Did Your City Make the 'High Quality of Life' List?

Did Your City Make the 'High Quality of Life' List?

Vienna, Austria is the city with the best quality of life on the planet, according to a new ranking by Mercer, a human resources consulting firm. Each year, it publishes its Quality of Living report to help companies determine compensation for employees sent to work abroad.

The cities are rated based on 39 factors, grouped into the following 10 categories:

- Social environment including politics and crime

- Economic environment

- Limitations on personal freedoms

- Medical and health considerations

- Schools and education

- Public services and transportation

- Recreation and entertainment

- Consumer goods

- Housing

- Natural environment and climate

Did your city make the 2018 list? Let's take a closer look:

A bit controversial. All of the top cities seem to be in Australia or Central Europe. Zurich and Basel score highly but are both deadly dull. Milan beats Rome ? Is Birmingham better than Edinburgh ? Wrexham not mentioned at all for some reason.

How many of these places have you visited ? I am going to recount but I am in the low 20s.
Notice no sanctuary cities on that list....

Leftist Logic says THAT is because that list is racist or whatever :rolleyes-41:
There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

When did you last visit Western Europa? If ever....:rolleyes-41: New York is a Shit Hole, Detroit is a Shit Hole, Chicago is a Shit Hole, 80% of California is a Shit Hole, actually 80% of AMERICA is literally a SHIT HOLE. No wonder you are getting older and dying off and allowing HALF of Central America to INVADE you to take over NO BALLS to SHOOT them at the border oh BUT BUT BUT you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS so WHY not USE them? That's right ALL MOUTH and NO ACTION. ROFLAO it's the low IQ ignorant Americans like YOU who have NEVER VISITED the European Continent for an EXTENDED PERIOD and get ALL your information from that fat idiot Rush Limbaugh or whatever that make Europeans like ME WANT America to be TOTALLY SHIT HOLED by Third World Shit Holers from Guatemala, Mexico etc. YOU DESERVE it oh but but but you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS and ONLY have BIG BALLS to USE them in YOUR micro brains. ROFLAO, if a 6 foot Black from The Congo confronted YOU you would LITERALLY shit your panties and drop your gun.
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There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

New York is a Shit Hole

Eh, New York city was really bad before the 2000's. Now not really.

New York's now one of the safest major USA cities.
It also has some of the best food & museums.
Blacks are inferior.......

Even Blacks are SUPERIOR to low IQ Muppets like Rustic, seriously do a search of his posting and see if he EVER posts MORE than ONE LINE which is usually very Sound Bite-ish like he picks his whatever up off Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones etc BUT Rustic is an EXPERT about the European Continent ROFLAO.

ROFLAO I have several bottles of Champagne on ice, I think I will now search for the latest footage of UNLIMITED Central Americans just WALKING into America for Gibs Me Dat and CELEBRATE this. HOPEFULLY they eventually get airdropped into whatever State Rustic aka ALL MOUTH AND NO ACTION is in so he can tell them:

BUT BUT BUT we have 300 MILLION FIREARMS but have NO BALLS to SHOOT YOU we just SAY that on The Internets so EVERYONE can think we are TOUGH GUYS but in reality we are Pussy's, so whatever just have my house and let me PAY for whatever else you want , just PLEASE don't anally rape me and then murder me.
Blacks are inferior.......

Even Blacks are SUPERIOR to low IQ Muppets like Rustic, seriously do a search of his posting and see if he EVER posts MORE than ONE LINE which is usually very Sound Bite-ish like he picks his whatever up off Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones etc BUT Rustic is an EXPERT about the European Continent ROFLAO.

ROFLAO I have several bottles of Champagne on ice, I think I will now search for the latest footage of UNLIMITED Central Americans just WALKING into America for Gibs Me Dat and CELEBRATE this. HOPEFULLY they eventually get airdropped into whatever State Rustic aka ALL MOUTH AND NO ACTION is in so he can tell them:

BUT BUT BUT we have 300 MILLION FIREARMS but have NO BALLS to SHOOT YOU we just SAY that on The Internets so EVERYONE can think we are TOUGH GUYS but in reality we are Pussy's, so whatever just have my house and let me PAY for whatever else you want , just PLEASE don't anally rape me and then murder me.

