Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

Anthony Weiner showed what Anthony Weiner feels about women....and he paid for it too.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

You obviously believe that women politicians should be handled with kid gloves because they are these delicate flowers that cannot handle rough politics in a "man's world". This thread is showing us a great deal about YOU not taking women politicians seriously.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.
Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?

Ron Paul Republicans want to take the position that both sides are corrupt so why bother. Democrats say if you don't like what your politicians are doing, show up and vote them out of office. And we see there is a HUGE difference between the GOP and Democratic party. Does money influence our politicians and is the system corrupt? Absolutely. So one step besides Ron Paul's idea to audit the fed would be to ask Alito, Roberts and all the other dirty Supreme Court Citiziens United Judges to retire, now! How come Ron Paul supporters don't get that the Supreme Court is now controlled by corporate cronies?

Ron Paul supporters need to admit it is not just the Federal Reserve/bankers that are the problem. Its all the other billionaires like the Koch Brothers or Adelson.

Do Ron Paul supporters understand this?
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

Anthony Weiner didn't do anything illegal. He texted his penis to a woman. BFD.

Let me explain your hypocricy. Ready Gramps? Follow this.

You guys stood behind Herman Cain when you heard that he had been sexually assaulting women. His approval ratings went up. It was only after you found out that he was in a long term loving extramarital affair that you threw him under the bus.

So you didn't care that he was basically like Jerry Sandusky towards women who worked for him but you did care that he had a goomba on the side?

Fact is Gramps, you think 98% of the women out there are whores. Put that on a bumper sticker.

Spin of the truth...massive spin.

Cain got added support when the controvbersy came out becuase of the fact that the left was willing to try, convivcvt and sentence him based strictly on the words of one person at the time.....during a presidential campaign season.

We were fair enough to wait until there was actual evidence.

When that evidence came out, Cain saw his support slipping...as it should....and he bowed out.

I guess people like you didnt learn a dam thing about the Duke Lacrosse case.

And, even then Jillian said Weiner could flash his weenie as much as he wanted as long as his constitutents didn't mind.. trouble his the women he was sending that tweenie to didn't want it.. :lol::lol: it's such a small think don'tchyaknow?
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Treat her in what regard? Your question is very vague and really is difficult to answer.
Was she treated how other politicians have been treated. Yes.

Well we have this so called war on women and I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of it.
They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.

GOP politicians are thin-skinned.

You could well have asked the same question about how Hillary was treated.

And palin invited the responses she got. Though I still wouldn't have called her a c**t or a skank. on the other hand, the rightwingnut boys got a little out of hand about her for the sole reason that they liked how she looked.

Just for the record, pointing out that palin is stupid isn't an "attack". It's merely truth.

They are as thin-skinned as Democrats.

I'm dumbfounded that any female, left or right, can say that any female 'invited' the responses she got. Sadly, sometimes, you let your partisanship blind you to honesty.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

So...women politicians get treated with kid gloves?

Every woman deserves respect.

Sorry you don't feel that way. On the subject of the question I guess you will express your opinion with a vote? Or are you scared as well.

So you DO have a double standard towards women politicians. Thanks for admitting it.

As for your poll....it is leading choices and you know it. (probably wrote it when you were drunk)

Put down a choice: "Palin got the same amount of respect as any politician...no more, no less" and I'll vote.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

you mean the women who chose to play with him?

not sure how it's relevant except to prove that sawah and her supporters are thin-skinned.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

So...women politicians get treated with kid gloves?
Nope, with more scrutiny than males.

Disagree. No more, no less......as it should be. But apparently, the OP wants them to have SPECIAL treatment. (Wondering if he agrees the same should apply to all female politicians....Pelosi, Clinton, etc.)
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

Anthony Weiner showed what Anthony Weiner feels about women....and he paid for it too.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

You obviously believe that women politicians should be handled with kid gloves because they are these delicate flowers that cannot handle rough politics in a "man's world". This thread is showing us a great deal about YOU not taking women politicians seriously.


We do not feel Palin should have been given any type of special treatment.

We are simply saying "if Fluke, then why not Palin"

It is the left that feels a 30 year old female actiivist deserves to be pampered and treated differently.

Seems YOU are the ones who dont feel a woman is strrong enough to take the heat.

You are describing yourself...you just dont see it.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

you mean the women who chose to play with him?

not sure how it's relevant except to prove that sawah and her supporters are thin-skinned.

his tweenie twitters were un invited, now don't try to worm yer way outta that shit by blaming the women.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.
Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?

Ron Paul Republicans want to take the position that both sides are corrupt so why bother. Democrats say if you don't like what your politicians are doing, show up and vote them out of office. And we see there is a HUGE difference between the GOP and Democratic party. Does money influence our politicians and is the system corrupt? Absolutely. So one step besides Ron Paul's idea to audit the fed would be to ask Alito, Roberts and all the other dirty Supreme Court Citiziens United Judges to retire, now! How come Ron Paul supporters don't get that the Supreme Court is now controlled by corporate cronies?

Ron Paul supporters need to admit it is not just the Federal Reserve/bankers that are the problem. Its all the other billionaires like the Koch Brothers or Adelson.

Do Ron Paul supporters understand this?

Put the crack pipe down. This thread has nothing to do with Paul nor am I a Paul supporter. Yet another dumb ASSumption on your part. That's two in ten minutes. Wanna go for three idiot?
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.

Anthony Weiner didn't do anything illegal. He texted his penis to a woman. BFD.

Let me explain your hypocricy. Ready Gramps? Follow this.

You guys stood behind Herman Cain when you heard that he had been sexually assaulting women. His approval ratings went up. It was only after you found out that he was in a long term loving extramarital affair that you threw him under the bus.

So you didn't care that he was basically like Jerry Sandusky towards women who worked for him but you did care that he had a goomba on the side?

