Diane Feinstein Blames Obstruction Of Justice on 'BRAIN CONGESTION'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
File This One Under: 'YOU'VE GOT TO BE $H!TT!NG ME'

...and you thought Comey's attempt to justify Hillary breaking the law by saying 'She is / was too stupid to know she was breaking the law' was ridiculous.

Brain Congestion
Dianne Feinstein Says A 'Bad Cold' May Have 'Slowed Down' Her Mental Faculties

'Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein suggested a ā€œbad coldā€ may have impaired her mental faculties and caused her to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpsonā€™s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee without telling committee chairman Chuck Grassley.'

Taking it upon herself without discussing it with anyone else, especially House Intel Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is in charge of the on-going investigation, Diane Feinstein released the Fusion GPS transcripts.

Upon hearing the news, Grassley informed the press that Feinstein had just perpetrated what amounted to 'OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE', explaining the release of the information at this time will make it more difficult for his Committee to investigate, citing several examples.

Evidently having been informed by others that Grassley could indeed file 'Obstruction' Charges, Feinstein has released the DUMBEST 'Cover Your Ass' excuse attempt since then FBI Director Comey tried to claim Hillary Clinton was 'too stupid' to know she was committing the thousands of crimes she was perpetrating during her server scandal!

Feinstein went on to ADMIT she knew what she was doing...
- ā€œThe one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley beforeā€

Then to top it off Feinstein finishes with an equally STUPID and hypocritical comment:

"And I donā€™t make an excuse but Iā€™ve had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities [sic] a little bit.ā€

The only 2 things I believe after Feinstein's attempt to save her own ass from indictment for 'Obstruction' after being busted committing another classic Democratic Party LEAK of information are:

1. Yes, she is F*ED-UP in the head.

2. Yes, She needs to be indicted for 'Obstruction'!

Dianne Feinstein Says A ā€˜Bad Coldā€™ May Have ā€˜Slowed Downā€™ Her Mental Faculties

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File This One Under: 'YOU'VE GOT TO BE $H!TT!NG ME'

...and you thought Comey's attempt to justify Hillary breaking the law by saying 'She is / was too stupid to know she was breaking the law' was ridiculous.

Brain Congestion
Dianne Feinstein Says A 'Bad Cold' May Have 'Slowed Down' Her Mental Faculties

'Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein suggested a ā€œbad coldā€ may have impaired her mental faculties and caused her to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpsonā€™s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee without telling committee chairman Chuck Grassley.'

Taking it upon herself without discussing it with anyone else, especially House Intel Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is in charge of the on-going investigation, Diane Feinstein released the Fusion GPS transcripts.

Upon hearing the news, Grassley informed the press that Feinstein had just perpetrated what amounted to 'OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE', explaining the release of the information at this time will make it more difficult for his Committee to investigate, citing several examples.

Evidently having been informed by others that Grassley could indeed file 'Obstruction' Charges, Feinstein has released the DUMBEST 'Cover Your Ass' excuse attempt since then FBI Director tried to claim Hillary Clinton was 'too stupid' to know she was committing the thousands of crimes she was perpetrating during her server scandal!

Feinstein went on to ADMIT she knew what she was doing...
- ā€œThe one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley beforeā€

Then to top it off Feinstein finishes with an equally STUPID and hypocritical comment:

"And I donā€™t make an excuse but Iā€™ve had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities [sic] a little bit.ā€

The only 2 things I believe after Feinstein's attempt to save her own ass from indictment for 'Obstruction' after being busted committing another classic Democratic Party LEAK of information are:

1. Yes, she is F*ED-UP in the head.

2. Yes, She needs to be indicted for 'Obstruction'!

Dianne Feinstein Says A ā€˜Bad Coldā€™ May Have ā€˜Slowed Downā€™ Her Mental Faculties
What she's done is 100% nullify the entire Senate investigation into the Trump 'collusion' LIB fever-dream.
NO ONE is ever going to testify 'behind closed doors' at ANY Senate hearing again. Thanks you stupid bitch!
Just as Peter Struock nullified ANYTHING he touched pertaining to the Mueller investigation.
NO fucking night court judge would hear ANYTHING from the Mueller investigation based on what Struock and his fuck-buddy did, not to mention McCabes part in the phony dossier they took to the FISA court.
File This One Under: 'YOU'VE GOT TO BE $H!TT!NG ME'

...and you thought Comey's attempt to justify Hillary breaking the law by saying 'She is / was too stupid to know she was breaking the law' was ridiculous.

