Did I miss something today?

One, the creepy reactionaries here do not or will not accept the facts.

Two, that is nothing new.

The administration fucked up (not nearly as badly as RR in Lebanon) not covered up.

As someone else on the intertubes has put it, this has become their White Whale.

Just like they've been yelling "Booooosh" at us, we can now start yelling "Ben Gahzi"!

Or maybe just make posts like this one:

The three witnesses verified that the Administrations peaches and cream story about Benghazi they've been slinging for the last eight months has actually been a load of horse shit instead. We now know that Cheryl Mills, the lass that shepherded 'Bubba' around the possibility of his being impeached when he was pres is actively squelching any and all unauthorized by Hillary and Comrade Barack versions of what went on that night quite vigorously. What are they trying so desperately to hide.

We now know that the billboard that mysteriously appeared a few miles north of the North Carolina/ South Carolina border on Rt 95 was absolutely right on saying "When Obama called the Seals, the Seals went out and got bin Laden. When the Seals called Obama, Obama turned them down." That much is certain. Where was Obama the night of the raid when four Americans were being killed? "Was it the night of his 'Choomgang' Reunion?"

We now know they were also totally unprepared for anything on the night of September 11th, 2012, they had no tankers orbiting in case they needed to launch fighters. Why? Did Obama actually believe the bullshit he was peddling, ie his speech at the DNC a few days before, or did he have his dick up Reggie's ass in the Lincoln Bedroom at the time? There was a legitimate reason he had that strange look on his face when he appeared with Hillary two days after Benghazi, the same guilty, shamed look I suspect he would have had on his face had Michelle walked in on Barry and Reggie abruptly catching them in a conjugal state in the Lincoln bedroom. Nonetheless, it wasn't the typical "No Drama Obama' we usually saw that day. Something was up and it was all over his face. Why were the interdiction teams told to stand down? Did Obama know in adavance it was all over? If he did, how did he know it? Was the raid staged? Did Obama have advance knowledge? Why wasn't Hicks, the most senior person on the ground in Libya consulted by the ARB? He was the man most intimately familiar with the story, or was there another story the administration desperately wanted to tell instead of the truth?

Up until the night of Benghazi, Obama probably figured being president was a Hell of a lot better than being on welfare, all those golf outings, 140 of them at the last count, and all those company paid vacations. But having an actual job means you have to be ready to work, at least for one day out of four years, but when that one day of necessary work came around, Comrade Obama decided the welfare gig was better and decided not to do his job and work.
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It's a shame that House Republicans cut funding for embassy security.

How did they get the money to hire the Libyan militia to protect Stevens then?

You do know that his security as provided by Hilary Clinton was a Libyan militia.
Are you denying that the House cut funding for embassy security?

Not at all. But testimony already given blows that theory of "budget cuts" out of the water.

You do know that this has been testified to correct?

AND your reps in Washington had more than enough money to pay Libyan Militia for security for the Ambassador.

What a swell idea that turned out to be.
How did they get the money to hire the Libyan militia to protect Stevens then?

You do know that his security as provided by Hilary Clinton was a Libyan militia.
Are you denying that the House cut funding for embassy security?

Not at all. But testimony already given blows that theory of "budget cuts" out of the water.

You do know that this has been testified to correct?

AND your reps in Washington had more than enough money to pay Libyan Militia for security for the Ambassador.

What a swell idea that turned out to be.
One, the creepy reactionaries here do not or will not accept the facts.

Two, that is nothing new.

The administration fucked up (not nearly as badly as RR in Lebanon) not covered up.

Bullshit. Obviously you are a low information participant in these discussions.

Here are 3 screenshots of the different versions of the Benghazi talking points. By the time you get to version 3 the talking points have morphed into the Obama Whopper that the "video made them do it".


The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard
Are you denying that the House cut funding for embassy security?

Not at all. But testimony already given blows that theory of "budget cuts" out of the water.

You do know that this has been testified to correct?

AND your reps in Washington had more than enough money to pay Libyan Militia for security for the Ambassador.

What a swell idea that turned out to be.

But would more money have prevented the attacks?

Apparently not, at least according to one senior State Department official who would certainly seem to know.

In testimony Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, was asked,

“Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

Lamb responded, “No, sir.” :eusa_whistle:

Recall that Lamb is the person who denied requests from the top diplomatic security officer in Libya to retain a 16-man team of military personnel who had been protecting diplomats.

Are Budget Cuts to Blame for Benghazi Attack, as Biden Suggested? - The Daily Beast
One, the creepy reactionaries here do not or will not accept the facts.

Two, that is nothing new.

The administration fucked up (not nearly as badly as RR in Lebanon) not covered up.

Bullshit. Obviously you are a low information participant in these discussions.

Here are 3 screenshots of the different versions of the Benghazi talking points. By the time you get to version 3 the talking points have morphed into the Obama Whopper that the "video made them do it".


The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard
I can't help notice that you skipped over my NY Times screen grab. :lol:

( post #53 ;) )
Not at all. But testimony already given blows that theory of "budget cuts" out of the water.

You do know that this has been testified to correct?

AND your reps in Washington had more than enough money to pay Libyan Militia for security for the Ambassador.

What a swell idea that turned out to be.

But would more money have prevented the attacks?

Apparently not, at least according to one senior State Department official who would certainly seem to know.

In testimony Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, was asked,

“Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

Lamb responded, “No, sir.” :eusa_whistle:

Recall that Lamb is the person who denied requests from the top diplomatic security officer in Libya to retain a 16-man team of military personnel who had been protecting diplomats.

Are Budget Cuts to Blame for Benghazi Attack, as Biden Suggested? - The Daily Beast
That does not mean that it wasn't a consideration. Just, according to her, not the main reason.

