DEVASTATING BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Ukrainian Burisma Executive Releases Biden Bribery Tape!

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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts
That's not Biden's fault. He was rolled on. Anyone would have done the same.
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts

OMG, this must be rushed over to Gym Jordan. He'll have Biden locked up by morning.
Your stupid avatar gave you away before I even clicked here.

Sorry your side has to make up crazy shit to even have an argument.

See, we don't:

Because your elderly stooge really is that fucking out of it. :)
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts
He’s not going to prison, even if true. The corruption in DC is enormous. It’s what most if not all politicians do. The establishment will protect him as they’ve done so many other corrupt politicians.

Love that tune though.
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts
We've been Rick-rolled.
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts
Oh please, rube. Find something that hasn’t already been debunked! 51 Intel Agncy folks already said this was “Russian Disinformation”

But but but Orange Man Bad!! Trump has a document!!

Besides, the Golden Rule of America 2.0: it’s not a crime when a democrat does it.

The only way Biden goes down for this is if the WEF wants to appoint someone even more corrupt than a Biden. Good luck with that
Oh please, rube. Find something that hasn’t already been debunked! 51 Intel Agncy folks already said this was “Russian Disinformation”

But but but Orange Man Bad!! Trump has a document!!

Besides, the Golden Rule of America 2.0: it’s not a crime when a democrat does it.

The only way Biden goes down for this is if the WEF wants to appoint someone even more corrupt than a Biden. Good luck with that

Fuckin' trophy.
A man claiming to be a former Burisma executive has created a video with his face blurred out. In the video, he plays two audio recordings purported to be conversations between himself and Joe Biden.

In the audio, the executive and Biden discuss opening up the US energy market to Burisma, particularly in Texas. The executive tells Biden he needs help getting through all the red tape to achieve this.

Deep into the conversation, Biden solicits a bribe from the executive to make this happen.

He was not offered a bribe, he asked for one!

The second audio which the alleged former Burisma executive plays in this video is a conversation between a Biden staff member and Burisma as to where to wire the $5 million. Burisma is given the name of SqueezeMe Holding, LLC registered in Nevada.

In this era of deepfakes, it is best to take all this with a grain of salt until the recording can be evaluated by an independent investigation. But if this is true, Joe Biden is going to Leavenworth.

Here's the video we have all been anxiously waiting for: Bombshell: Burisma Executive Has the Receipts

That video is even worse than you make it sound.
Oh please, rube. Find something that hasn’t already been debunked! 51 Intel Agncy folks already said this was “Russian Disinformation”

But but but Orange Man Bad!! Trump has a document!!

Besides, the Golden Rule of America 2.0: it’s not a crime when a democrat does it.

The only way Biden goes down for this is if the WEF wants to appoint someone even more corrupt than a Biden. Good luck with that
That video is even worse than you make it sound.
You fell for it didn’t you!!! Where’s the evidence that Biden is a career criminal???

Besides, the Bad Orange Man has — a document!!! Stop deflecting Magatard. Your Orange Jesus is facing espionage charges. What’s Bidens crimes, real or imagined compared to that!

You Trump rubes are so gullible
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