1-1-2020 update: The truth about 'assault weapons' and mass shootings un the US

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
The number of people murdered in mass shootings fell 4.5% from 2018 to 2019.
The number of people murdered in mass shootings fell 38.7% from 2017 to 2018.

According to Mother Jones (link below), from 1982 thru 2019, 'assault weapons' accounted for 401 mass shooting deaths; handguns accounted for 430 such deaths.
This works out to 10.55 (45.16%) and 11.32 (48.42%) deaths per year, respectively.

10.55 deaths/year in mass shootings with ‘assault weapons’ represents 0.06781% of all murders
10.55 deaths /year in mass shootings with ‘assault weapons’ represents 0.09940% of all firearm-related murders

In addition:
-1982-2019, in16 mass school shootings of all kinds, 142 deaths resulted for an average of 3.75 deaths per year.
-73 of these deaths, 51.41%, involved the use of an ‘assault weapon’, for an average of 1.97 deaths per year. On average, 3-4x more kids are killed each year in school bus accidents.

And so, with around 17 million 'assault weapons' in the US, slightly over 10 people per year are murdered with same; these murders represent <0.1% of all firearm related murders.
Thus, further proof there is no sound argument, practically or constitutionally, for banning 'assault weapons'.

US mass shootings, 1982-2019: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation
- In compiling this information from the MJ spreadsheet, I was as inclusive as I could be - for instance, some events involved the use of a Mini-14/30 and M1 carbine which are not necessarily 'assault weapons' while others included the TEC-9 and MAC-11, which are oversized handguns rather than rifles. I included them in the total.
- The Obama administration, seeking to bolster its gun control agenda, changed the definition of 'mass shootings' in 2013 to include 3, rather than 4, deaths per incident. As these shootings are not represented in the data set prior to 2013, they are excluded from the data set from 2013 and later.
Looking further at the data....

- In 68 of 98 mass shootings (69.4%) 1982-2019, deaths from handguns exceed deaths from 'asst weapons' by >203%
- In 89 of 98 mass shootings, (94.9%) 1982-2019, deaths from handguns exceed deaths from 'assault weapons' by 110%
- Not until the top 5% of mass shootings - 9 total shootings in 38 years - do deaths from 'assault weapons' exceed the number of deaths from handguns.
- The top 5 of the 98 mass shootings, 1982-2019, fall into the 4th through 7th standard deviation from the norm.

And so, even though there are 17-18 million 'assault weapons' in the US, in just 9 shootings, over 38 years, does the average number of people killed with an 'assault weapon' exceed that of handguns.

Reaction from the anti-gun loons?
See! Ban them! BAN THEM NOW!!!!

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