Did you ever hear about mass-murder Jakov Solomon ( Swerdlow ) who murdered 1 m Russian Cossacks?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A Mass-Murder killed 1 million Russian Cossaks, no mention in 'medias' the stuff is politically incorrect.
For information.
A little more than 100 years ago, on January 24 in 1919, the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) adopted a secret directive "To all responsible comrades working in Cossack regions", later signed by the well-known jewish revolutionary leader Yakov Solomon ( Sverdlov.) In particular, she decreed: “... To recognize the only rightful most merciless struggle with all the leaders of the Cossacks by their total extermination. No compromises, no half way is unacceptable.
Therefore it is necessary:
To carry out mass terror against the rich Cossacks, exterminating them without exception; conduct a merciless mass terror against all Cossacks in general who took any direct or indirect part in the fight against the Soviet power ...
To confiscate the bread and force to pour all the surplus in the specified points, this applies to both bread and all other agricultural products.
Carry out complete disarmament, shooting everyone who will be found weapons after the deadline ... "
It is believed that this directive marked the beginning of the story. On some other documents of the Bolsheviks, the details of their atrocities against the Cossacks, facts and figures were told in their speeches by the participants of the “Double-headed Eagle” meeting.
In his opening remarks, the Vice-Chairman of the Society “Double-headed Eagle”, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Union of Cossacks-Warriors of Russia and Abroad, Viktor Vodolatsky, cited several heart-cold examples:
“I had to read the notes of the commissars who sent their messages to Moscow, about the need to change the international detachments, whose minds are breaking, because from morning to night they burned, destroyed, raped Cossacks and Cossacks — and it was necessary to send others, to change these executioners. And here in Novocherkassk, where we established a huge Orthodox cross, there was the Trinity Church - there are photographs left in the archives. In those days, when there were 20 degrees of frost, children were brought in, old men, women undressed, locked up at night in the temple, and in the morning they took out sleighs and their bodies were lowered into the Tuzlov River. ”
Practically anyone could have been subjected to such repressions - most of the Cossacks were well-to-do people, in the Bolshevik sense, “fists”, and therefore they could easily be brought to justice for this.
Andrey Gorban about what Cossacks were touched by Bolshevik repressions

"In February 1919 was followed by more detailed instruction of the revolutionary military Council of the southern front in carrying out the directives of the Central Executive Committee (from 24 January – approx. Constantinople) – the don in particular. She is ordered to immediately shoot all without exception of the Cossacks, who held the official position for the election or appointment of district, Metropolitan chieftains, their assistants, policemen, judges and others. All, without exception, officers of the then army Krasnovsky, all, without exception, the rich Cossacks. Well, from the point of view of Derewala, the Cossack poor can not speak, as the Cossacks are almost entirely well-off, consists of the kulaks and middle peasants. That is, everyone could be brought to responsibility there, " the military judge of the Kuban Cossack Army Andrei Gorban said in his speech.

He read another document that is a Directive of the revolutionary military Council of the southern front dated March 16, 1919, signed by its member Andrei Kolegaeva. Here is an excerpt from her text:
I suggest to perform the following: a) the burning of the rebel farms; b) ruthless executions of all without exception of persons, taking direct or indirect part in the revolt; b) executions in 5 or 10 employees of the adult male population of the rebel farms; d) the mass hostage-taking rebels from neighboring hamlets; d) a warning to the population of farms, villages, etc. that all villages and hamlets seen in providing assistance to the rebels, will be subject to the merciless extermination of the entire adult male population and to indulge in the burning of the first case of detection assistance.

These massacres greatly reduced the Cossack population. Thus, according to the data given by the Deputy Chairman of the Rostov regional branch of the Society "double-Headed eagle" Dmitry Leusenko, on January 1, 1916 the population of the don region was 4 million 13 thousand people. In 1922 – a little more than one and a half million people. In seven years, it has decreased by 2.5 million people, that is, by more than 60%. There are no exact statistics on the share of repressed Cossacks in these losses, however, according to historians, it was considerable.

Mass destruction from 1918 to 1941, according to the most conservative estimates, claimed the lives of more than a million Cossacks. Although some researchers give much higher numbers, - said Andrey Gorban.

Mass Murder Yakov Solomon ( Sverdlov ). Did you ever hear something about his crime?


Just imagine non-stop outrage of MS Presstitutes when a Russian decided to murder 100 Jews.
A condemnation at least for 30 centuries is sure, see Hitler and Haman.
When a Jew killed 1 million Russians no mention in presstitute MS lying 'medias' until now.No even smallest sentence or a word of condolence.







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