Did Obama have a gay relationship while high on cocaine?

Larry Sinclair: Obama's "Drug and Sex party limosine" - YouTube

Barack Obama Gay Sex Scandal New Evidence - YouTube

Ian Gurvitz: RNC: "Obama Busted in Gay Tryst!"

Sleaze charge: 'I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama'

WASHINGTON – The electrifying presidential campaign of Barack Obama faces a new challenge – a Minnesota man who claims he took cocaine in 1999 with the then–Illinois legislator and participated in homosexual acts with him.

When his story was ignored by the news media, Larry Sinclair made his case last month in a YouTube video, which has now been viewed more than a quarter-million times. And when it was still ignored by the media, Sinclair filed a suit in Minnesota District Court, alleging threats and intimidation by Obama's staff.

Sinclair, who says he is willing to submit to a polygraph test to validate his claims, will now get his chance – thanks to a website offering $10,000 for the right to record it and $100,000 to Sinclair if he passes.

"My motivation for making this public is my desire for a presidential candidate to be honest," Sinclair told WND by telephone. "I didn't want the sex thing to come out. But I think it is important for the candidate to be honest about his drug use as late as 1999."

He said - ummm he said seems to be the way things are being decided around here, so lets give it a go folks!

This would almost be a dream come true for some of you. Keep passing along made up stuff from World Nut Daily though, maybe your leadership in the House will be able to bring impeachment charges like Repubs did to Clinton.

Pretty sad but Democrats just aren't as naturally corrupt as your guys.

does it hold up in court mcfly

btw, who the sam hell is digitaljournal.leftnut.hackjob.org and on and on pipe dream orgy

honest journal ism...never stop politicO for running 130+ anonymous sources looking for a payday to get some spot light based on a checkered past/questionable ethics

goat head drivel away

funny watching you drown in your own vomit
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does it hold up in court mcfly

btw, who the sam hell is digitaljournal.leftnut.hackjob.org and on and on pipe dream orgy

honest journal ism...never stop politicO for running 130+ anonymous sources looking for a payday to get some spot light based on a checkered past/questionable ethics

goat head drivel away

funny watching you drown in your own vomit

Admittedly, it's early but you aren't making any sense.
Luckily, only about 20% are brainwashed idiot Foxbots. Keep it up- you're almost totally irrelevant, like Pubs are getting...tyvm.

cowardly responce

can't directly respond...use the farging qoute puzzy

I forget you still can't shave, my mistake

does it hold up in court mcfly

btw, who the sam hell is digitaljournal.leftnut.hackjob.org and on and on pipe dream orgy

honest journal ism...never stop politicO for running 130+ anonymous sources looking for a payday to get some spot light based on a checkered past/questionable ethics

goat head drivel away

funny watching you drown in your own vomit

Admittedly, it's early but you aren't making any sense.
this thread doesn't make sense and what is your excuse
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I admit.... this is a sleazy thread, but I am trying to make a point here.

There is a double standard in journalism and with most Dems here on USMB.

Oh.....ok. Because it's common knowledge that Bush used cocaine and.......he was a cheerleader. :eusa_whistle:
Seriously, it is small wonder that we have a bunch of corrupt thieves running this country. Y'all care more about tit for tat and petty point scoring than holding your politicians to account. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Y'all are what is wrong with this country. Party over country. Shame on you.
Seriously, it is small wonder that we have a bunch of corrupt thieves running this country. Y'all care more about tit for tat and petty point scoring than holding your politicians to account. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Y'all are what is wrong with this country. Party over country. Shame on you.

I agree. Infadel or whatever her name is shouldn't have started this thread. It says much more about her than it does about Mr. Obama. Sickening.
Seriously, it is small wonder that we have a bunch of corrupt thieves running this country. Y'all care more about tit for tat and petty point scoring than holding your politicians to account. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Y'all are what is wrong with this country. Party over country. Shame on you.

I agree. Infadel or whatever her name is shouldn't have started this thread. It says much more about her than it does about Mr. Obama. Sickening.

He probably shouldn't have. But no side has any moral highground when they slam one side and defend the same from their own.

He has one point. The media largely gave Obama a pass - they allowed themselves to get swept up in the enthusiasm to elect a black POTUS. That is their shame. The simple fact is that Obama is no better than the rest of this bunch of corrupt bastards in DC. He's just another lying POS politician. Nothing more, nothing less. I would quite like it if Americans started putting their country above their party by holding them all accountable for their corrupt practices and self serving attitudes.
Why won't Obama come clean about his bone smoking past?
Federal Judge Robert W. Sweet, an active member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, said Americans will know they have an honest president when he/she recommends a review of marijuana prohibition. Obama's refusal to even discuss the marijuana issue was the first indication that he's not trustworthy.

Give it a rest, pothead.
Seriously, it is small wonder that we have a bunch of corrupt thieves running this country. Y'all care more about tit for tat and petty point scoring than holding your politicians to account. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Y'all are what is wrong with this country. Party over country. Shame on you.

I agree. Infadel or whatever her name is shouldn't have started this thread. It says much more about her than it does about Mr. Obama. Sickening.

He probably shouldn't have. But no side has any moral highground when they slam one side and defend the same from their own.

He has one point. The media largely gave Obama a pass - they allowed themselves to get swept up in the enthusiasm to elect a black POTUS. That is their shame. The simple fact is that Obama is no better than the rest of this bunch of corrupt bastards in DC. He's just another lying POS politician. Nothing more, nothing less. I would quite like it if Americans started putting their country above their party by holding them all accountable for their corrupt practices and self serving attitudes.

No doubt about it; white guilt helped get Mr. Obama elected. As for this thread however, "probably"? Maybe you should practice what you preach and call Ms. Infidel out for this thinly veiled attempt to libel Mr. Obama. If you are that offended by the "tit for tat" as you call it.
Seriously, it is small wonder that we have a bunch of corrupt thieves running this country. Y'all care more about tit for tat and petty point scoring than holding your politicians to account. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Y'all are what is wrong with this country. Party over country. Shame on you.

That is fair criticism..........for SOME of the people here. I think it would have more impact if you were to direct it at individuals........at the time of the offense.

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