Desecration of Islamic Sanctities in Jenin.

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
After bombing >300 mosques in Gaza, Israeli psychologically unstable soldiers stormed a mosque in Jenin in the West Bank this morning, vandalized the mosque, and performed Jewish songs on its speakers.

After bombing >300 mosques in Gaza, Israeli psychologically unstable soldiers stormed a mosque in Jenin in the West Bank this morning, vandalized the mosque, and performed Jewish songs on its speakers.

Yet you do NOT support Freedom of Religon. Care to explain?????
Do you get this upset about honor killing. Killing apostate Muslims, forced conversions.
Not to mention Female Genital Mutiliation.Child brides , and anti-semitism taught to children in schools

You are the hater you think you see (in the mirror)
Yet you do NOT support Freedom of Religon. Care to explain?????
Do you get this upset about honor killing. Killing apostate Muslims, forced conversions.
Not to mention Female Genital Mutiliation.Child brides , and anti-semitism taught to children in schools

You are the hater you think you see (in the mirror)
the so called lion is a pussy.....
After bombing >300 mosques in Gaza, Israeli psychologically unstable soldiers stormed a mosque in Jenin in the West Bank this morning, vandalized the mosque, and performed Jewish songs on its speakers.

If the religious leaders of those mosques wouldn't allow munitions to be stored in them and told Hamas terrorists that they couldn't use them for bases of operation, their mosques would be left alone.
The problem is that the religious leaders are a part of the terrorist activities, encouraging them.
Islam's goal is to "conquer the world" and all infidels (all those who aren't Muslims), should be converted to Islam, enslaved, or killed.
Those massive numbers of Muslim migrants into Europe and elsewhere aren't going in to be a part of the infidel nations, but rather, performing a da'wah, a migration to convert infidel nations to Muslim nations by all means necessary.
Yet you do NOT support Freedom of Religon. Care to explain?????
Do you get this upset about honor killing. Killing apostate Muslims, forced conversions.
Not to mention Female Genital Mutiliation.Child brides , and anti-semitism taught to children in schools

You are the hater you think you see (in the mirror)

You're pretty ignorant about Islam.
If the religious leaders of those mosques wouldn't allow munitions to be stored in them and told Hamas terrorists that they couldn't use them for bases of operation, their mosques would be left alone.
The part you're missing is where Hamas would have killed them or stolen their property for not helping. Are you really so naive that you think they could have just said no to Hamas?
You're pretty ignorant about Islam.
You’re the Ignorant one. Do you DENY Female Mutilation is happening in Islam? Do you DENY Rape is considered “ acceptable “ under certain circumstances? Do you DENY Muslims are PRESENTLY enslaving Christians and killing them ? Pathetic.
The part you're missing is where Hamas would have killed them or stolen their property for not helping. Are you really so naive that you think they could have just said no to Hamas?
The bottom line is that the religious scholars would never say no, because they are a part of the problem, with their anti-infidel rhetoric via the Quran.

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