Does Michael Jacksoon's Death make sense to you?

Nov 9, 2011
One of the first expert doctors said that Michael swallowed Propofol, after the media spent two years claiming that propofol was the cause of death. as it turns out propofol only caused diareah if swallowed. the medical examiner found the meds in his STOMACH.

He may have been constipated. But it didn't kill him.

The new medicine they claimed to have found in his room. The sleeping pills. Its seems like they threw that in at the last minute.

They claimed to have found the medicine open in his room. I have medicine that's been open in my room for 5 years don't mean i took it today.

I saw no evidence of a toxicology or blood test to confirm second medication was in his system. Any way. They told me everything about propofol, i know more about it than my own medications.

I know nothing about the new medication they claim contributed to his death. They kept repeating how bad it was. And it was all based on opinion.
I wanted to know how much did they find in his blood stream. How much of the medication is considered toxic based on Michael's body weight and type. Does that medicine in particular even have a side affect of possible heart failure. If so, was it the trigger of Michaels death. Has the medicine ever caused heart failure before alone without other drugs.

Don't tell me Michael sounded slurred. I sound like that after 1 beer. He may have had a beer. They never covered that.

My problem is not Dr. Murray but the fact that they coroner listed Propofol was the cause of death but, the expert said it was not and could not be true. Then what killed him?
Personally I think Michael Jackson was paying for a private physician for a reason. Something along the lines of getting the drugs he wanted when he wanted them with no questions asked... He was an odd egg and like so many ultra-creative and talented types, he was as uncomfortable in daily life as I would be wearing a wool sport coat with a whisker stubble lining in july.. You take that and add nearly infinite funds and no one to answer to or tell you to stop and you end up with strange drug related deaths like these..

Sorry if I seem cold, but I do not see a death due to circumstances created by the departed as an "accident" or accidental death. If the Doctor was incompetent or irresponsible he should be held accountable, but to be fair he would have gotten what he wanted just the same. The man wanted to get away from his reality that for him was pure hell. He found a way and that way killed him..
Personally I think Michael Jackson was paying for a private physician for a reason. Something along the lines of getting the drugs he wanted when he wanted them with no questions asked... He was an odd egg and like so many ultra-creative and talented types, he was as uncomfortable in daily life as I would be wearing a wool sport coat with a whisker stubble lining in july.. You take that and add nearly infinite funds and no one to answer to or tell you to stop and you end up with strange drug related deaths like these..

Sorry if I seem cold, but I do not see a death due to circumstances created by the departed as an "accident" or accidental death. If the Doctor was incompetent or irresponsible he should be held accountable, but to be fair he would have gotten what he wanted just the same. The man wanted to get away from his reality that for him was pure hell. He found a way and that way killed him..

Personally I think Michael Jackson was paying for a private physician for a reason. Something along the lines of getting the drugs he wanted when he wanted them with no questions asked... He was an odd egg and like so many ultra-creative and talented types, he was as uncomfortable in daily life as I would be wearing a wool sport coat with a whisker stubble lining in july.. You take that and add nearly infinite funds and no one to answer to or tell you to stop and you end up with strange drug related deaths like these..

Sorry if I seem cold, but I do not see a death due to circumstances created by the departed as an "accident" or accidental death. If the Doctor was incompetent or irresponsible he should be held accountable, but to be fair he would have gotten what he wanted just the same. The man wanted to get away from his reality that for him was pure hell. He found a way and that way killed him..

I agree. Excellent post!
Actually, the reason he 'died' was because there is a person in Europe who is vying for the much coveted position of Antichrist - ruler of the revived Roman Empire - and he was planning on using Mr. Jackson as his spokesperson so they 'wacked' Jackson although I think they faked his death.

The individual I am talking about is HM King Marduke I and there has already been one atempt on his life which he survived so, basically, they now have him under a kinda house arrest.

And, if you don't know that Mr. Jackson was doing drugs then perhaps you should stop slandering him...
Personally I think Michael Jackson was paying for a private physician for a reason. Something along the lines of getting the drugs he wanted when he wanted them with no questions asked... He was an odd egg and like so many ultra-creative and talented types, he was as uncomfortable in daily life as I would be wearing a wool sport coat with a whisker stubble lining in july.. You take that and add nearly infinite funds and no one to answer to or tell you to stop and you end up with strange drug related deaths like these..

Sorry if I seem cold, but I do not see a death due to circumstances created by the departed as an "accident" or accidental death. If the Doctor was incompetent or irresponsible he should be held accountable, but to be fair he would have gotten what he wanted just the same. The man wanted to get away from his reality that for him was pure hell. He found a way and that way killed him..

He had a huge stash of Propofol and he was also on prescription medications. I think he really wanted the Dr. to be there for him in case anything went wrong. Unfortunately something did and he picked the wrong doc.
Actually, the reason he 'died' was because there is a person in Europe who is vying for the much coveted position of Antichrist - ruler of the revived Roman Empire - and he was planning on using Mr. Jackson as his spokesperson so they 'wacked' Jackson although I think they faked his death.

The individual I am talking about is HM King Marduke I and there has already been one atempt on his life which he survived so, basically, they now have him under a kinda house arrest.

And, if you don't know that Mr. Jackson was doing drugs then perhaps you should stop slandering him...
Thanks for proving what my original opinion was of you.:cuckoo:

Actually, the reason he 'died' was because there is a person in Europe who is vying for the much coveted position of Antichrist - ruler of the revived Roman Empire - and he was planning on using Mr. Jackson as his spokesperson so they 'wacked' Jackson although I think they faked his death.

The individual I am talking about is HM King Marduke I and there has already been one atempt on his life which he survived so, basically, they now have him under a kinda house arrest.

And, if you don't know that Mr. Jackson was doing drugs then perhaps you should stop slandering him...

Actually, the reason he 'died' was because there is a person in Europe who is vying for the much coveted position of Antichrist - ruler of the revived Roman Empire - and he was planning on using Mr. Jackson as his spokesperson so they 'wacked' Jackson although I think they faked his death.

The individual I am talking about is HM King Marduke I and there has already been one atempt on his life which he survived so, basically, they now have him under a kinda house arrest.

And, if you don't know that Mr. Jackson was doing drugs then perhaps you should stop slandering him...

"Does Michael Jacksoon's Death make sense to you?"

It makes about as much sense to me as pedophilia.......
Does Michael Jacksoon's Death make sense to you?

By the way, who was "Michael Jacksoon", and why should we care about him??

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