Isn't Rustic Native American?
As for cities, sure Western Europe has more admirable cities, merely because of less genetic scums.
There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

New York is a Shit Hole

Eh, New York city was really bad before the 2000's. Now not really.

New York's now one of the safest major USA cities.
It also has some of the best food & museums.

The Mayor of New York is a Self Hating White man, SO Self Hating instead of getting a nice Italian American girl he decided to flush his DNA down the toilet. So how can ANYONE have ANY RESPECT for New York City? When it VOTES for that pathetic POS to be it's Mayor.

Here are some of YOUR REPLACEMENTS:



For low IQ Muppets like Rustic who illustrate how low IQ they are by rambling horsecrap about how the ENTIRE European Continent is Socialist when they would be better shutting up and not displaying their TOTAL idiocy on topics they know ZERO about, they THINK in their micro brains that Donald Trump is STOPPING the Invasion of Third World Shit Holers into America to within approx 15 years reduce America to a Third World Shit Hole, well NEWS FLASH he is not, he's ALL MOUTH AND NO ACTION.

Trump on Monday - I am SHUTTING the border, I am sending TROOPS to the border, NO Illegals are getting in.

Trump on Friday - I have Cucked. I have released ANOTHER 7,000 Illegals into the American population.

Trump on Tuesday - I am SHUTTING the border, I am sending TROOPS to the border, NO Illegals are getting in.

Trump on Saturday - I have Cucked. I have released ANOTHER 7,000 Illegals into the American population and at this rate DO NOT tell my supporters that by the end of 2019 I will have released approx 500,000 Illegals into the American population because they THINK I have SHUT THE BORDER and are DEPORTING EVERYONE and if they KNOW I'm NOT they won't vote for me in 2020.

See Breitbart article that illustrates the above, Trump is CONTINUING with Obama's Catch and Release Policy, Trump is busing them in EXACTLY like Obama did, read the below article, America lasts for how much LONGER exactly if your Government and your President is releasing these incredible amounts of Central Americans and whatever else into America to STAY because once in they are NOT LEAVING you HAVE to know that already right?

Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.

According to newly obtained data by Breitbart News, DHS released about 17,065 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. between March 21 and April 1, a mere 12-day period. Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released about 125,565 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country.

The Catch and Release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.

Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released:

    • 12,745 border crossers into the San Diego, California area
    • 22,000 border crossers into the Phoenix, Arizona area
    • 37,500 border crossers into the El Paso, Texas area
    • 53,320 border crossers into the San Antonio, Texas area
The Catch and Release policy has strained ICE resources, forcing fewer arrests of illegal aliens living in the interior of the country in recent months.

At current rates, DHS is on track to release about 500,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. by the end of this year. The mass release of border crossers has coincided with a surge of illegal immigration at the southern border, where about one to 1.5 million illegal aliens, in total, could arrive in the U.S. this year at current projections.

Sure, a lot of "American cities" don't have such good quality of living, and a good deal of that is because of Black, and Hispanic crime waves.

Besides, a lot of Whites in the USA, are also just the trash Britain dumped off on the continent.

greenpoint in BROOKLYN -----spoils the whole damn town-----lots of trash

hes not kidding !!! my first warehouse space was in greenpoint it was only 12000 sq ft. i ran outta space pretty fast

Pollocks n hipsters OH MY !which is ironic cause the hipsters are usually so green....but wait theirs more! practically the whole neighborhood sits atop toxic waste ....NO REALLY
that'll be $3200.00 a month ..we'll be needin first month last month and 2 months security please...proof of employment and a credit check please :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:....we got so much cause NYC is a pain in the ass it takes about 6 months to evict a deadbeat
in new York we didnt need no stinking click bait list !
their was NYC and then every place else ...crime, dirt ,that funny smell ?pfffft is that urine and death ??? wait ....my MY new jersey is ripe tonight .