Brain Congestion
Dianne Feinstein Says A 'Bad Cold' May Have 'Slowed Down' Her Mental Faculties

'Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein suggested a ā€œbad coldā€ may have impaired her mental faculties and caused her to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpsonā€™s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee without telling committee chairman Chuck Grassley.'

Taking it upon herself without discussing it with anyone else, especially House Intel Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is in charge of the on-going investigation, Diane Feinstein released the Fusion GPS transcripts.

Upon hearing the news, Grassley informed the press that Feinstein had just perpetrated what amounted to 'OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE', explaining the release of the information at this time will make it more difficult for his Committee to investigate, citing several examples.

Evidently having been informed by others that Grassley could indeed file 'Obstruction' Charges, Feinstein has released the DUMBEST 'Cover Your Ass' excuse attempt since then FBI Director Comey tried to claim Hillary Clinton was 'too stupid' to know she was committing the thousands of crimes she was perpetrating during her server scandal!

Feinstein went on to ADMIT she knew what she was doing...
- ā€œThe one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley beforeā€

Then to top it off Feinstein finishes with an equally STUPID and hypocritical comment:

"And I donā€™t make an excuse but Iā€™ve had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities [sic] a little bit.ā€

The only 2 things I believe after Feinstein's attempt to save her own ass from indictment for 'Obstruction' after being busted committing another classic Democratic Party LEAK of information are:

1. Yes, she is F*ED-UP in the head.

2. Yes, She needs to be indicted for 'Obstruction'!

Dianne Feinstein Says A ā€˜Bad Coldā€™ May Have ā€˜Slowed Downā€™ Her Mental Faculties

Then she's had a cold for a very long time.
Since Diane Feinstein has ADMITTED to being Mentally Unbalanced and incapable of making rational - and LEGAL - decisions - perhaps the Senate should immediately move to have her removed from the Senate before she is able to commit any more crimes....
Bravo, Senator :clap:

Resist GOP goals for a completely opaque government :thup:
Funny, snowflakes accuse the GOP of what they are actually doing and then applauds Liberals when they get caught doing it, like BF demonstrates regarding DF's criminal 'Obstruction'...
If she used the email server at State.gov, she and staff would have all those alleged CLASSIFIED emails on the State.gov email system, which is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM.

Before Hillary and after Hillary and right now under Trump, the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM....holding classified emails.....just like her personal server.

And before the release of the emails to the public upon request, the State department has a staff that goes through them to black out and redact and hold back from release the classified Parts....

It's a systemic problem that the State department has always had....a classified email system for daily email and workings, is not available for the State dept to use....only the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov system is available.

So right this moment, on the State.gov email system, that IS NOT A CLASSIFIED SYSTEM has tens of thousands of classified email resting on it.

Are you going to arrest ALL the State dept workers for this?

If she used the email server at State.gov...

That's just it, snowflake. Hillary used her own un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured server, exercised 'gross negligence' in the illegal mishandling of classified, and the FBI has over 15,000 documents with which Hillary illegally violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act....

Thank you for reminding me why I 'ignored' you in the past...and why I need to again.
Oh, and Feinstein said she should have told Grassley, blames that on a cold, but NOT on releasing them....She simply would have given him warning, out of courtesy....but she still would have released them.

