DESPARATION sets in...Senate DemonRATS Demand William Barr Recuse Himself from ‘Trump Ukraine Matter

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
You can just FEEL the apprehension and FEAR in these Anti-Americans as AG Barr gets closer and closer to exposing perhaps as many as HALF the DemonRATS being involved, one way or another into this COUP SCANDAL.... little did they think, or much less realize exactly how much a real president is who is NOT afraid of political repercussions in their lifetime!!!

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats on Friday called for Attorney General William Barr to recuse himself from “Trump Ukraine matters” as an impeachment inquiry into the president continues. In a letter to Barr, the panel’s ten Democrats accused the attorney general of having an “appearance of a conflict of interest” and urged him to recuse himself from all Ukraine-related affairs, which includes the department’s investigation into matters related to President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and his associates, Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, who were recently indicted on campaign finance charges.

NEW: Senate Judiciary Democrats call on Attorney General Bill Barr to recuse himself from "Trump Ukraine matters." Politics

— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) October 25, 2019

“Impartial enforcement of the law is essential to give the American public confidence in the Justice Department’s work. Your personal connection to these matters creates the appearance of a conflict of interest and gives rise to questions about whether the Department is being used to advance the president’s personal interests,” the letter states.

“We request that you recuse yourself and identify the appropriate official who will be responsible for these matters. We also request that you confirm whether you consulted Department ethics officials regarding recusal and provide copies of any ethics guidance that Justice Department officials have provided in connection with these matters,” it adds.

The letter comes after a New York Times report stating that the Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe. Shifting the inquiry into criminal probe allows U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor tasked by Barr to lead the review, to subpoena witnesses for both testimony and documents. Durham will now have the authority to impanel a grand jury and to file charges. “If true, this shows Bill Barr...

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Democrats, all of which signed the letter, are persons of interest in the criminal prosecution. Could this be a threat against the prosecutors office and an obstruction of justice attempt? Desperation is putting it mildly.. This is outright panic...

My Gawd this is a brazen attempt to derail the investigation into them..
The Dems are scared about the optics of Brenner, Clapper, Strzok and Steele, among others, being perp-walked.

Wouldn't t be hilarious to have the investigation go all the way back to Obama and see him perp-walked out of his Martha's Vineyard estate in his Mom jeans?
The dems are scared shitless!

Their letter doesn't even make sense. What AG would NOT have the same “appearance of a conflict of interest”?
Senate DemonRATS Demand William Barr Recuse Himself from ‘Trump Ukraine Matter...


BILLY BARR! You are just spoiling our entire game!!!
Did Holder ever recuse himself for any reason from anything Obama was doing?

Fuck the Dems, Barr isn’t a pussy like Sessions. Plus the Mueller report CONFIRMED THAT SESSIONS HAD NO CONFLICT.
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Dems are just in a panic because they know Trump will get re-elected unless they impeach him.
Barr is doing his job and cant be bought off... This has them scared shitless!

I agree...but I would add...

The dems know what crimes they have committed...THAT has them scared shitless.


I think it's more than that. Barr must have stumbled on something that got back to the swamp, and that's why they're terrified. It must be something real good too; something that will start the dominos falling. For the Democrats, it's probably like when we had the draft, and you're just worried about when you're number is going to get picked.
When Durham arrests these assholes, I hope he sends in SWAT teams and helicopters like that dickhead Mueller did.
Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Page hopefully all go bankrupt paying for their defenses.
Barr has no reason to recuse himself from anything. Let the dems whine and scream all they want.
I'm still waiting for the deep state indictments to start rolling in......
You can just FEEL the apprehension and FEAR in these Anti-Americans as AG Barr gets closer and closer to exposing perhaps as many as HALF the DemonRATS being involved, one way or another into this COUP SCANDAL.... little did they think, or much less realize exactly how much a real president is who is NOT afraid of political repercussions in their lifetime!!!

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats on Friday called for Attorney General William Barr to recuse himself from “Trump Ukraine matters” as an impeachment inquiry into the president continues. In a letter to Barr, the panel’s ten Democrats accused the attorney general of having an “appearance of a conflict of interest” and urged him to recuse himself from all Ukraine-related affairs, which includes the department’s investigation into matters related to President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and his associates, Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, who were recently indicted on campaign finance charges.

NEW: Senate Judiciary Democrats call on Attorney General Bill Barr to recuse himself from "Trump Ukraine matters." Politics

— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) October 25, 2019

“Impartial enforcement of the law is essential to give the American public confidence in the Justice Department’s work. Your personal connection to these matters creates the appearance of a conflict of interest and gives rise to questions about whether the Department is being used to advance the president’s personal interests,” the letter states.

“We request that you recuse yourself and identify the appropriate official who will be responsible for these matters. We also request that you confirm whether you consulted Department ethics officials regarding recusal and provide copies of any ethics guidance that Justice Department officials have provided in connection with these matters,” it adds.

The letter comes after a New York Times report stating that the Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe. Shifting the inquiry into criminal probe allows U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor tasked by Barr to lead the review, to subpoena witnesses for both testimony and documents. Durham will now have the authority to impanel a grand jury and to file charges. “If true, this shows Bill Barr...

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This is just the Democrats trying to delegitimize any possible indictments.

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