Did the wrong country win WW2 ???

Nazism had much higher body count then Communism in USSR. About 3.1 million people died under Stalin's Penal System.

Joseph Stalin had great sins and great virtues -- his role in defeating Nazi Germany.

er body count then Communism in USSR. About 3.1 million people died under Stalin's Penal System.

Joseph Stalin had great sins and great virtues -- his role in defeating Nazi Germany.

American Communisms has already greatly exceeded anything the USSR could muster. Not seeing anyone stop it
How do you figure?
IF you cannot figure it out by now.. then I cannot help

Try the internet and post opposing views and you get censured. This site is one of the last on the entire web but for how long.

Twitter was locked and closed until musk just bought it and they are doing everything possible to destroy him.
IF you cannot figure it out by now.. then I cannot help

Try the internet and post opposing views and you get censured. This site is one of the last on the entire web but for how long.

Twitter was locked and closed until musk just bought it and they are doing everything possible to destroy him.
Those are privately owned enterprises that can allow or disallow any activity on their sites that they want.
Those are privately owned enterprises that can allow or disallow any activity on their sites that they want.
All tied to the Democratic Party
They have seized control
One party now runs the entire country from internet to the legal system to big tech to the media

Almost zero GOP party left.

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Nazism had much higher body count then Communism in USSR. About 3.1 million people died under Stalin's Penal System.

Joseph Stalin had great sins and great virtues -- his role in defeating Nazi Germany.

That number is too low.

"American historian William D. Rubinstein concluded that, even under most conservative estimates, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of at least 7 million people, or about 4.2% of USSRs total population."

Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia

And you're not counting the as many as 10 million lives that were lost as a result of the 1918 Bolshvik Revolution...

Russian Civil War | Casualties, Causes, Combatants, & Outcome

Add to those numbers the amount killed during by the Chinese communists, Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and other communist regimes, and you're looking at about 100 million all together. Hitler didn't even come close.
A Hitler with the vast resources of the USSR and a huge pool of slave labor would indeed be a more dire threat than an incompetent USSR under a paranoid loon like Stalin. Instead of a Cold War we would had a very hot one. Nazis were already pretty influential in LAtin America and more ominously in Brazil.

The Blitzkrieg That Turned Out to Be Borscht

Stalin intentionally made it look like Hitler would have defeated the Soviet Union and acquired all its resources by 1942. He knew such a victory would force America to get into the war before it was too late. Stalin made no effort to fight back until December 7, 1941.

Also, Hitler's apparently unprovoked and preemptive invasion of Russia meant that he would do the same thing to America. So it looked like it was impossible to get out of being dragged into World War II, which was the way Stalin had manipulated the situation.
I am Jewish and I am going to call it as I see it

Did 1930s Jews in Europe behave like American Jews ??
I am Jewish and I am going to call it as I see it

Did 1930s Jews in Europe behave like American Jews ??

Do you mean "Were they communists?"

Some were, I suppose. As well as some Gentiles were communists.
i noticed on twitter that more and more people now believe that Germany should have won the WAR.
They are so sick and tired of living under extreme Marxist rule in every country; so sick and tired of living in extreme wokism and diversity. So tired of catering to the lowest form of humanity. So tired of watching centuries of tradition be destroyed by the Western Pol Pots.

People in UK and FRANCE and even Canada no longer recognize their own nation.

They believe the Germans would have at least kept them safe and preserved their own idenity.

The only people calling for more and more wokism and divesity are only a few certain ethnic groups
I think maybe this is a sign that you should take a break from Twitter.. and also seek an education. You’ll thank me later

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