Im heading up for Thanksgiving ... ihope im not turned away cause my former filthy greasy wop gov said "conservative people are not welcome "
they have values ...progressive totalitarian conformist values

the NYC i loved no longer exists...just lil slices of it

View attachment 257859

today i live around a pop. thats 97% white ...people carry guns and no one says BOO if your front license plate is the confederate battle flag.
the homicide rate? a hog that got loose and ran onto the road...it was to late said jimmy joe bob
I hit the breaks but he came outta no where

Sure, and you forgot that food is better in NYC.

To most of the country Olive Garden is Italian food.
What a joke.


Ive never been in an olive garden NEVER will go in .
I will DIE first before i go into one ...Ill slice my wrist open in the doorway and bleed out ...
ya might as well be in boil a bag paris :19:
i used to walk buy the one on 6th av and just shake my head in total disgust .

I swear to god! just seeing the place makes you wanna shove a flyover transplant into traffic :10:
living down here Ive been forced to eat at corporate chains ...thier lil independents but IM rural now theye few and far between.

carrabas is not bad at all ....you wouldn't be sorry ....I took a shot and was pleasantly surprised
if youre ever out on the road down south I LOVE TEXAS roadhouse
ya cant go wrong with texas roadhouse ....they only thing is when the star goin off on the happy birthday songs
the first time i was in one thier was 2 lil birthday dinners going on .......i started looking for a burger king crown :04:
Its not peter luger but yer good!
Ruth Chris is not bad ...ive been in it before in other places over the years...
the first time i went round here > i was the only guy in the place with a jacket on NO SHIT!
Blacks are inferior.......

Even Blacks are SUPERIOR to low IQ Muppets like Rustic, seriously do a search of his posting and see if he EVER posts MORE than ONE LINE which is usually very Sound Bite-ish like he picks his whatever up off Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones etc BUT Rustic is an EXPERT about the European Continent ROFLAO.

ROFLAO I have several bottles of Champagne on ice, I think I will now search for the latest footage of UNLIMITED Central Americans just WALKING into America for Gibs Me Dat and CELEBRATE this. HOPEFULLY they eventually get airdropped into whatever State Rustic aka ALL MOUTH AND NO ACTION is in so he can tell them:

BUT BUT BUT we have 300 MILLION FIREARMS but have NO BALLS to SHOOT YOU we just SAY that on The Internets so EVERYONE can think we are TOUGH GUYS but in reality we are Pussy's, so whatever just have my house and let me PAY for whatever else you want , just PLEASE don't anally rape me and then murder me.

Isn't Rustic Native American?
As for cities, sure Western Europe has more admirable cities, merely because of less genetic scums.

Do not know what he is except he is exceptionally uneducated. The situation is he does not have the intellectual capacity to realise that at the rate America is going America is FUCKED, see the Breitbart article I just posted, he babbles on in threads about my Continent which he illustrates with his ignorant comments he knows ZERO about and at the SAME time he has this delusion that America is NOT well on it's way to being FUCKED FOREVER and he's the chest beating type who thinks you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS so you are GOING to stop the Invasion, well if that's the situation why are NOT TENS OF MILLIONS of American Chest Beaters on the border shooting the Invaders. I'll tell you WHY because All Mouth No Action ONLY Tough Guys on The Internets.

Well I think England and France and Sweden are totally fucked, I think it is past the point of no return for them they are too Cucked, but we still have hope for the others, we hear every day things that do give us hope for them they are not lost causes but unfortunately England, France and Sweden are lost causes, this is why we do not pay attention to them anymore why waste precious time on them.
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Did Your City Make the 'High Quality of Life' List?

Vienna, Austria is the city with the best quality of life on the planet, according to a new ranking by Mercer, a human resources consulting firm. Each year, it publishes its Quality of Living report to help companies determine compensation for employees sent to work abroad.

