Dictator Bloomberg to restrict pain killers in NYC

I'm sorry. This is another case of punishing good people who need pain killers for more than 3 days because of the actions of a few.

I realize that there is a problem with prescription drugs. There has been for as long as I can remember. But this is outrageous for a city council to over ride Doctors in ER's.

To make this a blanket mandate is so out of line of what any government official is elected to do.Not be a nanny and run every aspect of the publics life.

Fix the fucking potholes for heaven's sakes.

Anyone who needs painkillers for more than 3 days should get them from an actual doctor treating them, not the emergency room.

So if I broke my ankle and went to the ER, doc says here you go I got your covered for 3 days and my PCM can't see me until 7-10 days later, what do I do?
I'm sorry. This is another case of punishing good people who need pain killers for more than 3 days because of the actions of a few.

I realize that there is a problem with prescription drugs. There has been for as long as I can remember. But this is outrageous for a city council to over ride Doctors in ER's.

To make this a blanket mandate is so out of line of what any government official is elected to do.Not be a nanny and run every aspect of the publics life.

Fix the fucking potholes for heaven's sakes.

I'll reserve judgement and see if it actually works or if, as you claim, it becomes an unnecessary measure that restrict those with legitimate needs.
Emergency rooms are for treating emergencies then referring the patient to their family doctor or health clinic for further treatment where they can get a new prescription if they need one.

So ether the doctor in the ER is incompetent?? and can't make a sound medical decisions right?? and or you are assuming that you can in a matter of just a few days get an appointment with your primary care doctor,if you have one to get a new prescription.Often it take a few WEEKs to get into a doctors office. meanwhile the patent suffers

The guy is a shinning example of how totally stupid the left has become.
CaféAuLait;6637781 said:
This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


Okay, so they go to the ER and get a three day supply for a problem which might last for 7-10 days, broken ankle, kidney stones, broken whatever. (Just hypothetical on the time the issue may last). It takes on average 2-3 weeks to be seen by my Primary Care Doctor. So the patient still has the issue with pain 72 hours ( 3 days) later does he/she revisit the ER and wait hours to be seen again for a refill until they can see their PCM, probably costing the state thousands for each ER visit if they are uninsured? They state they want to save money but it is really going to do such?
I wondered about that as well. I suppose in instances where the patient needs more, the ER doctor would have to refer you to a free clinic, a pain clinic or someone else who can see you on such short notice.

Then I would assume those clinics if any exist will be over flowing as well.
Anyone who needs painkillers for more than 3 days should get them from an actual doctor treating them, not the emergency room.

Damn right, if a kid breaks their arm and goes to the ER, they should have to go to another doctor to get pain medication - fuck em, we have a dictatorship to construct - let the little bastards suffer.

It warms my heart to see the compassion of leftists on display.

Was there anything ambiguous about Bloomberg saying let them suffer? You know he wouldn't just the not-bloombergs will suffer.
I'd be interested to see how well, or how poorly this has worked in the other cities who have implemented it.

I too wondered the same and apparently there is a registry for pain meds in many states BUT they say they don't have time to check? How hard would it be to plug Mary Smith's name and SS number into a computer to see if she has had several scripts in the last few days and is probably scamming the system?

Emergency department staffers don’t have time to check the registry for every patient complaining of pain, DeWaard said. But they will check it, “if they have a gut feeling that something’s not right.”

This is in Iowa. So why not enter the name of the patient with their ID card and if they come up as an suspected abuser do not issue the meds.

As far as a Mayor telling doctors how to do their job, it is ridliclous IMO.
God the Left is filled with morons, is there NOTHING you will criticize your side for?
CaféAuLait;6638100 said:
I'd be interested to see how well, or how poorly this has worked in the other cities who have implemented it.

I too wondered the same and apparently there is a registry for pain meds in many states BUT they say they don't have time to check? How hard would it be to plug Mary Smith's name and SS number into a computer to see if she has had several scripts in the last few days and is probably scamming the system?

