Democrats War on Women: Blocking CIA Nominee

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?

They get tortured no matter what we do halfwit.
I've asked this of several conservatives here but no one has answered me yet. Do the personal insults make you feel tough? Do they help you feel better about yourself? Or is that just the best you can do? What is it with you people?

Here's one for ya......STFU ya pussy!
The day our enemies treat our prisoners like we treat theirs we can talk.
Until then we should use what ever means necessary to get them to squeal on their buddies.
I'm gonna go with " makes you feel better about yourself". Kinda sad, when you think about it

Well actually my crass language comes from my total lack of respect and disregard of progressives such as yourself.
To be honest I'd just assume put a bullet in your forehead as to speak with you.
Are you threatening lefties again, Herewego? Sober up.
We built Gitmo detainees soccer fields and catered to every religious and menu demand. These people had women stoned to death. People beheaded. Only. 4 enemy were waterboarded at Gitmo. If it was not for being tough during interrogations. We would not have located and killed Bin Laden. Sorry liberals...the world isn’t fucking Disneyland. People are out there that want to kill us. You think smoking some dope with them and a hug will bring them around? Juvenile.

Gitmo kept men from their families for 10 or more years - with no trial. The torture got you nothing. Bin Laden was not killed because the US tortured. More Americans died in retaliation because YOU didn’t follow your laws or your principles.

People will tell you what you want to hear to end the torture. The information gathered has no value.

You are supposed to be a nation of laws. You’re prepared to throw everything you claim to be right out the window for techniques that didn’t work during the Inquisition, and don’t work today.
We built Gitmo detainees soccer fields and catered to every religious and menu demand. These people had women stoned to death. People beheaded. Only. 4 enemy were waterboarded at Gitmo. If it was not for being tough during interrogations. We would not have located and killed Bin Laden. Sorry liberals...the world isn’t fucking Disneyland. People are out there that want to kill us. You think smoking some dope with them and a hug will bring them around? Juvenile.

These people have never been charged with a crime, never been tried, never had a chance to face their accusers, never been convicted

Gitmo is an insult to a country that declares itself a nation of freedom and liberty
You want freedom and liberty for murderers trying to kill you? Have you thought about seeing a psychologist?
Yes, that is the way our justice system works
Our justice system is for American citizens that aren't trying to overthrow our government.

Nothing in the Constitution says citizens.
Due process and human rights are available to all
You're confusing the US CONSTITUTION with the United Nations Charter.
We built Gitmo detainees soccer fields and catered to every religious and menu demand. These people had women stoned to death. People beheaded. Only. 4 enemy were waterboarded at Gitmo. If it was not for being tough during interrogations. We would not have located and killed Bin Laden. Sorry liberals...the world isn’t fucking Disneyland. People are out there that want to kill us. You think smoking some dope with them and a hug will bring them around? Juvenile.

Gitmo kept men from their families for 10 or more years - with no trial. The torture got you nothing. Bin Laden was not killed because the US tortured. More Americans died in retaliation because YOU didn’t follow your laws or your principles.

People will tell you what you want to hear to end the torture. The information gathered has no value.

You are supposed to be a nation of laws. You’re prepared to throw everything you claim to be right out the window for techniques that didn’t work during the Inquisition, and don’t work today.
If torture didn't work, humans wouldn't have been using it to extract information forever. It sucks, though, I'll hand you that.

I don't think of our CIA as good guys as much as necessary. I just don't want them to have one hand tied behind their backs while they are trying to do the dirty work they do against other people doing dirty work. They're not supposed to be the Boy Scouts, but if international law says no torture, and if we as a nation have agreed to that, we should abide by it.
I've asked this of several conservatives here but no one has answered me yet. Do the personal insults make you feel tough? Do they help you feel better about yourself? Or is that just the best you can do? What is it with you people?

Here's one for ya......STFU ya pussy!
The day our enemies treat our prisoners like we treat theirs we can talk.
Until then we should use what ever means necessary to get them to squeal on their buddies.
I'm gonna go with " makes you feel better about yourself". Kinda sad, when you think about it

Well actually my crass language comes from my total lack of respect and disregard of progressives such as yourself.
To be honest I'd just assume put a bullet in your forehead as to speak with you.
"Just as soon". If your gonna make empty, childish threats at least try to use the right words.

The righties here seem immature and not very intelligent.

Yeah I got that one wrong and if it makes you feel better I rarely if ever get things like that wrong.
In fact it's a pet peeve of mine.
Congrats and thanks for the correction.
Can I take that to mean we're done with the threatening to kill me part of our discussion?
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?
They get tortured no matter what we do halfwit.
I've asked this of several conservatives here but no one has answered me yet. Do the personal insults make you feel tough? Do they help you feel better about yourself? Or is that just the best you can do? What is it with you people?

Here's one for ya......STFU ya pussy!
The day our enemies treat our prisoners like we treat theirs we can talk.
Until then we should use what ever means necessary to get them to squeal on their buddies.
I'm gonna go with " makes you feel better about yourself". Kinda sad, when you think about it

Well actually my crass language comes from my total lack of respect and disregard of progressives such as yourself.
To be honest I'd just assume put a bullet in your forehead as to speak with you.
Are you threatening lefties again, Herewego? Sober up.
He's (?) Just another internet tough guy wannabe.
I've asked this of several conservatives here but no one has answered me yet. Do the personal insults make you feel tough? Do they help you feel better about yourself? Or is that just the best you can do? What is it with you people?