The cities are rated based on 39 factors, grouped into the following 10 categories:

- Social environment including politics and crime

- Economic environment

- Limitations on personal freedoms

- Medical and health considerations

- Schools and education

- Public services and transportation

- Recreation and entertainment

- Consumer goods

- Housing

- Natural environment and climate

Did your city make the 2018 list? Let's take a closer look:

A bit controversial. All of the top cities seem to be in Australia or Central Europe. Zurich and Basel score highly but are both deadly dull. Milan beats Rome ? Is Birmingham better than Edinburgh ? Wrexham not mentioned at all for some reason.

How many of these places have you visited ? I am going to recount but I am in the low 20s.

I dated a lady from Perth years ago. She said it sucked ass. She worked in the opal mines they got out there. I guess it’s like anyplace else, it all depends on who you ask. I know two dudes from Israel. They are brothers. One says the place is a dump, dinky and he hates it and only go’s back to visit family. The other guy loves it and only stays in the US because of work he is doing and plans to go back as soon as it’s done. My dad spent much time in Germany. He hated Munich, loved Berlin and will not leave Houston. Guess it’s all perspective.
Did Your City Make the 'High Quality of Life' List?

Vienna, Austria is the city with the best quality of life on the planet, according to a new ranking by Mercer, a human resources consulting firm. Each year, it publishes its Quality of Living report to help companies determine compensation for employees sent to work abroad.

The cities are rated based on 39 factors, grouped into the following 10 categories:

- Social environment including politics and crime

- Economic environment

- Limitations on personal freedoms

- Medical and health considerations

- Schools and education

- Public services and transportation

- Recreation and entertainment

- Consumer goods

- Housing

- Natural environment and climate

Did your city make the 2018 list? Let's take a closer look:

A bit controversial. All of the top cities seem to be in Australia or Central Europe. Zurich and Basel score highly but are both deadly dull. Milan beats Rome ? Is Birmingham better than Edinburgh ? Wrexham not mentioned at all for some reason.

How many of these places have you visited ? I am going to recount but I am in the low 20s.

I don't live in a city anymore simply because all cities are cesspools. If you want real quality of life, move out to the country. That way you won't have to push your way through wierdos of all sorts and aliens while you're wading in shit just to be told where, when and how to do anything and everything including how to think, who to like and not like.
There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

New York is a Shit Hole

Eh, New York city was really bad before the 2000's. Now not really.

New York's now one of the safest major USA cities.
It also has some of the best food & museums.

The Mayor of New York is a Self Hating White man, SO Self Hating instead of getting a nice Italian American girl he decided to flush his DNA down the toilet. So how can ANYONE have ANY RESPECT for New York City? When it VOTES for that pathetic POS to be it's Mayor.

Here are some of YOUR REPLACEMENTS:



For low IQ Muppets like Rustic who illustrate how low IQ they are by rambling horsecrap about how the ENTIRE European Continent is Socialist when they would be better shutting up and not displaying their TOTAL idiocy on topics they know ZERO about, they THINK in their micro brains that Donald Trump is STOPPING the Invasion of Third World Shit Holers into America to within approx 15 years reduce America to a Third World Shit Hole, well NEWS FLASH he is not, he's ALL MOUTH AND NO ACTION.

Trump on Monday - I am SHUTTING the border, I am sending TROOPS to the border, NO Illegals are getting in.

Trump on Friday - I have Cucked. I have released ANOTHER 7,000 Illegals into the American population.

Trump on Tuesday - I am SHUTTING the border, I am sending TROOPS to the border, NO Illegals are getting in.

Trump on Saturday - I have Cucked. I have released ANOTHER 7,000 Illegals into the American population and at this rate DO NOT tell my supporters that by the end of 2019 I will have released approx 500,000 Illegals into the American population because they THINK I have SHUT THE BORDER and are DEPORTING EVERYONE and if they KNOW I'm NOT they won't vote for me in 2020.

See Breitbart article that illustrates the above, Trump is CONTINUING with Obama's Catch and Release Policy, Trump is busing them in EXACTLY like Obama did, read the below article, America lasts for how much LONGER exactly if your Government and your President is releasing these incredible amounts of Central Americans and whatever else into America to STAY because once in they are NOT LEAVING you HAVE to know that already right?

Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.

According to newly obtained data by Breitbart News, DHS released about 17,065 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. between March 21 and April 1, a mere 12-day period. Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released about 125,565 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country.

The Catch and Release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.

Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released:

    • 12,745 border crossers into the San Diego, California area
    • 22,000 border crossers into the Phoenix, Arizona area
    • 37,500 border crossers into the El Paso, Texas area
    • 53,320 border crossers into the San Antonio, Texas area
The Catch and Release policy has strained ICE resources, forcing fewer arrests of illegal aliens living in the interior of the country in recent months.

At current rates, DHS is on track to release about 500,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. by the end of this year. The mass release of border crossers has coincided with a surge of illegal immigration at the southern border, where about one to 1.5 million illegal aliens, in total, could arrive in the U.S. this year at current projections.


The situation is that American Conservatives need to WAKE UP, if you read the above Breitbart article I posted and then look where they are mainly dumping all those Illegals they are dumping them mainly in Texas. Without Texas you will NEVER have a Republican White House ever again, on the current rate of dumpings Texas is going to be Democrat by 2028 and then it's OVER for you, because forget about dumping 500,000 Illegals a year into America like Trump is now doing, the Democrats will be IMPORTING MILLIONS and MILLIONS of them into America every year and by 2050 America will have been reduced to a Third World Shit Hole.

Once Texas is Democrat via Importing Illegals and once the Democrats PERMANENTLY get to keep the White House because they have now Texas in their column, you can say goodbye to that Second Amendment because they WILL over turn it and then ARE then going to come for all those guns you THINK you are getting to keep. You need to wake up to this.
There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

When did you last visit Western Europa? If ever....:rolleyes-41: New York is a Shit Hole, Detroit is a Shit Hole, Chicago is a Shit Hole, 80% of California is a Shit Hole, actually 80% of AMERICA is literally a SHIT HOLE. No wonder you are getting older and dying off and allowing HALF of Central America to INVADE you to take over NO BALLS to SHOOT them at the border oh BUT BUT BUT you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS so WHY not USE them? That's right ALL MOUTH and NO ACTION. ROFLAO it's the low IQ ignorant Americans like YOU who have NEVER VISITED the European Continent for an EXTENDED PERIOD and get ALL your information from that fat idiot Rush Limbaugh or whatever that make Europeans like ME WANT America to be TOTALLY SHIT HOLED by Third World Shit Holers from Guatemala, Mexico etc. YOU DESERVE it oh but but but you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS and ONLY have BIG BALLS to USE them in YOUR micro brains. ROFLAO, if a 6 foot Black from The Congo confronted YOU you would LITERALLY shit your panties and drop your gun.
Disagree with Chicago to a degree. The South and West sides of the city are definitely black and brown deadly shitholes, but the old State St. downtown area, the Michigan Ave. Magnificent Mile, the North side, etc. are nice, safe, and clean.
There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

When did you last visit Western Europa? If ever....:rolleyes-41: New York is a Shit Hole, Detroit is a Shit Hole, Chicago is a Shit Hole, 80% of California is a Shit Hole, actually 80% of AMERICA is literally a SHIT HOLE. No wonder you are getting older and dying off and allowing HALF of Central America to INVADE you to take over NO BALLS to SHOOT them at the border oh BUT BUT BUT you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS so WHY not USE them? That's right ALL MOUTH and NO ACTION. ROFLAO it's the low IQ ignorant Americans like YOU who have NEVER VISITED the European Continent for an EXTENDED PERIOD and get ALL your information from that fat idiot Rush Limbaugh or whatever that make Europeans like ME WANT America to be TOTALLY SHIT HOLED by Third World Shit Holers from Guatemala, Mexico etc. YOU DESERVE it oh but but but you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS and ONLY have BIG BALLS to USE them in YOUR micro brains. ROFLAO, if a 6 foot Black from The Congo confronted YOU you would LITERALLY shit your panties and drop your gun.
Disagree with Chicago to a degree. The South and West sides of the city are definitely black and brown deadly shitholes, but the old State St. downtown area, the Michigan Ave. Magnificent Mile, the North side, etc. are nice, safe, and clean.