There was nothing CLASSIFIED in Fusion GPS testimony...And the public had a right and need to know about it. She sought advice from government lawyers on the release who gave her, the OK.
What is wrong with you nimrods? WHY are you melting snowflakes acting like releasing UNCLASSIFIED information is some sort of crime, for goodness sake!!!

You should be ashamed of yourselves, if not.....then move to your favorite country with government you all seem to revere....Russia, or North Korea or China!!!
...and you thought Comey's attempt to justify Hillary breaking the law by saying 'She is / was too stupid to know she was breaking the law' was ridiculous.

I did..but it is funny how over time you just sort of get numb to such things and expect it from them.
The SC already ruled on issues like this with the Pentagon Papers leak/release, and THOSE WERE classified top SECRET.....
If she used the email server at State.gov, she and staff would have all those alleged CLASSIFIED emails on the State.gov email system, which is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM.

Before Hillary and after Hillary and right now under Trump, the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM....holding classified emails.....just like her personal server.

And before the release of the emails to the public upon request, the State department has a staff that goes through them to black out and redact and hold back from release the classified Parts....

It's a systemic problem that the State department has always had....a classified email system for daily email and workings, is not available for the State dept to use....only the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov system is available.

So right this moment, on the State.gov email system, that IS NOT A CLASSIFIED SYSTEM has tens of thousands of classified email resting on it.

Are you going to arrest ALL the State dept workers for this?


The laws regarding the handling and transmission of classified data apply to state dept employees just as they apply to anyone holding a clearance at any level.

Are you saying that the entire state dept e-mail system is in violation of federal law?

Its amazing the levels of bullshit that you libs can come up with to justify Hillary's crimes.
What is wrong with you nimrods? WHY are you melting snowflakes acting like releasing UNCLASSIFIED information is some sort of crime, for goodness sake!!!

You should be ashamed of yourselves, if not.....then move to your favorite country with government you all seem to revere....Russia, or North Korea or China!!!

It was testimony from a closed hearing. It was closed for a reason. so what was said would not be released. WTF is wrong with you?
If she used the email server at State.gov, she and staff would have all those alleged CLASSIFIED emails on the State.gov email system, which is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM.

Before Hillary and after Hillary and right now under Trump, the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM....holding classified emails.....just like her personal server.

And before the release of the emails to the public upon request, the State department has a staff that goes through them to black out and redact and hold back from release the classified Parts....

It's a systemic problem that the State department has always had....a classified email system for daily email and workings, is not available for the State dept to use....only the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov system is available.

So right this moment, on the State.gov email system, that IS NOT A CLASSIFIED SYSTEM has tens of thousands of classified email resting on it.

Are you going to arrest ALL the State dept workers for this?


The laws regarding the handling and transmission of classified data apply to state dept employees just as they apply to anyone holding a clearance at any level.

Are you saying that the entire state dept e-mail system is in violation of federal law?

Its amazing the levels of bullshit that you libs can come up with to justify Hillary's crimes.
YES, I am saying that.....

Top Secret and Secret CLASSIFIED documents are stored on a separate server with no internet access....but ALL OTHER CLASSIFIED level emails or documents are on the State.gov email system, which is an UNCLASSIFIED EMAIL SYSTEM....And they redact the classified information upon release to public FOIA requests.
What is wrong with you nimrods? WHY are you melting snowflakes acting like releasing UNCLASSIFIED information is some sort of crime, for goodness sake!!!

You should be ashamed of yourselves, if not.....then move to your favorite country with government you all seem to revere....Russia, or North Korea or China!!!

It was testimony from a closed hearing. It was closed for a reason. so what was said would not be released. WTF is wrong with you?

It was closed because Fusion GPS asked for it to be closed.....And when GPS was done and people asked if they still wanted it private, they said NO, THEY wanted it released.....

So you are WRONG.
File This One Under: 'YOU'VE GOT TO BE $H!TT!NG ME'

...and you thought Comey's attempt to justify Hillary breaking the law by saying 'She is / was too stupid to know she was breaking the law' was ridiculous.

