Did I miss something today?

We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

A desperate search for a stand down order.

Two rescue teams were sent. Two people from the first rescue team were killed.

The second rescue team was not able to get permission to board a Libyan C-130 before that plane left. They departed on a second plane later, but arrived too late.

With these attacks going on, a special forces team was deployed to protect the main US embassy which is in Tripoli. If that team had been sent to Benghazi instead, they also would not have arrived on time in Benghazi. The most prudent thing was done, which was to not leave Tripoli unprotected.

All true, and the 'Conservatives' care not one whit. They are looking for anything to try to discredit Obama. A growing economy, people realizing that they can finally have a health plan in 2014, and a slowly improving job outlook is really destroying their credibility in trying to picture President Obama as more incompetant than President Bush.

And now, with this dog and pony show, they are looking more adolescent than ever.
Next biggie I found out about today is how absolutely incompetent the ARB was. They issued their report without interviewing key witnesses.

They didn't even interview Hillary for crying out loud. On the bright side now they are under investigation for screwing up so bad.

‘Primary Player’ in Benghazi Was Not Interviewed By State Dept Review Board
May 8, 2013
By Elizabeth Harrington
(CNSNews.com) – Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Counterterrorism Mark Thompson, a Benghazi whistleblower and “primary player” at the State Department was not interviewed by their Accountability Review Board (ARB) regarding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack, it was revealed during a House hearing on Wednesday.

Thompson, who on the night of the terrorist attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi said he requested a Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) to intervene, noted that he was never interviewed by the ARB, despite his request to be interviewed.


The ARB panel is currently under investigation by the State Department’s Office of Inspector General for failing to interview key witnesses of the Benghazi attack.

?Primary Player? in Benghazi Was Not Interviewed By State Dept Review Board | CNS News
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

The Pentagon admitted that there was a stand down order that prevented the military special forces team from responding even though they were ready. I know you might not find that significant, but people have been denying that the order was ever given for months.
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

It was the right wing who wanted to focus on this and spend a shit ton of money on it. Don't start bitching now, this is what conservatives wanted. A whole dog and pony show, a political circus, even though they knew it wouldn't amount to jack shit.

Even if something was found out, then what? Obama would still serve the rest of his term even if impeachment charges were brought up. And even if he was, by some unbelievable miracle, impeached before his term was up, then we get Biden!? Fuck that, I would rather have Obama than Biden.

This whole Benghazi thing was nothing more than a fevered attempt to have some mud to sling at democrats come the next election. It was never a serious attempt to hold anyone accountable for anything.

If Benghazi was nothing, why did your messiah feel a need to lie to the American people about what happened there?

If Benghazi was nothing, why does your messiah continue to stonewall the congress over the documents surrounding the incident.

There is absolutely no doubt now that the President, and his minions, lied to the American people in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks on our diplomats. They had absolutely no intelligence that any demonstration took place outside the consulate, and they had no intelligence that a video had anything to do with the attacks. They made that stuff up themselves, and had the CIA talking points revised to support that lie.
There is no cover up, folks. End of story.

Until the question of who told Ambassador Rice it was a YouTube video that incited this whole thing is answered, there is a cover up.

Americans should know who sent Rice out and why they blamed it on a YouTube video. Ambassador Rice got f'ed in this whole deal.
Let's see what else did I learn today?

That this gentleman Mr. Hicks, a dedicated career civil servant for 22 years was harassed and demoted for speaking out.

Hicks said he felt he was subject to retaliation for criticizing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice's appearances on talk shows five days later in which she insisted the attack emerged from a protest against an anti-Islam video gone awry.

Several days later, the State Department acknowledged there was no protest and it was a terrorist attack.

Undersecretary of State Elizabeth Jones "told me I had to improve my management style and that some people were upset," Hicks testified

When Hicks returned to Washington for the funeral of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who died with three other Americans in the attack, Jones "gave me a blistering critique of my management style," he said.

Hicks, who now works as a State foreign affairs officer for government affairs, says he has been "effectively demoted from deputy chief of mission to desk officer."

"I am a career public servant," Hicks said. "Until the aftermath of Benghazi, I loved every day of my job."

Benghazi whistle-blowers testify at House hearing
Where is Gramps anyway? :)

I learned by Hicks testimony how damaging the talking points were to the FBI investigation.

Whistle-blower: Botched talking points hurt FBI probe of Benghazi attack

A key Benghazi whistle-blower, responding to Democratic claims that the prolonged scrutiny over the administration's botched talking points is unwarranted, testified Wednesday that the early mischaracterization of the attack may have actually hurt the FBI's investigation.

"I definitely believe that it negatively affected our ability to get the FBI team quickly to Benghazi," said Greg Hicks, the deputy chief of mission in Libya who became the top U.S. diplomat in the country after Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed. He claimed the Libyan president was angered by the mischaracterization, in turn slowing the U.S. probe.

Whistle-blower: Botched talking points hurt FBI probe of Benghazi attack | Fox News
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

It was the right wing who wanted to focus on this and spend a shit ton of money on it. Don't start bitching now, this is what conservatives wanted. A whole dog and pony show, a political circus, even though they knew it wouldn't amount to jack shit.

Even if something was found out, then what? Obama would still serve the rest of his term even if impeachment charges were brought up. And even if he was, by some unbelievable miracle, impeached before his term was up, then we get Biden!? Fuck that, I would rather have Obama than Biden.

This whole Benghazi thing was nothing more than a fevered attempt to have some mud to sling at democrats come the next election. It was never a serious attempt to hold anyone accountable for anything.