I was being sarcastic in that part of my comments, I have never visited Chicago or Detroit, I have stayed in Bridgehampton, Long Island, New York and I have stayed in Lake Arrowhead, California, I went to San Francisco before it became the Shit Hole alot of it now is that I hear about from various sources, except those things I know ZERO about what Chicago, Detroit, New York or 80% of California is like, those parts of my comments were deliberately sarcastic as I was responding to Rustic who on MULTIPLE occasions at this forum has displayed his 100% ignorance about my Continent yet feels he is some EXPERT about what the majority of my Continent is like INCLUDING frequently announcing that we are all Socialists and ALL of this despite him NEVER having LIVED on my Continent OR visited it for an extended period of time.
Sure, a lot of "American cities" don't have such good quality of living, and a good deal of that is because of Black, and Hispanic crime waves.

Besides, a lot of Whites in the USA, are also just the trash Britain dumped off on the continent.

greenpoint in BROOKLYN -----spoils the whole damn town-----lots of trash

hes not kidding !!! my first warehouse space was in greenpoint it was only 12000 sq ft. i ran outta space pretty fast

Pollocks n hipsters OH MY !which is ironic cause the hipsters are usually so green....but wait theirs more! practically the whole neighborhood sits atop toxic waste ....NO REALLY
that'll be $3200.00 a month ..we'll be needin first month last month and 2 months security please...proof of employment and a credit check please :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:....we got so much cause NYC is a pain in the ass it takes about 6 months to evict a deadbeat
in new York we didnt need no stinking click bait list !
their was NYC and then every place else ...crime, dirt ,that funny smell ?pfffft is that urine and death ??? wait ....my MY new jersey is ripe tonight .

Im heading up for Thanksgiving ... ihope im not turned away cause my former filthy greasy wop gov said "conservative people are not welcome "
they have values ...progressive totalitarian conformist values

the NYC i loved no longer exists...just lil slices of it

View attachment 257859

today i live around a pop. thats 97% white ...people carry guns and no one says BOO if your front license plate is the confederate battle flag.
the homicide rate? a hog that got loose and ran onto the road...it was to late said jimmy joe bob
I hit the breaks but he came outta no where

Sure, and you forgot that food is better in NYC.

To most of the country Olive Garden is Italian food.
What a joke.

if youre ever out on the road down south I LOVE TEXAS roadhouse

I don't have to go South to a Texas Roadhouse, but rather West into Poughkeepsie, NY, or East into Danbury, CT.

Anyways, there's a nearby Southern BBQ place, in Wingdale, NY, called Big W's.

There's a lot of good food in the Hudson Valley, merely because it's where NYC meets the Culinary Institute.
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There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

New York is a Shit Hole

Eh, New York city was really bad before the 2000's. Now not really.

New York's now one of the safest major USA cities.
It also has some of the best food & museums.

The Mayor of New York is a Self Hating White man, SO Self Hating instead of getting a nice Italian American girl he decided to flush his DNA down the toilet. So how can ANYONE have ANY RESPECT for New York City? When it VOTES for that pathetic POS to be it's Mayor.

Here are some of YOUR REPLACEMENTS:



For low IQ Muppets like Rustic who illustrate how low IQ they are by rambling horsecrap about how the ENTIRE European Continent is Socialist when they would be better shutting up and not displaying their TOTAL idiocy on topics they know ZERO about, they THINK in their micro brains that Donald Trump is STOPPING the Invasion of Third World Shit Holers into America to within approx 15 years reduce America to a Third World Shit Hole, well NEWS FLASH he is not, he's ALL MOUTH AND NO ACTION.

Trump on Monday - I am SHUTTING the border, I am sending TROOPS to the border, NO Illegals are getting in.

Trump on Friday - I have Cucked. I have released ANOTHER 7,000 Illegals into the American population.

Trump on Tuesday - I am SHUTTING the border, I am sending TROOPS to the border, NO Illegals are getting in.

