Democrats want to restrict the rights of Veterans to own a gun


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Over 140 Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing for measures that could potentially restrict veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Their proposal targets veterans who receive disability benefits and raises concerns about the implications for those who may struggle with managing their finances due to mental or physical challenges.

Veterans who receive disability benefits have the autonomy to use those benefits as they see fit. However, if they face challenges in managing their finances, the VA may appoint a fiduciary to oversee their funds. This precautionary measure has sparked debate among veterans, many of whom view it as unnecessary oversight. What’s particularly alarming is the provision that prohibits veterans with assigned fiduciaries from owning guns.

The Radical Left Democrat Bigots want to take away the right of veterans to be able to defend themselves.
Veterans need to be able to protect themselves from the Democrat Party's criminals and terrorists just like anyone else.
The greedy corrupt Democrats are even diverting funding for Veterans to non-citizens.

Over 140 Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing for measures that could potentially restrict veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Their proposal targets veterans who receive disability benefits and raises concerns about the implications for those who may struggle with managing their finances due to mental or physical challenges.

Veterans who receive disability benefits have the autonomy to use those benefits as they see fit. However, if they face challenges in managing their finances, the VA may appoint a fiduciary to oversee their funds. This precautionary measure has sparked debate among veterans, many of whom view it as unnecessary oversight. What’s particularly alarming is the provision that prohibits veterans with assigned fiduciaries from owning guns.

The Radical Left Democrat Bigots want to take away the right of veterans to be able to defend themselves.
Veterans need to be able to protect themselves from the Democrat Party's criminals and terrorists just like anyone else.
The greedy corrupt Democrats are even diverting funding for Veterans to non-citizens.
149 Democrats in congress voted to remove veteran's rights to private gun ownership.

They want to eliminate threats to their power, meaning "Democracy".

Over 140 Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing for measures that could potentially restrict veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Their proposal targets veterans who receive disability benefits and raises concerns about the implications for those who may struggle with managing their finances due to mental or physical challenges.

Veterans who receive disability benefits have the autonomy to use those benefits as they see fit. However, if they face challenges in managing their finances, the VA may appoint a fiduciary to oversee their funds. This precautionary measure has sparked debate among veterans, many of whom view it as unnecessary oversight. What’s particularly alarming is the provision that prohibits veterans with assigned fiduciaries from owning guns.

The Radical Left Democrat Bigots want to take away the right of veterans to be able to defend themselves.
Veterans need to be able to protect themselves from the Democrat Party's criminals and terrorists just like anyone else.
The greedy corrupt Democrats are even diverting funding for Veterans to non-citizens.
So, if they don't provide them with decent medical care why would they want them armed?

Makes perfect sense.
Not all veterans' minds have been poisoned by wars and the opportunity to kill.

A large number will have learned a lesson in humanity.

Unfortunately, many won't have learned to live with themselves. Such is just one cost of continuous wars.
Not all veterans' minds have been poisoned by wars and the opportunity to kill.

A large number will have learned a lesson in humanity.

Unfortunately, many won't have learned to live with themselves. Such is just one cost of continuous wars.
Democrats made sure that 70% of them were under mental health care and taking mood enhancing drugs to disqualify them from gun ownership.
Half of them claim they have PTSD.

Over 140 Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing for measures that could potentially restrict veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Their proposal targets veterans who receive disability benefits and raises concerns about the implications for those who may struggle with managing their finances due to mental or physical challenges.

Veterans who receive disability benefits have the autonomy to use those benefits as they see fit. However, if they face challenges in managing their finances, the VA may appoint a fiduciary to oversee their funds. This precautionary measure has sparked debate among veterans, many of whom view it as unnecessary oversight. What’s particularly alarming is the provision that prohibits veterans with assigned fiduciaries from owning guns.

The Radical Left Democrat Bigots want to take away the right of veterans to be able to defend themselves.
Veterans need to be able to protect themselves from the Democrat Party's criminals and terrorists just like anyone else.
The greedy corrupt Democrats are even diverting funding for Veterans to non-citizens.
So, the Vietnam war is still haunting us. Many of us tried to warn them at the time that it was a misadventure.
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The dead Radical Left Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein once said that "All vets are mentally ill, and the government should prevent them from owning firearms."

I say that "All Democrats are mentally ill criminals, and the government should prevent them from owning firearms."
You leftist idiots do not care about veterans!

I am a Vet and do more for US than you ever have. But I don't see the need to have the ARs and AKs to be openly carried on the streets by anyone that either wants to make a statement. Sometimes that statement is "Hey, look at me" and other times, it's much much worse. We won't stop murder but we can slow it down a little.
how many of the mass shooters have been veterans?....

Most mass shooters are under the age of 19 and a couple are 16 and 17. Only a handful have been vets. I won't check but I can bet that the percentage will be the same as the general population.
Most mass shooters are under the age of 19 and a couple are 16 and 17. Only a handful have been vets. I won't check but I can bet that the percentage will be the same as the general population.
just what i thought.....when will they pass one saying violent bad guys cant have guns?......
If someone is deemed incompetent to the point they can not be in control of their finances it should be a no brainer that they are also found to be incompetent to the point they can not own a firearm. It should be a matter of just showing up to court and getting a quick trial. However it’s still the court that should be the one limiting the right not the VA.
If someone is deemed incompetent to the point they can not be in control of their finances it should be a no brainer that they are also found to be incompetent to the point they can not own a firearm. It should be a matter of just showing up to court and getting a quick trial. However it’s still the court that should be the one limiting the right not the VA.
What about those who cannot control their finances through no fault of their own? This would include millions of people.
What about those who cannot control their finances through no fault of their own? This would include millions of people.
You’re going to need to give me an example on how you think someone deemed incompetent to handle their finances should also be found competent to own a firearm.

The personal experience I have with people who are found incompetent to handle their finances it’s is a result of a injury or chemical imbalance that often leads to extremely poor impulse control
Military Veterans enjoy the same protection under the 2nd Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights as any other citizen but they are also subject to the same restrictions as any other citizen. If a Veteran is so disturbed that he/she is awarded a pension for mental illness associated with PTSD and is undergoing therapy there is no way in the world that they should be able to purchase a firearm.

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