Democrats Retaining The Senate Will Lead To A Palin Presidency!!

It's true. The democrats will now retain the senate and that means that the economy rest on their shoulders. It looks like Obama will not negotiate with the republicans and with Reid's fishy win after the power went out in Nevada and poll machines went offline, he will be just as partisan as Obama. All this means is that Palin will now have ammo against them and she will use that to her advantage in 2012 to take the office of the presidency away from Obama if he isn't kicked out of office due to republican investigations into his eligibility issue of being a non Natural Born Citizen. This is good news indeed for Palin and the nation as a whole. Her stellar record as governor and executive experience will be beneficial to her.

She had a meltdown when she read that piece saying Obama would crush her in a race. I don't believe her record as governor is stellar. It's actually bad enough to fuel a lot of negative ads.

Has Palin tweeted yet this morning?
She did last was pretty funny.
It's true. The democrats will now retain the senate and that means that the economy rest on their shoulders. It looks like Obama will not negotiate with the republicans and with Reid's fishy win after the power went out in Nevada and poll machines went offline, he will be just as partisan as Obama. All this means is that Palin will now have ammo against them and she will use that to her advantage in 2012 to take the office of the presidency away from Obama if he isn't kicked out of office due to republican investigations into his eligibility issue of being a non Natural Born Citizen. This is good news indeed for Palin and the nation as a whole. Her stellar record as governor and executive experience will be beneficial to her.

She had a meltdown when she read that piece saying Obama would crush her in a race. I don't believe her record as governor is stellar. It's actually bad enough to fuel a lot of negative ads.
When it comes to he record at policy as governor, what is actually bad about it? Give specifics
You really need to wake up now. Palin will not be President. Can't happen. The numbers don't add up. You need more than the TEA Parties to win the Presidency - and it only those people that like her.
You may be right that she may not be president, but she has a very good chance of getting the GOP nomination. A much smaller number of people vote in primaries and there the Teabaggers might have the numbers to get her the nomination, especially if there is no opposition in the Dem primary and the Dems turn "Operation Chaos" back on the GOP.

Her GOP challengers for the Nomination will rip her to shreads.

Based on what? She was the most popular governor in the U.S. with the highest approval ratings at the time she held the office with a great record.
You may be right that she may not be president, but she has a very good chance of getting the GOP nomination. A much smaller number of people vote in primaries and there the Teabaggers might have the numbers to get her the nomination, especially if there is no opposition in the Dem primary and the Dems turn "Operation Chaos" back on the GOP.

Her GOP challengers for the Nomination will rip her to shreads.

Based on what? She was the most popular governor in the U.S. with the highest approval ratings at the time she held the office with a great record.

You, of course, have the stats on file to prove that, right?
And that is the CON$ervative mantra, as long as there is some Dem control somewhere, if anything goes wrong it's the Dem's fault. The GOP House has no say in Gov spending any more even though CON$ have been claiming the debt increased $5 trillion since Pelosi became speaker.

But if the economy improves the credit will be due completely and solely to the GOP House controlling the spending.

Are you really that ignorant? The House and Senate have to be in control by a party before you have control of Congress. The democrats had control of congress for 4 years. The president can only veto legislation not create it. Bush did not veto near enough for a true fiscal conservative’s taste and he was called on it several times.
What Bush did do is give in to the will of the people at that time. The people went democrat so he allowed many ideas he did not care for pass. He did use the veto power but not nearly enough for most conservatives’ tastes.
Now the budget has to pass through a democratic senate and a democratic president. If the House budgets do not pass then the Republicans will have every right to claim that it is not their fault but if their budget does pass then they will have no one to blame. If they compromise they will need to insure they explain what was compromised and why.
Personally if I was in charge of the House I would not change any legislation and force Obama to veto the bill or the senate to vote it down. If that happens I would not compromise on anything and resend it. Let Obama and the senate be the party of no and veto.

Ah so it begins.

It was the Democrat Congress's fault when Bush was president, but it can't be the Republican Congress's fault while Obama is president.

I'm guessing we've witnessed the birth of a USMB wingnut talking point.

You are right. This is just like during Bushes last two years when the democrats had majorities in both the HOR and the Senate. Having control of the HOR only is exactly the same.

