Dems favor abortion over child sex slaves

One Dem Senator even sought an amendment to verbiage on one of the same pages that includes the Hyde language! It's on pages 4 and 5 of the bill, for crying out loud. Yet, we're supposed to believe that not one Dem Senator nor any of their staffers noticed the language.

So now the Dems are filibustering the human trafficking bill because they can't stand the idea that those girls' unborn babies' would be allowed to live. They'd rather do nothing to stop human trafficking than save the lives of those girls' unborn babies.

These Democrats are as revolting in their support of abortion as their Democratic ancestors were in supporting slavery. The disgusting practices of slavery and abortion both seek to ignore the rights of the victim and even seek to pretend that the victim is not really human and therefore does not deserve legal protection.
The dems at best failed to comprehend the effect of the bill's provision for not allowing criminal fine pools to be used for victims to have abortions. But, that doesn't detract from you being disingenuous about what the Hyde Act is about (taxes), and the gop's, and your, agenda being forced birthing by rape victims.
The GOP is telling victims who became pregnant through abuse that they cannot obtain abortions funded by fines from sexual predators. The GOP remains mired in forced birthing. This is not a hill worth dying over, but the GOP is powerless to stop itself from crazy ass forced birthing shite.
And unless you dems can have train loads of people being transported to their infants death facilities you don't give a shit how they got pregnant. As long as the blood is flowing you're happy right?
I'm not a dem, but if a girl is raped and impregnated, and she wants an abortion and tax money isn't paying for it, it's fine by me. And, I don't see what biz of yours it is.

Other than the other innocent victim...the baby.......that would be my interest......
Why didn't you title this thread "Republicans Favor Child Sex Slaves over Abortion?"
Repubs aren't blocking the bill that's why.
Republicans tried to sneak their own partisan agenda into a slam dunk of a bill. They shouldn't be surprised it pisses people off.

Nonsense. Sheesh, the Hyde language is on pages 4 and 5 of the bill, and Hyde language is routinely included in a number of recurring pieces of legislation.

So what the Democrats are saying is that if a human-trafficked girl is pregnant, they want the federal government to pay to have her baby killed, that that's more important than trying to stop human trafficking.

If this were the 1850s, you guys would be defending slavery as a matter of "choice."

That was one of the planks in the democrat platform back then.....
Forcing victims of multiple rapes to bear babies ...

How long before the RWs demand the victims be caned for being victims?
Why didn't you title this thread "Republicans Favor Child Sex Slaves over Abortion?"
Repubs aren't blocking the bill that's why.
Republicans tried to sneak their own partisan agenda into a slam dunk of a bill. They shouldn't be surprised it pisses people off.

Nonsense. Sheesh, the Hyde language is on pages 4 and 5 of the bill, and Hyde language is routinely included in a number of recurring pieces of legislation.

So what the Democrats are saying is that if a human-trafficked girl is pregnant, they want the federal government to pay to have her baby killed, that that's more important than trying to stop human trafficking.

If this were the 1850s, you guys would be defending slavery as a matter of "choice."

That was one of the planks in the democrat platform back then.....

Key words: "back then".

Its the current platform for Rs.
Forcing victims of multiple rapes to bear babies ...

How long before the RWs demand the victims be caned for being victims?

And the crime of the baby....? Considering you want the baby to get the death penalty for doing nothing....right?
Forcing victims of multiple rapes to bear babies ...

How long before the RWs demand the victims be caned for being victims?

Funny how all you lefties are against the death penalty.....when it is an adult....but all on board for the death penalty for a baby......
The woman has the right to abort.

That is no one's business but hers.

Not to mention that its just plain repugnant that RWs want to punish victims of sex traffickers. As if being raped continually isn't bad enough.
Why didn't you title this thread "Republicans Favor Child Sex Slaves over Abortion?"
Repubs aren't blocking the bill that's why.


Democrats didn’t read the 68-page bill to discover its provisions dealing with abortion, and Republicans didn’t disclose the abortion language when Democratic staffers asked them for a summary of the legislation.
The GOP is telling victims who became pregnant through abuse that they cannot obtain abortions funded by fines from sexual predators. The GOP remains mired in forced birthing. This is not a hill worth dying over, but the GOP is powerless to stop itself from crazy ass forced birthing shite.

Which of course is going to endear the GOP to women voters in 2016....
Why are you libs lying about rape victims?

"Fines paid by those convicted of the sex-trafficking crimes would go into a fund to help victims. But Democrats are balking because the legislation also contains a Republican-inserted provision that bars the use of fines to pay for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the pregnant woman is in jeopardy."

McConnell suggests Senate will delay Lynch s AG vote until Dems pass anti-human trafficking bill Fox News

This is standard language for this stuff.
Why are you libs lying about rape victims?

"Fines paid by those convicted of the sex-trafficking crimes would go into a fund to help victims. But Democrats are balking because the legislation also contains a Republican-inserted provision that bars the use of fines to pay for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the pregnant woman is in jeopardy."

McConnell suggests Senate will delay Lynch s AG vote until Dems pass anti-human trafficking bill Fox News

This is standard language for this stuff.
I'm in the camp of anyone who is pregnant through sex-trafficking is a rape victim without proving she's a rape victim.
Why are you libs lying about rape victims?

"Fines paid by those convicted of the sex-trafficking crimes would go into a fund to help victims. But Democrats are balking because the legislation also contains a Republican-inserted provision that bars the use of fines to pay for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the pregnant woman is in jeopardy."

McConnell suggests Senate will delay Lynch s AG vote until Dems pass anti-human trafficking bill Fox News

This is standard language for this stuff.

Kewl, that means we'll keep Attorney General Eric Holder in office a little longer. Good job Mitch.
Why didn't you title this thread "Republicans Favor Child Sex Slaves over Abortion?"
Repubs aren't blocking the bill that's why.

Sure they are. They're just doing it indirectly by adding something they KNOW the Dems won't pass. Thought that was obvious.
I really don't know. On one hand, inserting Hyde Amendment language seems just boiler plate drafting. On the other hand, I can see why John Cornyn and others of the RW born again coalition just knee jerk "no abortion" at every opportunity. But, to think a woman would have to prove anything more than she was a victim of sex trafficking to show she was a rape victim seems nonsensical.

But at any rate this is just more gop dysfunction. Really, does anyone want to doubt the gop will eventually have to cave on this after being parodied as Todd Akins? McCain should have split off in 2000 and run with Lieberman to try and save conservatism from bible belt stupidity.
The GOP is telling victims who became pregnant through abuse that they cannot obtain abortions funded by fines from sexual predators. The GOP remains mired in forced birthing. This is not a hill worth dying over, but the GOP is powerless to stop itself from crazy ass forced birthing shite.

More baby killing fanaticism meant to protect the animals who engage in human trafficking.

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