Demonizing the President

When it was Bush, it was 'legitimate criticism', when it's Obama it's 'demonizing'. Funny how that works. Free speech for me, but not for thee. The shining hypocrisy of the left.
Well they can't all be like chrissie matthews and get a tingle down their leg when barry speaks. But it won't be a problem, after next year when President Romney is inaugurated the lame stream media will discover their teeth again.
Yah, - why don't you post from the Onion, while you're at it.

I don't recall you complaining when John Adams called Jefferson blind, bald, crippled, and toothless. Did it bother you that Adams said he wanted to go to war with France, or when he accused him of importing mistresses from Europe? What about when he accused him of wanting to be king, and said he was trying to marry his son to the daughter of King George in order to build a dynasty? Or that he said that Jefferson would openly teach and practice murder, robbery, rape, and incest? He even accused him of wanting to impale children on a pike? He even got personal and said that Jefferson was the son of a half breed squaw.

He even threw in a comment about Hamilton being the creole bastard brat of a Scotch peddler. I don't recall a peep from you over that.

Did you object when Jefferson retaliated by saying Adams a hideous hermaphroditical character who had neither the force and firmness of a man nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman?

Historical context makes what is happening now seem like we are gathering around a campfire and singing Kumbaya.

Eric Boehlert needs to study some history, then he should come back and apologize for killing trees with his ignorance.
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President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks

One of the more difficult exercises for human beings is respecting another person regardless of their race, religion, or world view. For the past three years, since the rise of conservative extremism, the lack of respect among a large segment of the population for other Americans has revealed a level of contempt and hatred that is normally reserved for a hated enemy, and it informs the inherent inhumanity that is eating away at society. However, conservatives are following the lead of the political heroes who have shown nothing but contempt for the American people and especially the first African American President.

On Friday a reporter interrupted President Obama’s speech announcing that children of undocumented immigrants would not be deported, and it is a stark reminder that the opposition to the President is not his political ideology, but his race. One might even excuse the reporter’s disrespectful interruption as an isolated incident, but throughout this President’s tenure, everyone from low-class teabaggers to bigoted religious sycophants to sitting legislators have treated him like a third class citizen instead of the President of the United States.

The disrespect began in earnest when Republicans acted as if they won the 2008 general election and it continues unabated because the white racist element cannot fathom, or accept, that the American people elected an African American man to lead the country. President Obama ran, and has governed, as a Centrist who has been friendly to business, Wall Street, and especially Republicans as he has attempted bipartisanship on every one of his legislative agendas. Indeed, many of the President’s policies were once held by Republicans, and yet to show their opposition they obstructed, voted against, and used fallacious propaganda to convince the American people that the President is an interloper who illegally inhabits the position they think is reserved for a white Christian male.

What is incredible, no, phenomenal, is that President Obama has maintained dignity in the face of racist and bigoted attacks on his character and Republican assaults on his administration as a Socialist takeover when a normal man would lash out with vindictive retribution. Despite the obstruction to every single one of his policies to get the economy up and running and Americans working again, President Obama has taken the high road and attempted to work with Republicans to help all Americans and it is testament to his character and devotion to fulfilling his oath of office.

President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks

I really wish I could post the entire article. I hope a lot of you will read it. I think it is one of the best articles I've read on the disrespect shown President Obama. And anybody that recognizes themselves in the article should be really ashamed.
:lmao: at the left wing hack posting articles from a left wing hack site and crying about "President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks"

Fucking morons get their opinions from hack sites.
good gawd,I guess they think no one was around to remember how they dumped on Bush or PALIN while she was a candidate for Vice President..

too friggen funny all the whining, what happened to, WE WON, deal with it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Eric Boehlert: From "Racist," to "Dick," to Heckling: How the Press Treats Obama

Bill O’Reilly has also stood up against ugly insults against the sitting President of the United States. And the conservative columnist Michael Medved wrote that, with respect to smearing President Obama personally, “it’s particularly unhelpful to focus on alleged bad intentions and rotten character when every survey shows more favorable views of his personality than his policies.” I couldn’t agree more. It also happens to be mean and unbecoming of any self-respecting American.


The Times' "crybaby" crack wasn't an anomaly in terms of how some in the Beltway press treat Obama. Last month, Washington Post's Dana Milbank mocked Obama as the "first female president" who "brazenly flaunted his feminine mystique."

