Did The Inspector General’s Office Help The ‘Whistleblower’ Try To Frame Trump?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The ‘whistleblower’ was not acting alone, and members of the intelligence community inspector general’s office were likely providing an assist in the hoax attempt to bury President Trump.

After President Donald Trump released the transcript of his July 25, 2019, telephone conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, the left’s “whistleblower” plot began to crumble. No, Trump didn’t condition foreign subsidies on Ukraine investigating Hunter Biden, son of the former vice president and presidential candidate Joe Biden. And no, Trump didn’t raise the question some eight times.

Then came the declassification of the “whistleblower’s” actual complaint against the president, which made clear the still-unnamed intelligence officer was peddling nothing but gossip and hearsay, seasoned with several factual falsehoods. This further exposed the Ukraine Purse Strings Hoax as the Resistance’s sequel to the failed Russia collusion hoax.

To fully grasp the depths of the deception and duplicity, however, requires a familiarity with the governing whistleblower laws. Once those laws are understood, the latest attempt by the Deep State to take down our duly elected president become even more obvious. It also becomes clear that the “whistleblower” was not acting alone, and members of the intelligence community inspector general’s office were likely providing an assist in the attempt to bury Trump. So here’s your lawsplainer.

According to Law, This Is Not an ‘Urgent Concern’ On October 20, 1998, President Bill Clinton signed into law the “Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998,” or ICWPA. This statute provides a mechanism for individuals in the intelligence community to share classified information with congressional intelligence committees. But—and significantly, as we shall see—the statute, by its terms, only applies to “a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern.”

(Excerpt) Read more at thefederalist.com ...


Black robes compromised
IG corrupt

Are there enough lampposts and sturdy trees to handle the load of hanging the dirty laundry and corrupt officials?
After President Donald Trump released the transcript of his July 25, 2019, telephone conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky...

Judging by all the ensuing kerfuffle and folderol, I'm guessing that the deep state monkey wrenchers and kneecappers didn't expect that.
The DNI's statement today threw the IG under the bus. When you read between the lines he is now in deep shit. This outing of the IG as a partisan is going to end badly.. not to mention if he is involved he was committing an act of treason.
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I want to know who made the change in the whistle blower policy and who all was involved in that decision. As I recall this change in policy requires executive branch approval. Who approved it? Or did they do it on their own?
Is this the same IG that sugar coated his last report making all those FBI-CIA criminals look like boy scouts

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