Here's one for ya......STFU ya pussy!
The day our enemies treat our prisoners like we treat theirs we can talk.
Until then we should use what ever means necessary to get them to squeal on their buddies.
I'm gonna go with " makes you feel better about yourself". Kinda sad, when you think about it

Well actually my crass language comes from my total lack of respect and disregard of progressives such as yourself.
To be honest I'd just assume put a bullet in your forehead as to speak with you.
Are you threatening lefties again, Herewego? Sober up.
He's (?) Just another internet tough guy wannabe.
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Water boarding is not torture...
Quit falling down the well
These people have never been charged with a crime, never been tried, never had a chance to face their accusers, never been convicted

Gitmo is an insult to a country that declares itself a nation of freedom and liberty
You want freedom and liberty for murderers trying to kill you? Have you thought about seeing a psychologist?
Yes, that is the way our justice system works
Our justice system is for American citizens that aren't trying to overthrow our government.

Nothing in the Constitution says citizens.
Due process and human rights are available to all
You're confusing the US CONSTITUTION with the United Nations Charter.
The US Constitution is binding on US

We used to set the moral standard for the world. Now, we are content to consort to the values of terrorists
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files
Lol, did you miss the part where she presided over the torture of a suspect or two?

tRump is rubbing off on you guys, I'm having a hard time remeberemem the last true statement a conservative made around here.

Nah...we just dont give a shit if a terrorist is tortured.

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?
Captured American soldiers are going to be tortured no matter what… Especially in the Muslim world that’s what they do
You forgot to mention the reason they are blocking her. She’s a torture happy monster who should be in jail .
Was she just doing her job? Following orders as they were at the time? Were the folks she was allowing to be tortured terrorists with information about 9/11? Was the operation trying to get information out of those yucks to save American lives?
I don't know, but I think so.

I guess it's nice we don't torture people anymore. I sure wouldn't want to be tortured, and we should follow the Golden Rule. Just keep in mind, people, that not everyone else is following the Golden Rule and it's a tough fucking world out there.

If Haspel had been illegally using "enhanced interrogation" techniques to acquire crucial information, I would say jail her. But that was not the case.

She was the head of the secret prison, and so yeah, if people were getting tortured, she'd be the one to sign off on it or keep it from happening, her call, because she ran the joint. And, torture is against the Geneva Conventions. If we tortured our prisoners, then the other side would retaliate and torture our troops. But, because of the Geneva conventions, most (not all) don't.

And yeah, she DID use enhanced interrogation and even had tapes of it, but destroyed them when Congress asked to see them.

No, I don't think she should head the CIA.

The other side burns captured troops alive in cages you blathering idiot! You think ISIS cares about the Geneva Convention? How naive are you?

And we condemn ISIS as savages

When we revert to their level, where does that leave us?
You people are pussies. We are fighting and evil that needs to be eradicated. We can preserve our civil liberties...and destroy the infestation at same time. Your weakness is a threat to the Republic. We are mankind’s last hope of people governing themselves. Your willing to allow the United State of America to be destroyed over extraction of information from some fat hairy fuck we snatched in Pakistan who was responsible for the deaths of 4,000 People?
We are a nation of laws

A nation built on the bedrock of the Constitution

Engaging in torture is an insult to our nation
It isn't torture. Torture is chopping off hands and tongues. That's what they do.
Try it and report back to us
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files
Lol, did you miss the part where she presided over the torture of a suspect or two?

tRump is rubbing off on you guys, I'm having a hard time remeberemem the last true statement a conservative made around here.

Nah...we just dont give a shit if a terrorist is tortured.

Do we care if our soldiers are tortured?

We should act like the terrorists then?
Only a fool thinks that waterboarding is torture… quit Falling down the well
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files
Blocking a single candidate a war does not make. Try and add some fucking truth into your posts or lose your voice in the minds of the logical!
We built Gitmo detainees soccer fields and catered to every religious and menu demand. These people had women stoned to death. People beheaded. Only. 4 enemy were waterboarded at Gitmo. If it was not for being tough during interrogations. We would not have located and killed Bin Laden. Sorry liberals...the world isn’t fucking Disneyland. People are out there that want to kill us. You think smoking some dope with them and a hug will bring them around? Juvenile.

These people have never been charged with a crime, never been tried, never had a chance to face their accusers, never been convicted

Gitmo is an insult to a country that declares itself a nation of freedom and liberty
Whatever... :cuckoo:
If Republican’s blocked a Democratic POTUS female nominee for a cabinet post...they would scream “war on women!” So...back at you liberals and your obstruction of putting people in place to run our government is dangerous to the United States.
More than 50 intel, security officials from both parties back Gina Haspel as CIA turns over files

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

With a tense confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel to run the CIA expected on Wednesday, dozens of defenders from both parties have pulled out the stops to support her nomination process.

Who are the majority in both congress and the Senate? REPUBLICANS are. If she doesn't get confirmed it's because Republicans blocked her appointment.

She won’t be popular with John McCain

He has objections to torture
He’s a career politician now so he has no credibility...

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