And last year Halperin, who is seen as something of a megaphone for the Beltway media elite, called out the president as a "dick." (Obama's sin? Being too partisan.) Previously, the pundit had claimed insiders considered Obama to be an "ignorant" "wimp" who's "incompetent and overwhelmed." Also, Obama and his team were "arrogant and clueless."

I don't remember those kind of nasty putdowns from Halperin during the Bush years. Back then, Halperin edited ABC News' The Note, a daily political tip sheet that read like a de facto in-house RNC newsletter, worshiping the supposedly super-savvy ways of Bush and his Republican colleagues.

And isn't the press guilty of encouraging bitter right-wing disrespect by helping to feed its phony smears, like the birther charade. Although dutifully skeptical of the claims regarding Obama's birthplace, that didn't stop the press from covering the story, often extensively, for years. By contrast, I don't recall people who fostered wild conspiracy theories about Bush being paraded around in the mainstream media in order to spread irresponsible claims. Or did I miss all the TV interviews with 9/11 truthers?

The Beltway press has also helped amplify disrespectful, right-wing attacks on First Lady Michelle Obama, by adopting its view that she be covered as a political player, in a way Laura Bush never was.

By repeatedly interrupting the president and yelling caustic questions at him during a nationally televised event, the Daily Caller's Munro reflected how little respect the conservative press now has for the office of the presidency. There's a danger the run-away contempt and casual taunting rubs off on the real press, too.

Smears by conservatives against President Obama and prominent Democrats and liberals |

I’d keep posting examples but I have to now go through all the nasty personal attacks and threats of violence in my Inbox thanks to my radio exchange with Ms. Malkin. Meanwhile, if Michelle Malkin wants to attack the left’s smears while contorting to justify smears from the right and simultaneously try and smear me for attempting to draw an equivalency and hold us ALL to a higher standard, well, I certainly celebrate the right to free speech that allows her to spread such sad nonsense.

I fully expect half the forum to now fall in on my head and explain that blah-blah, Bush first, yada-yada. So I'll just be polite and inform you ahead of time that unless you are willing to discuss the articles at hand, we won't be chatting at all.

The personal attacks on Obama are clearly the result of rightist dogma devoid of new ideas or constructive solutions.
Good article, reasonable opinion. Obama has taken more bizarre hits than any President I can remember. You'd think thousands died from a terrorist attack under his watch, and he let the monsters off the hook to go after a personal enemy. Or a city was inundated by flooding while he pranced around calling himself 'a war President'. Obama is a decent man, I also like him more as a President than as a policy maker however.

Eric Boehlert: From "Racist," to "Dick," to Heckling: How the Press Treats Obama

Bill O’Reilly has also stood up against ugly insults against the sitting President of the United States. And the conservative columnist Michael Medved wrote that, with respect to smearing President Obama personally, “it’s particularly unhelpful to focus on alleged bad intentions and rotten character when every survey shows more favorable views of his personality than his policies.” I couldn’t agree more. It also happens to be mean and unbecoming of any self-respecting American.


Smears by conservatives against President Obama and prominent Democrats and liberals |

I’d keep posting examples but I have to now go through all the nasty personal attacks and threats of violence in my Inbox thanks to my radio exchange with Ms. Malkin. Meanwhile, if Michelle Malkin wants to attack the left’s smears while contorting to justify smears from the right and simultaneously try and smear me for attempting to draw an equivalency and hold us ALL to a higher standard, well, I certainly celebrate the right to free speech that allows her to spread such sad nonsense.

I fully expect half the forum to now fall in on my head and explain that blah-blah, Bush first, yada-yada. So I'll just be polite and inform you ahead of time that unless you are willing to discuss the articles at hand, we won't be chatting at all.

The personal attacks on Obama are clearly the result of rightist dogma devoid of new ideas or constructive solutions.

so what was the lefts Excuse for the personal attacks against Bush?
I know you're going to tell us they had a legitimate reason and they weren't devoid of anything..they were Patriotic..

good grief...
President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks

One of the more difficult exercises for human beings is respecting another person regardless of their race, religion, or world view. For the past three years, since the rise of conservative extremism, the lack of respect among a large segment of the population for other Americans has revealed a level of contempt and hatred that is normally reserved for a hated enemy, and it informs the inherent inhumanity that is eating away at society. However, conservatives are following the lead of the political heroes who have shown nothing but contempt for the American people and especially the first African American President.

