or 3, and probably 4%.

I think that the Dems/Obama illegally used the FBI to spy on Trump.
I think that now the FBI is attempting a cover-up.
At this point Mueller's investigation is 100% political.
2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump

Ouch, then Dem's are in for another ass whooping because Trump is winning left and right. His fight for seniors on prescription drug prices I don't think people understand yet just how HUGE that is. That single issue can devastate Dem's.
2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump
Ouch, then Dem's are in for another ass whooping because Trump is winning left and right. His fight for seniors on prescription drug prices I don't think people understand yet just how HUGE that is. That single issue can devastate Dem's.
I'm not good at predicting this stuff, so I guess we'll see.

But a mistake the GOP may be making is assuming that everyone else shares their priorities, and that's just wrong.

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