Fact is Gramps, you think 98% of the women out there are whores. Put that on a bumper sticker.

Spin of the truth...massive spin.

Cain got added support when the controvbersy came out becuase of the fact that the left was willing to try, convivcvt and sentence him based strictly on the words of one person at the time.....during a presidential campaign season.

We were fair enough to wait until there was actual evidence.

When that evidence came out, Cain saw his support slipping...as it should....and he bowed out.

I guess people like you didnt learn a dam thing about the Duke Lacrosse case.

4 women. Not one. Cain had a history. And the GOP must have known this was in his history. We believe that they knew and never really expected Herman to win. He was a token so they could say look, we are diverse too. Maybe he won over a few blacks but the ultimate goal was for him to push the Koch brothers tax plan of 999. How much airtime did he get pushing that agenda? Billionaires came up with that idea.
They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.

GOP politicians are thin-skinned.

You could well have asked the same question about how Hillary was treated.

And palin invited the responses she got. Though I still wouldn't have called her a c**t or a skank. on the other hand, the rightwingnut boys got a little out of hand about her for the sole reason that they liked how she looked.

Just for the record, pointing out that palin is stupid isn't an "attack". It's merely truth.

They are as thin-skinned as Democrats.

I'm dumbfounded that any female, left or right, can say that any female 'invited' the responses she got. Sadly, sometimes, you let your partisanship blind you to honesty.

i expect palin to be treated like every other politician.

again, you didn't do your thread about hillary, did you?

was it about "female politicians"? no.
was it about "politicians", in general? no.

it was about the tweeting twit. who is stil and always will be a tweeting twit.

it's not that i think any of the treatment of women in politics, generally, is stellar. but i'm not going to cry for sarah when i read the trash written about women politicians on the left every day.

fauxrage is fauxrage, gramps.

still waiting for that thread talking about how disgusting the right has been to hillary...and she's earned far more respect than sarah, imo.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

"Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?""

LMAO!!! They followed her every move, aired her every word and as a result she's become a multi-millionaire. 'You betcha'! She ain't complaining. Why are you?

typical DIVERSION.

You offer squat to this message board.
No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?

Ron Paul Republicans want to take the position that both sides are corrupt so why bother. Democrats say if you don't like what your politicians are doing, show up and vote them out of office. And we see there is a HUGE difference between the GOP and Democratic party. Does money influence our politicians and is the system corrupt? Absolutely. So one step besides Ron Paul's idea to audit the fed would be to ask Alito, Roberts and all the other dirty Supreme Court Citiziens United Judges to retire, now! How come Ron Paul supporters don't get that the Supreme Court is now controlled by corporate cronies?

Ron Paul supporters need to admit it is not just the Federal Reserve/bankers that are the problem. Its all the other billionaires like the Koch Brothers or Adelson.

Do Ron Paul supporters understand this?

Put the crack pipe down. This thread has nothing to do with Paul nor am I a Paul supporter. Yet another dumb ASSumption on your part. That's two in ten minutes. Wanna go for three idiot?

I'll ask another righty that can answer the question.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

"Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?""

LMAO!!! They followed her every move, aired her every word and as a result she's become a multi-millionaire. 'You betcha'! She ain't complaining. Why are you?

Who is complaining? I'm simply pointing out the two faces of the democratic party.
GOP politicians are thin-skinned.

You could well have asked the same question about how Hillary was treated.

And palin invited the responses she got. Though I still wouldn't have called her a c**t or a skank. on the other hand, the rightwingnut boys got a little out of hand about her for the sole reason that they liked how she looked.

Just for the record, pointing out that palin is stupid isn't an "attack". It's merely truth.

They are as thin-skinned as Democrats.

I'm dumbfounded that any female, left or right, can say that any female 'invited' the responses she got. Sadly, sometimes, you let your partisanship blind you to honesty.

i expect palin to be treated like every other politician.

again, you didn't do your thread about hillary, did you?

was it about "female politicians"? no.
was it about "politicians", in general? no.

it was about the tweeting twit. who is stil and always will be a tweeting twit.

it's not that i think any of the treatment of women in politics, generally, is stellar. but i'm not going to cry for sarah when i read the trash written about women politicians on the left every day.

fauxrage is fauxrage, gramps.

READ what is written about women politicians?


Look at the post above of yours...

You referred to Palin as a twit.

You are one of the biggest culprits of name calling on this board.

lol.....I find you quite humorous.
I see lots of excuses. Anthony Weiner showed how democrats feel about women didn't he?

No, it demonstrated that Anthony Weiner was a pervert who couldn't keep it in his pants. Says nothing about Democrats in general. Much like David Vitter demonstrates that he believes women are prostitutes, but doesn't say anything about the GOP in general.

I don't give a rats ass about why msnbc degraded her on a daily basis. I do however care that you fucking hypocrites can't see past your own god damn noses. And most of you thus far don't even have the backbone to stand behind your bullshit with a vote.
Why vote? You've got two loaded options. Neither fits my view of what happened, so why vote?

Yet another excuse. It's pretty basic. Either she was treated properly or she wasn't.

Here are your three choices:

1. The treatment of Palin was disgusting......NOT if she's a politician, it is part of the package for men AND women

2. She was spoken of in a fair and respecrful manner...NO because no politicians can expect to spoken of in a fair and respectful manner by the opposition. To demand that for her is to believe in a double standard.

3. Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy...very funny choice after your two leading choices.

I think we see where the hypocrisy lies....with a poll-maker who admits to supporting a double standard for politicians based on their gender.
Male or female, stupid is stupid.

You tried this trick about Herman Cain too. When the intelligent people were making fun of his incredible stupidity, you and your rw's cronies said it was because he's black.

Better luck next time.

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