On Friday a reporter interrupted President Obama’s speech announcing that children of undocumented immigrants would not be deported, and it is a stark reminder that the opposition to the President is not his political ideology, but his race. One might even excuse the reporter’s disrespectful interruption as an isolated incident, but throughout this President’s tenure, everyone from low-class teabaggers to bigoted religious sycophants to sitting legislators have treated him like a third class citizen instead of the President of the United States.

The disrespect began in earnest when Republicans acted as if they won the 2008 general election and it continues unabated because the white racist element cannot fathom, or accept, that the American people elected an African American man to lead the country. President Obama ran, and has governed, as a Centrist who has been friendly to business, Wall Street, and especially Republicans as he has attempted bipartisanship on every one of his legislative agendas. Indeed, many of the President’s policies were once held by Republicans, and yet to show their opposition they obstructed, voted against, and used fallacious propaganda to convince the American people that the President is an interloper who illegally inhabits the position they think is reserved for a white Christian male.

What is incredible, no, phenomenal, is that President Obama has maintained dignity in the face of racist and bigoted attacks on his character and Republican assaults on his administration as a Socialist takeover when a normal man would lash out with vindictive retribution. Despite the obstruction to every single one of his policies to get the economy up and running and Americans working again, President Obama has taken the high road and attempted to work with Republicans to help all Americans and it is testament to his character and devotion to fulfilling his oath of office.

President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks

I really wish I could post the entire article. I hope a lot of you will read it. I think it is one of the best articles I've read on the disrespect shown President Obama. And anybody that recognizes themselves in the article should be really ashamed.

Why would I read the whole article when the part you posted contains a lie?
Yes, he does not have the tragic death toll, the poses. the stupidity, nor the greed. Still the economy will finally be the focus, instead of WAR, WAR, DEATH, SADDAM, SADDAM.......and bin Laden "when we get around to it".

And, to be fair, he hasn't been falling down drunk, hasn't made fun of our wounded soldiers with his 'no WMD's there' jokes, hasn't assaulted the German chancellor TWICE or made fun of Americans by French kissing Arab oil sheiks and making huge $$ profits while our soldiers died for him in an illegal war. Gosh, Obama also didn't put on the uniform of every place he spoke as though he had a right to. And, we don't have that wonderful, priceless footage of a frozen Obama reading from a grade school book about My Little Goat while war was being declared on the United States.

BTW, another insult to our sitting president came from Michael Steele on MSNBC when he called the president's words, 'blubber'. Not one word from Chris Mathews. Not one word from MSNBC. And, of course, no apology from weasly, weenie, Steele.

It is simply fact that President Obama has been treated differently than other presidents. And, his wife, our First Lady, who has worked tirelessly for our childrens health and our vet's RIGHTS, has been treated worse than any other first lady in modern times and likely since the very first first lady.

What we see from our president, vice president and their wives is that they just keep on working for the people of the United States. President Obama just keeps right on working for jobs and for economic growth. Our first and second ladies just keep right on working for our vets and our children's health.

But, all of this reflects a lot worse on those who do the name calling. They're really the ones who end up looking like "asswipes".

And, please forgive me for getting down in the gutter with those who use that kind of language here every day.

Thank you, Mr and Mrs President and Mr and Mrs Vice President - for setting an excellent example for the rest of us. You are truly special people and we're luck to have you on our side.

You said it better than I ever could. Thanks, mister. :thup:

Drunks farting in an insane asylum "say it" better than you ever could.

But Peach is wrong. So your accolades are just praising her with faint damn.
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When it was Bush, it was 'legitimate criticism', when it's Obama it's 'demonizing'. Funny how that works. Free speech for me, but not for thee. The shining hypocrisy of the left.
This is how Bush was treated in 2007-2008. Maximum demonization so that you were thrilled that he was gone and lovin' his replacement. It's so obvious.

I'm no Obama fan but I aint fallin' for it.
Running for and holding the office is the big leagues. If you are not prepared to handle the criticism, the demonization, the name calling, don't step up and ask us to fucking vote for you.

Do I like it? Do I agree with the practice? No.

Do I want to hear you or your supporters whine and cry about it? Not No but FUCK NO.
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I'm having trouble with the bias of the article.

There's increasingly widespread agreement that Obama is a whiner who throws around blame to explain away his failures but it's wrong to use commonly understood vernacular to describe what he is doing?