Brain Congestion
Dianne Feinstein Says A 'Bad Cold' May Have 'Slowed Down' Her Mental Faculties

'Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein suggested a ā€œbad coldā€ may have impaired her mental faculties and caused her to release Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpsonā€™s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee without telling committee chairman Chuck Grassley.'

Taking it upon herself without discussing it with anyone else, especially House Intel Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is in charge of the on-going investigation, Diane Feinstein released the Fusion GPS transcripts.

Upon hearing the news, Grassley informed the press that Feinstein had just perpetrated what amounted to 'OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE', explaining the release of the information at this time will make it more difficult for his Committee to investigate, citing several examples.

Evidently having been informed by others that Grassley could indeed file 'Obstruction' Charges, Feinstein has released the DUMBEST 'Cover Your Ass' excuse attempt since then FBI Director Comey tried to claim Hillary Clinton was 'too stupid' to know she was committing the thousands of crimes she was perpetrating during her server scandal!

Feinstein went on to ADMIT she knew what she was doing...
- ā€œThe one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley beforeā€

Then to top it off Feinstein finishes with an equally STUPID and hypocritical comment:

"And I donā€™t make an excuse but Iā€™ve had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities [sic] a little bit.ā€

The only 2 things I believe after Feinstein's attempt to save her own ass from indictment for 'Obstruction' after being busted committing another classic Democratic Party LEAK of information are:

1. Yes, she is F*ED-UP in the head.

2. Yes, She needs to be indicted for 'Obstruction'!

Dianne Feinstein Says A ā€˜Bad Coldā€™ May Have ā€˜Slowed Downā€™ Her Mental Faculties
Is Vlad telling you to go after Sen Feinstein now because she made sure you treasonous miscreants canā€™t misrepresent the transcript or the dossier any more?

Sad pathetic little shill. Poor Sergei
If she used the email server at State.gov...

That's just it, snowflake. Hillary used her own un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured server, exercised 'gross negligence' in the illegal mishandling of classified, and the FBI has over 15,000 documents with which Hillary illegally violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act....

Thank you for reminding me why I 'ignored' you in the past...and why I need to again.
This isnā€™t about Hillary Clinton, Sergei Snowflake.
If she used the email server at State.gov, she and staff would have all those alleged CLASSIFIED emails on the State.gov email system, which is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM.

Before Hillary and after Hillary and right now under Trump, the State.gov email system is an UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM....holding classified emails.....just like her personal server.

And before the release of the emails to the public upon request, the State department has a staff that goes through them to black out and redact and hold back from release the classified Parts....

It's a systemic problem that the State department has always had....a classified email system for daily email and workings, is not available for the State dept to use....only the UNCLASSIFIED State.gov system is available.

So right this moment, on the State.gov email system, that IS NOT A CLASSIFIED SYSTEM has tens of thousands of classified email resting on it.

Are you going to arrest ALL the State dept workers for this?


The laws regarding the handling and transmission of classified data apply to state dept employees just as they apply to anyone holding a clearance at any level.

Are you saying that the entire state dept e-mail system is in violation of federal law?

Its amazing the levels of bullshit that you libs can come up with to justify Hillary's crimes.
YES, I am saying that.....

Top Secret and Secret CLASSIFIED documents are stored on a separate server with no internet access....but ALL OTHER CLASSIFIED level emails or documents are on the State.gov email system, which is an UNCLASSIFIED EMAIL SYSTEM....And they redact the classified information upon release to public FOIA requests.

Can you prove that the US state dept stores classified data on an unclassified server? If so, then you should file as a whistleblower and get a lot of money for turning them in.

I don't believe you on this or anything else. You have proven yourself to be nothing but a left wing hack with zero credibility.

Your user name says it all, you are so stupid that you think medical care for everyone should be free for everyone. Someone has to pay, fool. Ask the 50,000 people in the UK who are being refused treatment.

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