Trump on Saturday - I have Cucked. I have released ANOTHER 7,000 Illegals into the American population and at this rate DO NOT tell my supporters that by the end of 2019 I will have released approx 500,000 Illegals into the American population because they THINK I have SHUT THE BORDER and are DEPORTING EVERYONE and if they KNOW I'm NOT they won't vote for me in 2020.

See Breitbart article that illustrates the above, Trump is CONTINUING with Obama's Catch and Release Policy, Trump is busing them in EXACTLY like Obama did, read the below article, America lasts for how much LONGER exactly if your Government and your President is releasing these incredible amounts of Central Americans and whatever else into America to STAY because once in they are NOT LEAVING you HAVE to know that already right?

Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.

According to newly obtained data by Breitbart News, DHS released about 17,065 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. between March 21 and April 1, a mere 12-day period. Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released about 125,565 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country.

The Catch and Release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.

Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released:

    • 12,745 border crossers into the San Diego, California area
    • 22,000 border crossers into the Phoenix, Arizona area
    • 37,500 border crossers into the El Paso, Texas area
    • 53,320 border crossers into the San Antonio, Texas area
The Catch and Release policy has strained ICE resources, forcing fewer arrests of illegal aliens living in the interior of the country in recent months.

At current rates, DHS is on track to release about 500,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. by the end of this year. The mass release of border crossers has coincided with a surge of illegal immigration at the southern border, where about one to 1.5 million illegal aliens, in total, could arrive in the U.S. this year at current projections.


Deblasio, and Cuomo aren't the typical "Italians" I've met in the USA, by a long shot.

The Italians I grew up with in Putnam Lake, NY used to randomly beat up Black people.
I saw it 3 times, 1 solo guy, another solo guy, both attack a random Black person.

I even a group of Italian dominated skateboarders attacked a Black guy, and threw rocks, and shot off fireworks at him, calling him a "Brown piece of sh(t".
im luger biased
one of my great gran pappy ate their

never go wrong wit the classics

Luger's Steak house in Brooklyn, NYC?
I haven't ate there, but it's famous, for being among the best in the entire country, and World, even.

Apparently there's a Steak house in Newburgh, NY that I've heard is even better.
There is a reason why western Europe is getting older and dying off, and not replenishing their numbers… It’s a shit hole

When did you last visit Western Europa? If ever....:rolleyes-41: New York is a Shit Hole, Detroit is a Shit Hole, Chicago is a Shit Hole, 80% of California is a Shit Hole, actually 80% of AMERICA is literally a SHIT HOLE. No wonder you are getting older and dying off and allowing HALF of Central America to INVADE you to take over NO BALLS to SHOOT them at the border oh BUT BUT BUT you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS so WHY not USE them? That's right ALL MOUTH and NO ACTION. ROFLAO it's the low IQ ignorant Americans like YOU who have NEVER VISITED the European Continent for an EXTENDED PERIOD and get ALL your information from that fat idiot Rush Limbaugh or whatever that make Europeans like ME WANT America to be TOTALLY SHIT HOLED by Third World Shit Holers from Guatemala, Mexico etc. YOU DESERVE it oh but but but you have 300 MILLION FIREARMS and ONLY have BIG BALLS to USE them in YOUR micro brains. ROFLAO, if a 6 foot Black from The Congo confronted YOU you would LITERALLY shit your panties and drop your gun.
Disagree with Chicago to a degree. The South and West sides of the city are definitely black and brown deadly shitholes, but the old State St. downtown area, the Michigan Ave. Magnificent Mile, the North side, etc. are nice, safe, and clean.
my Continent is like INCLUDING frequently announcing that we are all Socialists and ALL of this despite him NEVER having LIVED on my Continent OR visited it for an extended period of time.

Ironically, Communist Socialists weren't touchy feely Multiculturalists.
They made Poland, Ukraine, and Russia more homogeneous, by mass deportations, something Capitalism has since reversed, with now a ton of Migrant Muslims in Russia, and a lot of Migrant Ukrainians in Poland too.

Capitalism is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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