If "crybaby" is the wrong word to describe Obama, what is a good word befitting the office of the presidency but which adequately conveys the observation of Obama's buck-passing way of dealing out blame?
:lmao: at the left wing hack posting articles from a left wing hack site and crying about "President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks"

Fucking morons get their opinions from hack sites.

You just love to show off your ignorance, don't you, Sandy??? There is never a time when you can dispute what has been said with actual facts, so you go into attack mode. And that really lets us know we got to you. Damn, but you're an idiot.
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President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks

One of the more difficult exercises for human beings is respecting another person regardless of their race, religion, or world view. For the past three years, since the rise of conservative extremism, the lack of respect among a large segment of the population for other Americans has revealed a level of contempt and hatred that is normally reserved for a hated enemy, and it informs the inherent inhumanity that is eating away at society. However, conservatives are following the lead of the political heroes who have shown nothing but contempt for the American people and especially the first African American President.

On Friday a reporter interrupted President Obama’s speech announcing that children of undocumented immigrants would not be deported, and it is a stark reminder that the opposition to the President is not his political ideology, but his race. One might even excuse the reporter’s disrespectful interruption as an isolated incident, but throughout this President’s tenure, everyone from low-class teabaggers to bigoted religious sycophants to sitting legislators have treated him like a third class citizen instead of the President of the United States.

The disrespect began in earnest when Republicans acted as if they won the 2008 general election and it continues unabated because the white racist element cannot fathom, or accept, that the American people elected an African American man to lead the country. President Obama ran, and has governed, as a Centrist who has been friendly to business, Wall Street, and especially Republicans as he has attempted bipartisanship on every one of his legislative agendas. Indeed, many of the President’s policies were once held by Republicans, and yet to show their opposition they obstructed, voted against, and used fallacious propaganda to convince the American people that the President is an interloper who illegally inhabits the position they think is reserved for a white Christian male.

What is incredible, no, phenomenal, is that President Obama has maintained dignity in the face of racist and bigoted attacks on his character and Republican assaults on his administration as a Socialist takeover when a normal man would lash out with vindictive retribution. Despite the obstruction to every single one of his policies to get the economy up and running and Americans working again, President Obama has taken the high road and attempted to work with Republicans to help all Americans and it is testament to his character and devotion to fulfilling his oath of office.

President Obama Maintains His Dignity When Faced With Racist and Bigoted Attacks

I really wish I could post the entire article. I hope a lot of you will read it. I think it is one of the best articles I've read on the disrespect shown President Obama. And anybody that recognizes themselves in the article should be really ashamed.

Why would I read the whole article when the part you posted contains a lie?

It's not a lie and you know it. Based on what would you even make such a comment???
And, to be fair, he hasn't been falling down drunk, hasn't made fun of our wounded soldiers with his 'no WMD's there' jokes, hasn't assaulted the German chancellor TWICE or made fun of Americans by French kissing Arab oil sheiks and making huge $$ profits while our soldiers died for him in an illegal war. Gosh, Obama also didn't put on the uniform of every place he spoke as though he had a right to. And, we don't have that wonderful, priceless footage of a frozen Obama reading from a grade school book about My Little Goat while war was being declared on the United States.

BTW, another insult to our sitting president came from Michael Steele on MSNBC when he called the president's words, 'blubber'. Not one word from Chris Mathews. Not one word from MSNBC. And, of course, no apology from weasly, weenie, Steele.

It is simply fact that President Obama has been treated differently than other presidents. And, his wife, our First Lady, who has worked tirelessly for our childrens health and our vet's RIGHTS, has been treated worse than any other first lady in modern times and likely since the very first first lady.

What we see from our president, vice president and their wives is that they just keep on working for the people of the United States. President Obama just keeps right on working for jobs and for economic growth. Our first and second ladies just keep right on working for our vets and our children's health.

But, all of this reflects a lot worse on those who do the name calling. They're really the ones who end up looking like "asswipes".

And, please forgive me for getting down in the gutter with those who use that kind of language here every day.

Thank you, Mr and Mrs President and Mr and Mrs Vice President - for setting an excellent example for the rest of us. You are truly special people and we're luck to have you on our side.

You said it better than I ever could. Thanks, mister. :thup:

Drunks farting in an insane asylum "say it" beter than you ever could.

But Peach is wrong. So your accolades are just praising her with faint damn.

It really is the truth, L. You are one of the few half way reasonable conservatives on this site. To disagreee with policy is one thing, but the out and out hate and disrespect shown this president is just wrong.

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