Emergency department staffers don’t have time to check the registry for every patient complaining of pain, DeWaard said. But they will check it, “if they have a gut feeling that something’s not right.”

This is in Iowa. So why not enter the name of the patient with their ID card and if they come up as an suspected abuser do not issue the meds.

As far as a Mayor telling doctors how to do their job, it is ridliclous IMO.

I agree, it does seem ridiculous to me to have a mayor tell doctors they can't give out meds.
This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


he was elected as a republican, you drug addled loon.
He isn't a Republican you illiterate pigfucker.

This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


he was elected as a republican, you drug addled loon.
God the Left is filled with morons, is there NOTHING you will criticize your side for?

Secret governement. Blind drone strikes. Supporting fascist drug war. Warrentless wiretaps. To name a few off the top of my head.
Last edited:
This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


he was elected as a republican, you drug addled loon.

Shhh!!!! Don't spook the horse. It's more fun to watch it kick in its own stall.
CaféAuLait;6637967 said:
I'm sorry. This is another case of punishing good people who need pain killers for more than 3 days because of the actions of a few.

I realize that there is a problem with prescription drugs. There has been for as long as I can remember. But this is outrageous for a city council to over ride Doctors in ER's.

To make this a blanket mandate is so out of line of what any government official is elected to do.Not be a nanny and run every aspect of the publics life.

Fix the fucking potholes for heaven's sakes.

Anyone who needs painkillers for more than 3 days should get them from an actual doctor treating them, not the emergency room.

So if I broke my ankle and went to the ER, doc says here you go I got your covered for 3 days and my PCM can't see me until 7-10 days later, what do I do?

Barring an existing medical condition, it would be very rare to need more than 3 days of painkillers for a broken ankle.
CaféAuLait;6638100 said:
I'd be interested to see how well, or how poorly this has worked in the other cities who have implemented it.

I too wondered the same and apparently there is a registry for pain meds in many states BUT they say they don't have time to check? How hard would it be to plug Mary Smith's name and SS number into a computer to see if she has had several scripts in the last few days and is probably scamming the system?

Emergency department staffers don’t have time to check the registry for every patient complaining of pain, DeWaard said. But they will check it, “if they have a gut feeling that something’s not right.”

This is in Iowa. So why not enter the name of the patient with their ID card and if they come up as an suspected abuser do not issue the meds.

As far as a Mayor telling doctors how to do their job, it is ridliclous IMO.

I agree, it does seem ridiculous to me to have a mayor tell doctors they can't give out meds.

I understand there is an issue with drug addiction, however there are other fail safes in place they are not using in some cases as I quoted above. This action by a mayor just seems out of place like his mandate that baby formula needs to be locked up. All this does is make women who can’t breast feed or choose not to feel as if THEY are wrong. And the drug law will hurt those who are in need and in pain and unable to see their primary doctor ASAP. And this will have an effect on the poor more than anyone for they use the ER as their primary doc.
He isn't a Republican you illiterate pigfucker.
And yet, he was elected (3 times) under the Republican Party.

A basic understanding of NY politics might help you out here. Look up "fusion voting".

This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


he was elected as a republican, you drug addled loon.
We can call a Rose a Daisy but that doesn't make it so.

Not my fault New Yokkers are too stupid to know the differences between the Parties.

He isn't a Republican you illiterate pigfucker.
And yet, he was elected (3 times) under the Republican Party.

A basic understanding of NY politics might help you out here. Look up "fusion voting".

This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


he was elected as a republican, you drug addled loon.
I stand corrected, isn't there more than one Lefty who will criticize their own?

God the Left is filled with morons, is there NOTHING you will criticize your side for?

Secret governement. Blind drone strikes. Supporting fascist drug war. Warrentless wiretaps. To name a few off the top of my head.

Shit! I thought you meant left handed people??????


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