The point about embassy security funding, tinydancer, is that Republicans are making a big deal out of the lack of security WHILE voting to cut funding for embassy security.

It's not about whether their votes contributed to this event. It's about their blatant, naked hypocrisy.

Which I am only too happy to expose. :)
Wait until Amb Rice has to testify under oath and tell the world who told her to lie about the "spontaneous demonstration caused by a video"

This is not going away libs and obamabots-------your kenyan messiah is about to take a big fall.

If I was Amb Rice, I would be very careful for the next few days-------can you say Vince Foster and Ron Brown?
We spent a shit ton of money to find out what? Granted I haven't heard all the testimony but the highlights I've heard are all the same shit we've already known for months.

If there was something new please clue me in.

A desperate search for a stand down order.

Two rescue teams were sent. Two people from the first rescue team were killed.

The second rescue team was not able to get permission to board a Libyan C-130 before that plane left. They departed on a second plane later, but arrived too late.

With these attacks going on, a special forces team was deployed to protect the main US embassy which is in Tripoli. If that team had been sent to Benghazi instead, they also would not have arrived on time in Benghazi. The most prudent thing was done, which was to not leave Tripoli unprotected.
uys that dies

No rescue team or QRF was sent. The guys that died were former SEALs, civilians who attempted a rescue against orders. They were left hanging and died on their own.
No cover up, folks. Nothing you can spin can do that. Anymore than RR's incredible stupidity in Lebanon. You creepy reactionaries are only making our GOP look bad.

Terrible administrative decisions, you bet.

Hate to break this to you, but no lawyer ever signs anything without reading it. Unless you want to argue that Clinton ignored the first thing every lawyer learns, you are wrong.

Everything goes out under the Secretary's signature. That doesn't mean she read every last one. You obviously don't have a clue how things really work!

That was her choice, which makes it her responsibility.

I suggest you get a dictionary and look up the words you don't understand.

Hate to break this to you, but no lawyer ever signs anything without reading it. Unless you want to argue that Clinton ignored the first thing every lawyer learns, you are wrong.
The obvious:

  • You didn't read the link
  • You do not want any info that contradicts your predetermined opinion.

You're a fucking hack. From the link:

a. The Communications Center (IRM/OPS/MSO/MSMC) will place the name of the Secretary on all telegrams to posts.
b. Domestic telegrams originated within the Washington metropolitan area and transmitted through the 5th Floor Communications Center will bear the signature name of the Secretary at the end of the telegram. If a "signed by" line is used, it must appear as part of the text before the "End of Message" symbol.​

Which is a policy she approved, which makes it her baby.

Choice and responsibility, look them up.
But neither of you have any objective, documented evidence to support this partisan contrivance.

You and others on the right have it backwards: you don’t claim there’s a ‘cover up’ and then scramble trying to find ‘evidence’ in support; rather, you first search for evidence and follow that evidence to wherever it might lead you: perhaps to a cover up, perhaps not.

I really love it when you pontificate yourself into a untenable position.

Tell me something, what is it that, in your non educated opinion, makes Hicks testimony non objective evidence? Is he part of a super secret Republican sleeper cell that infiltrated the State Department 20 years ago solely to discredit Hilliary and Obama? Do you have any objective, documented, evidence to back up your claim that his testimony is part of a partisan contrivance, or are we supposed to accept it because it comes from the resident conspiracy nut?

You guys have been crying wolf about all kinds of other issues regarding this incident (like saying "he watched while they died") and you have the nerve to call him "the resident conspiracy nut"??

That's rich.


I have been crying wolf? Care to point out where and when? I have always said that, if it is true, we should know.

Now we know more, and it is actually looking worse than I thought.

Also, I am not the one claiming that a career State Department employee is a right wing plant. am I?
Hate to break this to you, but no lawyer ever signs anything without reading it. Unless you want to argue that Clinton ignored the first thing every lawyer learns, you are wrong.
The obvious:

  • You didn't read the link
  • You do not want any info that contradicts your predetermined opinion.

You're a fucking hack. From the link:

a. The Communications Center (IRM/OPS/MSO/MSMC) will place the name of the Secretary on all telegrams to posts.
b. Domestic telegrams originated within the Washington metropolitan area and transmitted through the 5th Floor Communications Center will bear the signature name of the Secretary at the end of the telegram. If a "signed by" line is used, it must appear as part of the text before the "End of Message" symbol.​

Which is a policy she approved, which makes it her baby.

Choice and responsibility, look them up.

She's publicly claimed responsibility.
I really love it when you pontificate yourself into a untenable position.

Tell me something, what is it that, in your non educated opinion, makes Hicks testimony non objective evidence? Is he part of a super secret Republican sleeper cell that infiltrated the State Department 20 years ago solely to discredit Hilliary and Obama? Do you have any objective, documented, evidence to back up your claim that his testimony is part of a partisan contrivance, or are we supposed to accept it because it comes from the resident conspiracy nut?

You guys have been crying wolf about all kinds of other issues regarding this incident (like saying "he watched while they died") and you have the nerve to call him "the resident conspiracy nut"??

That's rich.


I have been crying wolf? Care to point out where and when? I have always said that, if it is true, we should know.

Now we know more, and it is actually looking worse than I thought.

Also, I am not the one claiming that a career State Department employee is a right wing plant. am I?

Well, if you yourself haven't been, I'm sorry, but you know damn well others on your side have been and hell of a lot worse than anything Clayton's been saying, so it's ludicrous to label him a conspiacy nut, of all people.

As for Hicks' testimony, it really doesn't shine any new light on anything except his supposed mistreatment after he complained about things and on that there's only his side of it. Even if has a good reason to be angry it doesn't make him right.

Moreover, Hicks may only be bitter, but the hearings themselves are very clearly a "partisan contrivance".

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