Democrats Strategy On Pandemic Bill Won't Work!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is becoming evident the Democrats strategy on the next pandemic response bill, it is just keeping saying it is a great bill it will deliver great things for America and the the inundating repetition will get the American people to believe it and to think the Democrats are doing an excellent job it doesn't matter that the bill is actually a terrible bill that its policy decisions show outstandingly bad stewardship of America's finances. The Democrats are underestimating the strength of America's Democracy the American people will learn how bad this bill is and the Democrats will be held accountable by the American voter. What is noteworthy is how manipulative and conning the Democrats are about this next Pandemic response bill they keep attacking the Republicans for none of them coming around to support their bill but their bill shows no effort to be a bipartisan bill what do the Democrats think that Republicans are a bunch of complete idiots the provisions of the bill matter this bill is an overwhelming left wing political bill that completely ignores responsible financial stewardship Democrat here are not serious about wanting Washington to work in a bi-partisan manner!

Looking at how the Democrats are operating in Washington someone needs to get to President Biden and shake him up because he is acquiescing and enabling the Democrats to travel the wrong path in governance. First off America doesn't need to be rescued we need to be reopened yes there is unfairness in America and the Democrats have the ability and opportunity to dramatically improve this problem for America but they need to do this in context with good governance, in part, meaning good stewardship of the nation's finances. Democrats are rightly with the 2012 budget which starts October 1st of this year going to authorize a "reconciliation" bill which only needs fifty-one votes in the Senate to pass which the Democrats have where they will be rolling back two trillion dollars of the 2017 tax cuts and doing an infrastructure bill where they will be able to send that money to low and middle income Americans and reduce the unfairness in America. Democrats are wrongly trying to do this social program spending in the Pandemic response bill, if they only would limit the Pandemic response bill to addressing the direct and indirect harm of the Covid 19 pandemic they would get significant Republican Congressional support, get it done quickly and would be unifying the nation. Democrats can say until their blue in the face that America needs the American Rescue bill to recover from the pandemic and they will be continually wrong no Pandemic response bill is going to bring back America to a recovered state for, in part, hundreds of thousands of businesses in America are permanently lost as well as millions of jobs the best that can be hoped for and which is readily achievable by any responsible comprehensive relief bill is to facilitate the full reopening of the parts of the economy that are left from the effects of the pandemic and helping people to this point financially so the hardship from the pandemic isn't too bad. As the experts are saying this recovery of America is going to take many years and prudent government policy in extensive and pervasive areas throughout our country so Democrats got to stop with this hype over this pandemic response bill!

What is becoming evident to the entirety of the American people, many astute people knew this but us people "that believe in the innate goodness of people" wouldn't accept their assessment, is that Joseph Biden is a very character flawed individual he is prepared to ruin precious aspects of America so that the powers that be in the Democrat Party will be happy with his performance what is shocking is how quickly he sold out the American people. There was inklings of this in his past when he used his stature as a Senator to get a big government contract for his brother and him not recusing himself from any dealings with Ukraine after his son takes a fat paycheck job as a member of the board of a natural gas company that is owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch but people are nice and try to give people the benefit of the doubt so they chose to think things like he is an old timer and back in his time such behavior was commonplace for really important things he is a good guy and he will do what is good. Things aren't hopeless now for America, the country has had very character flawed individuals in the past that were President and their performance earned them a grade as great Presidents, John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton are two that readily come to mind. It is not too late for Joe Biden he hasn't yet done major harm to the country and his Presidency there is still time for him to recognize that this American Rescue bill with its spending on increasing the child tax credit, the earned income tax credit, the child and dependent care tax credit should be done in the later reconciliation tax reform bill and the pension spending should be done in a separate pension reform bill and just make a typical robust bipartisan pandemic relief bill! President Joe Biden should stop listening to his Democrat friends who really aren't his friends when they whisper in his ear that the Republicans will get over him signing this reconciliation bill that makes dangerous precedent changes to the reconciliation legislative tool because Republicans won't his goose, that is his Presidency, will be cooked!
President Joe Biden should stop listening to his Democrat friends who really aren't his friends when they whisper in his ear that the Republicans will get over him signing this reconciliation bill that makes dangerous precedent changes to the reconciliation legislative tool because Republicans won't his goose, that is his Presidency, will be cooked!
There is just one problem to this. And that is, he listens to Obama. Obama has him on a string, and he is stringing Biden as some Muppet on meth.
President Joe Biden should stop listening to his Democrat friends who really aren't his friends when they whisper in his ear that the Republicans will get over him signing this reconciliation bill that makes dangerous precedent changes to the reconciliation legislative tool because Republicans won't his goose, that is his Presidency, will be cooked!
There is just one problem to this. And that is, he listens to Obama. Obama has him on a string, and he is stringing Biden as some Muppet on meth.

The man has been out of office for more than four years and you're still obsessed with Obama? Must be another Proud Boys/QAnon conspiracy nut theory
The GOP works real hard at squashing and muzzling their over the top members...(to their own detriment in my opinion) the democrat party doesn't have any governor in place...Pelosi and Schumer are as nutty as AOC....and that is what is holding the democrat party back....they need stronger and more sensible leadership....

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