DeSantis literally has his own militia force.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.
My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.

Why does DeSantis need his own army to govern civilian emergencies?
My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.
Bet you don't have a problem with Galvin Newsome's state guard ?

Is it his militia or does it belong to the State of Florida?

He's can't keep a leader for it. He's in charge of it. He's organized it. He's militarized it.

Its his.

My question is....why? Even the folks leaving it in droves, even the leadeship that is abandoned it (they're on their 3rd leader in 8 months)....can't answer that question.
Why does Newsome need an army ?

Newsom didn't create the Cal guard. They were made in....41, I think? I'm not sure if it was in direct response to Pearl Harbor, or the build up to it. Its been around for literal generations.

The Florida State Guard was created in 1941.....and was disbanded in 1947.

DeSantis himself pushed to remake it. The bill in question passed in March. Its his baby. He's the one pushing it, he's the one organizing it, he's the one militarizing it. And he made sure that they reported to him, were activated by him, were under his control.

DeSantis also made a last minute push to almost quadruple its size and increase its budget by a factor of 10.

Why? To any of it.
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Newsom didn't create the Cal guard. They were made in....41, I think? I'm not sure if it was in direct response to Pearl Harbor, or the build up to it. Its been around for literal generations.

The Florida State Guard was created in 1941.....and was disbanded in 1947.

DeSantis himself pushed to remake it. The bill in question passed in March. Its his baby. He's the one pushing it, he's the one organizing it, he's the one militarizing it. And he made sure that they reported to him, were activated by him, were under his control.

DeSantis also made a last minute push to almost quadruple its size and increase its budget by a factor of 10.

Why? To any of it.
It's different because your a hypocritical partisan hack.
It's different because your a hypocritical partisan hack.

Its different....because Newsom didn't organize it. He didn't push a single bill, didn't push for any militarization, didn't create a single part of it. It all existed for generations before Newsom got there and will likely for generations more.

But the Florida State Guard is DeSantis' baby. He made it, just a few months ago. He organized it. He militarized it. He made sure that it answered to him, that only he could activate it, that only he could control it.

DeSantis also pushed for huge last minute expansions, nearly quadrupling its size, removing restrictions on how he could use it from the bill and expanded its funding by a factor of 10.

Why? Why to any of it?

The original FSG in 41 had a purpose: to fill in for the Florida National Guard that was being moblized for world war 2. Which is why it was disbanded in 47 when the Florida National Guard started returning in earnest from their occupation duties in Germany and Japan.

None of that applies today. So....why?
My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.
Well you better move to a nice big city in a blue state. You’ll be much more safe and happy there.
My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.

You know whats really dangerous? A McRib, large fries and a Coke.
Relax, what are you afraid Desantis is going to do? Sounds to me like the new State Guard
is just going through some growing pains, but your blowing it out of proportion. Whats wrong with militia training anyway? State Guard/ State Militia... its the same thing. Having a State Guard that is not trained to
fight is pretty useless... with that training they will be more effective in everything else they do that is physically demanding or dangerous situations.
Its different....because Newsom didn't organize it. He didn't push a single bill, didn't push for any militarization, didn't create a single part of it. It all existed for generations before Newsom got there and will likely for generations more.

But the Florida State Guard is DeSantis' baby. He made it, just a few months ago. He organized it. He militarized it. He made sure that it answered to him, that only he could activate it, that only he could control it.

DeSantis also pushed for huge last minute expansions, nearly quadrupling its size, removing restrictions on how he could use it from the bill and expanded its funding by a factor of 10.

Why? Why to any of it?

The original FSG in 41 had a purpose: to fill in for the Florida National Guard that was being moblized for world war 2. Which is why it was disbanded in 47 when the Florida National Guard started returning in earnest from their occupation duties in Germany and Japan.

None of that applies today. So....why?
California still has a State Guard that answers to the Governor same as Florida, the only difference is you have an issue with the politics of one and not the other, because your a partisan hack.
California still has a State Guard that answers to the Governor same as Florida, the only difference is you have an issue with the politics of one and not the other, because your a partisan hack.

Its had a state guard for generations. Newsom had nothing to do with the creation of any of it.

And the guard in California is already integrated into the California disaster and emergency response system. It doesn't need to be activated by the governor. It can be called up for disaster relief as part of the emergency response system. This is one of the reasons it still exists: wildfires, floods, earthquakes, general disaster relief.

The governor CAN call up the California State guard, but its almost always done by integrated emergency response personnel.

That's not how the florida system works at all. Only DeSantis can call up the guard. The FSG is integrated into nothing. They report directly to DeSantis. They are fully militarized. DeSantis had almost all the restrictions on what he could do with the guard removed from the bill. You can still see the stricken restrictions that he had pulled from the bill.

DeSantis *created* the guard, pushed it, militarized it, and inexplicably had it expanded to nearly quadruple its original proposed size with 10 times the funding.

Why? Even the people that are in it don't know what the fuck they're supposed to be doing, or what role the FSG is supposed to play.
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My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.
My neighbor (RIP) told me 2 years ago to watch DeSantis, because he is even more dangerous than Trump. He lived in Florida for the winter for many years, and would say how he is much worse than Trump. He specifically mentioned his vindictiveness. Now I see he is getting his Brownshirt army together, I wonder what he would do as President? The Republican Party has two fascists trying to out-fascist one another to be President.

When DeSantis announced in 2021 that he wanted to revive the long-dormant State Guard, he vowed it would help Floridians during emergencies. But in the year since its launch, key personnel and a defined mission remain elusive. The state is looking for the program’s third leader in eight months. According to records reviewed by the Times/Herald and interviews with program volunteers, a number of recruits quit after the first training class last month because they feared it was becoming too militaristic.

Weeks into that inaugural June training, one volunteer, a disabled retired Marine Corps captain, called the local sheriff’s office to report he was battered by Florida National Guard instructors when they forcibly shoved him into a van after he questioned the program and its leadership.
State Militias are legal in the USA. Read the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

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