If Benghazi was nothing, why did your messiah feel a need to lie to the American people about what happened there?

If Benghazi was nothing, why does your messiah continue to stonewall the congress over the documents surrounding the incident.

There is absolutely no doubt now that the President, and his minions, lied to the American people in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks on our diplomats. They had absolutely no intelligence that any demonstration took place outside the consulate, and they had no intelligence that a video had anything to do with the attacks. They made that stuff up themselves, and had the CIA talking points revised to support that lie.

There is no cover up, folks. End of story.

Until the question of who told Ambassador Rice it was a YouTube video that incited this whole thing is answered, there is a cover up.

Americans should know who sent Rice out and why they blamed it on a YouTube video. Ambassador Rice got f'ed in this whole deal.

But neither of you have any objective, documented evidence to support this partisan contrivance.

You and others on the right have it backwards: you don’t claim there’s a ‘cover up’ and then scramble trying to find ‘evidence’ in support; rather, you first search for evidence and follow that evidence to wherever it might lead you: perhaps to a cover up, perhaps not.
I don't know. You didn't drive off and leave grandma at the mall again, didja?

Don't worry grampa; God in His infinite wisdom decreed that the mind would be the first thing to go. That way we don't worry so much when the really important stuff doesn't work right anymore.

Love ya, you old fart.
It was the right wing who wanted to focus on this and spend a shit ton of money on it. Don't start bitching now, this is what conservatives wanted. A whole dog and pony show, a political circus, even though they knew it wouldn't amount to jack shit.

Even if something was found out, then what? Obama would still serve the rest of his term even if impeachment charges were brought up. And even if he was, by some unbelievable miracle, impeached before his term was up, then we get Biden!? Fuck that, I would rather have Obama than Biden.

This whole Benghazi thing was nothing more than a fevered attempt to have some mud to sling at democrats come the next election. It was never a serious attempt to hold anyone accountable for anything.

If Benghazi was nothing, why did your messiah feel a need to lie to the American people about what happened there?

If Benghazi was nothing, why does your messiah continue to stonewall the congress over the documents surrounding the incident.

There is absolutely no doubt now that the President, and his minions, lied to the American people in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks on our diplomats. They had absolutely no intelligence that any demonstration took place outside the consulate, and they had no intelligence that a video had anything to do with the attacks. They made that stuff up themselves, and had the CIA talking points revised to support that lie.

There is no cover up, folks. End of story.

Until the question of who told Ambassador Rice it was a YouTube video that incited this whole thing is answered, there is a cover up.

Americans should know who sent Rice out and why they blamed it on a YouTube video. Ambassador Rice got f'ed in this whole deal.

But neither of you have any objective, documented evidence to support this partisan contrivance.

You and others on the right have it backwards: you don’t claim there’s a ‘cover up’ and then scramble trying to find ‘evidence’ in support; rather, you first search for evidence and follow that evidence to wherever it might lead you: perhaps to a cover up, perhaps not.

But Clayton they hate this President and his former Sec of State. How can they possibly do what you suggest when it's so important to destroy them by any means??
It's a shame that House Republicans cut funding for embassy security.

How did they get the money to hire the Libyan militia to protect Stevens then?

You do know that his security as provided by Hilary Clinton was a Libyan militia.
It's a shame that House Republicans cut funding for embassy security.

Not only did they hire the Libyan militia as security; but did you know that the State Department was warned that the Militia was refusing to provide security for Ambassador Steven's scheduled 5 day trip to Benghazi?
That settles it! Jake has proclaimed that there was no cover up. [/thread]

There is none. Nothing today showed that there was a cover up.

And I noticed you skeedadled in the SLC homicide case when it turned out exactly as I told you it would turn out.
It was the right wing who wanted to focus on this and spend a shit ton of money on it. Don't start bitching now, this is what conservatives wanted. A whole dog and pony show, a political circus, even though they knew it wouldn't amount to jack shit.

Even if something was found out, then what? Obama would still serve the rest of his term even if impeachment charges were brought up. And even if he was, by some unbelievable miracle, impeached before his term was up, then we get Biden!? Fuck that, I would rather have Obama than Biden.

This whole Benghazi thing was nothing more than a fevered attempt to have some mud to sling at democrats come the next election. It was never a serious attempt to hold anyone accountable for anything.

If Benghazi was nothing, why did your messiah feel a need to lie to the American people about what happened there?

If Benghazi was nothing, why does your messiah continue to stonewall the congress over the documents surrounding the incident.

There is absolutely no doubt now that the President, and his minions, lied to the American people in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks on our diplomats. They had absolutely no intelligence that any demonstration took place outside the consulate, and they had no intelligence that a video had anything to do with the attacks. They made that stuff up themselves, and had the CIA talking points revised to support that lie.

There is no cover up, folks. End of story.

Until the question of who told Ambassador Rice it was a YouTube video that incited this whole thing is answered, there is a cover up.

Americans should know who sent Rice out and why they blamed it on a YouTube video. Ambassador Rice got f'ed in this whole deal.

But neither of you have any objective, documented evidence to support this partisan contrivance.

You and others on the right have it backwards: you don’t claim there’s a ‘cover up’ and then scramble trying to find ‘evidence’ in support; rather, you first search for evidence and follow that evidence to wherever it might lead you: perhaps to a cover up, perhaps not.

What are you talking about? The administration knew from the start that this attack was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the anti Mohammed video.

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