Zone1 Despite criticism last year, should PBS again feature the Black National Anthem at its nationwide July 4th concert tonight?

I get goosebumps when I think of the faith and courage it took to endure that night, both as the soldiers being held on the ship and as Francis Scott Key, formulating the words to describe the heroism of our ancestors. (Well, your ancestors, actually. Mine did not arrive here until much later.)

That was absolutely beautiful! It gave me chills. That dying patriots struggled to hold the flag up as British guns were steeled on them, fighting with their last breath to not let the flag fall.

Now compare that to what we have now. Lowlifes and ingrates, with opportunities abounding in this wonderful country, spitting on the flag and setting it on fire. The brave men of Fort McHenry must be rolling over in their graves.
I get goosebumps when I think of the faith and courage it took to endure that night, both as the soldiers being held on the ship and as Francis Scott Key, formulating the words to describe the heroism of our ancestors. (Well, your ancestors, actually. Mine did not arrive here until much later.)

P.S. Not my ancestors, either. No arrivals until the turn of the 19th/20th century.
That was absolutely beautiful! It gave me chills. That dying patriots struggled to hold the flag up as British guns were steeled on them, fighting with their last breath to not let the flag fall.

Now compare that to what we have now. Lowlifes and ingrates, with opportunities avoiding in this wonderful country, spitting on the flag and setting it on fire. The brave men of Fort McHenry must be rolling over in their graves.
It should shame any good American to look at the clowns marching the streets right now, disgracing the history of a great country.
Wasn’t it Fort McHenry?

I took a boat tour out into the middle of Baltimore Harbor, and we stopped right at the spot where FSK was inspired to write the star Spangled Banner.

That the flag still waved after a night of rocket bombardment, with the sky so thick with smoke that one could not see,and did indeed remain in place, tattered yet not defeated, is a testament to America’s triumph. That it is now being replaced, or “equalized” with a so-called Black National Anthem shows how much division the liberals have sown.
You are correct, Ft. McHenry. My bad. Key was on the British ship 'Tonnant' to negotiate the release of William Beans a 65 year old physician who was taken into British custody aboard the ship for confronting British soldiers after they tried to plunder his home. Key was was detained on the ship where he watched the bombardment from the deck. The bombardment was so thick and many British shells blew up short of their target 'bursting in air.' After the bombardment he expected to see the British Union Jack, miraculously he saw the American flag and the Fort had not fallen. That is what happened and it had nothing whatsoever to do with racism.
I said they did not have a country of their own. thus they could not have a national anthem. The Star Spangle Banner is for all Americans. Why do you have a problem with that
You don’t make sense. By that reasoning, nobody has a country of their own.
You don’t make sense. By that reasoning, nobody has a country of their own.
What is so hard to understand, are you that dense?
The Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem for all Americans
it is not for one race only,. The "black NATIONAL" anthem is supposedly for blacks only but aren't you supposed to have a country to have a national anthem?
What is so hard to understand, are you that dense?
The Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem for all Americans
it is not for one race only,. The "black NATIONAL" anthem is supposedly for blacks only but aren't you supposed to have a country to have a national anthem?
OK, I agree with you now that you explain it, but totally unnecessary to insult me. I’m probably a lot brighter than you.
Yes, it’s the WHY behind it. WHY are whites being discriminated against, and excluded from opportunities because they aren’t the proper skin color?

So you are talking about quotas so it reflects the US demographic? Eh. I don’t care. Let the them have a few years of “wokeness”, it will eventually balance in different ways if the market demands it and that is what most of these decisions are based in.

IMO, after years of being minalized in these industries overrun with white faces they finally get visibility. No skin off my back.
You never noticed the capital B and lower w stuff? Tell you what. For the next day or so, I’m going to lower case when I refer to black people and upper case when I refer to White people. A not so subtle implication will emerge.
No…never did, always used lower case myself and another member here stated he used upper case for both because it is proper English.
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That was absolutely beautiful! It gave me chills. That dying patriots struggled to hold the flag up as British guns were steeled on them, fighting with their last breath to not let the flag fall.

Now compare that to what we have now. Lowlifes and ingrates, with opportunities abounding in this wonderful country, spitting on the flag and setting it on fire. The brave men of Fort McHenry must be rolling over in their graves.
Do you have a problem with the reference to Christian Americans?
Good question for the religion forum. And I know the answer, but I’m not allowing an antisemite to derail me in my own thread.
My reference is history, not religion. The bible is 99 percent history, 1 percent religion (approximately).
That was absolutely beautiful! It gave me chills. That dying patriots struggled to hold the flag up as British guns were steeled on them, fighting with their last breath to not let the flag fall.

Now compare that to what we have now. Lowlifes and ingrates, with opportunities abounding in this wonderful country, spitting on the flag and setting it on fire. The brave men of Fort McHenry must be rolling over in their graves.
:yes_text12: Thanks for that.....I remember seeing that a while ago, truly inspiring!!! The left want to degrade our history because they have no knowledge of real American history and go along with garbage like 'build back better.' They only react to what other lefties and would be anti American revolutionaries tell them about our history.
So you are talking about quotas so it reflects the US demographic? Eh. I don’t care. Let the them have a few years of “wokeness”, it will eventually balance in different ways if the market demands it and that is what most of these decisions are based in.

IMO, after years of being minalized in these industries overrun with white faces they finally get visibility. No skin off my back.

No…never did, always used lower case myself and another member here stated he used upper case for both because it is proper English.
You seem obsessed with skin color.
:yes_text12: Thanks for that.....I remember seeing that a while ago, truly inspiring!!! The left want to degrade our history because they have no knowledge of real American history and go along with garbage like 'build back better.' They only react to what other lefties and would be anti American revolutionaries tell them about our history.
Especially the kids in their 20s. The public school education is abysmal, and getting worse, with all the social justice nonsense being prioritized over basic history, math, writing, and so forth. I bet most of them would be dumbfounded if you asked them about the War of 1812 (even who the enemy was!). They had a man in the street type interview and some of them couldn’t even tell you how many stripes the flag had, or how many stars.
That was absolutely beautiful! It gave me chills. That dying patriots struggled to hold the flag up as British guns were steeled on them, fighting with their last breath to not let the flag fall.

Now compare that to what we have now. Lowlifes and ingrates, with opportunities abounding in this wonderful country, spitting on the flag and setting it on fire. The brave men of Fort McHenry must be rolling over in their graves.
Our family is filled with military veterans. Many of our friends and in-laws were also in the service. One uncle retired a full colonel. Another uncle's life was destroyed when his body was filled with shrapnel as he floated down in a parachute above the beach in Normandy.

I feel an intense anger toward the whining, rioting, worthless ingrates forever looking for more ways to destroy our country. They're ungrateful, lazy scum. Imo.

I used to watch a lot of PBS news and documentaries. I rarely watch it these days. It has gone totally "woke" imo.

The last 20 minutes of the News Hour is usually wasted on topics about blacks, rather than news items. And they broadcast loads of documentaries about black history or personalities. All fine, but I have absolutely no interest in those topics. Even news interviews seem to feature mostly black "experts" as if there are no others to be found.

What I would like to see in media is a more accurate view of our nation's racial make-up. Blacks are 13 or 14 percent of the population - it's fair that they receive media exposure to reflect their population percentage.

But, I have NO desire to see large numbers of blacks in movies our ads, for ANY reason. Our media should reflect reality. It should NOT be used as a brain-washing tool for social engineering.

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