Did the wrong country win WW2 ???

I hate to say it but Jews acting like 1940s Fascist

Others don't; there is widespread internal opposition to Netanyahu's hard swing to the right, and not just from leftists. IDF officers are resigning at high levels. They aren't interested in being part of the ultra-Orthodox version of the Nazi state. It's early yet, but not hopeless.
Others don't; there is widespread internal opposition to Netanyahu's hard swing to the right, and not just from leftists. IDF officers are resigning at high levels. They aren't interested in being part of the ultra-Orthodox version of the Nazi state. It's early yet, but not hopeless.

When you're surrounded on all sides by people who want nothing more than to drive you into the Mediterranean Sea and wipe your country off the map, you'd might better have something resembling a "Nazi state."
He didn't cotton to no damn darkies eh?
Guess not. He was full blood Iroquois, 6'6" and 280 pounds of solid muscle when he died. He was buried with full military honors. A hero. If anyone is entitled to talk about the degrading of the nation it is him.
Hey dumbass, Germany declared war on the US.
UBoat raids were a problem but Germany never invaded American soil. Stalin and Hitler were two of a kind and Italy was a joke. FDR should have let Russia and Germany slug it out for how many years it took and maybe picked up the pieces. France wasn't worth it the first go-round and it wasn't worth saving the 2nd go-round. FDR seemed to care a lot about his friend "Uncle Joe" Stalin. Maybe the incredible sacrifice of American Troops was more about saving Russia.
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That number is too low.

"American historian William D. Rubinstein concluded that, even under most conservative estimates, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of at least 7 million people, or about 4.2% of USSRs total population."
About 1.3 million people died in GULAG.
About 800,000 people were executed.
About 1.1 million people died in exile.

Joseph Stalin achieved rapid industrialization by coercive methods. That was wrong, but not even close to Axis atrocities.
I think 1930s Germany looked more like 1920s America...

Eight outta every ten of those folks pictured were Democrats until the day they died .
i noticed on twitter that more and more people now believe that Germany should have won the WAR.
They are so sick and tired of living under extreme Marxist rule in every country; so sick and tired of living in extreme wokism and diversity. So tired of catering to the lowest form of humanity. So tired of watching centuries of tradition be destroyed by the Western Pol Pots.

People in UK and FRANCE and even Canada no longer recognize their own nation.

They believe the Germans would have at least kept them safe and preserved their own idenity.

The only people calling for more and more wokism and divesity are only a few certain ethnic groups
In my opinion...Japan won ! Look at their advancements historically !
Maybe a little of that could give Amerkastan a shot in the arm. A lil nuke , or 40 in Shitcago, DC, San Franistan,LostAngels,Noo Yakk.... Maybe the aftermath would be awesome ?
When you're surrounded on all sides by people who want nothing more than to drive you into the Mediterranean Sea and wipe your country off the map, you'd might better have something resembling a "Nazi state."

More likely that the 'Master Race' mentality makes them stupid and arrogant, leading to making very bad mistakes that ultimately destroy them the same way that fantasy mindset destroyed Germany and Japan.
i noticed on twitter that more and more people now believe that Germany should have won the WAR.
They are so sick and tired of living under extreme Marxist rule in every country; so sick and tired of living in extreme wokism and diversity. So tired of catering to the lowest form of humanity. So tired of watching centuries of tradition be destroyed by the Western Pol Pots.

People in UK and FRANCE and even Canada no longer recognize their own nation.

They believe the Germans would have at least kept them safe and preserved their own idenity.

The only people calling for more and more wokism and divesity are only a few certain ethnic groups
People on Twitter, eh?

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