Did I just commit a hate crime?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
For sake of argument:
I am a white male.
I am a self-described ultra-racist, one who is publicly and proudly known for wanting to eradicate every black from the face of the earth -- if you're an octamaroon or better, you're gone.

I return home from work one day and find the black man who just broke into my house is now holding a knife to my wife's throat, threatening to kill her unless I give him all our money, jewelry,,etc. Rather than comply, I shoot him in the forehead, scattering his brains all over the wall.

Did I just commit a hate crime?
If so, how?
For sake of argument:
I am a self-described ultra-racist, one who is publicly and proudly known for wanting to eradicate every black from the face of the earth -- if you're an octamaroon or better, you're gone.

I return home from work one day and find the black man who just broke into my house is now holding a knife to my wife's throat, threatening to kill her unless I give him all our money, jewelry,,etc. Rather than comply, I shoot him in the forehead, scattering his brains all over the wall.

Did I just commit a hate crime?
If so, how?

Assuming his forehead was next to your wife's forehead, a better question might be do you hate your wife?
For sake of argument:
I am a self-described ultra-racist, one who is publicly and proudly known for wanting to eradicate every black from the face of the earth -- if you're an octamaroon or better, you're gone.

I return home from work one day and find the black man who just broke into my house is now holding a knife to my wife's throat, threatening to kill her unless I give him all our money, jewelry,,etc. Rather than comply, I shoot him in the forehead, scattering his brains all over the wall.
Did I just commit a hate crime?
If so, how?
Assuming his forehead was next to your wife's forehead, a better question might be do you hate your wife?
No, that's not a better question.
No...now quit playing the victim game. white self victimization is pathetic.
For sake of argument:
I am a white male.
I am a self-described ultra-racist, one who is publicly and proudly known for wanting to eradicate every black from the face of the earth -- if you're an octamaroon or better, you're gone.

I return home from work one day and find the black man who just broke into my house is now holding a knife to my wife's throat, threatening to kill her unless I give him all our money, jewelry,,etc. Rather than comply, I shoot him in the forehead, scattering his brains all over the wall.

Did I just commit a hate crime?
If so, how?

No. Your bigotry would not be on trial. And I am not sure, but any previous arrest records or complaints against you would be banned from evidence presented by the prosecutor, much like George Zimmerman's prior arrests for assaulting a cop and domestic violence was not allowed in court when he was on trial for murdering Trayvon Martin.
Irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Did I just commit a hate crime?
If so, how?

Okay, assuming the invader didn't jerk your wife in front of the round going downrange, his race is irrelevant but then again, it all depends on the jury as the Brown family discovered at the OJ trial.
No, that's not a better question.
Sure it is....nobody I know would take that shot.
Irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Did I just commit a hate crime?
If so, how?
yes you did IF as you already stated, a racist AND DID IT IN WHOLE OR IN PART BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR.
IF NOT It's not a hate crime not a crime at all in most places as you were defending another person and your property from harm.
the only question that might come up is use of force.
Its only a hate crime in your poor tired little imagination, you insecure pussy.
defending another person and your property from harm.
the only question that might come up is use of force.

How do you defend your home without force....by pleading with the invader to leave you alone and not rape your wife because you voted for Obozo?

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