Did The Cops Cause A Traffic Jam On Purpose?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Yesterday I was supposed to drive to Nashville to have surgery done and had to cancel and reschedule because of a traffic jam caused by God only knows what.

I was leaving Clarksville at exit 8 on I-24, which I usually use whenever I drive down to Nashville.

At the on-ramp going onto I-24 a cop was sitting there with his lights flashing, not blocking the on-ramp but just sitting on the other side. I made the right turn to get on the Interstate and to my surprise I realized too late that traffic was backed up and not moving. I tried backing up to get back on the road to maybe go around to exit 11 and this stupid cop refused to allow it. Instead of preventing cars from being stuck in total gridlock this cop was funneling cars onto the ramp and then refusing to allow them to turn around.

I was wasn't the only one who was forced to have to sit in traffic for two hours going nowhere. Dozens of other people were forced into this mess by this cop.

I gave myself plenty of time to get to Nashville, but by the time I drove the 2 miles to exit 11 on I-24 my appointment had expired. All the way my wife was yacking about everything that was going wrong.
Well, I was forced to call ahead and tell them that I couldn't make my appointment thanks to the gridlock and it's been rescheduled for next month.

By the time I reached exit 11, much to my surprise, there was nothing. Traffic just took off as normal. No obstructions, no roadblock, no construction workers, nothing......


The only thing I saw was a TN Highway Patrol officer helping a woman change her tire on the side of the road, but this was before the on-ramp at exit 8. Did this cause a traffic jam? Just a bunch of people rubber-necking a cop on the side of the road? We have a unwritten law here in TN that you try to change lanes so that you don't hit a cop when he's pulled someone over for whatever reason. Did this cause the jam?

I've been noticing alot of extra traffic on I-24 the last couple of years. I remember when the only time traffic was bumper to bumper on I-24 was when you got to Nashville. Clarksville is 52 miles North. Traffic is getting really bad the last year or so. So many people are constantly driving around. I see handicapped license plates on the road everywhere. Getting around Clarksville during the day is really tough on the main roads. You have to take back roads to get anywhere because of all of the backed up traffic caused by traffic lights.

The guy that invented traffic lights should be shot BTW. He's the biggest contributor to Global Warming on the planet.
Cops now seem to thrive on traffic jams.
Traffic backs up when they manually control the traffic lights instread of having a smooth flow of traffic. Years ago cops worked quickly to get traffic moving after an accident. Today it is just the opposite, seems they need to get all the evidence for the lawyers before getting traffic flowing again.
I'm an OTR truck driver. This happens quite often.

No, cops don't cause traffic jams for fun.

I have a CB in my truck so I hear what goes on. Sometimes the traffic jam is so far back that by the time you move, what caused it has long been cleared up. I was in a jam one time for over an hour. When I finally got going there was nothing to see. However, during that hour I could hear other truckers talking about them clearing up an accident. I heard one say "Ok all clear we should be moving soon".

Sometimes its just a high volume of traffic that causes it. Other times it's an accident or incident that gets cleared before you get there. Sometimes its a construction zone causing it. There are many causes, but not all will be visible when you get there.
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As with all traffic delays, never discount the stupidity level of a great number of the folks zooming around out there on the interstates with you.

If more people knew how to drive safely there’d be a hell of a lot fewer delays, accidents, injuries and deaths on our roads.
Its not an unwritten law anymore. Not after that trooper got ran over giving out a ticket.
In fact, last year, they changed the law to include citizens with their hazards on as well.
Its not an unwritten law anymore. Not after that trooper got ran over giving out a ticket.
In fact, last year, they changed the law to include citizens with their hazards on as well.
In CA they usually don't give out tickets on the interstate because stopping a car can get you killed. Too many Mexican drivers and NYC transplanted drivers that never went to driving school are on the road. I remember the last time I was there, I was in the right lane going 70 and tried exiting on an off ramp and some stupid idiot cut me off going at least 90-100 running the shoulder.
Yesterday I was supposed to drive to Nashville to have surgery done and had to cancel and reschedule because of a traffic jam caused by God only knows what.
If your surgery was important enough, I would be at the police station demanding answers if I was in your spot.

God bless you always!!!


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