Wait..... being a wingnut yourself you must mean your talking point.
It's true. The democrats will now retain the senate and that means that the economy rest on their shoulders. It looks like Obama will not negotiate with the republicans and with Reid's fishy win after the power went out in Nevada and poll machines went offline, he will be just as partisan as Obama. All this means is that Palin will now have ammo against them and she will use that to her advantage in 2012 to take the office of the presidency away from Obama if he isn't kicked out of office due to republican investigations into his eligibility issue of being a non Natural Born Citizen. This is good news indeed for Palin and the nation as a whole. Her stellar record as governor and executive experience will be beneficial to her.



hey usmb :trolls:
It's true. The democrats will now retain the senate and that means that the economy rest on their shoulders. It looks like Obama will not negotiate with the republicans and with Reid's fishy win after the power went out in Nevada and poll machines went offline, he will be just as partisan as Obama. All this means is that Palin will now have ammo against them and she will use that to her advantage in 2012 to take the office of the presidency away from Obama if he isn't kicked out of office due to republican investigations into his eligibility issue of being a non Natural Born Citizen. This is good news indeed for Palin and the nation as a whole. Her stellar record as governor and executive experience will be beneficial to her.

This may well lead to a Palin candidacy, and if it does, she will guarantee another four years of a democratic presidency. She and a good centrist like Romney may get 42 to 43% of the vote at the most.

Mitt Romney, Haley Babour, Tim Pawlenty, Chris Christie or George Pataki would all give President Obama a run for the money.

Palin? What a joke.

The problem these men are having with her is that she would present a primary challange because the voting teapartiers like her. Then Obama would beat her.

Seriously, the Rs are acting as if she isn't a part of the Republican party.
Palin is not part of the GOP establishment, although she was the party veep candidate in 2008. When she quit her job and embraced the Tea Party and the opportunities life opened for her, she stepped beyond the party pale.

She and the TP helped the GOP to solid majority in the House, yet, ironically, cost the GOP domination of the Senate. Many GOP honchos are asking themselves, "Do we really need her and the TP when we should have had both chambers easily?" The TP would say, "But you need us," and the GOP will say, "Who else are you going to vote for if you want to influence America, your future, and the country's history? You need us far more than we need you. So get in the back seat while we drive."
Oh, this is going to be great. The Republicans have two years to show they are an empty sock.

Watching Eric Canter this morning, "We will make jobs our number one priority and cut spending". When asked, "What will you cut?" his answer was "spending". It was hilarious.

Then, after two years of "Government can't create jobs", what "jobs" will Republicans "create"?

This is what happens when you put "simple minded" people in charge of "complex problems". You get "humor" and "frustration".
I like Palin but i don't think she will be President. Just not gonna happen. The Republicans should put her in some sort of position of power & influence though. Maybe the leader of the RNC or something like that. I think she would be fantastic in that role. Her Presidential aspirations will fall short though.
"leader of the RNC or something" That is not a bad idea in order to rev up the base. I don't know that she could increase the appeal of the party, though.
"leader of the RNC or something" That is not a bad idea in order to rev up the base. I don't know that she could increase the appeal of the party, though.

Man like her or not,she is one tough Pit Bull. Not Presidential though. The GOP needs to give her a powerful leadership position. Heading the RNC would be perfect for her in my opinion. She is a fundraising machine. I guess we'll see what the GOP has in store for her. But Presidential aspirations just aren't in the cards for her at this point.
You, of course, have the stats on file to prove that, right?
Yes. She held a rating of around 90% which was unheard of.
Still waiting for the links. :eusa_whistle: Sorry if I don't just take your 'word' for it.

Try this for proof:
The Most Popular Governor | The Weekly Standard

The wipeout in the 2006 election left Republicans in such a state of dejection that they've overlooked the one shining victory in which a Republican star was born. The triumph came in Alaska where Sarah Palin, a politician of eye-popping integrity, was elected governor. She is now the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating in the 90s, and probably the most popular public official in any state.
She started out the 90s...but as she went on, she steadily 50 something.

Maybe that is why she quit, after two years, in the she could go out on top and make money. :eek:
Seriously, the Rs are acting as if she isn't a part of the Republican party.

Well, she's indicated that she wants to run. But it's a long time..and someone may just let her know that she will make more money doing speeches then being President.

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