Did Pelosi Do Blackmail?


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

Illegal threats -- blackmail or extortion -- make for some of the baser tools left to the dreary, heartless grandees of leftism. They cannot persuade -- indeed, men like Obama do not even dare call themselves "liberal" to America -- so they use the same sort of "persuasion" that organized crime uses. Sometimes, like with House Democrat Leader Pelosi's recent comments about Gingrich, the familiar threat of exposure or of future injury, which Pelosi has doubtless rolled out many times behind closed doors, is simply stated to the world, as if this revolting behavior were perfectly proper

Why does Nancy Pelosi go unpunished? Does she do this all the time against other people to obtain her will over their conscience to get their House vote?

The American thinker author, Bruce Walker drew his own conclusion:

So what will happen to Pelosi now? She has completed the felony -- backtracking does not undo the crime. You know what will happen as well as I do: nothing at all. The ugly blackmail and extortion racket that would make us rage against private citizens makes us yawn when leftist politicians do it. As Hannah Arendt, the famous student of totalitarianism, might have described it, what Pelosi did to Gingrich has become to us the banality of evil.

This nation is starting to look like the petty partisan court of King George in 1776. This, of course, is not good for anybody in America, much less the middle class. I'm getting good and sick of Democrat blacklists.
What is the source of the OP link's information? Where and when did Pelosi say she would release confidential Ethics Committee records if Newt is nominated?
Here we go: Pelosi Hints, Then Denies She Has Gingrich Secrets : NPR

She never threatened to actually release the records, but she sure did skate close to the edge:
In December, Pelosi reminded an interviewer that she served on the ethics panel that investigated Gingrich's use of tax-exempt organizations. That case ended with a reprimand by the House and a $300,000 penalty against the then-speaker for misleading the committee and prolonging its investigation.

Pelosi said at the time, "One of these days we'll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich. I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff."

Hammill repeated the explanation provided after those comments.

"Leader Pelosi previously made a reference to the extensive amount of information that is in the public record, including the comprehensive committee report with which the public may not be fully aware," the spokesman said.

Gingrich said Wednesday that Pelosi should come out with her information or stop talking.

That might be a tactical error on Newt's part.

I guess they won't be sitting in any loveseats together again any time soon. :lol:

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If you flex against Newt and you can't back the shit up you're asking for a whole world of hurt.

The one thing I really do like about him is he takes no crap off of anyone. And frankly after watching the past decade of Pelosi and Reids hammer attacks against the GOP and the likes of Bill Frist standing there like a deer in the headlights, I'm thrilled Newt punches back.

It's about time someone laid a smack down on those two vicious vile scum.
If you flex against Newt and you can't back the shit up you're asking for a whole world of hurt.

The one thing I really do like about him is he takes no crap off of anyone. And frankly after watching the past decade of Pelosi and Reids hammer attacks against the GOP and the likes of Bill Frist standing there like a deer in the headlights, I'm thrilled Newt punches back.

It's about time someone laid a smack down on those two vicious vile scum.

You mean three vicious vile scum, right?
What is the source of the OP link's information? Where and when did Pelosi say she would release confidential Ethics Committee records if Newt is nominated?
Click on the top, underscored, blue letter title, and you will magically have your answer. I'm sure reading comp is a strength with you, but maybe you've never used a link on a computer page, sweetie?
Pelosi - one freaky, unbalanced bitch.


Every time she opens her mouth, I have an overwhelming urge to check the side effects of multiple botox shots to explain her comments and her behavior.:cuckoo:

"We need to pass the bill to know what's in it" is a classic to go down in history.
If you flex against Newt and you can't back the shit up you're asking for a whole world of hurt.

The one thing I really do like about him is he takes no crap off of anyone. And frankly after watching the past decade of Pelosi and Reids hammer attacks against the GOP and the likes of Bill Frist standing there like a deer in the headlights, I'm thrilled Newt punches back.

It's about time someone laid a smack down on those two vicious vile scum.

You mean three vicious vile scum, right?

why bother taking the nutter seriously. she's messed up in the head. look at her posts. the viciousness just oozes.

she and newtie are made for each other.

i am curious, though chica, where's your demand for "evidence" from the o/p's nuttiness about "blackmail"?

She's a corrupt politician of course she's blackmailed people.
Blackmail is not only against the law, it's a violation of House ethics, and not just a leetle beetle teensy tiny space-cadet oversight, either.

It's the vicious, preplanned and egregious lie timed to not give the candidate so much as a minute to fire back before a vote, to unfairly garner votes to one's own self-interest.

What I don't understand is why Pelosi is not accounting to anyone about the family ties she has to golden parachutes in the hastily-passed bill to 100% federally fund Nancy Pelosi family business ventures.

I'm fed up with omerta oaths, forgetting in front of grand juries, and the whole nine yards of Democrat misdeeds focusing on beating people up on half-truths that skate over reality with blackball wheels.
If you flex against Newt and you can't back the shit up you're asking for a whole world of hurt.

The one thing I really do like about him is he takes no crap off of anyone. And frankly after watching the past decade of Pelosi and Reids hammer attacks against the GOP and the likes of Bill Frist standing there like a deer in the headlights, I'm thrilled Newt punches back.

It's about time someone laid a smack down on those two vicious vile scum.

You mean three vicious vile scum, right?

why bother taking the nutter seriously. she's messed up in the head. look at her posts. the viciousness just oozes.

she and newtie are made for each other.

i am curious, though chica, where's your demand for "evidence" from the o/p's nuttiness about "blackmail"?


Mo chara, you know I rate Gingrich and Pelosi as pretty much equal... but I accept the fact that our congress - both sides - is so completely amoral that no evidence of illegal activities will be available... After all, Pelosi committed actual treason against this country - provable, factual, US Constitutionally defined treason... and nothing happened to her. Y'all seem to cut your own side slack for the behavior that you rant about from the other side.

Disclaimer: 'You' in the above post does not mean you as an individual. It means generally those who support corruption, and illegal behavior from either side.
Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail?

Illegal threats -- blackmail or extortion -- make for some of the baser tools left to the dreary, heartless grandees of leftism. They cannot persuade -- indeed, men like Obama do not even dare call themselves "liberal" to America -- so they use the same sort of "persuasion" that organized crime uses. Sometimes, like with House Democrat Leader Pelosi's recent comments about Gingrich, the familiar threat of exposure or of future injury, which Pelosi has doubtless rolled out many times behind closed doors, is simply stated to the world, as if this revolting behavior were perfectly proper

Why does Nancy Pelosi go unpunished? Does she do this all the time against other people to obtain her will over their conscience to get their House vote?

The American thinker author, Bruce Walker drew his own conclusion:

So what will happen to Pelosi now? She has completed the felony -- backtracking does not undo the crime. You know what will happen as well as I do: nothing at all. The ugly blackmail and extortion racket that would make us rage against private citizens makes us yawn when leftist politicians do it. As Hannah Arendt, the famous student of totalitarianism, might have described it, what Pelosi did to Gingrich has become to us the banality of evil.

This nation is starting to look like the petty partisan court of King George in 1776. This, of course, is not good for anybody in America, much less the middle class. I'm getting good and sick of Democrat blacklists.

If you flex against Newt and you can't back the shit up you're asking for a whole world of hurt.

The one thing I really do like about him is he takes no crap off of anyone. And frankly after watching the past decade of Pelosi and Reids hammer attacks against the GOP and the likes of Bill Frist standing there like a deer in the headlights, I'm thrilled Newt punches back.

It's about time someone laid a smack down on those two vicious vile scum.
Hammering times call for hammering measures. :eek:

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